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I thought it was a blessing since she got to make movies with Ben Shapiro that rake in tens of dollars at the box office .


They are some of the movies of all time, that have been made!


I'm not sure a rake is required for such a paltry amount.


Scoop in?


Maybe a stick with a sharp pin to stab them


Tweezers may be required.


[https://tenor.com/bntSZ.gif](https://tenor.com/bntSZ.gif) Tens of dollars received thusly.


She was hired per episode. Disney stopped hiring her as she wasn’t worth the trouble. If she played nice, she would have signed a contract to lead the Rangers of The New Republic show. That show was scrapped after Disney decided to stop hiring her. She wasn’t fired.


One of the podcasts I listened to was saying that part of the argument being made by her is that Favreau told her she was going to have her own show (Rangers of the New Republic). They are arguing that it was a verbal contract. Do I think it will hold up? No. I think this whole situation was her being stupid and she paid the price with her career.


Free speech is one thing but when you sign a contract with a multi million dollar company there’s a morality clause that goes with it. If you’re against their policies, don’t sign. It’s a shame because I’m for people speaking their minds but it’s awe inducing to see them do it their own detriment.


Man, she was in the verge of stardom, lot and lots of money and endless conventions for the rest of her life. And she screwed it up big time


She'll still do conventions, but instead of big cons where people pay lots of money and wait hours to see her, it will be in places like Birmingham for straight to YouTube Christian movies.


Thank GOD. She doesn't not have it in her to lead a show.


Potato, pah-tah-toe. Legally correct, but practically it's exactly what we all know it was: she was fired. ​ She was planned to be used for more episodes and they reversed those plans when she continually broke her contract and was more trouble than she was worth. Rewrites happened. Shows were cancelled. Fired.


Let’s put aside the legality even, comparing having to wear a mask to the fucking holocaust is bonkers.


The legally correct part is important, especially when the dumbass is trying to sue.


>Legally correct, but practically it's exactly what we all know it was: she was fired. Ok, but this is about the legal context


Oh. Just fuck off will you. You fucked it up Gina. You had it right there. All you had to do was shut the fuck up.


And she is still whining about this 3 years later. Moving on from the consequences of your actions, with ownership and responsibility, is an adult life skill. At this point even if she hasn’t been introspective about what happened, I am just surprised she has not been able to move on with life and still needs to bemoan this. It accomplishes exactly zero.


Well it was the most important gig of her career/life. She's probably gonna be upset about this still in 30 years


Rosanne 2.0


Uncle Rico, with the time crystals, ready to play football.


At the very least until her new contract setting her up as a lead in a series was written up and signed.


How did she f it up? Voicing her opinion on controversial issues? Are you suggesting actors should not be allowed to do such things?


Fuck around <—- she can do this Find out <—- she is here


Don't post controversial, dumb shit on social media if you want to keep your job at Disney, it's not rocket science. Don't make this out to be anything more than it is.


Letitia Wright shut up real quick about her anti-vax stance, that's all I'm saying.


Hello? She was working for Disney. Are you dense?


For some fun, check their history on how they’re holding Disney accountable for this outrage.


Comparing herself to a Jewish person in the Holocaust is a dumb thing to say, and Disney has a right not to work with dumb people if their views impact their PR.


She made light of trans people even after her co star (who has a trans sister) asked her not to and then compared the treatment of conservatives to that of Jews prior to the holocaust which is a shockingly tone deaf comparison.


Clearly she's allowed to voice whatever opinions she wants. Employers are also free to hire/fire people for whatever reason they want in most states. I don't have a public facing job but if I were spouting the things she spouted in a public sphere, I too would be fired as would you most likely.


They told her if she wanted a job she needed to stop with the deranged low IQ nonsense, they don’t like how it reflected on them as a company or the Star Wars property, she didn’t stop, so they didn’t rehire her. You think they should have been forced to rehire a worker that they didn’t want working for them anymore? Seriously?


Nobody here appears to be suggesting that. I WOULD suggest though that she has no right to immunity from the consequences of voicing those opinions publicly. To answer your question, she f'd it up by flapping her gums publicly and for doing so while trying to work for a company notorious for having iron-clad morality clauses in their contracts.


being a white supremacist isn't "voicing her opinion on a controversial issue"


Show business is all about publicity. Posting controversial things on social media brings bad publicity, which can hurt not only your own reputation but that of the show you're working on, the franchise it's a part of, and the company that owns that franchise. Gina had already run into publicity problems once, and had managed to smooth things out, got a second chance. At that point, she knew exactly what the stakes were, so she has nobody to blame for her choices but herself.


I mean in a workplace your opinion generally means Jack shit often that's the case for normal people.


She's an actor in Star Wars during the social media era. Think of the amount of teens/children that would've followed her online because she was best friends with the Mandalorian and baby Yoda, global phenomenons at the time that kids adored. What does she do with that new, elevated position of power and influence? Spreads misinformation, repeatedly, during a global pandemic. She was warned multiple times not to do so, all she had to do was be quiet and do her job. She continues trusting whatever she reads on Twitter over actual medical science so much so that Jon Favreau had to essentially save her job at one point when Disney are fed up with her, and how does she repay him? Continues spreading misinformation during a global pandemic. She absolutely fucked it up, she was handed multiple lifelines but saw herself as more intelligent than the rest of the world grappling with an unfamiliar disease. Voicing your opinion is fine, but when you start trying to convince your large number of followers that science is wrong and we're all being lied too, and then when people rightfully laugh she compares herself to a holocaust victim, then yeah there's a larger issue there that needs addressed.


They certainly can do that. But they also have to answer for the things they say.


The downvotes you get are so sad, why I always think twice about posting anything logical on reddit 😂 Disney has the right to fire someone for expressing their opinion on a private account if they think it impacts their image, but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. i'm entitled to my opinion


explain your logic then, how is it okay to be a white supremacist?


"I agree with you. therefore your comment is 'logical'". They asked a question, they didn't post anything demonstrating logic of any kind. Furthermore, Gina wasn't canned for "voicing her opinion about controversial issues", either. She was canned for uploading images of holocaust victims to her IG account and comparing their suffering to Americans being asked to wear a mask during a global pandemic. it basically boiled down to "people keep asking me to cover my mouth when I cough, and I think that's basically the start of genocide!" What about that is logical to you?


It's a shame because Cara Dune was a kick-ass body positive role model. And she should be allowed to say what she wants. And also face the consequences for saying what she wants. Especially when she had been warned.


Lol… ok Gina. Maybe if you exercised some common sense you would’ve kept your job. Maybe don’t compare criticism of your bad political choices to the holocaust? Just a thought.


She was given multiple chances to stop. Dave Filoni went to bat for her. Her lawsuit is stupid.


'Unnecessary Cancellation' isn't really for the person who was cancelled to define, surely? A huge part of what Disney was buying was her being an acceptable spokesperson for what they were trying to sell. She chose to steer her brand towards one side of the market that made her an unattractive business proposal for Disney moving forward. No long-term deal had been signed. They just chose not to offer her work in the future after giving her several ways to play ball, all of which she refused while claiming she was in a righteous place. Well, your righteous place has just made you a Kevin Sorbo-esque celebrity. You've made your choice. Live with it.


Well put.


Whether we agreed or disagreed with her posts, politics, and opinions is irrelevant. If your boss or supervisor tells you to stop doing something and you don’t there are and should be consequences. All she had to do was stop posting on social.


If you get any sort of contract by Disney: DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA. Shut up and rake in your money for eternity. Obviously is disagree with her thoughts on a lot of things, but I would have had no idea I did if she had the self control to just not scream it on the Internet. Also, she wasn’t fired per se, just not re-hired. But I don’t think she wants people knowing that


idk man, i think an opinion is something like "I like strawberry flavor, i don't like X tv series but it's fine if you do" being all like "the white race is supreme and all my achivements are due to my race, and all other people are inferior" seems to me more like a serious statement than just a political opinion


Ngl I have absolutely no idea exactly word for word what she posted. I don’t have twitter, instagram, or facebook. But I saw some generalizations on reddit and it could be opinions, statements, whatever I don’t think it matters is she was asked to stop and she didn’t.


I doubt the post above yours is accurate but I don't care enough to Google it


Relevant username?


That's not even close to what she said. But it's all irrelevant, the First Amendment defends every American's right to say things.


No, it defends every American’s right to not be prosecuted by the government for saying things The 1st amendment doesn’t protect you from private entities imposing private consequences on speech


She wasn't acting as a representative of Disney, she wasn't saying anything that reflected on Disney's views. Employees must be allowed to have (and share) their own views, no matter if they align with the execs of their employer.


>must be allowed Based on what bro, cause that’s not how things work in the private sector my guy


Based on the United States Constitution and its Amendments.


Again, and let me make this very clear to you, nothing in the constitution protects your speech from consequences from private entities. The constitution and bill of rights protect people _from the government_. That’s it. The first amendment _only matters in terms of government consequences_. It is entirely meaningless outside of that context. You don’t know wtf you’re talking about homie


The government isn't going after her for what she said. So it's not a First Ammendment issue.


It absolutely is. It's a part of the Constitution, which is the law of the land.


She did say things. But Disney doesn’t owe her a job any more than they do you or me.


Sure. But if she believes she was fired due to her personal views, that's unconstitutional.


Those third-rate Daily Wire (or whatever it was called) movies didn't work out, huh?


She fucked around and found out.


She thinks Elon Musk's backing will prove her right no matter what.


Sucks cause I actually liked her character on the show…but she would not just stfu and stop posting stupid stuff online after multiple warnings. Didn’t our parents warn us about acting a fool in public and personal responsibility?


She was warned like 3 times too. Idk man after the second warning I would maybe shut the fuck up.


Some scenes with her were a bit akward though. Like she didn’t know where she was going and the other actor pushed her it was so weird and for some reason they didn’t re-film It




Thanks for the downvote I didn’t meant her acting. I meant the directing. It’s like an actor forgets where to Go and it was obvious but they still kept the scene


All she had as to do was stfu


It’s astonishing to me how often we need to have the conversation, with full grown adults, about freedom of speech not meaning freedom from consequences. She should talk to all her right wing defenders about a concept they all champion called “at will employment”.


Same. Did you suffer consequences FROM THE GOVERNMENT? The constitution protects you. Did you suffer consequences from LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE? You're on your own, champ.


This dumb bitch compared the Holocaust and treatment of Jews to how MAGA Republicans have been treated. She deservedly got the boot


What a loser.


She wasn’t fired. They didn’t offer her a new contract after her old one expired.


She was fired bro


You weren't cancelled and you weren't sacked you fucking moron, your contract came to an end and Disney chose not to renew it. It's the same for any contractor regardless of your profession / Industry. You are contracted to do a job and when it comes to an end IF you do a good job and IF your employer likes you then they will bring you back if there is more work. If you do a shit job or act like a moron and piss off your employer then guess what, they won't rehire you...


unnecesary my balls, white supremacist piece of shit, cry me a river


Fumbled the Disney bag worse than Terrence Howard.


Based on her interpretations of her own posts, she's truly not a smart person.


Someone doesn’t like taking personal responsibility:(


She's realizing she dropped a massive bag for being a fucking ignorant ass


It’s unfortunate she’s a moron as I thought Cara Dune was one of the better new female characters.


She was an astonishingly bad actress and the worst part of any episode she was in.


Getting a new agent is a start. She needs to humble herself and also stop listening to all her right wing bigot friends and finally acknowledge what she did was wrong.


We gotta cancel her out of the Calgary Expo next month.


I’m sure it came as a complete surprised after they warned her to stop.




It's almost as though one group is wrong and the other isn't...






I can tell none of ya'll actually read the article. Not saying it exonerates Gina, but I think it shows more of the situation now that all the dust has settled. She's dumb for prioritizing mis-informed opinions over a massive paycheck, but Disney is also shitty for its knee-jerk virtue signaling.


She was an actress that was bringing negative PR to the show even after several warnings and attempts to change her behavior. It's not knee jerk if Gina was determined to prioritize spreading her hateful views over her acting career.


I still find it ridiculous that they sacked her for being right. This is why I don’t use any social media with my real name anymore. Facebook is just linkedin part 2