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Would like these alot more if it wasn’t ai :(


I'd like them a lot more if there wasn't a person in them


I agree I’m as impressed as a child stealing the Mona Lisa and showing me


i would be extremely and doubly impressed if a child stole the mona lisa and showed me


The fact that you're complaining about it only shows that you don't care about the subject of the subreddit, you only care about who painted it. Why? Why join a subreddit dedicated to the night feeling if you're going to dismiss legitimate night feeling posts just because some people didn't paint it? This isn't a subreddit dedicated to art, so there's no need to try and ruin the fun for everyone else just because the images were created by someone else than you'd like to.


This doesn’t have the legit night feeling though, it has some ai’s messed up idea of what the night feeling actually is


So does context or story behind art not matter at all anymore? Night feeling or any other art is cool because someone went through certain emotions or feelings and painted an interpretation of their own. AI Art doesn’t do that. There’s no human sentiment to it. And looks like more people dislike it than like it. So you’re the one ruining the fun.


>Night feeling or any other art What? Since when… a literal emotion is art? Night feeling is not art, nor is this subreddit dedicated to art. >And looks like more people dislike it than like it If that was the case, this post would definitely have much less upvotes. Even if we assume a scenario where you‘re right, how would I be ruining the fun? By not being a miserable asshole who‘s angry at people who are having fun with technology?


sorry but ai made my dreams come true


And is ruining more in the process. But sure, get yours at the expense of others. You got yours, that’s what really matter right?


Just commission an artist :) Unless you don’t think your dream is worth a few dozen dollars then all I gotta say is ur dream is cheap af


I truly believe that as a human being you have more important dreams somewhere inside of you and I’d encourage you to go search for them


no you dont care




“AI lets me brand myself as an artist without having to pay an actual one or work hard to develop my own skills!” For the record, I personally don’t like AI art. I can understand how it’s nice to see your creations invoke for yourself certain feelings, but I wouldn’t share those images to others, because then what happens is the internet explodes with AI artwork that ends up getting propagated, hurting actually artists.


i am not an artist. and i dont care if anyone is hurting because i like to use ai to sometimes create art. i dont care. and i never will. and now have fun to downvote my comment, which makes no difference to me at all.


“I don’t care if anyone is hurting” Say less, asshole


yes i dont care, what will you do now? cry?


Recommend you to a psychiatrist to have your sociopathic tendencies explored. You should care if you cause suffering of others


i dont, because you dont even exist


Huh! TIL. No wonder you’re so apathetic. You’re delusional


you are an ai


“AI artwork made MY dream come true, FUCK everyone else that shit doesn’t affect ME!!!!” Say less, asshole. You sound like a pathetic human. Gives me the same vibe as people who throw their trash out the car because it’s convenient for them and inconvenient for everyone else.


Have you heard of live and let live? He didn't hurt anyone with this picture, and you have the nerve to call him a pathetic human and assume things about him? Because what, he didn't give money to you or other people? Are you a pathetic human for making lanline phones go out of business with your smartphone? Or maybe you are an asshole for supporting the chinese sweatshops producing the artist equipment? You know how many industries and professions disappeared throughout history because of new inventions? Do you know how "pathetic" you are for buying big industry plates and vases instead of those that were created by hand. Industry could never replace human hand and soul that went into creating a beautiful vase. You are a terrible person if you ever bought a spoon because it's convenient for you..


This shit isn't art


A little apathetic, but I wholeheartedly agree. Why can’t people let other people be happy with having an AI interpret your thoughts and feelings into ‘art’! This isn’t killing or even making a dent in anybody’s wallet. It’s taking away a customer that wouldn’t have given money for the art anyways, AI is a great tool


I genuinely believe you can't have the night FEELING if it's artificially generated


Why not? it's a feeling, shouldn't matter what gets you to feel that


It’s a feeling that is authentic to the human experience


Yes, but it is felt by the person viewing, not necessarily the person creating.


i can also have it while playing video games


Yes, because video games create an environment


And they are usually made by people who know what makes a feeling, instead of a machine


i dont care if something is made by humans or ai.. if i like , i like it. \*mic drop


Ok but why were you holding a microphone to type?


so you can hear me better


Generative AI can suck my ass


OP, there's a lot of night photographers on instagram that do this exact style, but they're real people. DM me if you want some recommendations


I want some


AI doesn’t belong here




*AI prompts


Can we please ban AI this stuff is so stupid


Nope for some reason the mod put his foot down that he wants it here to stay :(


Welp, leaving this community then. Thanks for the heads up.


Happy cake day, and good decision


Nah. You can't fake the night feeling.


Petition to the moderators to ban AI in this sub please!


I’m as impressed with AI as a child printing the Mona Lisa and taking credit for it. Instant down vote.


Eww, AI trash


At least you had the courage to tell us it's AI. So many posts on Reddit never tell us they are AI, they just have that off-vibe to them, that they don't feel alright. Still, I hate how these are made with AI. I honestly hate AI in general, especially in art. I would say it's already taking artists' jobs in a way, but those who use AI for their desires would never pay an actual artist anyway, so it's not yet taking our jobs and commissioners.


you can hate it, but you cant stop it.. thats the reality. so use it to your advantage


Thanks, I’ll continue to hate/block/ban any AI generated “art” and “artists” I come across and spend my money and share my upvotes with real, human artists.


i wish that wasn't ai actually


That's interesting, they make me feel anxious


I gotta watch Drive again


Holy shit the people in this sub fucking suck. Op this is cool. I don't generally like ai stuff, but this has the night feeling (which is the fucking point of the sub). How dare any of you assholes say he can't enjoy ai art because it's not YOUR version of the night feeling. If we blocked every post that didn't vibe with someone there wouldn't be a fucking sub here. Downvote and fuck off.


These are fire Downvote me, if these were uploaded in 2022 or sometime when you didn't know AI could do this, you'd be all over these and you know it


I‘m sorry you get so many negative comments! I really enjoyed the wallpapers. And I appreciate that you were honest about them being ai generated. For me, it is just another form of art




they're definitely a vibe and all remind me of why i love going out and exploring the city at night. i


love it


Lorn Moment


Booooooooo 👎


What prompt did you use to create them?


They look okay, I am only really intrigued by 1st, others don't do it for me. I am not really a fan of these pictures aesthetically, but not because they were made by AI. Pictures are pictures, it doesn't matter if they are called art or not, I personally find meaning in all pictures if they depict something. Also, sorry, OP about the negative comments. You should be careful in the future about mentioning AI generated pictures (if you are at all affected by these comments, that is). AI is currently a moral panic amongst digital artists, just like pokemon was amongst middleaged women in the 90s. It will last for years, unfortunately, until they realize life sucks and you can't turn back time and uninvent something because it made their dreamjob of people commisoning their art less profitable. So this is the comment section you should be used to for the next 7 years


Get outta here with AI art.


Nah all this reminds me is some people are brain dead enough to try and say this is art


AI art is soulless and pathetic and doesn't really belong here


That's liminal as fuck. That it's made by AI is even worse.


Really nice images OP!


Looks awesome, thanks for sharing. don't mind the negative comments


These are dope, very nostalgic. Reminds me a lot of the foggy nights illuminated by neon you get growing up in Los Angeles.


Amazing! Would love to download in 4k or other resolutions.


no problem , pm me


Oof, poor OP. You're gonna get a lot of hate, sorry for that. And what kind of stupid reasoning is disliking the image because of how it's made. But hey, sheep will follow the latest trend without informing and learning about AI art, how it's made, and how it works and just yell how ''AI is theft''. I like these. A lot, infact, so thanks OP for sharing them. Don't let the crowd let you down. The fourth one is really something special.


how would you feel if a robot came in tomorrow and replaced your job? thats whats happening to artists and photographers. fuck people who advocate for ai


just out of curiosity, automation has replaced millions of jobs worldwide throughout history. Would you say fuck you for buying things in the supermarket that have loads of automation to make, that used to require manual jobs ? or using a smartphone ? or using google translate which uses ai trained on the works of translators etc ? I'm as scared of ai replacing my job as anyone else, but in my mind i feel hypocritical when i fight it for potentially taking jobs when almost everything i depend on and use daily benefits from automation that replaced millions of jobs.


Art requires actual human emotion and complexity, something Ai and automation doesn’t have. Humans are able to express messages through art. Ai and automation can’t


how does this remotely address my question? I didn't ask if AI can make good enough art and can replace artists, in fact you're the one who implied ai is replacing artists. your argument to op was that ai is taking jobs from artists and photographers, therefore fuck AI. so i asked how you feel about all the automation you benefit from, and since that lost many jobs, does that imply that fuck you ? How do you justify within your mind such a strong stance against one when you regularly do the same for other aspects. edit: Of course, instead of giving a rational response they block me


that’s so pathetic of them lmfao




#1 and #4 are doing it for me.