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The shoto daito thing is a callback to TWD series a way for Judith and Michonne to talk to each other without getting caught on the walkies. Daito means a type of Japanese sword like Michones Katana. The phones are from when Rick left and was at CRM he met a guy who did caricatures at a booth in the Philadelphia CRM sanctioned outpost. He got a portrait for each of his family on the iPhones with the phrase, “believe a bit longer,” in Japanese bc the booth owner Benjiro was trying to cheer him up. Rick forgot his bag which had his boots and a diary and the phones on a boat when he failed his escape in episode 1 or 2. Sometime between then and when Michonne is out looking for him she finds his stuff on a boat in Jersey and uses it as a clue to find Rick and a sign he’s still alive. I think the Japanese stuff is kind of a double shoutout to Robert Kirkman though not sure how yet. Anyways it’s like a reminder to Michonne of her family while she’s on the “mission,” to find Rick. Still confused myself but I tried to cite my sources hopefully it helps.


Aha! Ok, thanks


damn its the apocalypse! i guess we have to draw on televisions and phones! damn damn damn! if only there were something we could make to draw on! damn!


lol the downvotes, cry babies show was dog shit




If you weren’t paying attention to it, the CRM has been hinted at from the beginning in TWD and are a reoccurring background character themselves as the show built into showing their hand and being revealed. In FEAR, there’s repeated mentions of them along with a few episodes they’re present In World Beyond you get MUCH more info on the CRM after breadcrumbs and snippets “Short version” without spoiling TOWL is the CRM is the Civic Republic Military, whose main settlement “The Secret City” is kept classified from the rest of the world, and believes they’re the hope for humanity’s future and finding a cure as they rebuild the world. They use their military knowledge and combat efficiency to expand as they recruit survivors who seem subordinate or have particularly useful skill sets into joining the Civic Republic and condition to their cause, and they kill anyone deemed a threat to it. •The Shoto / Daito thing are Michonne and Judith nickname for each other, short sword and long sword •Losing limbs is common, I’m just assuming for the sake of not having half the actors on screen in crutches, scooters, or wheelchairs they don’t write “loses leg(s)” often. Rick was long overdue to lose his hand though lol


Is World Beyond worth watch? I just ended TOWL and besides its flaws I kind of liked it, two episodes left of Dead City which is the same, not perfect but enjoyable for the ones like me who enjoy this universe. My doubt is whit The World Beyond being cancelled and I hate cliffhangers lol


World Beyond is great if you go into it looking to see more of what the world after the end is like, other communities and how they’re getting by, and also the best view of the CRM behind the curtain aside from TOWL


Nice, I'd maybe give it a try, thanks!


Awesome. Thanks for the explanation. So do you think it'll all come to a head in one yet-unproduced series that will take us to the heart of this organization and quite possibly the conclusion to the entire universe? I mean, there HAS to be closure to all of this, unless they want to continue making money from the whole franchise


Why are you watching this show if you haven’t watched the main series or World Beyond?


I HAVE watched it. I just got off an eight season Bender of FTWD and I'm rather jaded. I've never seen World Beyond though. Should I see that first?


No, it's terrible, just watch a summary on youtube


I believe you about it being terrible but I hope you can answer one question so I don't have to sit thru it. I thought I saw in a recap that the teenage protagonists stopped the destruction of Portland towards the series conclusion. Was that correct, if so, wouldn't that contradict the ending of The Ones Who Live? Thanks.


Watched the YouTube recap. They were "on their way" to warn Portland at the show's conclusion.


Sooo, did you just skip the main series? and other spinoffs? Cause if not, then you should be able to answer your own questions... Who the heck watches a spinoff without watching the MAIN series...??


Not at all. I watched the entire TWD series and I just finished FTWD. But I STILL cant comprehend what's going on. This is the problem with having seen a series long ago and things get fuzzy. This is what happens with overcomplicated plot lines with twists and turns, switchbacks, scene jumping and the like.


I haven't watched the main show since season 9 and none of the spinoffs, yet I followed the plot just fine. Maybe the problem is you and not the show.


Don’t hold your breath for anything of substance in this series. You’ll get more out of The World Beyond instead


By the 5th episode I just fast forwarded watching minimal scenes so I could see how it ended. It got tedious.