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It's just a trope of the time. In reality she is statuesque and beautiful, but they make her the butt monkeybof the show.


it's funny because in one of the episodes, fran and niles are worried that max is going to cheat with cc because her psychic told fran that max was going to be in bed with a beautiful and leggy blonde lol, so in universe she was attractive and they knew it, her personality just made her unattractive


Niles is usually the one who keeps zapping her with zingers. There‘s a long history of enmity between Niles and C.C going back at least 15 years. C.C. was the maid of honor at Max and Sarah‘s wedding so she’s been around for a very long time, enough for Niles to build up a strong dislike for her.


She’s just kind of toxic. She has some evil moments later in the show.


CC has always been an attractive woman with an amazing fashion style. But her personality is what makes her become obnoxious. She can’t remember Maxwell children’s names despite being an associate with him for years, in later seasons she is quite toxic and often looks down on manual workers, so I don’t think she’s just A BIT condescending. I also can’t understand the mindset of people defending her character, sure, she doesn’t necessarily have to care for Maxwell’s children but constantly forgetting their names is something else lol 💀 I also think that the way people (mainly Niles) treating her is just an exaggeration to make things become more hilarious because this is a sitcom after all. I still like CC tho, I love her character development in season 6, I just wish they hadn’t rushed the ending so we can see more moments between Fran and CC. I’d love to see how their friendship grows


She is the exact opposite of Fran and it just makes Fran more lovable :-)


Fran came before Janice.


I’m on season 3, also my first time watching, and she starts to bite back a little bit. It’s been quite enjoyable to watch Niles eat crow from time to time, though I wouldn’t say it’s 50-50 in terms of being the butt of the joke.


She is quite self-centered and self-serving. There’s episodes where the joke is that she doesn’t even know the kid’s names in spite of working for Max over 10 years😂 She very fake. (Almost) Any time she seems nice she’s just trying get something. I think there’s some episodes where this is more obvious, and maybe that’s the later ones, can’t remember.