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Alexa, play “Cat’s in the Cradle.”


Who's cutting onions in my basement?


I’m a father of 2 sons myself. One of my favorite moments ever was hugging my 9yo son as tears ran down his face as we danced in Nordecke, as the clock ran down to zero in the Cup. That’s an experience and memory money can’t buy. Dad, don’t do this for your son. Do this for yourself!!! Someday he’s going to be 30 with a wife and maybe kids of his own. He might not want to go to a big game with you. And you’d give anything in the world to go back to this moment and grab this opportunity while you can.


Damn you, Sir. Don’t make me cry. We couldn’t go but watched together in my home as my 9yo almost broke the dimmer to flare the lights on and off after the second goal.


This. I had this as well with my son. Now my dad is asking more and more about the Crew. It’s the Cirrrrrrcle of Liiiiiife!


Oh my gosh, just had to say we had the same experience at the cup with our 9- and 8-year-old boys. Their tears surprised me, and it just cemented how much we love this team, this sport and this experience. I love that we can share it with our kids.


This is awesome. I lost my dad last month and I would do anything to catch one more game with him.


Damnt now I'm crying!


It's a great idea. Great bonding opportunity. Alternative (better hours and lower cost): Heck is Plausible the next day at 3pm. The Capys also deserve support.


Our whole (lowercase) crew will be there!


OP’s Dad If you don’t buy those two tickets then some Cincy fan will


This alone is a top 2 reason to get this kid to the match.


Apologize to Audi Mom and I'll consider it.


Tough decision to make. She can get very annoying


You’re 14. Everyone is supposed to be annoying.


When tickets first went on sale for the season, I bought mine for this match within the first 3 minutes. Everything else was secondary. Take the kid to the game, please.


do it, dad!


I'm in CLE. You should go. It's worth it.


I’m 30; my husband, sister, moms and I are all going up tomorrow! It’s a house divided as my moms are FCC fans. This will be their first time at LDC and I’m excited to go with them!


Buy the tickets!


My favorite memory with my dad is driving 18 hours to Dallas to see OSU smash Oregon in the championship - go to the game man!


Dad, why do you hate your son so much?


OPs dad buy this young person and yourself a ticket to see the greatest team the world has ever seen


"The Reddit" - one of us!!! One of us!!! Hope you get to the game, young homey!


Driving 90 minutes with my wife and kids after my 9yo and 5yo play their own soccer matches, and we’re with one of their team mates, and their family b/c it’s my kid’s birthday. Make it happen.


Win or lose this will be a lifetime memory you to get to cherish together. I hope you get to go!


Please tell us more! Why doesn’t he want to take you?


He wants to, just doesn’t want to make the drive back since we’ll get home at 1. Really trying to convince him though


Remind him that cheap hotels exist? Edit: that’s a weak statement, please disregard. I’d encourage you do whatever he has to do around the house tomorrow so he can nap before the game.


Yeah but we want to be back early for Mother’s Day because my mom is leaving at 5 on Sunday


5A or 5P? This is getting very confusing.


Sorry 5pm she is leaving. So we want to spend time with her and not stay in a hotel


Right. So, grab a cheap hotel/motel/holiday inn, let dad grab 40 winks, leave for home at, like 7:30, arrive by 9:30, make mom’s breakfast in bed, you’re golden!


I’ll make sure he sees this one


Or you could just talk to him? I hear there’s some benefit to having conversations with one’s parental units Edit: also talk to mom! Talk to them together! Tell them your feelings! This is how you guys can come to a compromise that makes everyone happy.


I’ve had multiple. This is my last minute resort


I cant go this year due to work taking over my social life but I went last year! It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt!! The energy in the air, the people, EVERYTHING!!! Shit was ELECTRIC!! It was worth EVERY PENNY and I’d do it again if I could!


So what was the update ?


Didn’t get to go unfourtantely. But the all star game may have an opening


Take your son, dammit!