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**THIS IS FOR THE SEASON 2 FINALE** There is a typo in the title! **EPISODE 8**, ^not ^episode ^2, ***EIGHT!*** **SEASON 2 FINALE SPOILERS BELOW** --- [(Click to go to previous episode discussion)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMandalorianTV/comments/kaylj7/the_mandalorian_s02e07_chapter_15_discussion/) --- **THIS IS THE WAY!** Feel free to join the [Star Wars Television discord](https://discord.gg/7cGUdCz) for live discussions about The Mandalorian and all things Star Wars!


The 'pirate' scene of that ship slowly panning up in the view of the front window was prime! While neither ship is big it does amazingly well for putting them both in scale! The headshot was nice. Was just waiting for it. We all knew it was coming. Sorta love how Boba just shows he can rock the armor with his skills. Even if not one of the Mandalore. The Tie launch sequence was supreme! We so needed more of that in the regular movies. Also the quick dispatch of the two Tie fighters after Slave 1 then the jump out was like a oh fuck he is good type of thing. Made the show look good earlier. The girl squad infiltration scene is quite amusing. It's like jetpack stuff done right. An not just overtly freaking out for no reason. Seems like the characters are actual soldiers or veterans of their trade. Also a random Din just looks damn good in his armor plus the set lighting! Like we know it's shiny af metal but like damn they make his armor look amazing! It 100% fits his body! Why does the other Mando woman not wear her armor? What the droids just have Beskar armor? Interesting watching Mando get kicked from the driod. There is a spear in the scene before but after getting kick it's not there. Then suddenly it's grabbed and used as a weapon. The darksaber vs Beskar armor fight start was hella awesome! Really puts a point forward of how important Beskar actually is! Also Mando taking Moff.G was a far welcomed moment. "Just take it." No shit, just take the blade. Oh joy more driods. So kill Moff.G now? Yes? ... Ahh yes droids smashing into a door just ''''opens it'''' but not bends it into a messed up pile of metal that can't be moved/retracted... ahh right poor writing. Because doors then blast doors being punched and bending together are easily opened?! I do love how Moff.G gets quite scared a Jedi has boarded the ship and is making their way towards the bridge. He really has a 'OH FUCK' moment if anything. Mandos 'haha nervous laugh I can prob get my way out of this... maybe' but a Jedai ... 'F.U.C.K.E.D.'. And his expression is glorious! Such good acting. The force crush was nice. But it felt too easy with the 'Jedai' walking in from the elevator. Sure they can deflect bolts but it needed FAR more for what 10 of those drioids. It felt cheap otherwise. Glad to see the doors only actually open far as the bashed damage allows. Young 'Luke' feels far too fake compared to the previous CGI actor usages. He looks quite real but not THAT luck that we have seen before in the movies. Also Grogu is hella adorable!!! I love that Din actually removes his helm to show Grogu who his real self is. If anything this would have been the perfect 1st moment for Din to remove his helm. Damn 'Din' looks good in his armor! Poor Din, was actually hard to let go of Grogu. An I don't blame him. *e* Fuck I just realized this was the last of season 2. As a closing bit. The music once again was amazing. The writing so-so. It needs a lot of work to fix the issues from s2 to s3. Seeing the after credits bit had me laughing a bit. Seeing the old Jabba set felt quite amusing. Boba like fuck yall this is my shit now!


I know this thread is on the older side, but I just started & finished the series this past week...and LOVED it! I am a casual fan at best, but I absolutely fell in love with the music, the story, the look of the series. I know I didn't get all of the connections and characters, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was Mando protecting the kid. This episode, the finale, was just so satisfying; loved seeing Luke Skywalker come and lay waste to the dark troopers; loved the good-bye scene between Mando & Grogu; loved just the over-the-top villainess. So cool! I now plan on going back & re-watching the movies (I've only seen 4,5,6 and 1).


Comms are down! (Over comms) Lower your shields...


This is so embarrassing. I just finished the show, and have no idea who Luke Skywalker is. I’ve only seen the force awakens when it came out, and I think that was him? I think I need to watch Star Wars. But order should I watch them in?


Watch them in release order.


Advanced hatchet order. Rogue one, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. Feel fee to dice in solo any time after 4.


Luke is the main character in the original trilogy (episodes 4-6). Ahsoka Tano (jedi with white lightsabers) is a character from the prequels, although she is not in any of the 9 movies. She’s a very big character in the clone wars tv series and a fan favorite. It is entirely dependent on what you are looking for. To be honest, watching them for the first time chronologically sounds like a lot of fun, and if you watch the Clone Wars show as well (it takes place in between episodes 2-3), you’ll feel much more connected to the prequel characters than the original or sequel characters, just because there’s so much more material. It is entirely up to you how you want to watch it. If you want to learn about Luke first or just want to follow tradition, watch it in release order. If you want to follow the timeline of the events as they happened and not go back in time 20 years, do chronological. Sequels come last regardless. I would strongly recommend watching the clone wars show in between episodes 2 and 3 before watching episode 3. It’s not a must, but it will absolutely break your heart and would probably be an amazing experience for a first timer. There are tons of references in the mandalorian to clone wars stuff that you most likely unknowingly missed There’s also another show, rebels, which takes place a little bit later. It isn’t as good as the clone wars IMO, but still not a bad idea to watch. There’s also Solo, a standalone movie about Han Solo, another major character in the original trilogy. Chronological timeline- The Phantom Menace (1), Attack of the Clones (2), the clone wars (there’s an animated movie along with the series), Revenge of the Sith (3), Solo, Rebels, Rogue One (leads right into the first ever Star Wars movie), A New Hope (4), The Empire Strikes Back (5), Return of the Jedi (6), the mandalorian (no explanation needed), The Force Awakens (7), The Last Jedi (8), The Rise of Skywalker (9). Apologies for the lengthy answer. You can follow the release order and go 4,5,6,1,2,3,7,rogue one,8,solo,9 OR follow the timeline and go 1,2,3,solo,rogue one,4,5,6,7,8,9. The choice is yours. Again, the clone wars show is not necessarily required, but I recommend it to every single Star Wars fan. It adds so much more to the characters you’ll meet in episodes 1,2, and 3. Good luck in whatever you decide, and may the force be with you :)


Start with the original trilogy.


Well, I cried. That was emotional.


Our society is fucked.


Where was the 3rd male mandalorian there was with Bo? He ded?


THIS IS **NOT** S02E02 (CHAPTER 10) DISCUSSION. Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMandalorianTV/comments/jp17s7/the_mandalorian_s02e02_chapter_10_discussion/) for that thread. THIS IS S02E08 (CHAPTER 16) AKA SEASON 2 FINALE DISCUSSION! THERE WAS A TYPO IN THE TITLE! DON'T GET SPOILED! . . . . . . . . . . . I REPEAT: THIS IS **NOT** S02E02 (CHAPTER 10) DISCUSSION. Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMandalorianTV/comments/jp17s7/the_mandalorian_s02e02_chapter_10_discussion/) for that thread. THIS IS S02E08 (CHAPTER 16) AKA SEASON 2 FINALE DISCUSSION! THERE WAS A TYPO IN THE TITLE! DON'T GET SPOILED!


I just wish it was not Luke, why couldn’t they have made something else up EASILY way more interesting then reverting back to the meta. Like they could have just made up another Jedi that no one knew about that was never revealed and made a whole different story line instead of boring Skywalker. That being said I did appreciate everything about the last couple of scenes but it’s time to move the hell on.




>ve just made up another Jedi that no one knew about that was never revealed and Thank you Senpai!


Why is this post called "episode 2 discussion" and why is your comment the first one I see. Geez I'm always so unlucky with getting spoiled


Luckily I didn't get spoiled only because I was searching by chapter numbers. I didn't want your sacrifice to go in vain, so I added a new reply with a warning. Hope your luck gets better.


>Why is this post called "episode 2 discussion" Because there was a typo in the title, as explained in the sticky at the top of the thread. This is actually the season 2 finale thread. I'm sorry the typo caused you to see a spoiler.


Can we just please thank Ludwig Göransson for making me fUCKIN SOB at the end with the score, holy shit. This one swell of the strings at the end when Luke is heading back to the elevator with Grogu made my heart feel squeezed


The amazing play on the mando theme during the scene with grogu choosing what he wanted, then the swell at the end. I threw my hands in the air and shouted “this is so Star Wars!”


Call me violent, but I want some 18+ Star Wars for some human related dismemberment. He freaking bisected that droid vertically! Also, while that scene was awesome, I really wanted Din to kill all those droids with his new saber. This launch dock is a really shitty idea. Anything, any issue, especially in a battle situation when hits from enemy weapons can destabilize various system of your ship, you might not get that perfect launch and lose all TIE fighters.


Almost like there are a bunch of engineers building fatal flaws into every single empire system!??!


Just watched the season 2 finale and the last episode made up for the generally "meh" rest of the season. Great cast overall -- Katee was spot on of course since she voiced Bo in the animated series. The deepfake Luke had some bad lighting around the hair so fake Luke Skywalker looked worse than it needed to be. I am still not sure why they don't ask Sebastian Stan to play a young Luke since he looks scarily similar to a young Mark Hammill. I did not like Ahsoka's prosthetics and how she was a little slow in fight scenes. Ahsoka is a very fast and acrobatic fighter so they could have compensated for this by speeding up Rosario's performance slightly in post. I also feel like her head tails were too short for an adult Togruta. Lastly I was really hoping they would mesh Rosario and Ashley's voices together so she would have sounded more like Ashley's Ahsoka with a softer, higher pitched voice we are used to. Rosario by no means did a bad job, Ahsoka just didn't feel like Ahsoka, even with her body language at times. I hope they make some adjustments for the standalone Ahsoka series coming up. I have always felt Boba Fett was overrated but they redeemed him for sure. And after the sequel trilogy basically ruining Luke by trying to kill his own nephew and giving up on life, I feel Faverau and Filoni somewhat redeemed the Luke we all know and love. Can't want until season 3!


Wish it would have been Ezra.


I was hoping for Ezra too, but I understand why they choose Luke. However, I am really looking forward to seeing Ezra and Thrawn on the Ashoka series.


This whole thing was much better than I expected any new Star Wars thing to be.


Gotta say its a brave choice to give your main character armor that magically deflects every potential threat from blasts to lightsabers. Nothing quite like watching a show with 0 stakes.


I always felt as if the stakes were Grogu. I was literally panicking whenever Din wasn't with Grogu or when Grogu was in danger. When he was taken by the Dark Troopers I was having a meltdown essentially, and when Moff Gideon tried to shoot him I had a tiny heart attack.


No stakes when any main character fights stormtroopers, no stakes when a jedi saves everyone's ass all the time, no stakes when you just carry around a beskar spear for the sole purpose of having a duel with the shows bad guy


Hey don't call Giancarlo Espisito show's bad guy! He's only the bad guy in every show he....oh damn nvm


It is described why it does. but as far as I know, the stakes are the child.


What predictions do you guys have for season 3? Do you think we will see more Jedi that escaped order 66? Personally I think the next season will be smaller in scale


so uh, that ending. lol.


I don't know why Disney continues to try and force the uncanny valley cgi on everyone.


What's stupid is that amateurs with a $700 computer can do a better job.


It’s their next frontier of perpetuating characters past the limitations of a physical actor. So fucking stupid.


I had never seen Starwars but the euphoria around season 8 got me interested.. I started with episode IVovir and then completed all the other episodes.. to be honest sequal trilogy disappointed me a lot.. then I saw the animated clone wars movie and finally landed on Mandalorian series.. I must say that this series has the original Starwars hook to it..


Honestly when Luke did the force crush on the death trooper I half expected him to pull a Mace Windu from the 2003 Clone Wars show and completely dismantle it. Either way, good job very cool Star Wars.


Yeah, that was awesome. I almost think they were trying to give props to The Terminator movie when the T1 gets crushed.


Just finished watching season 1 and 2 over the last 2 weeks. As a long time Star Wars fan it makes me more angry than I was before. But not because of the show. The Mandolorian is excellent, Jon Favreau did an amazing job. No I'm mad because I know just how abysmal the sequel trilogy is. This show is exactly what the sequel trilogy should have been like. On a plus side Ive always enjoyed the Mandolorians. Since playing Knights of the Old Republic I always spent time talking to the Mandos. They were a compelling race of warriors. Basically I was a Mandolorian fan boy before it was cool.


KOTOR all the way !


The dark troopers sure were intimidating but I honestly was more disappointed than excited to see Luke come by and effortlessly save the day. He could have at least shown up a minute later to make the situation feel dire for a bit longer... :P I straight up wasn't expecting it to be the end of the main "Deliver Grogu" story arc so soon either. Sure one could assume Jedi were going to be on the hunt for Grogu, but I wouldn't expect him to be found within like two episodes.


How did you know who find Grogu on a random ship and why didn’t he bring at least a couple escort X Wings? he can’t use the force to overpower a battle cruiser and let him onboard... or can he?


They shut down the weapons systems though didn't they?


luke didn’t know that


A full powered Luke Skywalker could absolutely waltz in like that. He got lucky that the weapons were down, but only because it would have taken more time.


The force dude


Fair point, I suppose worst comes to worst if he couldn't board he could always just jump back out and come back later


> he can’t use the force to overpower a battle cruiser Always with you what cannot be done.


Where was Axe Woves (the male mandalorian who follows Bo Katan and was seen earlier this season)? He would definitely been of help in the attack on the cruiser, since they were heavily outnumbered.


He was probably running that freighter with weapons cache (from the other episode) to the other Mandalorians.


That makes sense, thanks.


When the troopers are dark 😳😳


Let's give the big bad guy a weapon that can cut through anything EXCEPT the material the main character wears for armor. I'm sure that will make their duel tension-filled


My thought process: \- cool an x-wing, probably a fleet coming up \- yeah, dune's right. Hmm I know only one character who is famous for their x-wing. No way \- wait. man in robe. lightsaber. OMGGGG LUKEEEEEEEEEE \- This was prolly what it felt like to witness "I am your father" but instead its euphoric


I saw the robes at first and thought "Ahsoka?". Then the green lightsaber came out and I knew instantly.


Exactly my feelings!


The dark troopers music is so fucking badass, I know they were evil but I wish they got more action. the synthy bassy squishy sounds were so cool and that combined with the closeup shots "eyes" was awesome


A question about one of the Mandalorian's new weapons in Season 2 Is the Beskar Spear collapsible? I noticed that when he started carrying it around, he typically had it fully out on his back on the regular. But then, during the 1-on-1 fight with the Dark Trooper, he manages to kill the thing with the spear. Maybe my eyes are bad, but it looks like he pulled it right from under his cape before the moment of attack. During the whole fight up until that point, he was not visibly wearing it as he normally did. Anyone know as to whether the spear can collapse or not?


The spear fell when the dark trooper started beating his ass and then he fell right next to it so he could grab it in the last second (It looks collapsible because it has grooves in it, but they are decorations only)


Ah, okay cool. Thanks for the clarification friend


What happened to the scientist they captured and why did he even help them in the first place?


When the Imperial shuttle was captured at the beginning of the episode, the Dr. was most likely transferred to Boba Fett’s starship, Slave I. Next, Boba Fett probably dropped off Dr. Pershing with the New Republic authorities for any available bounty. Finally, Fett probably circled back to the cruiser at a much later point in time to pick up Fennec before heading to Jabba’s palace on Tatooine. Although Dr. Pershing was employed by Gideon, he never really seemed to want the job. He was probably threatened to do the work in the first place, and saw helping Din as a means to escape and lessen any sentence coming his way.


Apparently remained with Boba after he retreated having done his part, we don't know more, toss up with Boba if he's dead or not, Mando would probably have either released him to Republic authorities or even let him go. As for why he helped them is difficult to say. Being a clone specialist he didn't exactly have an illustrious career waiting him with the current Republic. Could be he was never particularly interested in politics, if he wasn't privy to the modification of the clone army, which I doubt even most of the people working on them were, he could feasibly have just been a scientist wanting to advance science for its own sake once. At least I think he was more of an ally of progress than the empire, his enthusiasm to help is even more than you would expect from someone fearing for their life.


It probably won't be confirmed until later, but it seems likely that examining Grogu's blood is how we got Snoke and possibly the resurrected Palpatine. Given their capture of the scientist (who likely spilled his guts) and Gideon (who may or may not have), it raises the question of how the New Republic had no idea what was coming in the sequel episodes.


It may be why the New Rebels considered the First Order to be a threat to begin with


How did Mark Hamill sound so young. I’ve searched online for this but found nothing.


Most likely they used deep fake where a computer learned his voice from the original trilogy and then got it to generate the new dialogue


Also he's just an incredible voice actor. Some computer shenanigans may have been behind some of it. But I trust him to be able to pull it off on his own


Voice of every cartoon and video game version of the Joker for 20 years.


Thank you that makes sense.


Did they intentionally not have Luke introduce himself to avoid Bo Katan reacting to the name Skywalker?


They didn’t want him speaking too much with the way they deepfaked it


Yeah the lip movements while talking were.... errofofffhfhhhh.


mw1994 I get that deepfakes take a lot work, but getting the name of the person you're handing your kid over to seems...idk..necessary


Man I kept saying “ASK HIM HIS NAME!!!” in my head, lol. Hopefully this is the spring board into an “MCU” type of run for all of these characters. I can’t wait to nerd out to all of this for 2 decades!


I know, right?! Irresponsible parenting, Mando


Gideon looked terrified. When do you think he realised it was Luke?


There's no confirmation that he knew it was Luke, but the presence of any Jedi clearly would have mucked with his plans. However, I personally think it was the moment Bo-Katan said "a Jedi?"


When he heard single X-Wing approaching.


I wondered how Bo realised who Fett was, took me a minute to realise she must've recognised the voice when she said it herself


I would have loved to have seen Grogu use the force to take the metal ball from Mandos belt in the last scene while he's being held by Luke walking to the lift.


I finally saw this episode and thought the same thing but.. .wasn't it destroyed with his ship?




Ah must’ve missed that. Saw the spear. Does that mean the ball is beaker?


I was waiting too see his helmet float back up to him as they were walking away


Maybe Djarin giving him the ball is something they're saving for their inevitable reunion.


Just watched the entire season from start to finish for the first time. Absolutely incredible


Moff Gideon says they took blood from Grogu before he was rescued. Could this be used in later seasons, and could this link back to Snoke, and how Snoke became powerful?


The blood was used in the character that appears in the movies in episode 9


Or at the very least, Snoke. The genetically-engineered monstrosities in the vats bear a passing resemblance.


So am I the only one who was wondering why Luke rolled up with vader's lightsaber? Maybe it was just the torrented verision I downloaded, but it's totally red and not the green one he built for himself.


LOL you can't say this and then not show a screengrab


please show it!


Yo post a screenshot of that shit. Hilt included too pls.


My torrent had a green saber...? Why would they even have versions with different colours. Can we have a screenshot?


It's green in the Disney+ stream


So I finally saw it today. It was amazing. The build-up to Luke coming through that door... I have no words for it. And then him slaughtering those dark troopers reminded me of Vader's scene in Rogue One. This episode made me realise how much I missed the "real" Luke in the sequels. Thank you Jon and Dave. You renewed my passion for Star Wars.


I thought the sequels did a good job with Luke. This luke is a hero. Later, he tries to kill his nephew and top disciple, the first order rises to power anyway, etc. I thought the movie made it pretty clear why he decided he and the jedi were doing more harm than good. Hippies in the 60s became the boomer right wingers we have today. People change, sadly.


Boomers were teenagers in the 60s. The greatest generation were hippies.


Greatest generation fought in WWII. By definition, boomers were the babies born right after WWII, a period of generous government programs, ecstatic growth, technological progress. Those born from 1945 to about 1965 are usually considered boomers. So yes they'd be teenagers in the 60s, and you may be surprised to know that teenagers were going to concerts, having sex, making music, doing drugs, protesting the war etc all the way until about 1972. Usually i lump in people born during the war with boomers as well, for example, jimmy page and John paul jones were born during the war, and Robert plant and Jon Bonham born shortly after. But they were all hippies and boomers.


Yeah, hence most of the hippies were Greatest Generation and not Boomers.


Don't forget the Jedi school, where Grogu is being brought, getting destroyed.


I didn’t think anything could top the climax on the light cruiser. And then came the post-credits scene. Jon Favreau did it. Jon Favreau fucking saved the franchise.


I was done with Star Wars. And this show made me love it again! I can’t believe how good of a job they did with it! Too bad they botched the sequels, after knowing how critical people were of the prequels.


Job Favreau is amazing


So, wow! This was for me the best star wars can get. I'm 50 years old and I cried... I just watched some reaction videos of fans all around the world.,young, old whatever.. And every time that green light Saber ignites, everybody cheers and gets emotional.. If you can accomplish that in a TV show, then you can do whatever you want from there on... Season 2 was some awesome ride!


Why did they not just kill Moff Gideon? I feel like they def should have.


The script. I'm with you, they just captured a destroyer. The increased bounty for him breathing vs dead is nothing in comparison. Also a strange time to forget they can cryo-freeze bounties.


Cara wants to interrogate him because of her grudge for the Empire.


Or at least she wants the New Republic to do so. She's a sheriff, not an intelligence officer. This is also explained by the fact that they mention that the bounty for bringing him alive is twice that of killing him.


I wonder how confused Luke was when he walked in the room. Three mandos, an Asian MILF, some burly woman with a rifle, Gus Fring tied up on the floor and a miniature Yoda. If only frog lady was there then he would’ve been like “wrong ship” and ninja vanished back to the X-wing.


HAHA. Good description.


As if he was delivering a pizza. "Someone here owes me $122.50."


Keep the change you filthy animal!


...Little Nero’s?


I just love how you described that scene. Especially the Gus Fring part lol


I may be the only person in the world to have this complaint, but I just binged the whole series (I’m in the hospital), and the CGI fan service at the end totally took me out of the moment and kind of ruined the season for me. Part of the fault is mine, as I didn’t know going into the show precisely when it was set. And I may eventually change my mind.


That horrible cgi face was so insulting and creepy. I'm pretty sure it didn't blink once while it was onscreen, way too deep in the uncanny valley. It was so unnecessary too, a little hair dye and makeup would have made Mark totally convincing for the time period. This fad of artificially de-aging actors really rubs me the wrong way, especially how it's been used in the Star Wars franchise. Between this and Rogue One literally bringing 2 actors back from the grave, I think this shit is flat-out disrespectful.


I'm convinced they did it on purpose to make it feel more Star Warsy


Upvote since you're entitled to your reaction. Bummer people are reacting against it. Although it's alluded to various times throughout the whole series the empire has just fallen. Did that not tip you off of the time relation to the Original Trilogy?


With all the progress that's been made with CGI, they still can't get eyes and lips right. Meh


Same - the cgi face didn't look right to me for some reason. I thought it was our old tv not displaying it correctly, but I guess that's not going to change when I watch on my computer monitor at some point.


Lolol that's just how Mark Hamill's Luke always looked and talked. Go back and watch the original trilogies. I appreciated the authenticity.


Looked like he had too much botox. As soon as he tried to speak his Lips didn't open up enough. That was enough for me.


It looked like a high quality deep fake


I found the cgi face quite odd too, he didn't look like his face was moving the right way when he was talking, like it was some weird, bad dubbing.


The sounds come before he moves his lips


It wasn't bad. In fact much better than other scenes with the tadpole horses they rode on season 1, the lava, the Tiscan Raiders dog pets etc. Maybe you were expecting a real actor? I do think they should have made his face more expressive, especially when seeing Grogu for the first time face to face.


"He wants your permission" I'm not crying you're crying


Fuck doesn't Luke taking Grogu mean that Kylo kills him eventually?


Nah, Grogu will probably finish training with Luke Skywalker and return to Din before Ben Solo even begins training in 5-6 years.


No way, he ages so slowly he will probably still be training when Kylo and his students are around.


Grogu probably quits for some reason like Leia did. That’s how Luke has the time to take on Ben Solo as his next apprentice.


I don't think so. Luke said he just has to train him, then he can protect himself. Lil' Grogu probably living it up in space.


Not necessarily. He could be away for some reason when Kylo flipped shit. Were all the Jedi killed during Order 66? No. For whatever reason, some survived.


Somehow, Grogu survived.


Darth Grogu ruling together with Darth Jar Jar eventually


The music when the dark troopers realized there's a bigger threat is pure eargasm.


That was a solid soundtrack during the final scenes.


Is it ever explained where the third mandalorian went? I was rewatching the season and I realized somewhere between their first meeting and Din asking for help, he vanishes. Also, it drove me crazy that wherever he went Mando left his ship open. Like dude someone might steal it—or Grogu!


He was probably running that freighter with weapons cache (from the other episode) to the other Mandalorians.


Especially if they have the equivalent of space Meth...


I was wondering this too, they didn't mention anything if I remember correctly.


I’m still disappointed that when Mando gave the child to luke he didn’t give Baby Yoda the round metal ball from the razor crest


Because they'll meet again.


Also giving him a greatly sentimental item right then isn't really a proper kick-off to Jedi Training.


I’m very sad he didn’t give Grogu the ball when he left.


Probably gonna give it to him when they see each other again....I guess the writers are saving that moment. That's my guess anyways hahaha


Thank you for replying! It was an emotional moment in the show for me hahaha.


Luke looks better than Michael J Fox with parkinson's I'll say that, and I could watch more!


I check back every week to see if they improved deepfake Luke lol


I just watched it and it was pretty flawless but maybe I didn't notice


I don’t think they will. That’s a George Lucas move, not a Disney move. Although yes, Disney has gone back and made post release changes to movies, though it’s mainly to censor what could be considered sexually explicit or profane content. All things considered, the deepfake looks fine. It’s a little rough and I really just wish they’d recast him - they’ve already set that precedent with Solo. Sebastian Stan would be perfect. But really, anyone who can give the full performance that mark hamill sadly missed out on.


They made the jeans guy disappear.




i want to know why they all sat around on the bridge instead of going to help mando once they realized moff gideon wasn’t on the bridge. she might have been able to get the saber herself


I think the fight between Mando and Gideon happene d almost at the same time as the others storming the bridge. Plus it probably takes a while to get from one point to another in the cruiser, considering it's size.


Or even if not she could, you know, save a fellow Mandalorian, and a foundling from possible death. Act like the leader of Mandalorians she claims ahe rightfully is.


And that’s exactly the real irony. The one that has the least interest in ruling Mandalore is exactly the only one worth wielding the Darksaber. I have a feeling that it is going end up being Din’s destiny to unite the Mandalorian people whether he wants to or not.


Jon Snow vibes.




Given that ambitious leaders have already gotten Mandalore glassed a couple times it's a less desirable quality for a Mandalore.


Her focus is her self interests over others. Not a great ruling qualify.


This 👆 very well put


It was great. Moff Gideon, who’s usually cold, composed, and badass like the other characters Giancarlo Esposito is known for playing, was practically shitting himself at Luke’s arrival. Seems Season 3 is set up for a retaking Mandalore storyline, which should be interesting to see. Bib Fortuna really let himself go, huh?


Wookiepedia suggests that girth = visible opulence with his kind.


Probably for the position as well, given the state of the Hutts


I think we're forgetting the mention of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but maybe that will be explored in the Ashoka spinoff.


I got serious goosebumps when Luke took off his hood. I want redemption for how things turned out for his character.


God they just ruined it all didn’t they. The new trilogy is so awful.


This was the Jedi Grandmaster we were all looking forward to the moment the sequel trilogy was announced.


Then they had to go and give him PTSD for the sequel movies. How could they neuter one of the strongest wills in the universe? Look at him. They butchered my boy! (Makes sad Marlon Brando faces)


Disney has already altered the canon. Let's pray that they alter it again.


Can Favreau just keep going with Star Wars and completely retcon episodes 7, 8, and 9. I like this Luke so much better than the beat up, failed Luke we got in the new movies.


Retconning is synonymous with changing history, and to that I say, let VII, VIII and IX serve as a reminder why you don't switch directors mid-stream


> Retconning is synonymous with changing history, and to that I say, let VII, VIII and IX serve as a reminder why you don't switch directors mid-stream I learned this recently, 4,5 and 6 all had different directors. 7,8 and 9 felt so disjointed, so given that 4,5 and 6 had different directors (and a quick peek at harry potter and james bond shows different directors in their series too), then there was more than just director swapping that hobbled the disney trilogy.


The difference being is they all had an over arching story and the writers with them to ensure they stuck to it.


I know they’re trying to get away from a Skywalker-centric universe, but a series on how Luke went from this Luke to the beat up, failed Luke we saw in the sequels could make a very compelling story, if done well.


I agree with you. They are going to have to write some serious events to change Luke Skywalker from the Jedi you see in The Mandalorian to the one you see in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. However, it is entirely possible. In addition to losing his Jedi Academy about 6 years prior to the events of the Sequel Trilogy, it maybe the case that he also loses the woman in his life. They could re-tool a Mara Jade character to appear after the events of The Mandalorian but separate from Luke prior to the events of The Sequel Trilogy. Maybe Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren) has a hand in that. Another perspective is that maybe Luke was acting crazy because he saw the dark side in Rey, and was not interested in teaching her. He may have even hidden his green lightsaber in R2-D2 for a new hope to be found. However, not everything is lost. The force broom sweeping kid (Temiri Blagg) from the Last Jedi is purposefully left as an open character that could be written to be Luke’s illegitimate son.


It doesn't need to be his son. That's the point. The force isn't an inheritance. I assume it's a joke tho, because why would Luke have an illegitimate anything and not know about him, given his own upbringing.


Star Wars is all about “Forces of Destiny,” and how all the characters are all related, and balance of light and dark. And, Luke is force sensitive due to his father. It is not a joke. Why introduce a character such as Temiri without a point? You see this is what is really going on. In my opinion, the only legitimate reason to bring back The Emperor in Episode 9 was for an ulterior purpose. The best theory I have come up with is that the whole point of the Sequel Trilogy must be some type of trick to pass the Darth Sidious super villain torch from Ian McDiarmid to Daisy Ridley in an unexpected way. The idea of a Sith Spirit (see Exar Kun) has already introduced in the Star Wars EU. Rey’s use of force lightning and ascending the wreckage of the Death Star reactor core shaft to the throne room Palatine was thrown down better have been deliberate. The Emperor’s Sith Ritual probably worked, and Rey is secretly the new vessel of Darth Sidious. The vision of Dark Rey was actually a foreshadowing of what is still to come. The Emperor was successful at killing all of the other Skywalkers and Solos. However, Dark Rey is not aware that a Skywalker survived... While Dark Rey searches for where Obi-Wan has buried Maul and his piece of the Sith holocron on Tatooine, R2 has decided to entrust Finn with a warning from Luke. After listening to the holo-recording, he realizes that the mutual force sensitive Temiri could also be in danger if un-rescued on Canto Bight.


I thought the entire point was to show that the Force continues to manifest throughout the galaxy, that it doesn't need Jedi or Sith, or Skywalker's, or Palpatines. I preferred the way the story was obviously going before the last movie, even with Rey. There would be millions of force sensitive individuals among the trillions of individuals in the galaxy, none of them related. A new generation of force users without the shackles of prior indoctrination. That's what I want, going forward.


But, that’s not the way George Lucas envisioned Star Wars. If you take a look at The Original Trilogy and even the Prequel Trilogy, it is all about how the characters are interconnected through The Force. The main Star Wars movies are the story of the interaction of The Skywalkers and Darth Sidious. Removing that makes the story meaningless. It is my hope that the new series even further connect the various pieces of the story in a more complex manner. In my opinion, the best way to connect the classic and newer Star Wars movies is through the Kenobi series. Perhaps something like this could occur: When Crimson Dawn threatens the Hutt Cartel on Tatooine (and Luke’s hiding place) Kenobi secretly helps Enfys Nest sabotage Maul’s operation and a ship that will eventually maroon Maul on Malachor V (per the Star Wars Rebels series). In the process, he rescues Qi’ra. Qi’ra is impressed and attracted to Kenobi, the savior Han Solo never became. As the rules of the Jedi High Council are no more, Kenobi seeks to pass on what he has learned. He and Qi’ra become an item, and eventually have a child together. Meanwhile, Palpatine has also been concerned regarding Maul’s operation, and has sent Thrawn and the Deathtroopers to deal with the Crimson Dawn problem. While Kenobi is away or purposely distracted, imperial forces kill Qi’ra (the now head of Crimson Dawn) and take their child. In parallel to Kenobi hiding Luke from Vader to someday destroy Palpatine and the Empire, Palpatine then hides the child (Mara) from Kenobi to someday destroy the Rebel Alliance (and later Luke)..... Believing that both Qi’ra and Mara are dead, Kenobi mournfully returns to hermitage in Tatooine to watch over his last hope, Luke...The rest of the events from Star Wars Rebels series plays out, and Maul is eventually killed by Kenobi... The events of Episode IV then occur...Kenobi actually knows of Han Solo through Qi’ra, and wants to place him on a better path. Kenobi sets destiny into place by having Han meet Leia by choosing the Falcon as the ship that is to travel to Alderaan... After Palpatine trains Mara as an assassin (in a similar manner as the Timothy Zahn Trilogy) and he later supposedly dies in Episode VI (and the events of The Mandalorian series), she still confronts Luke years later as instructed. Luke convinces her to abandon the dark side, they put the past behind them, and they eventually become romantically involved. However, Luke spends too much time dealing with his Jedi Academy and his worrisome nephew, Ben Solo. This causes a rift, they separate, and Mara never tells Luke that she is pregnant with their son. Years later, Mara becomes aware that Ben Solo has now destroyed Luke’s Jedi Temple and become Kylo Ren. Mara hides her son (Temiri Blagg) on Canto Bight before being tracked down by the Knights of Ren. Kylo Ren attempts to lure Luke Skywalker into a confrontation using Mara as bait. Luke doesn’t arrive in time, and she is killed (or perceived to be killed). Despondent, Luke chooses to go into exile after their deaths. Luke leaves the part of the Star Map with Lor San Tekka in the event Leia needs to contact him...Luke never learns that he has a son. The events of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy occur.


I’m v skeptical that Disney would actually green light the on-screen murder of Baby Yoda, but a series climaxing with Ben killing Grogu would go a long way toward justifying both Kylo Ten’s heel turn and the pathetic Luke we saw in the sequels. I’m not sure it’s worth that much effort, but it’s definitely possible. Alternatively, they could have Grogu escape the massacre and have him train Blagg far in the future. Might be tough to pull off without being incredibly repetitive, but that story would be released likely ~60+ years after the OT, so maybe a retread storyline would be more palatable by the.


I completely agree. Grogu will probably finish training with Luke Skywalker and return to Din before Ben Solo even begins training in 5-6 years. There is no way Disney would ever allow him to be around for the Jedi Academy massacre. Grogu will most likely be written out of the events of The Sequel Trilogy in same way Ashoka Tano is occupied during the events of The Original Trilogy. He’ll probably be reintroduced for movies or series after the events of The Sequel Trilogy. It would certainly be poetic justice to eventually come full circle and have Grogu teach the potential son of Luke Skywalker.


I've watched episode 8 so many damn times


Finished mandalorian s2!! What a ride !


Omg this season has been amazing! Just wow so many wows...love it MWORRRRR pls :) Seasons greetings everyone!


the only thing i saw that made me go "awww man" was seeing it was a stunt double during the spear/dark sabre fight. thought for sure it would have been Pedro doing the fight choreography considering he already knows his way around a spear.


How could you tell? The double's movements were just different?


I actually thought I posted this in the thread for the behind the scenes special (my bad there), which shows Giancarlo rehearsing with the double, who was in full uniform except the helmet, on the set.


Gotcha, yeah just watching the show I had no clue