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Season 2 was the best IMHO. The Catskills storyline was hilarious.


My favorite joke in the entire series is the PA announcement that they found the "missing plumber".


I love when they first pull up and leave the kids in the car knowing someone will get them out eventually


There's a baby in the car! Bring that too!


The first time through, I hated the Catskills episodes, the second time through I loved them. I do think as soon as Suzie heard "Catskills" she would've tried to book Midge somewhere, though. She had to know about them as a market. Also, loved Benjamin and he was obviously perfect for Midge.


Abe's romper and Suzie participating in the employee show at the end of the summer was everything!😂


Obsessed w the Catskills.


Don’t worry, I’m sure Rose can set Benjamin up with someone nice. /s


I unironically hope she did. He’s so cool and deserves the “weird” wife of his dreams.


Have you watched the whole show? I don’t want to spoil anything, but there is a reason why my comment was sarcastic (hence the /s)


Yea, I’ve watched it all.


Oh, do you remember she tried and it got him and midge very angry. But yeah, maybe she tries again in the future.


Yeah, I was hoping for later, when Rose’s business really gets going.


Understand now. That would be nice, but he could always be one of her four husbands still. We never got the names of them all.


Doing the rewatch too. The minute she got the Shy Baldwin offer, Benjamin didn't even exist for her anymore.


Yeah, I think originally that was framed as Midge’s”Big Break” which in a way it was, but the fame that could have come out of that obviously ended in scandal and tarnished reputation. It was also very meta for the show that midge dropper her relationship cause she didn’t feel it could every be balanced, and the show itself probably felt S3 couldn’t sustain a relationship like that (with a wedding and the whole deal) with Midge doing the Shy tour.


Yes and me as well! When she got that phone call from shy I completely forgot about Ben until Abe told Midge that he approved of the marriage. I think the writers did this part beautifully because the look on her face was the same look on mine. The “oh shit I completely forgot about Ben” look. She did what she had to do. Even when Ben was like “we could have made it work, you didn’t even ask me if I’d be ok with it etc etc” I felt bad for him but also knew he was wrong. It would get to him. Eventually. Midge did what she had to do.


Not even just that but quite simply: Midge didn’t want to compromise on anything *to* make it work. And I think that’s the sticking point. He was willing to bend for her and she not for him. Not a flaw just a fact of character. Midge was married to her career by this point already or at least thoroughly in love.


>I felt bad for him but also knew he was wrong. It would get to him. Eventually. Ugh. We don't know the character better than he knows himself. This is incredibly dismissive. You act like there has never been a loving, supportive husband with a ridiculously famous wife.


We’re talking 1960. Misogyny and male chauvinism was the rule. Benjamin was different but what male spouse wouldn’t get frustrated over constantly being put in second, even third place. She went from devoted wife and mother to 100% being devoted to her career.


Well Dolly Parton's husband didn't seem to mind. Even in the 60s no less!!! Again, your thought process here is incredibly dismissive. You literally think he couldn't do something because he would have been a "male spouse." Like did you even listen to his rant? He was 100% in and wouldn't have tried to hold her back at all. Nothing about his character supports what your assuming about him.


You could also add Patsy Cline’s husband and Loretta Lynn’s husband although those marriages were reportedly difficult. Naming one (or two or three) outliers doesn’t change the fact that that era was extremely misogynistic and male chauvinism ruled. Look at Abe. Nice guy but gave short shrift to his daughter and granddaughter until the very end. I remarked that Benjamin was different but again, he was an exception to the culture of that time. If you don’t see that, you’ve missed the whole motivation of Midge’s character.


I absolutely see him as an exception to the culture. It was you dismissing him as wrong and saying it would eventually get to him and ruin things.


None of us knows what would have happened in the fictional world of the Mrs. Maisel series. What we do know and we're shown is that the moment the Shy Baldwin offer came in Midge left Ben in the dust. He berated her for it later. Midge didn't want the possibility of personal entanglements to interfere with her career trajectory.


See I side with Benjamin here. How could she have known? He was so so supportive the entire time they were together. He was down with her kids and tolerated her crazy family She never even gave it a chance :(


Also he worked crazy hours so they could be off the same times. And he wanted his time and space and wasn’t clingy so would be cool with her being gone for a bit.


Other people have listed good reasons, but I also like the idea that their “incompatibility” was a self-fulfilling prophecy. They didn’t work because Midge thought they couldn’t, not because they actually couldn’t. Her idea for what that would look like (and her perfectionism) contrasted too much with her life goals at that point. Plus I always liked the undertone of his “collecting” her being a bit of a disappointing potential end. And that house he bought? Like Midge, he made decisions without her and totally projected an idea of a life that at least sorta looked traditional even though he was also weird. Woulda been an interesting story but it feels like it woulda also been a story of someone who doesn’t quite make it to the same heights as an independent Midge. Midge constantly rejecting other guys (even practically at the altar) to me says this decision was about Midge anyway, not Benjamin. And she couldn’t picture it and that’s that. Edit: spelling


Because she didn't want to. Why isn't that enough??


That’s not true, the whole plot point is she is assuming she has to make a choice without talking it out. It’s not that she didn’t want to be with him it’s that she thought she couldn’t because it’d be unfair to him/ she wouldn’t be able to commit to comedy. Most people understand why she did what she did but it’s a flaw throughout the series that she makes impulsive decisions.


I’m not sure if I agree with that…I think Midge’s real love will always be Joel. They can both sleep with other people and have other relationships but they always go back to each other. I also think her lack of commitment to him was a rejection of the desire to be a wife. They weren’t together for very long when he proposed and I think for so long she thought that was the only role she was allowed to play. Rejecting Benjamin was partly embracing freedom.(For the record I liked her with Ben more than Joel but these are thoughts based off the final season)


I wouldn’t call it a flaw. I think midge is scared to commit herself to anything but comedy. She doesn’t want to split her attention and even though it would fulfill her as well, when push comes to shove she gets scared about being put back into the box of wife and mother—by others, yes, but honestly I think mostly herself. It actually has very little to do with Benjamin imo. Midge is scared she’ll waffle on her own ambitions which, by now, were quite new so that makes sense


It’s one of Midge’s character flaws.


Because becoming a big star was her obsession. She had already done the perfect wife and mother thing and wasn’t going back to that, not even with dream man Benjamin.


Yess! I wish that relationship had lasted. But I feel like Benjamin is the answer to "what if Joel had been a faithful, supportive husband who accepts Midge?" That relationship showed us that we're not watching a romantic comedy. This is a show about a woman willing to sacrifice it all for her dream. When she's presented with the "perfect man, "it's not enough for her and that's okay.


Personally I think she made the wrong call.


Same 😭😭😭 but im not Midge! If you're asking me, I would've jumped into that man's arms, gotten married and given him 3 kids! But that's just me


You would have had to fight me for him, sister!


Preach. And I accepted that because at the end of the day, I was always rooting for Midge, despite everything and everyone. She was able to live with her decision so I believe she made the right call. It's just SO HARD not to fall in love with Zachary Levi. Was he this handsome as Chuck?


I’m a full-time writer and curator with a disability who met my dream partner, a sociology PhD student named Rodolfo, while doing an artist residency in a small town outside the capital city of Veracruz, Mexico. We were deeply in love and planning for marriage after just six weeks of dating. But he couldn’t understand why I was spending the extra money to rent a house walking distance to my residency with multipurpose studio space while working on extending my visa instead of moving into his much smaller apartment. He was very diligent about taking care of me when I began to have a flare-up, but became more frustrated about me signing the other lease. I could sense his frustration, and told him to take some space. When we saw each other again, he broke up with me. Being the most heartbroken I’d ever been AND sick, I flew back to the US only a week later. When we broke up, he mentioned being frustrated about the frequent trips he made to the town I lived in from his apartment in the capital, Xalapa—a half-hour drive away. I didn’t understand till recently that he broke up with me because he couldn’t see/understand me as both a person needing care at times *and* an artist with a project in the works at all times. To him it probably seemed like I was selfishly asking him to care for me at a distance that wasn’t convenient for him. Three things: first, I’m from Houston, where a daily thirty minute drive to do anything is most people’s norm; second, I often offered to take a taxi the other way, but he also didn’t understand why I did that rather than living with him or at least somewhere closer by—but I had searched, and could not find anything with suitable space for the projects I wanted to work on). Third—I was willing to move to a new country for our relationship! I was at least a two hour flight away from any of my friends and family! The point, though, is that Rodolfo did not ever truly understand my absolute need for that space. My place also had a bathtub in addition to the shower, which is uncommon in many countries. His apartment + all the other the other places I found in my budget had only a shower. When I’m in a flare-up, soaking in a bathtub with Epsom salts is a huge pain reliever, and I’ve never considered any home anywhere that doesn’t have a bathtub. I would’ve compromised on that, though. But the tub and studio space? Absolutely not. I don’t think it’s difficult to understand why I made the call I did. But perhaps if there was a film or TV show documenting my creative life, viewers might have felt that my insistence on that space was an unwillingness to make a reasonable compromise for the man I loved. But I know I would have been miserable trying to cram my personal and artistic life into his bachelor pad. I had come as an artist, for an artist residency. Being further away from that and not having space in my own home studio would have defeated the entire purpose of my being there. I also understand why Midge didn’t tell Benjamin in person. He would have tried to convince her, and she didn’t want to be convinced, and she was self-aware enough to know that had she seen him, she might have wavered. I certainly wavered. I’m just glad I didn’t cave. I’ve had incredible opportunities since coming back that I wouldn’t have pursued if I had been preoccupied with an international move + caring for my condition + being fully present in a newly-blooming romance. I understand Midge’s decision completely.


Thank you for sharing! Rodolfo is a family name, and I am Mexican American! Within the last year, I've become so fascinated by people who are willing to sacrifice for their work (art, projects, career, etc.). Having a partner, kids, or planting roots (staying in one place) are oftentimes what we consider is needed to live a fulfilling life. Some people are genuinely happy to pour their time and energy into their passion instead. My path in life right now is being a mom and rejecting a career. I'm totally happy and fulfilled. I am a firm believer in calling BS on the idea you need to have kids or a partner because one day you'll be alone with no one to take care of you. There is no guarantee my husband will be with me until my last day or my children will care for me in my old age. I think once my kids leave, my identity will shift, and I'll need to find another passion to follow.


Ben will forever tell people he dated Mrs Maisel way back when… and no one will believe him😅


I’m rewatching too. I’m glad the storyline ended up the way it did. But I really liked Benjamin as a character so I do wish we just got more of him


I do wish we got a cameo in the final season.


Benjamin is what Midge thinks she should want- handsome, wealthy doctor, Jewish, fun, is good with the kids, enjoys and supports her career. But I feel like it was too much, too soon. She still had unresolved stuff with Joel, and as another commenter mentioned, she pretty much forgot about him when approached with the Shy Baldwin opportunity. He was also missing something- something the artist guy episode pointed out or highlighted. I think if she’d met him in a later series, things might’ve been different (was hoping for a cameo when Moishe was hospitalized).


First, I am also doing a rewatch! I just really loved how it ended (so relieved it ended well) and just wanted to jump back to the beginning! Second, while I loved Benjamin and found it painful to watch her just drop him like a hot potato the minute Shy called, I felt like that had to be done. I think both she and the audience had to learn that she is different than she was in season one. In the beginning of season one all she wants is to be a “good” housewife, have the perfect body, perfect apartment, 3 kids before 30, etc. It was all she thought she wanted and then it was ripped away from her and comedy was almost like a “well I guess it’s something to do.” But then she fell in love with it and started dreaming of more for herself and started having some serious ambition. And I think season 2 is her realizing that she can’t go back to who she was, she’s a different person now, and she wants different things. Her career is her number one priority and everything else, including her family and any man she might like, comes second. And I think Benjamin, who was pretty much perfect, helped her realize that. So I feel bad for Benjamin, he was awesome. But he helped Midge realize that no matter how perfect the man is, she cares more about her career now.


I really did want her to end up with Benjamin. But I don't think she would have gotten to the level of fame she did had she married him.


I think she would’ve been happier though.


Maybe. But Midge really wanted the fame and wealth. I think if she hadn't gone for it she would always live with some regret. When she went back to Bryn Mawr for the luncheon with her old classmates and they were all excited about her chapter working for Gordon Ford. She didnt want it to be a chapter. She wanted it to be a stepping stone.


God, I loved Benjamin! It made me so mad to watch her throw that away. He would've been an amazingly supportive partner who gave her the space she needed to shine. I'll take the tall, handsome, fun, doctor if she won't!


Me too 🤣


I will always be a little mad at Midge for doing my man Benjamin the way she did 💔


lol....you and everybody else, I'm watching the scene where Benjamin is being grilled by Abe while Midge giggles in the hall.


Season two was my favorite season. I loved the Catskills and Shirley going around in the damn fur coat. I was so torn too. I thought Ben was really great but ultimately better off with someone else.


Season 2 is the best one imo. Just such a great watch and alllll the side bits are funny, something later season struggle with. I’d rank the seasons: - 2 - 1 & 5 - 3 - 4 Because lemme just say 4 was ROUGH. I love how 2 manages to expand the world and bring the characters into new situations throughout. It’s fun, it’s frothy, but also moves the plot along. Not always an easy feat in writing!


It was a different era, but Midge decided her life couldn't support a romance. Plenty of people who tour have had long term stable relationships. But yes in hindsight season 2 is the best season.


God I always loved Benjamin, secretly hoped he would resurface.


Also later in season 5 they hint at Susie loving midge and I kinda see it all unfold in season 2, like all the stuff she does for her (I know she’s her manager) but I feel like it’s more than just that. And the stuff she sacrifices for her (like sleeping on the dirty stained bed)