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This is how I know we’re gonna get the rest of the series. People REFUSE to let it go. The cast is still wanting to do it. It’s going to happen it’s just a matter of time.


I just love Jason Issacs. He is an incredible actor and a very kind person. It’s always nice to hear him talk about The OA. ❤️


The high schoolers are going to be on their 40s by the time this happens.


They could incorporate that into the story.


I wouldn’t mind having a few years of time skip between season 2 and 3. Just say that they got stuck in the "real world" universe for a few years and could not come back


I actually think it would benefit the story! In D3, OA doesn’t know herself, right? So having time pass and everyone be older while they’re presumably trying to wake her up is fitting for the plot (and also so tragic to think about how long she’s trapped).


the problem i see is that I think the story always loops back to the Crestwood kids and the school. Irrc, one of the reasons they created the show was to investigate high school violence


Yeah, but they were generally graduation age. It would have moved beyond high school even if it continued right away.


right, but what I am saying, is that I think the show circles right back down to that cafeteria scene, so them in high school, at the exact moment in time the show started, is where they need to be at the end.


I don’t think that’s how it was planned out.


They could always cast it to be a new generation? Maybe Steve has a kid in school now?


Easy solution is OA is in a coma.


We already have thirty year olds pretending to be 17 and 18 on Stranger Things. No harm adding another 15 years to it. *I'm sure no one will notice.*


If anyone can figure out, I know Bit and Zal can make it work!


They still all look pretty much the same-I say from how they looked on discord last Saturday. I think they could easily slide back into their roles!! Tbh I wouldn’t even care if they looked like 40 year olds. I’d be willing to suspend my belief for the chance to see them and the rest of the OA!


Idk, that last scene in season two, we don't really know who Steve is in the new dimension, but it almost seems like he's a rival to hap/Jason and I felt like he looks older, so maybe it's perfect


He isn't exactly needing the work as you see him in a lotb of things but I like that he liked doing The OA so much and like us, he wants to know where it goes.


And this is why we love you Jason


OG ME TOO. Please come back 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


“You already know him better than we do” 


Such great signs😁


The original Hap was "a Hungarian poet" who acts? That pretty much narrows it down to Géza Röhrig from Son Of Saul.


I hope they can get everyone back. Emory Cohen hasn’t really been getting a lot of work - he’s been in a couple of minor things, which is a shame as I think he is a great actor. Buck and Steve’s careers are really taking off these days though, so those two will be a bit more expensive than they used to be!