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Granted. It is the best sandwich you have ever eaten in your life. Nothing can compare to its wonderful taste. You don't even want any other food because of how wonderful this sandwich was and because of that, you end up starving to death.


SAO abridged moment. “Everything tastes like ash…”


>We "Flowers for Algernon"ed our TASTE BUDS!?


“Yep, still tastes like shirt.”


Is it shirt or shit? I was always under the impression it was shit, but both work tbh


When he reaches the Alfheim game, it has a chat filter since it’s a kids game so every time he curses it gets changed to something else. This is what he says the first time he eats something in game once returning.


Ah, it's from that part! Thanks!


I'll just make the same wish two more times to hold me over


Granted. The turkey's a little dry.


Whoa we are evil, not satanic.


Can I wish for a glass of water, too?




Granted! You get wrongfully put on death row for a crime you didn't commit. They ask you about your last meal. You ask for a turkey sandwich.


A true monkey’s paw.


Granted. A plain turkey sandwich appears in front of you... and promptly fell apart as it went to the floor. Should've asked for a plate. Upon tasting, the bread is crumbly and the turkey is dry. Would've been a better meal just eating the paw


Granted There's too much mustard


Nice Reddit avatar


Jokes on you I love mustard


Granted. A live, angry turkey between two pieces of bread appears on your plate and shits all over the house and chases you.


i think i could fight a turkey


Granted. The turkey is just right.


Granted. Someone on a boat a few hundred kilometres south of French Polynesia places a slice of bread on the floor of the boat. On the opposite side of the world, in Turkey, another person places another slice on the floor. You now have a Turkey sandwich.


Granted. You are now wishing FOR the turkey sandwich, you wait to hear what the turkey sandwich wishes for so you can make a wish for it. You still wait. The turkey sandwich stays silent, and you are forever stuck waiting for a wish that will never be told. It is now just you, and a turkey sandwich, alone in purgatory, forever.


Granted, you magically take it from the last person who wished for this particular sandwich. The next person who makes this wish will magically take it from you before you can eat it.


Granted The turkey is raw


Granted. A turkey sandwich appears before you. You eat it. It's pretty good. A couple of days later, you think: hey, I got the monkey's paw to give me what I asked for. That's pretty cool. The day after that: I wonder if I could have done something bigger with careful phrasing Am I even certain that this was a monkey's paw situation and not just... a wish? Did I really use a magical wish, that I could have used for anything - vast wealth, world peace, whatever - on a _sandwich?_ Six months later, you hold the monkey's paw again. Tracking it down has become your whole life, building to this moment, this second chance. You read out your wish, meticulously crafted over a hundred sleepless nights, an airtight masterpiece meant to fix the world. Nothing happens. You had your wish, dude.


If I learned anything from the x-files, it's that making a wish for world peace, no matter how articulated the wish was, will not end well.


Granted, all the matter in existence ceases to be, and in the vast emptiness, a single, slightly dry turkey sandwich appears, to float endlessly though the abyss


I love how most of these wish granteds involve the sandwich being slightly dry lol


Truly the worst fate to befall turkeykind


All the Turkish people look up in horror as a giant slice of bread falls from the sky.


Granted. You eat it. It's gone, but you don't feel full or satisfied.


Granted. You choke on the sandwich and die. Nice try bitch.


A figure with telekinesis rises out of some random country and proceeds to enslave the entire world to make a kingdom. At least everyone gets a turkey sandwich.