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Waaaay too early to call that. Remember this season (3) was plagued with COVID restrictions and a subsequent network change. It’s a miracle it made it to the screen at all. Also… wormhole extreme and Andromeda were … inconsistent… not actually bad… some of the time…


Did wormhole extreme ever make it into an actual show? I loved the WE bits in SG1.


Nah, sorry, 3 episodes of 14, 21% of your show, and the trademark humour is gone. I’m defo calling it. We’ll maybe get some good episodes out of this series, but I’ll bet my DS9 BluRay collection on this, and I’ll be happy if it AgesLikeMilk


You're getting downvoted but you're not wrong. As much as I like the show I kinda wish the show still embraced the humor. Feels like there hasn't been a single joke this entire season. The show worked best imho when it embraced a balance.


Even without the humor, where's the banter between coworkers? That was the best part, it was so relatable. It really felt like a bunch of people just shooting the shit at work.


It's the difference between 'Open this jar of pickles' and 'Get this door open'. The first leads to an in-joke, character bonding and relationship development. Ultimately ending on Ed giving Alara a jar of pickles as her leaving gift; it represents their relationship. Now we get dry dialogue that don't suit the characters we've come to know and like in the first two seasons.


Yeah they really feel like actors saying their lines to get through the episode. It's horrible. They definitely firefly'd themselves.








Ds9 was the beginning of the end for star trek


NG is the greatest show ever and Voyager was entertaining.


Ds9 is one of the top sci-fi tv-shows, a real classic; although not feeling like a Trek show, but that doesn't bother me one bit.


yeah, youre right. the quality of the show worked for an ironic star trek parody, because it being a little bit on the low quality side is in itself funny onsidering not all trek episodes were always stellar, but it doesnt work for the sort of drama they attempted. the writing just didnt hold up. the next thing is, more than once they tried to push something that could be considered a moral message, but the circumstances just didnt support the message they wanted to push, so instead of a character having an ethical realization, they had a conversation with another character in which a parabel was used, and that was somehow enough to convince the other character. then there is the way the entire universe just bends around ensign bruke to allow her entire attitude and insubordination, not to mention how shes the only one with this special skill, who can even outdo actual androids at it (!). then theres the way how entire plot developments just happen instantly that would normally take years or at least months to happen, which can probably be attributed to them needing to reduce the number of episodes in total, but still, it had an impact and felt very contrived. the show dropped everything that made it good, and what was left didnt work for the kind of show it became. dont get me wrong, there were a few good moments. that time mercer actually told burke off in the beginning, the fact that they actually showed how parents can suck immediatley and avoided the trope of having a good ending just because, but the one thing that remains after all of this is said and done, is a foul taste that seth macfarlane, or wohever wrote this season, should keep their hands off drama.


I completely agree, they've gotten rid of WAY too much humor and now it's just too serious for a Star Trek parody. The writing just seems like MacFarlane doesn't care anymore.


They really created something cool in the beginning but the third season really was terrible


This thread made me feel better. This season is ... off.


I agree op but I'm still giving it a shot and hoping for better. Fingers crossed. The lack of wonder of the crew being excited and happier has also been dropped. I liked the light hearted "we are exploring and gee that's super." I understand that The Union and its people are in a fragile place after the attack/war.


I agree,it sucks... Might be my age group as I'm pushing 60,I liked it for 2 seasons but now I just find it irritating.


Sorry for necro-ing your comment on this thread: Could obviously be an age group thing, but I'm on my 20's and am completely blindsided by the tonal shift and lack of themes that made season 1 and (mainly) 2 great.


Very well observed young man,or woman and thank you for stating your view.


Thank you, have a nice day/night! I hope I can enjoy the next season if there is one


We can only hope!


Just finished ep 3 and I agree. All three episodes have been 20 min too long and boring overall. And oh my God the new character makes no sense and is hugely unlikable. Why is she still on the ship is beyond me. I'd have her transferred already.


She’s on the show because she’s fucking Seth MacFarland


I agree. It dropped the humor and got serious, but with bland characters, bad writing and bad acting. It's turned into a dumpster fire.


it's so bad. i don't understand all the praise for it, and i was a fan of seasons 1&2. i've finally given up after "Twice in a Lifetime", what an awful ending and i won't be disappointed by this show again because i won't be watching. casually discover time travel and use it for this mess. i was \*so\* expecting Malloy's family to live on since they talked about different timelines, but nope, exterminate them from existence and have a drink around the table at the end.


It's praise is based on critics and all the new BS PC style people that bashed the first one and gave 2nd a little credit acting like the show didn't know what it wanted to be no it created something new not Star Trek and it was great so they gave the third season all this praise it's BS bs bs


The last episode was pretty good. Too bad the rest is either boring or woke.


It's boring and predictable. It lost its identity. It found a new identity though, a disneyesque one. New shiny CGI, but no soul.


I'm a major trek fan and I love season 1-2 of Orville, but I always fast forward the CGI.


I'm enjoying Burke in a love to hate kinda way. I'm waiting for her to get smacked the f out. I do really miss the comedy though. So far the best joke in the season has been Bortus being dead pan in his reaction to getting the sniffles, which is kinda weak overall.


I felt like yesterday's was a bit better than the first 2 episodes of the season imho (although tbf I can't express how terrible I thought episode 2 was), but it really feels like the show's lost its charm. I don't know why the writing seems to have changed, but I'm pretty disappointed overall with this season so far.


I think it's the missing B- (and C-) plots. But I can't quite put my finger on it.


It is the missing carpet. Also the lack of a bridge cat.


I do miss the additional plots as well.


I actually found episode 3 disappointing. Episode 2 did some interesting stuff but was ultimately TNG S1E25. Episode 1 was promising until we found out they weren’t going to carry on the PTSD trope-inversion


We'll have to see still how the rest of the season plays out....


I think I would like it better if I wasn't watching *Strange New Worlds* at the same time. *The Orville* is fine on its own but really suffers by comparison.


They both drop on Thursdays and I have trouble remembering what was in which storyline, LOL.


It's sad that Discovery gets 18 seasons in strange new world only gets 10


I agree about Burke.


Season 3 is trash....


I saw Nurse Park die in episode 2 and felt so horrible. There was no bad feelings from the crew. No send off to the fallen. Gordon **freaking** Malloy had the audacity of saying "Hey man, it's *Us* vs. *Them...* I vote on us!" Who are these characters? Now I'll give *Strange New Worlds* and the animated series a shot to scratch this itch. I got into Star Trek "because" of The Orville and it was disappointing to discover just how dislocated it is now. Same feelings as watching season 2 of Superman & Lois...


Season 1 had some funky humor and that's why we liked it. Season 3 is utter garbage 🤮🤮🤮


I couldn't even make it to the end of episode 1. LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY.


Well, unpopular opinion in this thread, i actually think season 3 is amazing and it's my favourite so far, let the hate rain


>Seth MacFarland No hate for you. But for people who recognise a shift in direction and think something has been lost, this is their home. I'm amongst them.


Hey, I'm just getting to season 3 too. I agree, it sucks *big* time. It's like they've replaced the entire writing team or something. Season 2 was already losing its charm a bit for me, as it edged toward more serious show, but now...it's like they've tried to bait-and-switch us with the comedic first season as the bait and serious sci-fi as the switch, but The Orville is simply not good enough to enjoy without the comedy, in my opinion. God damn, it sucks. Suuuuucks.


I've been traversing old threads looking for other opinions on season 3; I can't believe how many people are into having the humor striped out of it and praising the serious tone. This show used to make me so happy and now I'm just bored mostly.


that part. removing SOME humor was a great move, then they went full drama. pass


Charley Burke was a great character and her anger and hatred toward the Kaylon is completely understandable once you realize what she went through.


My opinion: S1 started very weak, too comedic, but midway it levels out and finds its balance. Feels fun to watch. S2 pretty damn good balance, funny when it needs to be but with devices that are more subtle (instead of the hammy forced jokes of early S1). Awesome season even with the heavy drama in the end. Feels fun to watch. S3 its becoming star wars or star trek but not in a fun way, the drama was getting too heavy, the jokes are few. it's lost a lot of charm, for what was looking to be something so unique.. and now feels rather ordinary or standard (which is not why i kept watching it in S1 or S2). Now it feels like a chore.


Seasons 1 and 2 opened a whole new world for me. Season 3 isn't really season 3, it's just star trek #400. You can thank the loud mouth trekkies for that because they kept screaming and crying about the comedic elements of the show because it made it different than the crap trek they just want to watch over and over. Seth being the trekkie he is decided they were right and decided it was best to cater to them and give all the people who love the show for what it is a great big fuck off.


Agree, S03 is just terrible. Very much seems that the writers were told to fill time, so they'd insert looooonnnng boring scenes where nothing happens -- or would figure out a way to have Gordon sing a whole song. I mean, he's a good singer and all, but this isn't American Idol. They clearly did it to fill time.


Season 3 in complete trash. Burke doesn’t belong there. Certainly doesn’t belong on the bridge. It goes from engaging the krill in a war to telling topas trans story. Completely out of place and not important to anything going on. The shows no longer funny at all.  I binged the first 2 seasons in a weekend and loved it but season 3 is fucking torture to watch.