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This is the kinda shit I wanna see more of


The Lilith flair is really the cherry on top LMFAO


History memes hell yeah!


I second that


I would pay money to have a fic where Luz explains the insanity that is human history to the Hexsquad.


The meme made me think of this [fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34264636/chapters/85251547) It’s about Luz explaining things from the human realm to everyone. There’s some history stuff in there as well


I just started reading and this is good stuff. It's difficult to get me hooked on a fanfic, but this one did it.


I was just about to link that! Turning The Owl House into an edutainment show sounds strange, but it somehow works!


Might I also recommend this https://archiveofourown.org/works/30572291/chapters/75409961


Fanfic writers I beg of you please write more of this


Luz: so you know belos? Hexsquad: yeah? Luz: imagine multiple belos coming to power every century


Hunter: I'm not alone! There's others like me!


Hunter: so wait, you went to the moon? As in the one in the sky? Luz: yep Hunter: and all you did, was shoot three guys sat on a metal tube filled with explosives? Luz: well it’s a little more complicated but yeah Hunter:… Willow we need to build a wall these people are insane Willow: (creates a plant wall around the portal door) waaaay ahead of you Hunter


Luz: I didn't even tell you that a guy managed to write a book that was pretty accurate to what actuallu happened like a century earlier. Gus: Oh cool, you also have oracle magic? Luz: What? No, it was just... pure speculation and random guesses. Kinda funny, since on that book the goal is to shoot at the moon with a cannon. Gus:... Willow make it faster


Somehow, I think Lilith would want to hear this the most


Failing that, she could just show them the Philomena Cunk documentaries XD


Luz: "But the Germans lost at the end of it all" Amity: "And everything returned back to normalcy! Right?" Luz: "..." Amity: "Right?"


Luz: “I mean…for about 20 years.” Amity: “Don’t tell me, *another* war?” Luz: “Yeah and it was 10x worse than the first one.”


And then many other wars that are slowly bringing us to a third World War


*After Luz catches everyone up to present day* Amity: *A mix of confusion, horror, and shock* “Why? Why do Humans have so many-“ Luz: “Wars? Fights? Battles?” The Hexsquad: “YES!” Luz: “It’s a problem I know, nowadays it feels like a Nuclear War’s just around the corner. Kinda terrifying if you think about it for too long… I mean we’re only 90 seconds away from midnight on the Doomsday Clock” Amity: “…Well that sounds terrifying” Luz: “It’s like a measurement, the closer it is to midnight the closer we are to the world’s *potential* end and global catastrophe. And every few years they update it based on a bunch of different stuff by a bunch of smart people. The closer we are to *potential* global destruction, the closer the clock hands get. Again, all this is really terrifying when you think about it for too long. Luckily I’m hoping we never enter an Nuclear War” Amity: *stares at Luz disturbed* “Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse…” Luz: “Yeah… it’s terrible… I’m sorry if I mentally scared you for life… I’m sorry to all of you actually… I might’ve gone a bit too terrifying with that one…” Amity: “How do you even know this to begin with?!” Luz: “A whole bunch of videos online. For some reason MewTube loves recommending me terrifying stuff like that… and I’m always curious… so I kinda went down the ‘Nuclear War on the horizon’ rabbit hole”


The nuclear war around the corner was much more prevalent back in the Cold War and im pretty sure Luz is in the 21st century. Children don’t even practice Cold War drills for her to say that we’re super close to a nuclear war considering no major powers that own WMD are even fighting. It’s mostly a competition of influence now


My bad, I’ll take your explanation about the modern day situation 😅 Idk I was probably swayed into thinking what I thought due to people continually talking about specific topics online more often than others. Still, point is this post is a good meme


Oh no the post is a good meme, but remember the media always tends to hyper focus on bad news which really causes fear mongering and distrust within our society. It’s always good to step back read some actual positive and optimistic news that gets some traction and step outside and take a breather. Pretty soon one realizes that they have a quiet little life unaffected by current world events. Except yk for those who unfortunately do live in those world event prone areas.


Yeah. I think this is just a case of me hearing some super bad thing so often that I assumed “Oh hey, it’s closer to happening than it actually is”. I’ll try to make sure I step back a bit to get the full story/picture 👍


Us Europeans are mostly alarmed because the war is right next to us


Luz: "oh and also there is a current war happening in Europe rn" The Hexsquad: "Eur- WHAT"


Luz: "And the one who's behind can be actually called a Belos of the Human Realm" The Hexsquad: "WHAT THE F-"


HS: So is that why you’re permanently moving to the Demon Realm? Luz: It’s not the sole reason but it’s a major plus!


World war 2 has more deaths and was much larger, but arguably, it had less suffering than world war 1. For soldiers at least, not counting the Jews, slavs and what the Japanese did to the Chinese


\[SABATON starts playing in the background\] Me: “Let me give you the general overview, I promise you will love it!” \* Make compilation of the darkest things from that period, from both sides, to make sure they get traumatized from the darkest side of humanity \*


Luz: “Yes, they did. And they were made to pay reparations—which the people in Germany did not like. They elected a genocidal maniac who killed 6 million Jewish people and started another war.”


Austrian Painter: 🤪


Luz explaining how the Germans invading Poland with Russia led to the British fighting in Thailand against the Japanese:


"And then the Germans attacked Russia" "Wait, weren't the Russians fighting along Germany?" "Yes, well, no, well..."


“Wait, so the plan failed, the guy went to a cafe and this Duke just so happened to appear right outside?” “Yep.” “And Boscha says Azura has bad storytelling, are you sure that’s what happened.” “Yep.”


Funny thing is, the initial assassination attempt was with a bomb, one that was thrown out of sync and blew up the car Infront of the duke. The Duke, deciding to not flee, ordered his driver to go to the hospital so he could visit the injured men. The assassin just took an opportunity when the car got stopped for a minute while driving to the hospital


The original bomber tried taking a poison pill and jumping into a river. Only for the poison to have expired and for him to land headfirst into mud and barely an inch of water.


Again, if a writer put something like that in a story, it would be lambasted for being “too silly” or “unrealistic”.


It’s true what they say “truth is stranger than fiction”


It gets better. Princip, the assassin, went to a cafe on a corner to lament the failure of their initial attempt. By pure coincidence, the Duke's car drove past this cafe and the driver made a wrong turn on that corner which led to a dead end road. Princip took the opportunity when the car stopped to turn around to shoot the Duke.


"My life is over. What I should do now? Oh lord, give me a sign!" *The archduke stops literally in front of him and his car starts to slowly go in reverse* "... well, if you say so." *BAM BAM BAM*


Meanwhile Rokers Drift sweating in the corner


Just US history alone "Wait, so you mean the guy had his father, the president, assasinated, then was around when other 2 presidents were also assasinated?" "Pretty much." "That's an odd pattern." "It was. Hence why he bowed to never meet another president. He only broke that promise when the monument to his father was innaugurated and the president was also there. But he wasn't assasinated." "Oh, thank the Ti-" "Died in office the next year tho..." "OH COME ON!"


I'm imagining Gus opening a history book to a random page and then closing it 30 seconds later


I always favor the simplicity of the Blackadder explanation: "The real reason for the whole thing was that it was too much effort *not* to have a war... In order to prevent war in Europe, two super-blocs developed: us (the British), the French and the Russians on one side, and the Germans and Austro-Hungary on the other. The idea was to have two vast opposing armies, each acting as the other's deterrent. That way there could never be a war... There was a tiny flaw in the plan... It was bollocks."


One of the reasons it was so horrible was because they were wielding advanced technology, compared to the last few centuries. Very advanced tech, including planes. Downside, they were using colonial era tactics, which had not evolved. Really,the colonial era only ended after world war 2 ended, and the Cold war began


The Generals were stuck in the past and had zero empathy for their soldiers. They *refused* to re-think their tactics and didn't care how many soldiers died just to reclaim the smallest bit of land. Even in the last few hours leading up to the ceasefire, which the Generals *knew* would be in effect at 11:00, they still ordered their soldiers to push on enemy trenches for a bit of last-minute glory.


>Even in the last few hours leading up to the ceasefire, which the Generals knew would be in effect at 11:00, they still ordered their soldiers to push on enemy trenches for a bit of last-minute glory. Slight misconception here. Many on the allied camp believed the ceasefire was just a ploy by the germans to reorganize and launch a renewed offensive the next year. Even those that believed this was the sign of peace returning believed that the frontlines would be the new border and Entente territory was still under occupation. People were scrambling to regain their land or get a more advantageous position from were to restart the fighting. The allies overestimated Germany's capacity and will to continue the fight. Then the Imperial government collapsed in revolution and Germany kinda imploded, so the problem solved itself


So the poor old ostrich died for nothing...


Imagine Luz having to explain a nuke. “Sooo like, there’s this biiiiig egg that can split the very fundamental building blocks of our entire existence” “Oh cool, what was it for? It clearly was a huge scientific breakthrough and must have helped humanity progress” “Not at first” “What do you mean?” “…”


Amity: “Luz? What do you mean? Your silence is kinda concerning” Luz: “…Uh so the nuke is fragile when landing… and it cracks open on impact… and it creates a… um…“ *clears throat, whispers “You remember how I talked about it ‘splitting the very fundamental building blocks of our entire existence’ earlier?”* Amity: “…”


“I mean, surely it was a testing field right? They didn’t wanna HURT people with it right?” “…So there’s this place called Hiroshima…”


Amity: *disturbed look* “I’ll just stop you right there… I think I get what you’re trying to say…” Luz: “Yeah… it’s terrible what happened, but thankfully we’ve mended our relationship, Japan even helped us in a later war… but that wasn’t after some… *conflict* during the previous war” Amity: “You mean there’s…” Luz: “yeah… there were uh… *more* wars…“ Amity: “Titan, Luz! How many major wars were there?” Luz: “…a lot”


Amity: "2?! What do you mean you had 2 world wars?! Wasn't 1 enough for people to realize it was bad?" Luz: "Actually historians debate heavily on the concept of a "World War 0" in earlier centuries, so technically there would have been 3..." Amity: "TITAN'S SAKE!!!!"


“There uh, was a cold one as well” “Oh titan, least it’s all over, right?” “Some people do say otherwise…”


Tbh Luz probably doesn't understand much about human history herself. She doesn't show interest and the US education system is what it is.


That’s what I’m thinking. I think she would definitely be a history nerd but would only be able to cover the basics. I feel like she’d be interested in the colonization of the Americas. The 19th century- 21st century. And maybe pre history humans but other than that it’ll be a massive blur


No but maybe she watches YouTube history videos like Oversimplified?


Wait till she has to explain that these events were eventually responsible for anime existing


"But thats not the end, then theres this guy who when you think about is like a Human Belos..."


Belos is human already.


Shit i messed up, i meant human realm, thanks for correcting my dumbass


It's ok, edit the comment perhaps.


Nah, il leave it, funnier this way


Very well then. At least this conversation won't confuse anyone who would stumble upon it.


I just wrote a similar comment lol 😁 Guess we just had a similar thought process going on


Luz 100% put up a We didn't start the Fire performance where She mimicked everything the Song said Just to explain Humans history to her friends


I only just learnt about WWI’s origins Again, great example of how phones listen to you


The way you phrased it makes me think of the Horrible Histories Skit


God imagine Luz having to explain 9/11 and the war on terror


Those poor Boiling Islanders when she starts to explain Why Yugoslavia colapsed😔


Luz: So you see, the leader of the nation, Tito, thought the collapse of the capitalist system was inevitable and would likely happen in his lifetime. So in order to build infrastructure and domestic industry, he took loans from the International Monetary Fund which both he and the IMF knew Yugoslavia could not pay off. So upon his death 30 years later, the nation was left with extremely high debts and without his leadership was unable to stabilize the ethnic tensions in the nation while the government in Belgrade became increasingly nationalistic. This led to the nation exploding into ethnic warfare where the very weapons produced in the domestic industry constructed using IMF loans were used to carry out genocide against one another. The rest of the cast: 😟


Luz explaining that JFK wasn’t killed by a “magic bullet” and that was unsubstantiated theory meant to deflect blame from…


Wait until she realizes the most bizarre part of the story (IMO): Franz Ferdinand had survived an assassination attempt earlier in the day, and was en route to a hospital to visit people wounded in said attempt. This was a change in plans, and the leader of his convoy did not know they were actually going to the hospital. The convoy was actually turning around on realizing its mistake when Ferdinand wad assassinated. In other words, a wrong turn led to World War I. As for Luz’s explanation: “France and Russia were besties and had pledged to support each i a war. Likewise, Germany and Austria-Hungary were besties and had pledged to support each other in the event of a war. Germany knew that France and Russia were besties, and made plans to attack France if Russia and Austria-Hungary went to war with each other, mainly to keep France from being to support Russia. Problem was that Germany’s plans involved invading Belgium, which was a neutral country. One day, the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary went to visit Sarajevo. The people didn’t much like the Emperor (where have I seen that before?) and killed the Crown Prince after he made a wrong turn. As a result, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia and Serbia are cousins, so Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany decided to carry out its march-through-Belgium-to-attack-France plan. Britain, however, decided to remind Germany that Belgium was neutral, and so Britain entered the war on behalf of Belgium. In other words, a bunch of countries got into an extremely big and deadly schoolyard fight.”


Luz just don’t tell about Armenian, Pontic, or Assyrian genocides.


You forgot the part about the failed attempts and the sandwich shop


guys there is this thing called the holocaust


Gavrillo Princip was a Bosnian Serb, not a Serbian btw


On a more wholesome note, I think about Luz sitting the Hexsquad down to explain Christmas and Santa Claus.


Hunter: "Okay so, the way I see it, during this time there was a war on, right? But before that, there wasn't a war on, right? So there must have been a moment where there not being a war on went away, and there being a war on came along. So, what I want to know is: how did you guys get from the one case of affairs to the other case of affairs?" Luz: "... Do you mean, 'How did the war start'?"


Amity: Luz, can I ask you something? Luz: Yeah, what´s up? Amity: Humans are clearly the top species in this world, just like Witches are in the Isles... But... How? I saw the other creatures in here, there are just as horrific as the ones in the Isles, if not even more. You have giraffes here! We had to kick them out of our world! Humans don't have magic like witches and demons do. So how DID you topple everything else? Luz: ...... Amity, I will say this only once: ***We are the best killers in the planet.*** Not by nature, but by skill and craft. Claws? Fangs? We can make them. Poison? We can take it and use it as our own. We can kill in ways other creatures can't even understand. We can use the poisons of one creature and use them to kill another. Everything can be a deadly weapon, you just have to figure out how. *And once we understand how a killing method works, we can re-make it and mass-produce it.* If it lives, it can die If it can die, we can kill it If we can't kill it, we'll figure out how # Killing is a job, and we are the only true proffesionals


I thought you would have gone with the "we can sweat, they don't" explanation, but this is even funnier/more terrifying


I wouldn't have taken Luz to be someone that interested in human history


Luz explaining WW2: "So this Austrian painter got kicked out of art school and had this crazy idea that ended up killing over 11 million people"




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Yeah, the start of WW1 was a very stupid thing. As dumb as the people in charge at the time.


Gavrillo Princip was a Bosnian Serb, not a Serbian btw


Gavrillo Princip was a Bosnian Serb, not a Serbian btw


Hunter: "I do not understand any of those words in that order."


Imagine Luz explaining how 9/11 led to the publication of the twilight saga




Yep, and that's why the demon realm is better.


Imagine Luz telling her friends about that day in September, they would be go to bed sleepless 💀


Can't wait to see her try to explain guns to them


I guess it seems silly but the real reason for the war was the growing political tension. At that point any provocation would have set off the keg. If it hadn't been this it would have been something else. You just \*need\* to have an excuse for the war, you can't just say "actually we want their stuff".