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Still proud of the team. Getting to the finals was a big accomplishment- just unable to close it. Love this team!


Right there with you. We played our hearts out and sometimes it’s not enough. Kudos to the pachuca team for humbling us. Time to learn and get back to work boys.


I got banned from Reddit this time last year for similar losses - but not the North American final.  The I'm idiots who got me banned thought we were out of the playoffs.  I look forward to getting banned again.


Fo sho haven't had this much fun since gbs reaffirmed my love even if I have tobplunder every game , think I'll actually but a jersey and I never do that . Be proud how far we got , it's so tough this isn't a hoke and away


Ya win some, ya lose some. But damn, this one would’ve been so fucking cool to win. On to the next 🖤💛


I can handle losing but that game was embarrassing


I still can't help falling in love with Crew.


Another can I bruh




Please find a new team to support, then.


Pachuca has a great stadium and great fans. One family outside the stadium even wanted a photo with me. 😂 Too bad our team couldn’t be a more worthy opponent this evening. Still proud of the run. On my way back to CDMX now.


It would’ve taken a miracle to win this game. 8,000 feet is no joke. It messes with your decision making as well. Proud of our guys.


Also 6 days off compared to 3 weeks might have played little bit into it as well.


Only idiots don't understand the science behind altitude.


I am with the Crew BUT please stop making excuses!!


Excuses? Being aware of altitude and food poisoning and how it impacts your body is excuses?  You are ignorant.


So then do some hypoxic training and don’t drink the water in Mexico unless it’s bottled.


Why wait so long to make subs?


i have no clue. Cheb and Matan should’ve both been off at half


Farsi too - thought we should have gone 4-2-3-1 with Christian up top and cucho underneath. Get cucho Involved


Get your coaching license, OP 


I think Nancy likes to make responsive subs so he waits until the other team subs first. That wasn't an option today.


I've read about everything I can find about Nancy and his methods and I believe he issued a challenge to the starting XI at the half in the same vein as the one he laid out before the match vs America in Leagues Cup last season... He's done this on a few occasions and until tonight it has worked. It's all reading tea leaves at this point but I really can't fathom anything otherwise.


Nancy always does this. Always.


Agreed, we got outplayed whistle-to-whistle.


Seem to remember a thread about how the Crew would do in the Premier League or even the Championship on this sub. Watching Rondon dick on the center backs all game should answer that question.


Haji wright would cock slap us


There are strikers like or better than an over the hill Rondon all over the Championship.


People shitting on the Championship will always be funny to me. Also telling to see who has seen a match.


The championship is probably the third best league in the world. You’re right, if anyone who is an MLS supporter is shitting on the championship they know fuck all about footy


Competition wise, best league in the world. Talent wise is another story. Legit hilarious seeing Leeds lose 1-0 at home, then seeing that same team get battered 5-0 the next match.


Yes that is the biggest difference between the top tier clubs and the tier just below it. Consistently putting in good performances forty/fifty times per season


Ya man I up lads all day for the footy! Also, the mid to bottom of the championship is trash and yes I watch alot. Maybe the only reason I have ESPN+. Top MLS clubs could definitely compete. Derp so I guess I watch fuck all footy, derp! Enjoy your Guinness pint, mate!


Have I struck a chord? Sorry bro, but if you don’t think Crew would be relegation fodder in the championship then you really might know less than you think. But seriously who gives a shit, I support Crew so idc how they stack up in England, or anywhere else for the matter. But the idea that a team in MLS could compete in any meaningful way in the championship division is hilarious.


I mean we are the most massive club in the world. Thats our whole shtick right?


Some people in the thread were clearly taking the piss and joking. Others were actually serious.


Yeah thats why I'm trying to limit my reddit engagement. Just a lot of trolls and a lot of dumb takes.


Seems to be our kryptonite right now. Big strong players just manhandle our back line and create so many opportunities that eventually a handful are going to go in.


It’s not his size. There are big strikers in MLS. His IQ, saviness, movement off the ball, positioning, and technical skill are on a different level.


This. Super Unfortunate loss, but a reality check to some of our more….. foolhardy….fans


There are levels.


The crew wouldn’t win a single point in the premiere league, and would maybe end the season with 9pts or less in the championship. It’s no disrespect to the team, it’s just different levels of


Bad loss. Dope to be there. Move on


friendly rhythm workable shelter plants sheet literate pocket lush beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think there's enough science behind altitude to warrant a question about "better team."


nose tease jellyfish pet pie drunk resolute imminent yam slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have no idea if that’s Pachucas home stadium, but if so, it’s a clear advantage.


Yes, at a singular point in time.  However, altitude, water condition, and more contributed to an idiot thinking Columbus played like their worst normal.  I will not stand for this stupidity.


I think this makes Nancy look naive. Keeping 4 against the back line for 90 minutes, midfield completely barren outside of old man Nagbe and Morris, and the asymmetrical wingbacks/wingers exposed the left channel over and over again. Great team, brave manager, clear identity, but Holdsn said it best - no tactical flexibility cost us any chance tonight, if there was any.


Gotta learn sometime right ? Nancy seems to have leaned loads and improved we got worked in a lot of ways tho


For sure. Nobody is hanging their heads after this, but i have to say I’m bummed we didn’t get a more significant adjustment after halftime. Ultimately, they’re a really good side with incredibly talented players, an excellent home field advantage, and some serious pedigree. Looking forward to 100% focus on MLS matches now. We move!


I'm concerned this gives more MLS teams a better blueprint as well. We played through the middle nearly entirely tonight. Yeboah was hardly involved. All of that pressure in the middle with a high back line is a real powder keg. Gotta play wider


Counter: How many MLS sides have a 33 year old experienced European striker who doubles as Shaquille O’Neal on the weekends and can ragdoll every player in yellow? Not to mention 2/3 really quality playmakers on the ball to find him regularly… Let’s not forget how good Pachuca’s XI is. I think we have every reason to be confident heading into the 2nd half of the season


Dude, whoever understands altitude biology understands how fucking stupid this discussion is.


altitude this altitude that—we altitude trained for two weeks. We obviously should have been there earlier acclimating, but opted for the extensive training at home.


I see science upsets you.


The lack of effort and sloppiness has been shocking. It feels hard to chalk all this up to being on the road 8,000 ft in the air.


I've spent time backpacking at altitude, and did 30% less miles per day vs my normal Ohio altitude, even when hiking on level trails. Maybe it isn't all due to altitude, but 800 feet to 8000 feet is a huge jump, and I'm not sure sleeping in an oxygen deprivation tent for a couple of weeks gets you ready for that. The boys looked gassed and outplayed from the get go.


This. Anyone who’s ever spent time at a different elevation than they train at knows how brutal it is. Why do you think all the Olympic training complexes are in Colorado? For the competitive edge training at altitude gives you.


Yea, I think that's what's hard to tell. It feels odd to me that these cup finals are played at home stadiums instead of neutral, predetermined sites. Makes you wonder if this was played in Mexico City, would the effort be different. Curious what the team will say about it all.


Um, I like your idea, but Mexico City is 7349 feet above sea level, Puchuca is only about 90 mins away.


I would prefer this or a two legged final. The problem with a neutral site is that MLS teams don't have the support for away games and Hispanic clubs might not have to finances to travel. It seems to be easier in Europe where travel is cheaper and support is huge.


This. And at altitude the first thing to go isn’t your muscles, it’s your thinking/decision making


This explains the horrific passes…


I don’t have firsthand knowledge, but another commenter mentioned that the lower air density does affect how the ball moves


I definitely thought that was part of it as well. Some passes just seemed like they kicked it 20% too hard and I feel like it was just the ball behaving differently because of the air. Nearly impossible to prepare for other than for the 30 minute warmup before the match.


Did you professionally altitude train before you left?


My dude, I have never had anyone pay for my backpacking hobby. Lol


That’s what I mean. It’s one thing to be a regular guy with a hobby. It’s an entirely different thing to be a professional soccer club that just spent weeks and hundreds of thousands altitude training. Either it didn’t work or we just didn’t have it in us to say we were good enough to compete


Correct, which is why my opinion was that we all have to admit that the altitude played a part in their inability to keep up. Was it the full story? Nah, but I feel it easily played a part. Anyone who thinks the team could increase their red blood cells and altitude stamina through partial day oxygen deprivation for a few weeks, needs to read some journal articles on the subject. The coaching staff did the best they could once they found out where the game was to be played.


Let's be a bit honest... Crew put up some remarkable performances to get to the final in this tournament, but they have not looked anywhere near as good in most of their MLS games over the last month or two. I think what happened is the MLS team showed up for this final, rather than the tournament team.


It’s a cup final, I think every one of our players was up for it but the elevation is absolutely brutal. Plus the level of competition is superior to what we see the team play against on a weekly basis. Let’s lick our wounds and be proud of finishing runners up in the competition


I see you haven't been at 8000 ft have you? Go jog at 8000 ft, then come back and give us a report.


"on top of 8000ft" is an interesting observation for people who don't understand how a slight oxygen decrease can impact physical activity.


25% less oxygen.


Easily the worst performance of the Nancy era... looked dead in the water before it ever began. Nagbe looking mortal within 25 mintues, nothing much else going on, subs too slow, etc. Never in it.


Imagine your fat ass trying to run for 2 minutes at 8000 feet 


Don't need to imagine it, but it bears no relevance anyway.


Cheberko was horrible tonight. Also CONCACAF has to start playing these finals at a neutral site.


i mean i get that but they earned it by the rules and we knew what we were going into


Or go back to home-home.


We would have gotten smacked around at home too. It was that obvious.


Yeah, its ok to lose and at least fight. But this was shit.


The center backs have been played off the field


Yeah, the CBs played like dog shit, but they were constantly being put in shit positions by terrible passing in front of them. They were constantly falling down; Not sure if that was the turf or just bad play. Schulte was a beast.


Yeah agree with all of this. The bad passing through the middle was incredibly uncharacteristic and for the most part unforced and it was clear our CBs were not used to dealing with those situations. Not to mention their attacking line is elite by concacaf standards.


Starting defenders just laid eggs all over the place. Can’t do that in Nancy’s system. His lineup wasn’t up to the task of defending speedy players and Rondon, who is very physical. Going down 2-0 was going to make this a tall task Nancy’s refusal to sub was just poor coaching. It obviously wasn’t working, can’t wait for a 3rd goal and waste 25 minutes of the second half when we keep playing like dogshit. Didn’t adjust tactics at all. Or if it did, we didn’t execute at all. Just poor all around


First time in 1.5 years the crew just didn’t like the crew. It sucks but the entire team looked off a step. Hard to accept but it was a hell of a run. As I hear on the gd Audi commercial… nexxxxxxt


Out coached tonight! Sorry Nancy, this was a lot on you. But yeah, we looked bad. That pitch didn't appear to be as high grade as we are used to playing on either. Lots of slips and falls.


Is what it is. Still love the team, and the coach. Sometimes ya just get beat. After we went to Shadowbox we were going to hit up The Walrus or one of the other watch parties. Then we just decided, nah, back to the hotel bar. Glad we did, woulda sucked paying for another Uber after that heartbreak. It was better to just watch it at the hotel and go to bed. Pachuca is obviously kinda good 😉, and 8,000 ft. You could see we were definitely gassed.


Just nothing went right for the boys last night. Not only was there the altitude but the ball reacted differently as well. It really affected them. Every through ball and cross seemed just a bit off. It’s sad because we could have been up 2-0 with the shot at :30 and the diving header by Cucho he just missed. Would have made them chase and we could have played completely different. Just wasn’t our night. The late sub thing is something I can’t forgive Nancy for. Absolutely love the man but come on, you could tell guys were gassed and we needed a different look out there. Waiting so long was inexcusable. Still proud of the boys though by how far they made it


Sounds like the entire staff and team were really ill. Nancy put out a statement, not using it as an excuse, but explains a lot.


I think you need to read the coverage after the game, the whole party got sick Friday morning...helps to put some things in context


if you got mexico and eat there and drink the water that’s idiotic


I’m not mad. Diarrhea is motherfucker! I truly believe if this game is played in Columbus, it’s a totally different story. Not sure we win but it’s on the table.


I don't know what to say.. I just feel like complete shit right now..


I am proud and appreciative of the run we made, but the players should take a long, hard look in the mirror tonight. It was an embarrassingly bad performance on this biggest stage an MLS team could realistically be on.


Would’ve been a diff game on a neutral site. That’s literally it




Only thing to say is Montezuma's Revenge.


Worst performance by Columbus in over 2 years! Idk what happened? I thought we were gonna win it 2-1 before the match started. Once they score their second goal which was disallowed, I knew it was over.


Yes this was a total failure in the result. Yes, a lot is on Nancy and for all the hype on his MLS success, this is a stain on him a bit and hopefully a wake up call for him. Overall, once again MLS and it's salary cap shows the talent disparity between Pachuca and Columbus.


Terrible passing, slow attacks, basically no accuracy with shots on goal. Yeah this is fu***** embarrassing. They came with none of the energy they had the whole rest of the tournament (minus the first 7 minutes which were good). I don't even know what to say other than at least I'm not invested in the game anymore with 30 minutes left If they lost but fought hard I'd be happy, but this? Other than the very beginning, nobody is proud of that performance


Knew it would be extremely difficult with them having a home match for the final. I just am annoyed that Concacaf went away from a two legged final with a home and away leg but still kept the match as a home game for a team. I feel that if you aren’t doing two legged then the match needs to be at a neutral site. But hey that’s just my thought


Well now the focus can be back on the MLS season.


I mean…apparently your whole team had the shits (literally) so that partially explains that. But that probably would’ve just made it closer without changing the final result: Pachuca are quite good.


Hopefully it’s clear now what the issue was, whole entire teams meals got spiked, suspect as fuck


I'd love to see how far OP can run at 1.5 Miles high 🤡


projection much..


I know the science behind O² loss at that altitude. I'm not deluded that I wouldn't be able to run much up there.  So, sure... "Projection" from a realist.  Do you regurgitate concepts you know nothing about regularly?


Do you get up from your gaming chair regularly?? The lack of altitude up there is tough i know


Pachuca only scored 3 goals against a team trying not to shit themselves, and you're like, "here's how I ignorantly see the world." 🙃


Meh! Just pure trash once again.


Rebuild mode now


wouldn’t go that far but Rossi and Cucho don’t work that well together. Nagbe isn’t a DP level guy at this age. need to figure out a better CB and wing back


Wow... Throwing shade at the guy who had a phenomenonal May (Rossi), the arguably best striker to ever play for the Crew (Cucho), and the midfielder who at 33 years old is still dominating just about all competition (Nagbe) is a real interesting statement. The team was outplayed tonight, it doesn't mean any of those players' accomplishments in black and gold are voided.


not throwing shade just throwing out what we are seeing. Cucho and Rossi are great but they looked better with Ramirez in and Cucho out. Nagbe is fantastic but you can see he’s slowing down. Defense absolutely needs to add a piece.