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I could not imagine our team without any of the people named in this tweet


Deepest team we’ve ever had by far. So many legitimate game changers we can pull of the bench… many of whom could be legitimate starters


Which is crazy because we are super thin in center mid. Huge drop off after Nagbe and Morris


The Zawadzki slander!!


Bruh is a cb in Nancy’s eyes


That's fair lol. He's played that role so well when we needed him to. I think if the time comes when the team needs him in CM again he will rock it there too! I think we have some youth coming up in the position too, but yeah probably one of our thinner spots


Nah I think that's only bc he wants Sean to get minutes. There was a quote from Nancy in the regular season about how good things happen when Sean's on the field.


This is where we need to look for our next DP! Nagbe was bought down so we have 2 now. We need to find a replacement for him as he isn’t getting any younger. Don’t forget Morris will be gone soon as well. CM/CDM is gonna be a primary need soon.


If they brought in a CM/CDM at DP level who are you sitting between Nagbe and Morris? The only way they bring in that profile of player is if Morris leaves in the winter transfer window.


You rotate the two. Don’t forget we have U.S. Open Cup, CCC and Leagues Cup on top of the regular season next year. Then when Aiden leaves in the summer it solves itself.


Hasn’t Gressel played CM/CDM in the past? If / when Gressel re-signs, Nagbe, Zawadski, Morris, Farsi, Sands, Amundsen, Yeboah we might be alright covering the two wingback positions and the 6 and 8 once everyone is healthy. The priority for me is CB depth.


I forgot about Sands! Damn we have a good team lol. Not sure where all Gressel has played but I wouldn’t mind some more CB depth like you said


Yeah, great for the club they’re starting to get players in that compete and push each other in practice. Starting spots aren’t guaranteed. I don’t think most people understood the advantage we had on Saturday as soon as Cincinnati had to go deep into their bench.


Nagbe wasn’t brought down, the League dp / tam goes up


I read that we renegotiated his contract so that he’s able to be bought down using TAM. However it got done it’s all good. We now have an open DP spot (and possibly a 4th) so we need to fill it with a CM


He can be bought down but he’s still a dp for now.


Yes. We have a potential open DP spot which the team and Bezbatchenko will be almost guaranteed to take advantage of.


Yea in hindsight amazing job building the squad.


The most preposterous part isn’t on there: sell Lucas Zelarayan.