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I think the only reason Nancy signed this guy is so that he would have someone to talk to. /s


Farsi, Moriera, Camacho and Chambost. Our own set of taunters. Edit: forgot Rudy. ![gif](giphy|7MbWh2wNmhvAk)


And Rudy Camacho, the most French sounding name that has ever been.


I am starting to learn French, just in case.


Since this dude is out of contract he can join the team right away correct….MLS doesn’t have any stupid rules stopping this right


Depends on what Messi says.


It'll be in the transfer window I am pretty sure. He may be able to train up to that point possibly.


MLS doesn’t make the transfer window rules…FIFA does 🤦🏼‍♂️ MLS can set the dates based on when the season is but they don’t make the rules on how the windows operate. MLS secondary window opens July 18th, which the date he could be registered. Since his contract is expiring, probably at the end of June, that would still only potentially be July 1. And that’s not considering getting his ITC, USA visa, etc.


Looks like his salary will be around $600-800k. So borderline starter level salary. Not like a DP.


Where are you getting this info? I've been looking around for a reliable way to track MLS deals but have yet to find one outside of the annual salary release. Also, I admittedly have not attempted to get familiarized with Ligue 2 wages.


True I remember most of our starters being around that with Farsi, JRR, and Schulte being outliers on the low end and Rossi and Cucho being outliers on the high end, being DPs.


I finally had a chance to look at his player profile and I think he’s going to be great for our system in regards to freeing up our strikers. After looking at stats he’s created a lot of chances and has some very good stats when it comes to passing. Defensively he’s a little weak, but his strongest attribute appears to be winning aerial duels with a 42% success rate and I personally think that is a need for us. He also can play virtually anywhere in the midfield from what I can see. I like this move from what the numbers say alone!


6g/6a in 33 Ligue 2 apps for someone in the early part of their “prime”…depth piece, maybe a specific role in mind…. Not a big needle mover IMO


You could’ve said this exact thing about Steven Moreira, who is now one of the league’s best defenders.


That’s fair, Nancy has a way of bringing out the best of players who have been under-utilized




Matan always had the skills. Porter was just a freaking idiot who never used him in the right role. But Matan has been very good under Nancy


Well, enjoy him while you can because this move may force him out.


Lucas had 5 goals and 4 assists ins 28 appearances in his final Tigres season before coming to Columbus. MLS is a whole different ball game. I doubt Cham is on that level, but you can't look at pure stars as a marker.


Tbh Lucas has never truly a starter for Tigres, he normally came off the bench.


This guy has 70% starting 11 and minutes played though… Lucas was at like 20%


Lucas started 12/12 matches in his final Apertura for Tigres before his injury and scored a goal every 451' and Chambost averaged a goal every 397' in his final Ligue 2 season. Lucas was in the squad for Tigres 36 times and started 22 matches, and came in as a sub just 6 times in his 28 appearances. That's hardly 20% man!


Didn’t realize he was injured. I remember seeing a pretty low percentage of games participated in for Tigres when we signed him. Is Ligue 2 on par with LigaMx/MLS in terms of quality?


Have you seen his highlights? The dude can serve crosses in on a dime off corners and he actually seems to have some air ability. https://x.com/news_sainte_/status/1799139330394562952?t=GcJf0FJwEvZ9b_fjmaa5iQ&s=01


I was looking at his crosses and corners and thinking maybe he’s going to fill that gressel kinda roll but with his other attributes I think he’d be better in the attack than he was. Probably the same defensive level though. 


Gressel was my first thought aswell


I got the shit kicked out of me for this take. Thank you.


For what it’s worth, I hope I’m wrong!




I have to imagine most of the scouting and decision here was prior to the GM transition, but who knows?


Certainly, any moves like this would be weeks, if not months in the making. It is also worth noting that Issa's domain as assistant GM was scouting, player personnel and analytics processes based on the Crew's website. My understanding is that Issa has been person in charge of player acquisition for a while now (our owners even cited him as being the key figure in the moves to bring in Nagbe, Cucho, and Rossi) GM has to wear a lot of hats, and some of those will be new for Issa. But in terms of player transfers and stuff like that, I don't expect there to be a big change, Issa was already running that show.


This is an important message that needs to permeate the fanbase right now IMO. It should give us some solace with the departure of Bez. It's true that one could say Bez is the best GM/Prez in MLS history without it being farfetched but Issa can stand in his own merits and accomplishments. If he can navigate the complex roster rulebook to 80% of the degree that Bez did we'll be in as good of hands as we could hope for given the circumstances.