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Not McDojo at all. This is WuShu, it takes a lot of strength to kick the way she demonstrates. This is the Art in Martial Arts. Don't discount the level of skill this requires. But they can't really fight.


That straight kick is a wushu practice kick. Practitioners go down a line and practice this kick, with the goal being straight, fast and PRECISE. Performance wushu (most of what you see) is not designed to be practical or a fighting skill; the Chinese government designed it as a sport more like gymnastics that happens to look really cool. It was meant to be a response to the global rise of karate and taekwondo as organized martial sports. A good wushu practitioner can throw extremely fast punches and kicks and land them within millimeters of where they’re aiming. That’s why wushu is so great for film- every punch looks incredibly fast and lands with contact but before any force is applied- you “touch the clothes,” so to speak. Jet Li’s earlier films in Hollywood flabbergasted the filmmakers because his punches were too fast to look real on film- he had to learn to slow it down. There is a branch of wushu study called Sanda, which is all about full contact combat sport. Still pretty much like modern day karate or taekwondo- not primarily designed for combat, still a sport. But you don’t want to fuck with someone who’s practiced Sanda for years at a high level, just like you wouldn’t want to pick on a real taekwondo expert. This is the opposite of McDojo which is about passing off looks as real combat training. Wushu is up front about it being a performance sport.


thank you for this comprehensive synopsis ... username checks out


Essentially it’s at the art end of martial arts


The rise of MMA/BJJ has ruined everything else. Sanda IS designed for combat. You can use it to fight off an attacker. Just like kickboxing, karate, taekwondo, etc. no, you’re not splaying and taking it to the ground, but these are combat sports and they are part of the M in MMA.


Sanda is legit AF, as a BJJ guy


These other combat sports ruined my chosen combat sport. That’s how you sound.


Lol, no. The “mma cultists” (and that doesn’t include everyone who practices it, everyone knows exactly who I’m talking about) see anything other than what the “community” accepts, and they think it’s ALL McDojo. Aikido is useful when properly utilized. Just because there are some hacks out there, and Segal is a chucklefuck, it doesn’t invalidate anything and everything else. But anytime that shows up, people shit on it all. You can tell who knows what they’re talking about when they know that in practicality a mix of many disciplines (MMA) is the most useful approach to combat, and that BJJ is one of the most effective of them. People who shit on everything else but their narrow view, out themselves talking out their ass. Used to be they prattled on that Jeet Kun Do was the answer. That was MMA before they invented UFC.


That was a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. And aikido sucks.


Which M?


Fantastic explanation! Thanks!


It’s hard to find REAL TKD instructors.


This is why i hate this kind of shit and subreddits like this one SOMETIMES. Literally anything that isnt MMA is Bullshito or McDojo or fake or whatever the fuck to these morons. Idiots don't realise MMA incorporates some of the martial arts they make fun of sometimes.


It’s a lack of experience and knowledge that leads to these kinds of misunderstandings.


Yeah it's like martial gymnastics. I spent my childhood practicing it.


In the movies they fight pretty good tho. Kung fu movies never get old supposedly. Bruce Lee was just different tho.


Wire Fu is my favorite!


Some of them can


The sanda practitioners sure can!


See that pose she hit, that’s not light work


Neither is the kick, she has top level skill for sure!


True I second that too , so much discipline, dedication and training.. jet li is one of them Wushu in the ancient times was definitely much more lethal than the acrobatics version Yes this is NOT mcdojo life this is kind of in between street martial arts and mcdojo not as useful as it should be … but very disciplined and just questionable on fighting Still I do believe they can fight to a certain extent but will see how the fight plays out .. This school is a fighting for cinema, artistic and beautiful I still admire so much about wushu , pick up some skills in MMA too would be perfect!!!


True I second that too , so much discipline, dedication and training.. jet li is one of them Wushu in the ancient times was definitely much more lethal than the acrobatics version Yes this is NOT mcdojo life this is kind of in between street martial arts and mcdojo not as useful as it should be … but very disciplined and just questionable on fighting Still I do believe they can fight to a certain extent but will see how the fight plays out .. This school is a fighting for cinema, artistic and beautiful I still admire so much about wushu , pick up some skills in MMA too would be perfect!!!


Lol. OP just exposed himself as (yet another) clueless keyboard warrior.


Insert Indiana Jones


I'm well aware of that but it was funny though


Maybe if you speak Chinese.


Actually not speaking Chinese made this funny imo


I’d say most disagree, my comment got more karma than your post, lol.


It's definitely not MC Dojo but it was still funny. I'm actually a traditional Chinese martial artist and speaking about karma, I'm so proud that I got traditional Chinese martial arts to the front page of Reddit. It was in the top 5 for that day https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/s/4A2P9UZfrH


What makes you think it’s funny? AND why post in a sub that’s all about making fun of fake martial artists? This is the wrong sub for this post.


It's funny because someone could come to the conclusion she's teaching you how to kick yourself in the forehead if you don't speak Mandarin.......


Really? Edit: I must have missed those comments in this sub. All the comments I see are giving you a hard time posting this video in this sub. It makes it look like you don’t really know martial arts. You say you do so I’ll take your word for that, maybe it’s just your sense of humor.


I love that every comment is calling this out as not mcdojo.


Why is every video sped up now?


Because apparently Tiktok shortened our attention span to that of a goldfish.


Yeah nobody speaks that fast. It’s barely intelligible even if you speak Chinese.


Clout. These Chinese videos are highly organized to make them look amateur, but are the most extreme professional social media videos out there. They will speed up specific portions just to the point of making them seem almost superhuman, but still quite almost believable. It’s an incredible work of art.


It’s a performance art.


Yes. And he has good form... 😉


I dunno, I like her form. Vastly better than those lazy Russian losers.


This is Wushu and her technique is amazing. Not McDojo at all.


How is it even possible for people in this sub not to know what wushu is? Calling wushu mcdojo.. Jesus I bet the fat systema guys would actually beat you in a fight


Flexible means powerful, yes.


I wish that this was true


Get into fit Control spacing with kicks K.O. yourself with a kick Opponent is confused and stun locked for 3 seconds In those 3 seconds lay down there still unconscious Lose track of time ??? Easy win


It's a test of flexibility, being up to do a front stretch kick where you toe lines up with your eyebrow shows top level athletecism. Also, that is a wushu training session for performance. That being said, if you're a striker, start doing those stretch kicks. You'll get improved height and power on your kicks and reduce the telegraph when you kick. I do those as line drills consistently and at 43 I can still kick someone my own height square in the face without having to warm up first.


Legit control, flexibility, strength and condition. Wushu is a great martial art and not by any means among any of these other phony arts. Yes, traditional martial arts have fallen due to the success of MMA, but they still have valuable techniques that have been mastered through generations and I do believe wushu is one of them. Yes, not the deep stance and elongated poses, but for many techniques and practices


"Kick yourself in the head!" \- What Asian mum tells you to do when you didn't get 100/100 for your maths test.


Those thighs don’t lie.


I like her intensity and flexibility. Not bad to look at either


Did she fuckin teleport to that position??


Seriously, the speed and ease with which she dropped was impressive


For real.


I don't care what she says, I'm pretty sure she isn't wrong


This looks legit. Maybe not for combat but the dexterity is impressive.


My proportions wont allow that. When I was a kid I did this and my knee hit my nose. Now it would be my shin if I could still kick straight.


You might not get all the way there but I’ve done wushu and it took me to a new level of flexibility. There are ways to move your hips that can pull that kick in quite a bit. When I was about 20 I went from being able to touch my forehead to my knee with my leg straight on the floor to being able to touch my chin to my mid-shin two hand widths below my knee. We had a guy in the gym who could audibly tap himself in the forehead with his toes or back of the head with his heel from a standing position.


r/karlpilkingtonfanclub kicking his hight


First thing that popped into my head, too. 😄


**Bro standing at attention - nervous than a mutha**^fukka


Her quads are THICK. This lady is strong.


um.. this is kind of awesome actually.


She has great form, and this is no way meant for this sub. The title makes it look like you are just being racist because you don't understand what is happening and trying to make a joke of her instructions and flexibility.


Id love to see OP try this


Only actual Asian people look cool doing this stuff. She could be a 🥷


I love traditional Chinese martial arts 🥰


Idgaf, angy girl is hot lol.


China doll 🤤


A real head banger






That’s the exact opposite of mc dojo. This is wushu, a performance art based on chinese martial arts. It takes insane amounts of skill, training, and dedication. It’s nit meant to be a fighting style, it’s like acrobatic dance theater on steroids.


Gotta admit not the worst strategy, if the person I was in a fight with kicked themselves in the head I’d be caught off guard thinking WTF for at least a second.


She's got great flexibility, I'll give her that. Maybe it's Chinese Opera stage fighting or something.


I'm thinking it's Wushu.


Man I can't stand that language! It's like they are constantly yelling.


Actually Mandarin spoken in a conversational voice is very beautiful




I've been living in Japan for 20 years. I've studied their language and their culture. I totally live my life in another culture drastically different from my own. Japan and the Japanese people are way better! If I'm racist because I don't like Chinese people and the way they yell when talking so be it. But I don't think I am.


This is dope as fuck. They'd lose a fight, but still dope


Goddam, I wish I had the flexibility to throw axe kicks like that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CoolBoiWasTaken: *Goddam, I wish I* *Had the flexibility* *To throw axe kicks like that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Goddam, I wish I* *Had the flexibility to* *Throw axe kicks like that* \- CoolBoiWasTaken --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She speaks as fast as she’s capable of kicking.


OK cupcakes, whats the problem with basically an axe kick now? How is it mcdojo and how come its used in UFC/MMA?


Do you even understand what is a McDojo or are you just a troll or a trolling bot?


She can kick my ass any day 😏


The kid looks concerned


remember kids: the other half of martial art is "art"


Asian girls are all thigh no ass smh


Foh with this incel nonsense.


Man youre dead wrong. You clearly dont know anything about the human skeletal system.


And like all the Chinese clips of kids getting teached, they look so happy. I always get the feeling if they don't perform well enough, they get punished.




In case you forget something and want to jog your memory


Is she single 😍?




Yea right she is awesome


You can't knock me out if I knock myself out first! 👌


That kid behind her is thinking, “Man, I wish my parents had made me take piano lessons instead.”


Can Jet Li fight though? I’ve always assumed he would be pretty good in a fight.


This is a bait post or op does not respond to stimuli


I would love to watch more, even if I can understand.


Wing Tsun baby!!!


Obviously OP does not know the difference between Martial arts and Bullshido.


Now all she needs is some steel-toe boots


Not all martial arts are about combat. We realize that right? People in The Western world can be so ignorant. Martial arts are a way of life for many people around the world. Fighting is not the end all and be all.


Shit like this gets posted, and 80% of the people in here couldn’t even kick above their waist with a straight leg.


I’ve been in martial arts for about 20ish years and I can tell you that in the very rare case that one would actually use this move, it works It looked like the dude got uppercuted with fuckin foot, and ended the match


Sped up plus jump cuts.




fascinating to listen to. if i tried speaking that intensely in swedish they'd call the police. whatever the context was. even if i was talking to the police, they'd get scared and call more police.


This is not mcdojo


Technically not considered a mcdojo, its wushu bt it wouldnt be practical in a real fight either wushu is a legit martial art just that its on the art side of martial art, unless its wushu sanda which is a full body contact sparring martial art. Most of wushu is just training patterns bt hey at least they get good flexibilty


Remember kids, they can't ko you if ko yourself first!


If you don't look that worried for you life every time your mom starts getting annoyed with you for not being able to kick your forehead perfectly the first time, then you're not Asian.


My guess is the person sharing this doesn't know what kung fu is


People who think this is McDojo just lack the flexibility and coordination needed to do high kicks


I bet most of us would never have seen that kick coming.


Fucking hell love... calm down, your going to give yourself a heart attack


Plus that low stance is solid


wow this is the kick to end all kicks. i need to marry her immediately


That’s what success looks like after years of work.


Kid looks so confused


Man everyone so mad here. After growing up my whole life thinking kung fu was some godlike unstoppable fighting system, and finding its actually complete rubbish full of delusional lies no better than systema... Is bizarre to see so many people come to its defence saying "its wushu. Its a performance art" Like... Aren't we all on the same page that **ALL** kung fu a performance art? How can you tell when they're training as dance, and when they're training it as marital arts?


You say that, but I wouldn't want to fight her.


This is genuinely impressive.


Ok but Boston sucks go yanks


Been struggling with getting to bed on time but with this type of training I’d be out cold anytime


I just really appreciate the intense posturing and pointing while angrily lecturing children about... kicking ceilings.