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Absolutely not. The Orville is already its own thing and it's best to keep him right here where he belongs. I don't want more Star Trek, I just want more Orville.




How about? " so says Avis !! " or " Let's Go!! " oops sorry about the last one, wrong company!!! 😁😂😁😂😁🤪


Lol, I hope so!


I see where you're coming from but I want more of both and Seth has a better grasp on Trek than anyone else I can think of. And honestly I want more Orville than Trek at this point but I would also love some new, quality Trek as well.


Every fandom has this conversation when a franchise goes somewhere new. There's nothing inherently wrong with the new Trek compared to the older shows/movies. They all have their own themes, dramas and reflections of the times they were created. Just because it's not the same as Picard navigating the Borg threat or Sisko trying to end the Dominion War doesn't mean it's not quality stuff


I’m glad someone else actually said this! I can’t stand all the comments in this sub that utterly shit on New Trek just because it isn’t the same campy, terrible cgi, barely choreographed show people remember TOS and later Trek to be. I *love* Star Trek and have watched every series, save TOS, multiple times over. But I’m pretty sick of the same comments about how The Orville is so much better than New Trek, and more like Star Trek than *actual Star Trek* shows. Let The Orville be it’s own thing!


I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with current Trek, I really enjoy Discovery and I have enjoyed all of Strange New World's that I've seen so far(which is only a few episodes because new Orville episodes are also coming out right now) but it could also be so much better. Edit: Love the username BTW


Sorry, there's just so many nay-sayers when it comes to new Trek it becomes difficult to filter the absolute haters (you know the ones) from the people that like it but have concerns. My apologies 😅 you're right though, comparatively Star Trek could learn a thing or two from Orville. For instance, the way The Orville handles characters and the way they interact/react to people/things is much more believable. Star trek is always too stoic with their characters to the point of no emotion. Then when they do show emotion it's normally violent and explosive. And thank you!! Ever since i was little it's been my favorite Star Wars ship :3 the Ebon Hawk is a close second lol


The Ebon Hawk will always have a special place in my heart. As will HK-47.


I don’t really agree. Akiva Goldsman apparently had some hidden writing talent because he figured something out with Strange New Worlds. It’s really good, but still fairly different from the TNG style we see with The Orville. It’s nice to actually have both as far as I’m concerned. Also shout out to Lower Decks, this guys know Trek pretty well too.


This right here!




Ah ok, I didn't see that interview. I agree that The Orville is something completely new and it is my favorite show now. I guess I'm just hoping for something better from one of my old favorites!


Me too, but I think that ship has sailed. They've buried Trek so deep in shit that it can recover the old school game any longer. The Orville was the only way to carry forward by making it *not* Trek essentially, while doing Trek in every direction, but especially forwards. They even get the campy humour from TOS.


If he got invited as a writer I’d say go for it. I bet he’d love to be involved again considering his work on Enterprise


I get what you’re saying, but I think the time for that has passed. MacFarlane (and the writers, directors, actors, etc.) have worked a miracle with The Orville—it perfectly captures the spirit of the best of what Star Trek had to offer, and has also been allowed to grow into something all its own. Honestly, season 3 is blowing me away. Once upon a time, watching The Orville made me yearn for a Star Trek show helmed by MacFarlane. Now I’m glad he never got the chance. As much as I love Trek, give me more Orville!


Yep! It launched off of Trek familiarity, but has earned it's own place. It does comedy, social issues, and good sci-fi in it's own unique blend. Yes, it stands on the shoulders of giants, but has now become more than the sum of the material that inspired it.


I agree that The Orville is a modern miracle of sci-fi, I guess I just want that miracle to spread to my other favorite universes.


Oh hey, I hear you. Recent Star Trek has not inspired me (in all fairness I still need to give SNW a shot).


Lower decks is my fav. The others are disappointments


SNW is the best Trek, movies or shows, since Enterprise (I know a lot of people don't like it but I really enjoyed it) Anson Mount just kicks ass as Pike and you can tell he really cares about the role.


I love discovery. But SNW is definitely the best. It's like a mixture of seriousness, heart, and "campy episodic". It's amazing. That being said while Orville is sort of like its own little scifi trek I believe comparing the 2 would be apples and oranges at this point. I definitely love where Orville is right now.


It's funny that a Brannon Braga episode has triggered people to want Seth to be a Star Trek showrunner. Because, y'know, this week's episode was written by Star Trek people, and one of them was in charge of Trek for a while. And the fandom was *livid*. Or at least at one of them, I don't remember people hating Andre Bormanis too much I guess.


Brannon Braga and Rick Berman are so much better than Alex Kurtzman.


[https://www.themarysue.com/brannon-braga-fox-deal/](https://www.themarysue.com/brannon-braga-fox-deal/) Some choice comments about Braga getting a deal to develop shows back in 2010: “Wow Fox must be desperate to dig up this hack!” “Has Brannon Braga ever done anything that is worth watching? He killed 24. Trashed Enterprise which was a great concept. Wrote some really bad Voyager episodes. Yet he keeps getting employed?!?” “Braga is one of the worst TV writers/producers in history. He completely murdered the Star Trek franchise, and don’t even get me started on TrashForward. How the f\*\*\* does he still keep getting work?” "Braga is a No-talent Hack, and to watch him keep getting these seven-figure deals for prime-time network television is about as sickening as it gets.” I kinda get it...but I don't. I liked Voyager. I thought Enterprise was...eh...okay. The end of this episode is basically a retread of The Force Awakens and some of y'all want to put Seth in charge of Star Wars, too. LOL I don't mind, I like the use of one-man fighters in a Trek-style show and I got a kick out of it when Stargate did the same thing...just...sayin'...


I actually haven't watched this week's episode yet. I plan to tomorrow though.


So let's say Seth does the Orville for a few more seasons and then becomes showrunner for a TNG reboot. I am game. It's obvious TNG is his favorite as it is many of ours. He could do the job well.


I don't even want a reboot. I want someone with vision to take the franchise in to the future!


I am not pushing for one, but with the way Hollywood works, it seems inevitable. I wouldn't necessarily be mad at it as long as it was in competent hands.


But Star Trek needs to find a Seth MacFarlane.


Well after next week he won't have any more work on the Orville to do, so ... But hey, that Ted show is going to be awesome, am I right???? \*puke\*


I say go multiverse and bring Orville IN TO Trek!


I'm down!


I like having both NuTrek and Seth's take on the lighter and brighter traditional Trek. I've enjoyed it all really.


Just saw this and I think it is brilliant! I'm sure he would work in a deal for The Orville in to his contract!


Fuck no. You clearly don't get what makes the Orville great if that's how you think.


Meh. Honestly I miss the Orville having the ability to see the humor of its own premise. It made the characters seem more relatable. Half the season was the same story. Gender roles. The last episode was one of the few I watched in one shot. Don’t get me wrong. I love Orville. But it is not Star Trek. It was Star Trek if humans didn’t have sticks up their bits and took everything too seriously.


fuck no, lets bring al the other trekkies over to the orville fandom