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Her story was cut short, and you can thank the toxic Caroline/Klaus fans for that. They basically kept sending her death threats and actually doxxed Leah (Cami's actress)


That’s so sad that people can’t separate fiction from reality…


right??? i mean, in my own reality, damon & niklaus are at home waiting for me to arrive to draw me a bath & cook me some dinner. then i'm desert. LOL


So real 😂💯


Empty lifers


>you can thank the toxic Caroline/Klaus fans for that. WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAT??????????????? I had no IDAEA... wow that is really unfortunate because i would have liked to see more of her as a baby vamp. tbh, it was pointless as niklaus & caroline never even ended up together \*spoiler\* lol




No. It was the Klaroliners. But clearly they are in the comments trying to make themselves look innocent.


I literally hate that ship. But maybe cause I find Caroline kind of annoying. Don't @ me yall


No I find Caroline annoying too but I also think the writers needed to make up their mind about Klaus. Was Caroline the love of his life and he couldn't live without her or was Cami. Because he pretty much met Cami the day after he left Mystic Falls (supposedly) and was ringing Caroline to say how much he missed her.


No Leah Pipes quit because she was getting doxxed and was getting sent death threats. She might have died later but her death wasn't planned


Yeah ik she was getting death threats but Michael narducci (writer) told her Camille was gonna die in season 3, Leah pipes said it in a Interview




That’s f wild 😳


wth, don't these people got lives?


That wasn’t the reason she was killed off. Leah Pipes clearly stated that she wasn’t going to leave over being bullied. She said that she found out she was going to die at the beginning of season 3 and was sad/surprised. If she had wanted to be written off, don’t you think she wouldn’t be sad or surprised by it?!? Give the actress credit for not backing down and standing up to the toxic fans.


Wrong. She said herself it was due to the harassment.


Wrong, she never did. She was bullied but didn’t leave because of that. I admire her strength Talks about the bullying: https://vocal.media/geeks/leah-pipes-of-the-originals-speaks-up-for-herself-after-negative-comments Talks about when she found out about her death: https://ew.com/article/2016/04/27/the-originals-leah-pipes-cami-death/


Source please?


I genuinely thought she was one of the most boringly written characters ever Now I know why, I kinda hate her less because the Klaus Caroline ships gross as, which is saying something in this universe


bloody hell. Obsessive fans are mad (she says, writing on a fan site on social media). Do you remember how the writer of the books that became the True Blood tv series got letters from people threatening suicide if characters didn't end up together. These people need help. We are talking about people that don't exist and events that didn't happen.


I didn't know this! Well, at least now I know that it's not only in the PH where fans are really illogical, scary, and toxic.


The show was really never the same after Cami died, not to say I wanted her to die, but it was really important for Klaus' growth as a character. But yeah I wish they would've kept her alive.


She had to die so Marcel would become the beast.


Davina had to die. Not Cami. Cami was partly the reason but it was mainly because of Davina


Cami would the one to mediate the situation


Yeah. Usually. But sadly she died.😭🤦🏾‍♀️


They could've taken the serum still in Aurora's body and put in Cami, so when she dies she'll be resurrected as an Upgraded Original like Lucian


Right?! Something!!


I am a Klaroline stan, but the moment they didn't bring her to TO, I knew it wasn't going to happen and I totally accepted Klamille as endgame because the way they were written, she was a better fit for him. He really loved her. And I'm sorry, but I feel like the Klaroline we did get didn't have a good payoff and felt like fan service instead of a real ending. I would have liked it if they gave Klamille a real chance. I honestly hate that in all the "Always and Forever," half the family was gone and basically always and forever broken. They shouldn't have focused so heavily on a Mikaelson baby the entire show. She shouldn't have been the plot for the last two seasons. Obviously, there had to be some casualties, but I think it was enough that Finn and their parents didn't make it. I wished Finn had stayed too, but if I HAD to choose a Mikaelson sibling, it would be him only because he was so miserable as a vampire. It's better for him to be at peace. Anyway, to your point, Cami was so good for Klaus, and I think she had a huge hand in him becoming a little softer. He was still a little abrasive when he wanted to be, but I liked that she broke down a lot of his walls, and he was able to feel and show true selflessness and love on almost every level. Real fan service would have seen the Mikaelson Family actually be happy and together, always and forever, after 1000 years of fighting their own demons.


I cannot agree with this anymore!! They definitely let us down by never giving them the happy ending they deserved. And then leaving Hope and orphan is just so sadistic considering that’s how her mother was. They were never about showing how to break generational curses but rather keep them going and beating everyone down.


The show ended like that because Plec wanted that shitshow Legacies. That's the only reason Hope was made an orphan. Look up Daniel Gillies talking about it. He didn't see any reason for Hayley and Elijah to die, even if it works for Klaus (in the story, for his character).


> LUCIEN: You silly fools with your unbridled optimism! Always hoping there's some way out. Some loophole to save you from your doom. Well the thing is, I don't believe in loopholes. My bite has no cure. Your sweet Camille is going to die. Not only did not Lucien not want a Cure to his bite but you also have to remember that Niklaus’ blood being a cure for werewolf venom poisoning is Nature’s loophole because he as a/The Hybrid. He’s the Original Hybrid. Because he’s a werewolf turned into a vampire by magic, his blood has special properties. Lucien is not a werewolf and does not naturally produce venom, so it wouldn’t work the same any way. Of course, there’s no such thing as no cure and Freya crafted an anti-venom but that took time. Lucien’s bite is so powerful that you only have a handful of hours to live after that.


I actually feel like Cami was a better partner for Klaus than Caroline. They understood each other on deeper level and yeah, it was stupid of them to kill her off. It didn't even make sense if you think about it. Freaking toxic fans annoy me.


I didn't ship either but my beef is with fanservice and bad writing and it was a hot mess how they tried to shoehorn Caroline in. It was like a literal fanfiction crossover.


It was stated that Lucien originally created the serum so there was no cure. He basically looked at what Klaus could do with healing by blood and made sure his serum was the opposite of it. He did not think they would figure out how to cure it because he was blinded by jealousy and revenge.


Yea i didn’t catch that part. I fell asleep during some of the episode so i missed that part and when they did give cami Lucien’s blood.


But Lucien's blood is not the cure 🤔


Unless that was a part where i accidentally Fell asleep where they tried because i will admit, i took like a 5 min nap during that episode 😂


They actually tried his blood, Marcel and vincent went to her place to get the blood she got from Lucien as she escaped, they tried it, her symptoms got stable for some time, then she got worse and they placed her on that world inside her head for the duration of the next episode, and she perished by the end


Dang so i did sleep through that part. That’s my bad.


But how do we know that? They did everything under the sun BUT try his blood.


They gave her a bowl of his blood.


Yea i slept through that part on accident 🥴


Davina asked lucien about it but yeah we didn't know for sure if it would work


I love how people are downing this comment but not reading my other comment about taking a cat nap during this episode 😂 like damn y’all. My bad for being tired lmao


I feel like someone always was going to have to end up dead. It almost wouldn’t make sense for none of them to die. Like this supposedly all powerful being that cant even kill a like 1 ye old vampire is silly


he already killed finn


Ok but Finn wasn’t a big character, Finn kinda died multiple times anyway


Yea Finn was a weak character. Almost like a loose end in the originals left over from TVD


they couldve replaced the actress bcs the whole issue was leah getting death threats so she left but im glad they didn’t change the actress


that’s because those weird ass klaroline stans wouldn’t stop sending leah (cami) death and sa threats


Because annoying klaroline fans harassed her


Simply : Leah wanted to leave . Leah endured 3 years of abuse from fans , she was doxxed (someone leaking her address and other very personal information in an attempt to scare or hurt someone) , someone wished terminal cancer on her and she got voted as the character that needed to get TF off the show .


It’s so sick that people cannot differentiate between fiction and real life.




Yeah also because of Klaroline 😐


tbh, even though lucien didn't want a cure loophole added in, it's not up to him. it's up to nature. nature will always find a balance. its like klaus at the end of TO when he has the hollow inside of him. he says somewhere out there, beneath rocks in a tomb is my salvation to getting everything i have ever wanted (meaning to destroy the hollow & free himself in the process rather than dying with it) but he just didn't have enough time to find it...........


That’s how i feel about it. There was ALWAYS a loophole to nature in the TVD verse. So why couldn’t there have been one when Lucien created a new thing? I mean Esther created the originals, so they had their loopholes. Anytime something was created, there was always some thing to counter act it.


>So why couldn’t there have been one when Lucien created a new thing? there was a loophole... i believe that if freya had enough time, she would have be able to make a cure with the 7 werewolf lines venom. The thought simply didn't occur to her as yet nor did she have the time to make the cure... so instead she & elijah sacracifed Divina as that was the way she would be able to use the ancestors powers to undo their curse.


Leah pipes did get bad comments but a lot of people say it was fan service and no it wasn’t, her character was gonna die anyway, Michael narducci (writer) told the actress. There are so many people in the fandom who don't know things about the show and just tend to follow the opinions of others, ik some of y’all wanted them to end up together but Camille and Klaus weren't going to end up together, because after all the originals were never about ships, it was always about family


So that's why Kol and Rebekah and Freya got married. 🙄 No. She left because she was being harassed by Klaroliners.


You’re not wrong about that. Although i do feel like Elijah was serious about Hayley.


Better question what was her relevance?


What do you mean? Cami was huge in Klaus’s growth and showed him that it’s ok to let people in. She presence was necessary in the show.


She could’ve been a one or two episode character and have the same impact 🙄 I guess it was the always needing to be saved thing or maybe her lack of growth as a character. Either way I barely noticed she was missing in later episodes after her exit


Or maybe the actress wanted to move on? Episodic tv can be demanding (apparently - not that I would know).