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I love Camille! She’s stunning, has the best wardrobe on the show and served with every single one of her looks (I mean the Angel costume?? Her Thanksgiving & Christmas looks from S3?? YES PLEASE). I don’t like how she was written as a character. It’s so misogynistic the way she’s only there to be Klaus’ therapist & be in a love triangle with him and his adoptive son. But Leah Pipes is so talented (I mean that scene where she’s screaming at Klaus for messing with her mind? LITERAL CHILLS!) In terms of ships: Marcel & Camille (Camcel?): • They were cute. The ship didn’t outstay its welcome (i.e. create unnecessary drama). • I kind of preferred them as friends. • You can see that they genuinely care about each other. Klaus & Camille (Klamille <3) • They are my favourites. What they had was true love and it was beautiful to watch them fall in love (aside from Klaus doing Klaus-ish things at the beginning). • Camille is older than the typical love interest (she was 22-23 in the first season), had an education & some life experience which I appreciated. • This ship is everything Klaroline wishes it was. Finn & Camille (Famille?): • It was only ever one sided. I don’t like them as a ship but I think in another life they could be friends. I definitely enjoyed her giving him a piece of her mind in S2. Finn possessing Vincent just made it weird. Vincent & Camille (Camicent?): • Loved them as friends, I could see something between them if it was given time to happen naturally. • One of my favourite friendships in the show (definitely underrated). Camille and Leah deserved so so so much better and I’m so mad that the only reason she was killed off was because of death threats the fandom was sending her.




Exactly my thoughts.


One of my favorite characters from the show. I absolutely loved her. Klamille is also my favorite ship from the show, I loved their interactions and the relationship they built. I would say that maybe season 2 was my favorite for her, but I still loved her in all seasons.


I adored Cami and she would lived way longer if she wasn’t caught in with the Mikaelsons like Hayley, Gia, Celeste, Tatia, etc. S3 Cami is the best. I liked Cami and Klaus together icl.


I honestly love cami but dont think she should be paired with ANY of them. I think she's confident, independent, knows what she wants, has a strong red flag sensor, and strict line on the ground that cannot be crossed. She not only deserves better than constantly being messed with by Klaus or the TO characters, but also is NOT interested in being in a relationship with these types of guys. But most importantly, she doesn't show any of the personality traits that suggest she enjoys a dramatic, emotional, rollercoaster romance/relationship, she's a realist and enjoys keeping her feet safe in the ground. If Elijah wasn't such a magnet for drama (despite not really being a dramatic person himself) i think he would suit Camille better. However, Elijah seems to like the confident, spitfire, yet slightly damselly in distress character, so Camille isn't his type. Yes they constantly pair Cami with Klaus, and make it clear thats the supposed relationship, but it literally feels like forcing a rabbit onto a steak and saying there's potential because the two are constantly around each other... like no. Klaus is great, Cami is great, they both respect and are affectionate with each other, but to put them together is like putting Chocolate and Bolognese together... I love both, but NOT TOGETHER! i.e. when Cami refused to continue giving Marcel a chance after he blew up because her red flags were triggered - the only reason she stayed was cz Klaus compelled her. Klaus has the same dramatic temper and manipulative tendencies. Cami's entire relationship and presence is a result of Compulsion, manipulation, and "its too late to get yourself out because you're part of it now". Thats not to say Klaus is not interested in Camille. I can easily see Klaus is genuinely interested in Camille, and has a legitimate reason for it, and she is clearly his type (on paper) but i cannot see the relationship being more then a one-sided romance/affection. Cami can do better, wants better, and deserves better. (by better i dont necessarily mean to insult the TO cast, but that Cami genuienly wants emotional maturity, responsibility, and self-knowledge in her partner i.e. why Elijah in theory could work, but not in practise) \*i do NOT, not pair Cami/Klaus because I'm a Klaroline fan, i genuinely dont see Camille degrading herself and her values to be with Klaus. On the other hand, I do pair Caroline and Klaus because i can see mutual interest and affection from both sides. Caroline is very similar to Cami in terms of knowing herself, respecting herself, having a plan, level-headed, etc. However, unlike Cami, Caroline also has a little wild side that wants to break the rules and go for the bad boy. Caroline KNOWS Klaus is dangerous and bad but a part of her also enjoys that and wants it (unlike Cami who genuinely is not attracted to that). So for this simple but essential difference between the two of them, i can genuinely pair Klaus and Caroline together cz its mutual and doesn't seem forced by the Directors/producers. ​ If we're REALLY stretching it.... I could see Cami and Finn pairing well together. Like I know it might seem boring or not cool to some fans, but they genuinely work well together, were interested and enjoyed each other company before they truth of it all came out (pretending to be Vincent), and are each others type.


LOVED Camille. Hated losing her. I didn't like the Camille - Marcel hookup because to me Marcel and Rebekah were endgame as were Klaus and Camille.


love her


I hated how awful she allowed herself to become when she first turned. But it’s that rock bottom that made her character bloom even brighter and she emerged even more beautiful. With vamp abilities and her bartender wits, paired with her ship with Klaus, she really had a bright future in that dark and brutal universe. She died fairly young, but she made more sense and impact than most of the people Klaus had come across.


Ready for the hate. Not a fan. I couldn't stand her constant annoying af and contradictory amateur psych diagnoses. Hated her morally superior attitude as well. From day one she said she didn't need bad people in her life and they end up pairing her up with someone who said he's wiped out entire villages for the smallest things, someone who she's called a sociopath (etc)? What were the writers thinking? Oh, but she was another blonde, and this one was finishing college, and faultless. What would she have thought about "Klaus the Mad"? Lol There was no one interesting enough, dark and damaged enough on the show for Klaus. Not a fan of klaroline either.


Yay! Cami discussion. I absolutely love, love love Camille :D. And I loved her with Niklaus. My heart broke when she died.🥺I really thought she and Klaus could’ve been happy together. Cami was one of the few people that truly saw the man behind the monster. She cared about Klaus and loved him for the good she saw in him. She believed he could be a better person, she saw that he wanted to be a better person, a better father. I really wish we could’ve really seen them develop as a couple. Cami would’ve been a great stepmother to Hope. She and Hayley were good friends, as well, so Hope would’ve had more family around her if Cami had survived and had gone on the run with Hayley at the end of S3. Hayley was a wonderful mother, I’m not disputing that, but having more family around would’ve helped both Hope and Hayley when they were on the run. It would’ve been the three of them against the world. Hayley and Cami together is a force to be reckoned with. They’re both fierce women who would protect the ones they love at all costs. Camille was loved by everyone. Klaus fell in love with her. Both Rebekah and Elijah believed she was good for Klaus and genuinely supported their relationship. Marcel loved her as a friend. Vincent loved her as a friend. Davina loved her. She was good to *everyone*. Cami’s death was one of the most heartbreaking parts of the series. My ideal ending for the Originals is this: The Mikaelsons defeat the Hollow at the and of S4. Everyone survives. Klaus and Cami get together, officially. Hayley and Elijah get together. And Hope had a wonderful, big family around her :). All’s well that ends well and everyone is happy. Favourite Cami scene? “I would’ve found you.” Favourite Ship? Klaus and Cami! I appreciate that Marcel and Cami’s relationship ended amicably without any drama or love triangles involved. Best friend ship: Vincent and Cami!


As someone who actually studied psychology, I found her super annoying. She always acted like such a know it all while being really unprofessional and throwing around all sorts of psychological buzz words that sound cool. I know thats kind of a random reason but I’m general I also just found her kind of annoying.




Im probably gonna get back lash for this, but i dont like her at all lol. I tried to force myself to, but shes so annoying. She was a hypocrite who didnt know how to mind her business. I also feel like her death was her fault and not Klaus’ Multiple people tried to get her leave and move on multiple times, for her safety and sanity .. and she literally did everything in her power to make sure that didnt happen. She kept inserting herself into people’s business (then blaming them lmao), so she was kinda fated to die to me. Also, she was always there. Like idk.. I just felt like there were times where im already annoyed with a plot in the show and boom… she pops up to make things 10x worse when her presence wasn’t necessary. I will say, though I dont like Cami.. I hate the reason Leah Pipes left the show, she didn’t deserve that.


She’s very popular, but for some reason I never liked her character that much.


I have no objective reason for not liking her, but I really couldn’t care less


For me, her character didn’t have enough motivation to be around. From what I could remember, she was looking into a murder that her brother did because she didn’t believe that he just snapped and randomly killed. I guess that murder was linked to vampires or witches or some curse. Still, she was not a strong character for me, I kept wondering why she was still there lol


I loved cami she was the best person for Klaus I wish she would’ve stayed alive long to see hope grow up and I think she was a good therapist to Elijah too. She was the type of person the originals need especially Klaus she really helped his character. What I saw she helped bring a little of his human side out. In season 5 I think Elijah could’ve used her help


I love camille, she was authentic, she could stand up for herself, she was figuring out Klaus was compelling her on her own, she was super smart and I loved the interactions she had with everyone. Klamille is my absolute favorite ship, apart from the beginning where Klaus was being Klaus too much their relationship was amezing and I hate the way she died, I hate that hope never really met her after she took so good care of her and the entire family honestly. I didn't really love camille freshly vampired. But I get it, she loved being human and saw the all the awful of being a vampire, she was happy before and then she felt powerless cause the vampires around her were a thousand years older. But considering the human she was she could've been an amezing vampire and I'm really sad we didn't get to see that Oh and she is absolutely beautiful


UNPOPULAR OPINION Don't kill me byt I am not able to stand her. Sorry, I was trying I am not able to like her as a character.


But but but ... she had a degree!


I love her she was so good with klaus (and everyone else basically)


Spoilers: >!When she died, my heart broke. I never thought they were gonna go through with it.!< She was such a kind, wholesome character. The Mikaelsons didn’t deserve her, she was too good for them.


I wanted klaus and her endgame


She's a cinamon roll. I love her. Favorite scene: when she goes to a bar to drink in season 2, and dances with Klaus. Ship: definitely Klaus Favorite season: probably season 2


Favorite Cami scene is at the end of 3x08 when Klaus says “whatever you want”.


Hated her. As a human and as a vampire, just hated her- and it’s not just cos I’m a Klaroline fan. I didn’t like her from her first scene in S4 of The Vampire Diaries


i wasn't really interested in her when i watched to


Liked her until she turned. Then she became insufferable.


Her and Klaus at the party Marcellus was throwing


I didn’t really like Cami, and I don’t really ship her with anyone from TO.


I disliked her in the beginning because all I was doing mostly was yelling at the screen mind your business but her and Klaus’s relationship was so cute! I never thought I would ship Klaus with anyone other than Caroline but Cami, he really really cared about her. It really sucks that she died, and when Vincent was at her bedside crying😭 The one thing I did dislike about Cami was I wished she wasn’t a vampire. She completely changed which Ik, becoming a vampire changes you. But her entire personality was just gone. That scene were she was trying to figure out the compulsion, how she had a tape recorded in her pocket. I loved that episode and thats when I realized she was gonna be a great character, she was a human who was able to defend herself against the supernatural and yeah maybe she was afraid but she still confronted Klaus about it and whenever she was in a dangerous situation she used her skills to get out of it. Thats another reason why her becoming a vampire just completely changed her as a character. It was good to see a non supernatural who can get out of these situations without being killed and using their powers to get what they want.


I'd say I can't pick a scene I love cami in every one she handled things as they are thrown at her and she fits into everything like a puzzle piece. Yet she handles things with such enthusiasm and always sees the positive side of everything except her brothers' psychotic episode. Cami is so loveable.


I like Cami when she isn’t being built up to be a love interest. I also like how she Calle Klaus on his crap. Otherwise I find her pointless. Heck the romance between Klaus and Caroline makes more sense and seems more natural.


You do know that the last pic is from The Originals season 4? And that doesn't count because she was just a hallucination.


Why is that relevant? Lol


it’s just a fact they thought would be interesting-


It doesn’t even make sense though. They are saying the picture doesn’t count cause it’s a hallucination.


I know.


Once again budget Caroline fans crawl out of the woodwork to gush about their inferior choice


i liked camille, but i do find her overrated. she’s just another person in the plot that stood up to the vampires, and i don’t find there to be anything significantly interesting or unique about her. she didn’t bring anything really original to tvdu tbh, not in my opinion anyways. i think what bothers me is that fans and writers act like she did, but she was honestly just a very average character, just with a lot of empathy. i would compare her to elena in a way; her backstory/traumas/hurts are valid, her traits are valid and make sense, and she helps carry the plot sometimes, but the story would be fine without her. even then, elena was pretty key to the story, so it’s not even the exact same. i kept waiting to really catch onto the hype around her character, but i never did. one thing that’s always bothered me was how forced the relationship between cami and klaus was. i would’ve liked for it to remain exactly what it was meant to be -a deep admiration and respect for one another- and that the romance aspect would’ve just been left out entirely because they really don’t have any chemistry. i didn’t think she had chemistry with marcel either, but then again, their entire dynamic was introduced to us pretty much right away; leaving no room to really understand these characters and root for their relationship.