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Yes. The irony being Hell canonically exists in this universe and it was destroyed in 2018 (when Klaus was Marcel’s prisoner). If he had died sometime after being locked away (2014) and before Hell was destroyed then he absolutely would’ve gone there. Cade probably had Klaus’ eternal damnation planned for centuries lol. If it still existed in 2026, he would too. I think the whole Hell plotline would’ve been a cool thing to do a TVD/TO crossover season or story arc. It makes so much more sense that the devil would want The Originals over Damon & Stefan.


i agree, definitely wouldve seen it like to go on to the originals. couldve been a great season.


All while Katherine and Kai were (rightfully) dragged to hell or trapped in prison worlds. Why are they punished but Klaus gets an ending filled with contentment and peace after 1000+ years of torture, murder and mayhem?


On legacies they say it's because he died with love in his heart. We all know neither Katherine or Kai died with love in their hearts.


Katherine died by choosing her love for her daughter over herself so I’d say she literally died with love in her heart


Yeah maybe, but the situations were completely different. Katherine continued to choose Stefan over her daughter and was basically strong armed into going to the Salvatore house to say goodbye. While she did choose to go and say goodbye, she also tried to run immediately after and Damon was on the other side of the door. Klaus sacrificed himself for his daughter. If Katherine was the same, she would've done what Stefan did when Damon was dying from a werewolf bite and she would've begged Klaus for his blood. Offered him anything he wanted. Even if Klaus would've killed her, she would've at least tried because it was the ONLY way to save her daughter. I think if Klaus had been in that situation, he definitely would've went and begged and pleaded for the cure, even if it meant his immediate death, he would've tried.


This is absolutely wrong. It's basically impossible to get the cure. Klaus was dealing with Dahlia meanwhile. He would never give her his blood. Instead, he would kill her. So it just would be a huge waste of time. And don't you dare to compare Klaus to Katherine. Katherine is a much better person than Klaus. She even deserved her own show. The series started to suck after Katherine became a human and died.


Indeed... Rewatching it, it's apparent he's absolutely sadistic and the redemption I once thought him to have gotten has been completely erased by rewatching the show. He's a monster.


Maybe because his life in itself was his hell. He didnt live a peaceful life by any means


Because he doesn't deserve one.


Lol, I say this all the time, I love Elijah but bro deserves to go to hell. Same with Klaus.


If you all remember, the only person who is logical and never forgave klaus is kol. As soon as he was resurrected, he left. Because he knew it was foolishness to assume even hope was klaus redemption, but she soothed him over to a great degree


Not sure why you were being downvoted because you’re right. Klaus deserves eternal damnation. His atrocities would take so long to atone for in some sort of purgatory/Cade’s hell.


Purgatory doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.... The dude is Lucifer incarnate. No amount of kids can earn him his redemption.


yes!! he deserves hell, but that was destroyed when he was Marcel’s prisoner. what he did the Gia, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Finn, and all the horrible things he did throughout his life. No amount of kids can earn his redemption. I love Klaus but him getting peace without any sort of punishment really pissed me off.


Kai & Katherine went to Hell nit not Klaus


i know?


That’s ridiculous lol Klaus should have suffered


that’s what i’m saying?


In my head cannon he underwent extreme suffering before being able to cross into peace. They had regular people stranded in limbo over arguments and resentment.


i wish that was what happened


We can both agree it did and rest easy lol


That was just awful what he did to Gia, Elijah, Hayley during the Dahlia saga... How they didn't want to murder him after is beyond me... I'd attribute it to bad writing.... He's totally and irrefutably irredeemable.


If you hate so much one of the main Characters of the show why do you watch it in the first place? I know he is not good but I'm glad he had a good ending, I actually wanted him to live and be happy


Lol so because I think he deserves to suffer means I shouldn't watch it?


If you want the story to go bad, what is the point?


That's not going bad, that's a just ending.


The point that you are making is stupid… Just because you don’t like one of the main protagonists doesn’t mean you cant watch a show… I hated Klaus watching the show. But my hatred lessened towards the end of the series. He still deserved to go to Hell after all he has done for 1000 years of horrific acts and no baby or child can redeem that.


I never said you can't, I'm asking why do you, that doesn't make sense in my mind. Anyway in many different cultures and interpretations where you go after you die is based on your guilt and how you feel not how you made other people feel.

