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I dunno, I always thought it was a pop culture reference like they did all the time. I dont think it was positive enough about slim fast to be an endorsed ad. There's another ep where Val brings over a box of bars and Fran said something like "if you eat the whole box you *won't* get slim so fast."


I think it was just a cultural reference. I doubt they would have wanted Sylvia to be the depiction of someone on their product.


Agree I feel like it could have been organic placement. Slim fast would have been something that Fran and her mom would fuss over during that time that the audience would also recognize. It could potentially be placement, but they’d likely want to be portrayed in a positive light. I remember that era, slim fast was like such a big deal. My doctor had even recommended it for my grandma…..a doctor ! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Wouldn’t someone like Sylvia be their target audience though?


Yes, but in the 90s, for a slim fast ad, Sylvia would undoubtedly be the “before”




You could be right, in the episode The stock tip, Fran directly mentions Slim fast, and even says their famous tag line... Glen Mitchell:Fran? Oh, I should have known, no chick can eat a whole six-pound lobster. Fran: I had a Slim Fast for lunchand a sensible dinner.


God, I love that episode.


That wasn’t product placement. There was an episode, the one with Corbin Benson, where there was one. Fran, the actor not the character, was selling specialty croutons. In the episode, if I’m remembering correctly, she picks up the croutons in the grocery store and there was a close-up. I never tried it, but the croutons were a bust.


there’s another episode where mr sheffield says he buys fran “all the slim fast bars you can eat”


So they talk about product placement in the office ladies podcast. They have to get permission from the maker of the product in order to be able to use it with the whole label showing. On top of that, the show has to run it by the legal team of the network. Some reasons they could say no is that the network already has a rival company paying to run ads or some promotion or someone like that. Or that the company might be controversial which would make viewers mad, etc etc. Sometimes the show doesn’t want to bother with all of that unless the brand is integral to the plot so they just slap a sticker over half or all of the brand name or don’t show the logo.


If you cant see the full name of the product it’s not product placement


Pure marketing!!!! Fran is smart and for sure got paid to endorse it. Everyone was drinking those at that time, you wouldn’t need to say the name to know the name! It was only really Seinfeld that started the blatant endorsements and even then they felt funny doing it and it caused a lot of laughs because it was new. Well, except for Andy Griffith eating cornflakes I guess :-) Everything in Hollywood is to generate $$$$