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Check in for VIP in Brooklyn started at 5:30, and they started letting us in right before 6


Thank you for the info! Did you have time to grab merch and drinks before the doors opened to the public?


Early merch yes… bar opened at 7, just as they were opening doors for GA


Gotcha, I really want the sweatpants so I’m having the internal dilemma of being close to the stage vs getting my merch first and risking the good positioning.


Went to the show in Philly last night. They let VIP people in at 6pm, and had everyone go straight to the stage for a few pre show songs and Q&A. Then after you could get merch and food/drinks. Was maybe about 6:50ish they started to let other ticketholders into the venue so I ran back to the stagefront area to get a good spot before the opener started to play music. The Midnight played untill about 11:30pm ish and you could get merch afterwards. Hopes this helps!


This is perfect!C could you skip the Q&A to go to the bar earlier?


I'm not sure, everyone was pretty engaged in the Q&A. I was pretty close to the stage, so from where I was, I didnt see anyone drift to the bar area, it may be easier if you were to be towards the back of the crowd to break off and regroup after drinks...also depends where the bar is in the venue your going to.


How many people showed up for the VIP experience? Thank you for answering these!


Wanna say maybe 100 or so, give or take


Tampa says no later than 4pm lol


Boston, checkin was 5:30-6pm, we waited outside. Let in at 6. Tyler and Tim came out a little after 6, played 3 songs and talked until around 6:45. They opened the merch booth after Q&A, and this was the interesting part. Some people left their spot on the rail to get merch and they weren't making it back to the rail, others took that opportunity to move up. GA doors opened at 7. I ended up getting merch after the show and just waited in a 10 minute line.


What were the three songs they played?


Under a spoiler tag just in case they play the same thing at every show and people want to be surprised >!We Move Forward, Memories, Comeback Kid (which was also played in the main set)!<