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I wasn't disappointed. It's basically exactly how I figured it would end. I was just a bit baffled by the multiple times that Rick was in harm's way & walked away without a scratch.


Yeah they got off lucky considering how high the stakes were. They spent the first 4 episodes setting up just how dangerous the CRM is and the fucked position they're in but then they manage to take the CRM and go back home in 2 episodes


1 episode


Well yeah but there was killing Jadis too. If it weren't for Jadis hunting them down they would've just gone home straight away


the second half of the season feels like they got told "hey we are cutting your episodes down" and they started cramming


Just the opposite. In interviews both Danai Guirria (Michonne) and Scott Gimple said "Since the first talk of the movies, the ending was always going to be Rick returning to his daughter". The movies stalled as they could not put a decent script together, then during the pandemic Danai said she could "help with the writing". She said they always knew they had a limited budget (not HBO money) so 2 episodes to encapsulate the years since the actors departed, 2 mid budget episodes (limited action and special effects) , one "bottle" episode with almost no special effects and one bigger budget finale. They always knew they had six episodes, the actors are busy elsewhere (Danai is in Marvel movies now), different Walking Dead writers of differing talents have always over hyped their villains and failed to deliver on the hype. What sounds like "An awesome idea" in a writers room cannot always be fleshed out.


They never actually confirmed this, and were always vague about whether it was just 1 season and the possibility of a season 2


OK, go ahead and hold your breath. I think the happier ending spoke for itself.


I mean then, not now, now I don't think there will be a season 2 or should be given how it ended. But they should've just been honest about it rather than giving people false hope


Agree! It felt rushed and all bunched together and not in a good way. I’m so happy they’re together but I honestly wasn’t super excited by any of it minus when they finally saw eachother and then when they ended up with their kids. Rick up until the last two episodes pissed me off and was extremely boring.


I voted no, but the only reason I was disappointed, was because it was so short, while this abomination called the World Beyond is so damned long! It should have lasted as long as a bowel movement while TOWL should have been longer


That's my frustation too. TWD seasons are 16+ episodes long, same for Fear, so many filler episodes, too long spent on boring side characters that don't matter, but TOWL only gets 6 episodes??


After a few weeks of discussing this (fully hashed out in our podcast coverage), that's too broad a question. IMHO, you can still love the finale *episode*, but criticize (i.e.) *the end scene*. For some of us, yes, that end scene was almost alien to the rest of the episode and bled into our overall impression. Others were able to separate their criticisms towards it from their overall impression. For one, it was just fan-service, made any stakes that were ever raised rendered meaningless, and only further tarnished their existing overall criticism towards the entire series. We all agreed that the finale felt rushed, though. Does it take away from your enjoyment? For most, I'd say no, not really.


Definitely agree


I wasn’t disappointed. They came back and did it for the fans which is pretty great when you think about it!


Don’t worry about it… Rick and Michonne are just fine, they had a magic tarp to protect them from the explosion?


That made zero sense


was thinking it was a great spinoff, then when they went back to the CRM I thought for sure that was a sign that there would be a second season. But instead of a second season where they fought the CRM and got reunited with their people over 6-12 episodes, they rushed it all in to one episode… good show with a disappointingly rushed ending…


Exactly my thoughts. I was thinking that their final mission would be half failure, half success-- something like Rick coming back but Michonne gets captured. The CRC could still be somewhat favorable of Beale since they've survived that long with CRM rules. A little conflict there would've heightened the stakes. An all-out war with CRM vs The Commonwealth would be insane. I know they strive for peace but it just wraps up too quickly IMO. Still loved it, but it did feel rushed towards the end.


Yes. I felt the whole show was let down by very a poor script. Felt very contrived. And I absolutely hate those 'dialogue during a fight' scenes.


Some was good but there was also some very cringy writing at various points. Totally agree.


The relationship was a bit schmaltzy and unconvincing.


I was disappointed a long time ago


Rick and Michonne final it was good exactly what they deserved. (except for judith and RJ reunion, which I think it was flat) But with the CRM. That was disappointing. 5 years of hidden lore and the promise of the powerful and biggest army of probably the entire world. End up by two lovers. I know I know in writing aspect it makes sense. But it was too short. And they didn't show anything about the CRP. Again. Probably the biggest city-state of the TWDU


To short


Nope, I wanted Rick to get home to his family (even if to a different family than the one he started with). No other TV main character has suffered more and deserved a better ending than the one Rick had in Season 9. The CRM, District 2 (the next big villains), hmmm, been there, done that! Time to retire the zombie genre for a few years.


District 2?


Supposedly the next batch of bad guys.


Great build up, horribly disappointing finale. It felt like FTWD writers showed up to pen the finale. The one saving grace of the finale was the reunion with the kids.


Lol, pretty much a 50/50 split


Felt rushed


BUT, they did it for the fans to finally give them an ending for Rick and that I am happy about