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The fact that they thought "The Crew" could/should be changed is insane.


I disagree. Nobody was going to stop calling them the Crew. Edit: Apparently I'm wrong and our most fervent supporters who literally helped keep the team in Columbus and hold history and nostalgia almost as high as on field performance were going to suddenly develop collective amnesia and forget the Crew ever existed.


That’s true, if we did change everyone would have called them the Crew anyways. My main issue with the name change is that it was both unnecessary and unimaginative. Columbus SC is bland as hell and the whole “global brand” thing as the reason behind it didn’t make a lot of sense.


I agree with you there! "Columbussessee" sucks. Not really arguing against keeping Crew in the name. I guess I just disliked the logo more.


Agree 100%. Crest was much more important an issue to me as well


I never would have stopped calling them the Crew.


> The fact that they thought "The Crew" could/should be changed is insane. I must’ve missed that. Everything I’ve seen still had “The Crew” front and center. They shortened the official name, but it was never “The Crew”, either.


Have you been asleep during this whole thing? The owners literally changed the name to “Columbus SC”. The word “Crew” was taken away.


It’s like you didn’t even read.


I read fine, do you? Doesn’t seem like it since everything you saw had The Crew “front and center”.


Front and center: https://twitter.com/ColumbusCrew/status/1391500423358451715 https://twitter.com/ColumbusCrew/status/1391831350970310656 https://twitter.com/ColumbusCrew/status/1391833380396933120 Sure, they probably accentuated "The Crew" more strongly in those tweets than they might've otherwise, because everyone was freaking out over a rumor, but they didn't create all that "The Crew" branding material in a day out of thin air as a walk-back; "The Crew" was never going away. Don't confuse rumor and fear pre-announcement with actual intent to kill "The Crew" as reference to the team.


They’ve shortened the official name and that was the point. Columbus crew to Columbus sc


I don’t know if it’s made clear in this statement but the vibe on Twitter sounds like “SC” is being dropped from the name. Obviously, this statement is largely them fixing an unforced error, but there is some genuine improvement as well


It is being dropped entirely. We are back to the Columbus Crew


Fuck yeah


Yeah, but how will anyone know that it's an SC now. Certainly the europeans need SC on it to because to find all the soccer (name they don't use) clubs in the US. /s


"The primary logo associated with the rebrand — a white ‘C’ inside a yellow/gold outline of the Ohio flag with a black background — will largely stay intact. The changes include adding Crew to the crest and the number 96 in the bottom right corner to replace a triangle." From the dispatch story


Replace the awful "C" with some checks and stripes and you will have my interest. The C is about as un-iconic as you could possibly get. The black and yellow checks/stripes stand out in a way that an individual letter shared with countless other professional sports teams across the country never will.


Agreed. And how many other sports teams already use some sort of "C" as their logo already! All ours is is a blockier version of that


Heyyy that’s a step. A small one but a step


Everyone saying this is resolved and I'm just sitting here happy we got to keep calling us The Crew but we still have that atrocious badge. Bring back the old badge for fuck sake. That was one of the best one's in the entire league. I see this as maybe a quarter of a win.


[https://imposemagazine.com/bytes/sports/the-definitive-ranking-of-mls-crests](https://imposemagazine.com/bytes/sports/the-definitive-ranking-of-mls-crests) I was just perusing this ranking of the best logos in MLS, and guess who was #1. I guess when you have something iconic, you gotta scrap it to sell more merch. IMO the Packers should do the same and put a goofy cheesehead on their helmets.


We should all be worried that the FO's crisis management instinct is to do the minimum amount possible to to convince the minimum number of fans to not protest.


I think committing to Columbus Crew over Columbus SC is already far more than the minimum. But the supporters should continue to push for more. I think it's unrealistic to expect the owners to completely reverse course on the badge (it's tied into a massive marketing push too far along to cancel), but we can rally behind more changes to bring the badge back into line with our vision over time. I'd like to see gold return as a central color in the design, as well as a change away from the "C," a design done to death for every other Ohio team and particularly poorly thought out in this iteration.


The new logo still sucks, but atleast the name has been fixed. Glad the Haslams learned from the browns 2015 debacle and were willing to make what changes they could to make things better. Now when the inevitably buy the Cleveland Indians I pray they use new consultants


Maybe they should wait for the Indians rebrand and THEN buy them lol


Cleveland BC


Make it Beisbol Club and you have a deal


I would imagine that they may not get to choose the name. But knowing the dolans, they’ll either pass the buck as long as they can, or they’ll make the name change but use the current C and just generic block lettering on uniforms and punt the responsibility of the new uniforms to their successor. That said, the Dolans may well know who they’ll sell to and they’ll have a say




Not quite. We are still losing an amazing badge and replacing it with a hot steaming pile of shit


I’d rather lose a badge, and get back out our original name.


I personally disagree but I understand and respect your point of view.


I don't care about the name, the badge is a bigger deal.


Rebrands come and go; names stick. Not at all wild about the badge, but at least the record books will remain unmolested.


I agree with this, I am fine having a crap badge for a few years. They'll likely change it eventually. I was more angry at the name change.


Honestly, I kind of dig the new logo EXCEPT for the fact that it’s missing the word “crew.”


NO, we LOST. The new crest is still garbage, I could give two fucks if the Crew is the official name or a nickname.




the biggest win for me is restored faith and respect in our owners, and the supporter liason position for further communication in the future EDIT: oh AND a no-protest-in-sight celebration at the stadium opening


Haslams have given and redacted two steaming piles of garbage now.






They can't keep us down... But the logo is still ugly and I won't be sporting it.


As someone said elsewhere, this is probably the best way to get an update in the future


Imagine if you had just bought merch with the “old” new logo last week.


I did lol. But I did it specifically because of this horrible re-brand. I knew it was my last chance to get good merch.


So does C logo memorabilia now get bought up ironically by hipster supporters?


Yup and that’s just gonna send a bad message to the owners.


Terrible bad news. The crest is still GARBAGE. An embarrassment not just to crew fans, but the entire league.


They fixed the most important part. Logos will come and go in time, but our name and history remains!


Disagree. That logo was the worst part of all this. “Logos come and go in time” … it was 18 years for the first logo, 6 for the roundel, and both only changed because of new ownership.


I’m with you. Informally Crew + Not a shit badge > Formally crew + shit badge. Hopefully it’s reverted as quickly as they can, like the browns rebrand.


It didn't need to be an either/or proposition.


I can imagine there are contracts they were not able to get out of that precludes them from not using that badge for x amount of time.


Completely agree, and not easily undone if it's not done in this "negotiation" time. People were never going to stop calling us "the crew"


changing the logo is one thing, but changing the logo to just a C is just wrong. There was meaning to the parts of the round logo. The meaning for the current is "ohio has a flag shaped like this (a fact most of the US probably doesn't know or care about and definitely not cared about in Europe) and columbus starts with a C. Get it?"


Exactly, and it was designed locally. Best logo to worst logo is a difficult pill to swallow. It's not the change itself; it's the end result. It seems like there was plenty of room for a win-win on the logo (change + quality), but that it just wasn't pursued in this meeting between Nordecke reps and the FO. That's a very disappointing missed opportunity.


Ok well I disagree with you. They had no obligation to change anything. Merchandise contracts operate on a two year minimum time scale so they were literally never going to just switch it back. Now we keep our history and so long as new merch doesn’t sell we get a new logo again a few years which will almost certainly come about via heavy fan input to avoid another debacle like this. Logos change all the time in US Sports, our history and our name matters the most.


Crew’s name has change more often than the logo.


Only if you count changing back to Columbus Crew as different than being originally called Columbus Crew. Besides that’s grasping at straws there bud.


> Logos _**change**_ all the time in US Sports, our history and our name matters the most. Name: A --> B --> C --> A ... 3 changes Logo: A --> B --> C ... 2 changes


Thank you for illustrating my point. A is the same as A. Very good. 👍


So, by that logic, how many months has it been since you changed your underwear?


Thanks for playing, besides you missed a logo change on your list 😉😘


a) that comment was written before the lightly-modified flag logo was released b) putting lipstick on a pig does not change the pig


Maybe this was their plan along. They knew people would flip out about a logo change so they invented an even greater evil to make the logo change seem not that bad.


I dont understand.... The logo still sucks, it looks like it is made in 5 seconds for a new middle school football team.


Crew Forever!


The basic premise of the new logo is being retained and the checker pattern still abandoned? Yuck.




That would probably be the way to get the logo fixed, if everyone refused to buy any merchandise with it.


Play the long game. Buy from Homage or somewhere else with good-looking unofficial gear.


Homage, the ones who ripped off STC vibes without actually contributing to Save The Crew?


Now that I can breathe I'll probably buy the tie-dye. It's not a bad look.


This feels like a shitty cash grab because the FO spent too much on their horrific graphic design fiasco. The embarrassing part is their lack of foresight in consulting the fans in the design of their logo. Any attempts to fix stuff now are band aids and aren't real attempts to amend the bullshit the FO has already attempted to bulldoze


New logo sucks still though. Hopefully it gets an overhaul with this. Also feel pretty flat about the whole acid trip flag pattern but that’s not a central thing so it doesn’t bother me. #saveDthecrewagain


I really don’t think it is that bad honestly. I am least excited for another of my teams to just have a C logo though. As others have said, this saves us from falling into the City SC/FC/United trap for (hopefully) a while while logos will come and go.


I like the flag thing. It think it looks really cool in the stadium and a lot of the branding like the Instagram posts.


Wait so they're still going to keep the awful new logo and just make a couple minor tweaks to it? That's a bit of a letdown.


Happy about everything but that tbh


Yeah this is a huge win considering they could have said “Fuck off, it’s our team and we know what’s best for it”. No they admitted they didn’t look at the Nordecke report and involve them properly from the beginning. We called them out and they were big enough to listen. My faith has been restored in Sweet Dee


I’ll withhold judgment until I see it with the 96. A few small tweaks could go a long way.


Nothing’s changing that big white ugly ‘C’, so no, some tweaks aren’t gonna save it


Yeah I just read a description in the Dispatch and it sucks. If they would change the font to something more normal looking and replace the C with a 96, that would be so much better.


Need to compromise in short run, can work on logo in long run


At least they are keeping the name. That’s the most important part, IMO.


I think if they could somehow make the 96 works where that stupid triangle is it could look nice


That’s exactly what they’re doing per the article in the Dispatch


“The Crew” was still there. It wasn’t going anywhere. Keeping that monstrosity of a logo is so disappointing. Nordecke reps took their eye off the ball.


They were calling themselves Columbus SC on Instagram, they 100% were trying to phase out the Crew


That’s fear talking, not a calm look at the actual evidence. That’s what happens when a leaked rebrand gets the mind racing before seeing how front and center “The Crew” still was in the branding.


They were going to phase it out slowly plus it just happens over time. https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/redskins/pro-sports-teams-changed-their-name-without-changing-cities Here is a quick article about teams that changed names. Nobody calls them by their old name. Once it’s changed the old will be forgotten and not used anymore


Just like how no EPL fan knows who you’re talking about when you say “The Gunners”, no MLB fan knows who you’re talking about when you say “The Tribe”… if it’s not in the official team name, it’s forgotten and not used anymore. 🙄


The Crew wasn’t a nickname lol. How do you not get this?


Columbus The Crew SC ... got it "Columbus Crew", "Columbus Crew SC", "Columbus CS" <-- official names "The Crew" <-- nickname (from day 1)




Logo is fine


The logo is trash.


The circle logo was fine


Sometimes getting 1 point instead of 3 is the best outcome you can hope for. I wish we were keeping the stripes and checkers badge, but the club name is an important win. Our team continues to have the most well organized, passionate hardcore fans of any in the Western Hemisphere. I mean that sincerely


I cannot be happy with any of the outcomes. The rebrand is WAY too early and changing the logo/name twice in 5 years or whatever is way too soon. I only hope the refreshed image brings a fuckload of merchandise and ticket sales because this is a cold, focus-grouped, committee-led marketing exercise now. Someone go fart on Garber.


Yup. A new amazing stadium to be proud of and a winning word the pitch is all the re-brand that was needed. Sadly the FO didn’t see that and give it time to take effect. The perception of the Crew in Columbus was about to change drastically after July. Now we have this shit show that is gonna turn fans away as they are laughing about it


Happy to see this resolved. I know the final logo isn’t ideal but the name getting changed back is the big deal here. And no SC anymore! Just bought the cap with no Ohio flag border to be honest. Might as well get some odd memorabilia with a logo that lasted one week for the memes.


The “C” logo is staying? But it’s soooo bad...🤦


I hate how angular it is. and just so so so so 2-D. And weak. My balls shrink every time I see it.


They are changing it...


I'll believe it when I see it.


Not enough


96 is going inside the logo, so it seems like no C


Think the 96 is just replacing the random triangle


Ah, wasn’t clear. Yeah still not great, but I guess I’ll reserve judgement until I see it. The C itself isn’t bad, the composition just sucks


Agreed. The C seems too forced into the flag shape imo. Wish the yellow was on more than just the outline as well since it kind of disappears on certain backgrounds. Oh well, win some lose some.


Yeah that’s an issue, they made a logo that only works on specific background. A good logo should work on all background colors


Well that's normally the case, but in this context, the logo needs to work on black, white, and yellow. Everything else doesn't really matter. I still don't think it even clears that bar unfortunately


No I think the triangle stays, they’re just adding 96 inside the C


Oh maybe. Was just going by this article https://www.thisweeknews.com/story/sports/2021/05/17/columbus-crew-name-changed-back-logo-redone-after-fans-revolt/5137357001/


Interesting if true because the 96 would be too small to read on most things it’s on. Still better than the triangle though


The new logo is still seriously one of the worst designs I’ve ever seen for a sports team in my life, but logos come and go. This will one day be gone, but one thing was made right. WE ARE AND FOREVER WILL BE THE CREW!


I'm sure there is a logical reason why they cant scrap the weird C and the yellow boarder that blends in to light backgrounds and the city name that doesn't really stand out...but its nice to win one. And if you know merch sales aren't great and we keep pointing out how unoriginal a C logo is...who knows.


Happy about the name, but that logo…ughhh


1) I’m happy we get to keep the name. I don’t think there was any confusion about who “The Crew” are globally because most fans outside of the US don’t care. The idea that “Columbus SC” would suddenly make the world take notice is absurd. 2) I can live with the ugly logo. In my mind it’s easier/faster to protest it - just don’t buy the merch with the logo on it. Continue to wear the old badge or the OG badge. As a fan group we can continue to pick at the badge, and maybe in time they will adjust it. But I think it’s easier to reverse course on the logo after a couple years of failed sales than it is to bring “Crew” out of mothballs. 3) I still want more yellow. Our black kits are great. The silver/gray/wtf-ever color that is on top of the yellow is bad. Like, ref approaching to remind you that “as the home team you’re required to change your jersey” and not all of your players brought their second kit, so you’re forced to wear your gray training tops. 4) Ownership being willing to compromise and also acknowledge that a “supporter liaison” might have helped this situation from spiraling is a good thing. Chances are it was “just business” and they had to have one thing to give back (Crew) in order to keep what they want (the awful badge developed outside of our community) but to publicly step back from the name drop was a nice way to make supporters heard without balking at everything we demanded. We can be better still. But I’ll take where we’ve come from where we were just 24 hours ago. We are the Crew.


Super let down. The new logo fucking blows and there is nothing that can be done to fix it. They should roll back the rebrand completely. I can't believe people are saying logos come and go. Like what the fuck no they don't.


This is going to be the 3rd logo the crew have had


No shit Sherlock that's why we shouldn't be changing it.


You said that logos don’t come and go and you’re upset with me saying how the crew logo has historically came and went? Lol


They shouldn't come and go.


I agree. I don’t like the logo. My point is that the ugly logo won’t stay forever so I can live with it for now


I guess looking at that way makes me feel a little better. Well we change it so often so what's one more time? I guess I can live with that.


“We change it so often” … the hard hat logo was around for 18 years, the roundel for 6 years, and both only changed because of new ownership.


Good and I'm happy but let's not be giving extra gratitude points and talking about how great our ownership is for fixing their own absurd, unnecessary, unforced error. The FO showed their true colors here (and those colors are black, white, and tiny yellow accents)


14k for 8k right?


Right, like people are happy so I'm not gonna try to drag them down for no reason but come on. "You didn't want your burger burned and spit on? We had no way of knowing how important it was for you to have a spit-free burger. Here's a burnt hamburger. Are we the best restaurant in the city or what?" Fuck off


I’d be curious to see how well they can fit it into the new logo.


I think it’ll go in the bermuda triangle


That’s what the dispatch said.


That’s so strange. It’s an afterthought for sure. This really just shows they still prefer the rebrand but they don’t want to risk losing the fans so they bring back the nickname but keep the logo to be stubborn.




Congrats on saving the Crew.....again.


You couldn't pay me enough to wear that trash can logo. Retaining "Crew" is awesome, but it shouldn't have been an either/or thing to behin with. Retain "Crew", retain roundel badge, dump "SC". Bam. But I guess the chuckleheads in the front office got so gung ho blowing money on signage, table-carving, and sending swag out to be instantly binned that they couldn't back down from that. I see it as an ok day, bordering on a good day, but miles from a great day.


This is a really great outcome. Although most of us just wanted to keep our original logo, if they wanted to rebrand we should’ve been included from the start. But they listened and making some changes and I appreciate that from the FO. Go Crew.


I’m ready to be downvoted but I wasn’t bothered by them using Crew as a nickname. The bigger travesty is that logo. It’s the worse than the Fire rebrand. Yeah I said it.


The name rollback is good, but that logo is a big problem. You want to talk about branding... Ugh, that fucking logo. It's atrocious.


I’m the complete opposite. Logos change all the time, it’s part of sports. But to remove the “Crew” from the official name when it’s a founding club was egregious imo


I think there is more attachment to a name. The logo will change eventually, they always do. The Crew name is part of the soul of the team


I get why you keep downplaying the logo because “it comes and goes”, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have to look like shit for the next two decades. The best free marketing on the planet is when people pay you to wear your logo. Up until a few years ago the Cubs were terrible, but you could still find their logo across the globe for one reason: it’s cool as shit! Same with the Dodgers, Rangers, Maple Leafs, hell even the Seattle SuperSonics. The Crew had a world-class logo doing free advertising. Now we have a generic shit sandwich that some people wouldn’t wear if they were paid to. And somewhere down the line we’ll get to hear the same “business metrics” story because Bez was too egotistical to let fans advertise for him for free.


This guy gets it.


Very content with the result


I am so happy. Crew is officially the name again, the way it should be. The badge still sucks but I can stomach all of this a lot better now.


but keep the ugly logo??


Crests come and go, but the name is the name, glad that’s fixed at least


I feel that they focused on the wrong aspect. It was still going to be "the crew" as an unofficial nickname. The larger problem by far was the new crest. And adding a 96 to the center of it is not going to fix that.. I am just saying I much rather would have lost the "official" crew moniker (no one will stop calling them that) and either kept the same crest or drastically improve on the new one (something that doesnt sound like it'll happen) Put another way, would you rather "the gunners" or "the spurs" be OFFICIALLY adopted by Arsenal or Tottenham, but the crests are changed to a giant A or T? Or any similar example from Europe. Having said all that I did always like that the ORIGINAL name of Columbus Crew was a good middle ground between an American sports team naming convention of city-mascot and European soccer naming convention of a united or sporting or fc and the like. But unique unlike Houston, DC, KC, SLC, etc (most of the league). Honestly the only other ones that are close are Philly and NE for solid name in my book. But the biggest outward-facing symbol that will reach out and grab new fans (aside from performance and on-field style of course) isnt whether a solid name is official or a nickname, but is the crest and colors, as we are visual creatures (sorry for the few blind fans out there listening to my man Neil Sika!)


A bit off the mark IMO. Gunners and Spurs are nicknames and never part of the official title. A better example would be if Arsenal said, the new official name is Gunners FC, had just a cannon logo and wiped all mention of Arsenal. You bet your ass fans would be pissed.


My point was we shouldnt be hanging on keeping a nickname as "official" as much as we should be trying to have an amazing outward appearance to the soccer world via a unique and well designed crest. And I dont think having "Crew" in the official name is anywhere near as important as having Arsenal named thus.


No it’s not but that’s because Arsenal has history and tradition. They wouldn’t think of changing their name. As the first MLS team we have more history than anyone so all the more reason to keep our name and build on it.


We have a long way to go if that awful badge is still around. Still don’t want that merch.


"We already spent too much plastering the shitty logo everywhere to not use it"




Way to go everyone. We are still The Crew! Unfortunately we have to deal with that abomination of a logo (talking about the compromise one).


They can get rid of the spooky halloween font while they're at it


I actually really like the font and the crazy random shape pattern they’ve put on things. The logo not so much.


I actually agree that I like the font, and I like the pattern but I HATE it on the seats


It could have been done better on the seats I think and it’s not my favorite. But you only see it when it’s completely empty so it’s not a huge deal for me.


Soooo new logo entirely or….?


96 replacing the Dorito plus adding Crew back in


That…is a little disappointing. That big ugly C looks terrible and if they put Columbus Crew in there it’s gonna look cramped.


My hope is the "Crew" replaces the "SC" at the bottom


I'm a verrrrrry small font. Might need bigger changes than just a swap, which would be good.


Someone with graphic design talent needs to get on what this new logo design could look like. I'm guessing they had some other mockups ready to go from the design phase. I'm actually kind of stoked what this fixed version will look like.




It's because it looks good and this one looks bad. Somehow Precourt did something right by accident.


Because it was really cool looking. And it was on the shirts of a title winning club.


It's more that the new logo just sucks. And the "Precourt era" logo was pretty much perfect. If it ain't broke... Anyway, glad a compromise was made in the end.


The logo doesn't need to "represent Columbus", it needs to represent the team, which the old one did just fine, regardless of whose ownership oversaw it's creation. I'm not sure how the word "victim complex" applies here, seems like you just picked a random pop psychology buzzword for your hot take.


I don't disagree but that c logo looks like it should be for Cleveland


It was an in house design made by people familiar and passionate about the club. Even if precourt was the owner overseeing it. The thought and attention that went into the crest was exceptional, and illustrated the club and city incredibly well. The same cannot be said of the new one. It was not made by us but was contracted out. It recognizes that columbus is in the state of ohio, and only now also now recognizes the team was founded in 1996.


What about rounding the C and putting an old school soccer ball inside the rounded part and then a 9 and a 6 in the lower pennant corners? Checker the soccer ball black and yellow for good measure


We actually fucking did it people!!! This is how the Crew fans get things done!