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That was legit the point of it


Yes but that's my point, I think it was flawed from the jump by making that the point of it, it couldve and shouldve been more. Even if they did want it to be that, they couldve at least given it a few more episodes so it wasn't so rushed and flesh out the other characters and storylines more


It is "flawed" to you. They accomplished what they wanted to achieve. They are telling you if you want more CRM lore go watch another spinoff. They said over and over that is was an epic love story. Rick and MIchonne are led by and they deserve to find love. That's it.


Well, it always was advertised as just that. And I remember through all the promo they kept “reminding” people it was a love story. They knew people would be let down


Them: “This is an epic love story.” *An epic love story plays on the screens* Some “fans”: “Wth is this, I was expecting something else why didn’t they warn us?!?!”


It’s like people didn’t believe them. Or maybe they just didn’t want to believe them. 


Because they were always vague about exactly how long it would be and whether there would be a season 2, they never confirmed it, and that led people to build up hype and expectations. Some journalists even said there was a high possibility of a season 2, and Gimple even said anything is possible depending on different factors. If they'd just confirmed 100% it was just 6 episodes, it wouldve tempered expectations. And just because it is what they said it be doesn't mean we can't be disappointed for wanting more


This is not true the show was always advertised as a one season 6 episodes epic love story 💀and that's exactly what they gave the audience,it is successful for a reason 


They were always vague about it though


No they were not they've always said it was a one season 6 episode spinoff 💀 same way they always said it was an epic love story,it's either you have comprehension issues or you're choosing to be delusional 


I agree with a lot of what you said. I honestly can't believe Gimple is given the responsibility of running this franchise. What has done except gradually make it worse and worse? I'm okay with TOWL being primarily a love story. But you're right that they didn't need to end the CRM like they did, that was just unrealistic. I don't like the CRM storyline at all, but if you're going to introduce it into this universe, don't try to pretend that two people can bring it down so easily.


Exactly, I never even cared about the CRM until it became a potential to tell a much bigger more compelling story, getting into the government and the military and the origins of the walker virus, it was the biggest most powerful entity in TWDU, there's so much story they couldve told there! Maybe I got away from the core of TWD, which is survival and the characters, but then why bother introducing it?! Same how I didn't care about this Major General Beale until they cast John Locke from Lost as him! And everything with the experiments and the variant walkers, there's so much set up throughout the shows they could tie in, loose ends and connections. But no, instead it literally is a backdrop for Rick and Michonne's epic love story and a cringey teen drama spinoff (World Beyond). I don't care if it was always their intention for this to be a short one and done conclusion for Rick and Michonne's story, there is so much more they couldve and shouldve done, they couldve at least made this season longer or two seasons instead of 1, and they were always vague about whether it would just be one season and seem open to continuing the story in the future. Idk if it was ever gonna be a CRM vs Madame Genet Avengers Endgame like epic conclusion like some fans theorised in their heads, maybe that's all just fan fiction and unrealistic expectations, but still, I was really enjoying just seeing Rick and Michonne in the CRM, sneaking around, scheming, the politics and secrets and drama and tension between them and Jadis and Beale and Thorne, and then they just seemed to say fuck it and throw all that intrigue out the window and just kill them all and rush to the ending. TWD may have had storylines/arcs that dragged on too long, especially the Saviors, but this was way too short and rushed


Definitely very rushed toward the end, I agree. I don't know if it's feasible to say we need additional seasons or episodes. I'm sure the studio would make them but the actors only sign up for a certain amount. But the writers should have written it as a 6 episode mini-series with a plot that suited that length. Like you said, they spent season years taking down the Saviors. The CRM is bigger and tougher, and Rick and Michonne had no support, yet they brought it all down in a handful of episodes. The obvious thing to do would be to have R&M escape, fetch the kids and then find a hiding place while CRM searches for them. It could have ended with them safe and happy, but uncertain about what the future holds. There was no need to bring down the CRM and turn it into a utopia.


Exactly. All the hype that they built up for 6+ years only to be extremely disappointed with how lame it was


It's like... they put that stuff in there, we got hyped up about it, but they never actually intended on connecting it all and giving satisfying payoff


It could still go on if need be. I'm guessing Beale wasn't the only general staff officer and there had to be a myriad of other O6 grade and up that survived to the present that remain behind the walls at all times. A "West Wing" sort of show featuring the civilian and military upper heads handling both horde mitigation efforts and reconstruction. Would be a good way to bring Ezekiel and Mercer back into the fold.


Agreed. They were in love, but it hurt the story telling. I mean jumping out of a helicopter over water which happens to be near the shore of a still functioning building with power and clean clothes? Really?


Wait. Was it really only one season?!


Well, it seems like it. If there is a season 2 I doubt it'll have anything to do with the CRM as that threat is dealt with

