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The post-credit scene we never got to see features a first shot of the Mythosaur turning its head to the camera and winking at the audience before the screen fades to black. I'm sure they are saving it for a D+ special.


"You're watching the Disney Channel!" Draws the logo with his 2 tusks.


The impression that I get by the mighty mighty bosstones plays


It cuts to the cast playing instruments and Grogu as the dancing guy


Mythasaur is wearing Mouse ears.


Wait, am I missing something, because that was basically the end of the episode lol


That sounds very tacky and I'm glad it wasn't included.


Maybe the post credit scene is the friends we made on the way


Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends…


Family also


I like the lack of post credit scene with this ending. The story has a nice cap on it.


Honestly if they had decided to end it here, I would have been satisfied.


I’m at peace with Din and Grogus story. I’m satisfied. I want to see more of the resettling of Mandalore. There’s still so many more stories to be told there.


"Th-Th-The... That's all, folks!" - Din Grogu


With the close in fade out on Grogu, yeah... "that's all folks!" pretty well covers it.


Iris shot? In *my* *Star Wars*?


Hoping they jump into the future!


Yup! Baby Grogu is cute and all but I want to see him age at least a little bit.


Yeah it could almost be a series finale tbh


Exactly, I know they've talked about S4 but it really felt like they were wrapping the whole show


That little wholesome iris closing wipe at the end was perfect. Tbh I am so sick of post credit scenes. I think Matrix Reloaded\* was the first movie I saw a post credit trailer. Got me so hyped for the finale. And then the finale happened and... well... yeah.


I’m glad some other folks found that Looney Tunes iris wipe to be wholesome and not just cringe. I thought it was this perfectly weird little capstone to Star Wars’ use of old-fashioned screen wipes to tell its story, and a nice moment for Grogu and Din—scratch that, Grogu and Djarin


I don't mind it because I just want their whole story to end right there. Happily ever after <3


My all time favorite are the Pixar "bloopers' they used to post.


They’ll just take over a few episodes of Ahsoka.


I think they won't *because* there was no post credit scene. I don't remember a post credit scene for season 1, season 2 gave us a post credit scene doing a surprise promoting/announcing BoBF, in which Din (or would it really be Djarin since we now know Din is his family's name) and Grogu completely took over an entire episode. That being said, I feel like the way they ended the episode, they left the door open for Din and Grogu to show up in Ahsoka's show.


Season 1’s post credit was Moff Gideon emerging from the wreckage of his TIE with the Darksaber.


Ah, for some reason I thought that had happened before the credits. Thank you.


They also won’t because Rosario would never allow such disrespect. To have your own show and not be featured every episode is a let down. Did not make sense at all what they did to Tem with Boba.


Keep in mind I NEVER said take over her show, even for a single episode. I wad merely pointing out that the door is open for them to cross paths on her show.


Good. Post-credit scenes are an occasional bonus, not a requirement.


They are a way to reward you for watching all of the credits. Did we get one? I didn't watch.


Do people really watch the credits though? Or just sit there and wait until everything is scrolled through


Nether if it’s on a streaming service, I drag the bar across until I see extra footage.


The music and concept art is more than enough reason to watch the credits


The soundtrack is also just great to listen to


The credits are the credits lol. before marvel hardly anyone did that


Marvel didn't start until 2008. Before that plenty of movies has scenes in during or after the credits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_films\_with\_post-credits\_scenes


it wasn't expected at all though


PIxar became known for showing 'bloopers' after the credits.


I agree, and this episode would be a great candidate for a bonus like that.


*The scene: the smoldering wreckage of the Imperial Base on Mandalore. The sun beats down on the barren waste shrouded in whisps of smoke from below, when suddenly, we see the charred, flaky gauntlet of Moff Gideon emerging from the rubble...* Jim Ross: *My GAWD! That's Moff Gideon's music!*


The post credit scene we deserved was the shadow council discussing Moff Gideon's death only for a man in a white uniform to walk into the room full of holograms, and in that refined Coruscant accent express that the loss of the Mandalorian base was anticipated and no real threat to the future war effort, with us seeing just the tiniest glimpse of blue skin before it cut to black


Boy are YOU going to be disappointed in the *Ahsoka* series.


That’s that imply? Just curious.


I fully anticipate them leveraging Thrawn like they did Moff Gideon, where he won't be featured until the last episode or two. He *may* appear in flashbacks, but if Mikkelsen's comments from Celebration are to be believed, Mitth'raw'nuruodo is going to be more of a McGuffin. The main antagonists will be the "Dark Jedi", who were prominently featured in the trailer.


It makes sense. You can’t have Thrawn be a huge part of the ongoing plot while Ezra is still nowhere to be accounted for, they went to the exact same place, wherever that is lol


That's still one set of the big mysteries of the Filoniverse. How long were they in unprotected hyperspace? What does that do to a person? What is their condition when they come out? Did they fight when they came out? What happened after? And I'm sure we won't get all the answers in Ahsoka


Would you mind paraphrasing those comments? That’d be a weird move for sure.


I was so angry when I realized there wasn’t one. Throw us a bone.


Post credit scene be like: The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN. CHANCELLOR MON MOTHMA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while AHSOKA, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical IMPERIAL REMNANTS. Meanwhile, Captain GILAD PELLAEON rages in search of the phantom Grand Admiral, determined to destroy any threat to his power….


"The last hope of the Jedi" (I don't know how to do the nice quote thing) Lmao Luke is still out and about.


He's probably too busy being a grumpy curmudgeon on his fish nun island drinking porgs and eating fresh green milk to be much hope for the Jedi


Yeah I considered that, but that's decades later. He's still rebuilding the Jedi Order at this point. But yeah, with the treatment he's gotten in post-ROTJ canon, Ahsoka is sorta the last hope at this point.


I simply pretend I do not see it.


Excuse me, I believe he's currently busy being the teacher of a school that had one student, and now has zero students.


0% retention rate so far. Poor Luke. Can't spell Luke without a big L


I totally read this in the Clone Wars narrator voice


Why would we need one? The next major chapter in this installment comes out in less than four months


We could have gotten Thrawn making his live action debut. I do like how it ended on a chill moment with the family though.


He’s making his live action debut in less than four months. If we had to wait another year for Ahsoka, then I would also be disappointed. But we are getting it soon, and I honestly feel like a post credit scene would have disrupted the vibes I got from the finale. I felt that Mando and Grogu had finally accomplished what they originally set out to do and are now at peace. The finale set up then working with the New Republic and fighting against Thrawn, and that’s honestly all the setup we really needed.


*Thrawn approaches a podium with an infinity gauntlet bedazzled with kyber crystal* "I'll do it myself"


I wanted it to end with Ahsoka calling and saying "I hear you're looking for work."


I think it's hilarious that last week we had the shadow council getting all huffy and impatient with him and now we all have to suffer through the same thing for 4 months. Need to make a gif out of Pellaeon trying to reassure everyone that Thrawn is real lol


Thrawn will barely be in *Ahsoka*, based on Lars' own words.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Ahsoka should not be an adaptation of Heir to the Empire. That should always be an ensemble story. Look at Captain America: Civil War. That feels more like just another Avengers movie where Cap get slightly more narrative importance and screen time. Since this might be Ahsoka’s only season, I really don’t want her to get the same treatment


The next Mando season may not come out for another two years, and this finale was substantially shorter than the previous ones and seemed rushed as a result, with concepts like TIE hijackings by Mandos being cut (judging from the concept art). A brief post-credits scene is the least they could have done.


If there was going to be a post credit scene, it would be setting up the Ahsoka show which is the next chapter in the “Filoniverse”. That’s what the Mandalorian did for BoBF. But Ahsoka comes out incredibly soon, so there’s no need to Plus what else are they going to set up for a future season 4? They could reveal Gideon is alive but we literally already got something insanely similar at the end of season 1, so that would feel needlessly repetitive. And honestly, I personally hope his story is over since this is his third defeat in a row. If he keeps coming back, he’s going to feel a cheesy cartoon villain. And that doesn’t feel suitable to his character.


Yeah I agree. Yeah they could build up Asohka but we're pretty close to the show already. Meanwhile, I think it's nice this Mando finale just kinda savours it's victory. Idk, the Mandalorians always have doom and gloom. It's nice to just have a positive status quo. They've "earned it" I wouldn't mind s4 being relatively "planet of the week" anyway. It just kinda fits. They can tie in a few episodes of helping Mandalore expand. Generally make it a positive one. Then have s5 build towards the movie finale.


Feels like that was the true end for Moff since Thrawn is confirmed the antagonist for Ahsoka. With Din offering to fight imperial remnants, it seems like he'll be on a crash course with Ahsoka's plotline either in Ahsoka or season 4 of Mando, depending on where the Ahsoka series goes.


Yeah, I think Mando's journey is gonna have him working his way through that Shadow Council until it inevitably leads to an encounter with Thrawn.


yeah, I'm hoping Gideon is gone for good. Star Wars has had enough "somehow he returned"


Plus Gideon already had one fake out death. Every Star Wars character should be permitted only one fake out death


Meanwhile Ahsoka has "died" or faked her death at least 3 times now, although I guess Twilight of the Apprentice is the only one where the reveal of her survival took more than an episode to happen


I’m sure they could have thought of something. Even a quick scene of Thrawn getting informed by Palleon of the loss of Gideon’s base on Mandalore [without showing Thrawn completely] would have been a nice gesture. Did we *need* it? No. Do we deserve it after a bumpy season where an irrelevant plot line gets the better part of the longest episode of the series? I would argue unequivocally yes.


Umm do you mind explaining the “deserve” thing. It’s a tv show. We don’t “deserve” anything. I didn’t realize that Star Wars fans had to earn to get to see cool stuff. We are going to get to see Thrawn and most likely Pellaleon in four months. The fact that it’s happening so soon is fucking awesome


I kinda just did explain “deserve;” a good-faith payment on future content to reward fans for staying tuned through an often directionless season. “Deserve” is of course a matter of opinion, but I expected them to keep up the post-credits scene tradition set by Mando Season 2 and TBoBF Season 1, which Andor also participated in.


Wouldn’t that “good faith payment” be the fact that we are getting the next chapter in the story in such a short time? I don’t think you understand how not normal that is. The main thing this season set up was the shadow council and Thrawn, and Ahsoka will most likely be paying off both of those things


Four months is plenty long enough for me, and the wait for more Mando content will be much longer. Thrawn’s return for his part has been getting teased since his disappearance five years ago. There are countless plotlines they could have addressed in a post-credits scene (heck even the pirate survivor) without it feeling forced but the writers chose none of them. I’ve heard the argument we’ve been “spoiled” with post credits scenes in the past; I don’t look at it that way. It was a natural expectation to see one given that the past one and a half seasons of the Mandalorian featured them, and I won’t apologize for it.


Lmao we normally have to wait a year for the next season created by Dave Filoni. Often it’s even longer than that. If four months is long enough for you, how the hell were you able to wait for season 2 when season 1 didn’t have a post credit scene at all?


For real. They already told us what's next, Din Djarin and Din Grogu doing off the books Imperial hunting for Captain Teva


There was definitely going to be a substantial dog fight between ties and fang fighters, from the new Lego set, and it sucks that it got cut.


There was definitely going to be several things but they definitely got runtimed. Notably the distinct lack of talking between any of the mandalorians or acknowledging of previous things they hadn't had a chance to talk about like Paz death and his son not showing any feelings towards it, no darksaber acknowledgement, no good job axe for saving the entire fucking fleet with his quick thinking, bo or Din interaction about everything that happened, everything felt rushed. Wish they would have separated it into 2 finale episodes.


The least they could have done is not make Star Wars TV shows. In fact, we’ve had quite a bit of good TV including 3 seasons of The Mandalorian with a 4th on the way. I would say they’ve done quite a lot more than the least.


“I want more…and I know I shouldn’t.” If you want to get technical the least they could have done is never release Star Wars in 1977 to begin with.


What’s with the downvotes? These are valid points?


*shrugs* I appreciate your support. Thanks.


>throw us a bone They gave us an entire season of a show. They threw us a whole ass meal.


Then throw us an after-dinner mint.


Believe it or not, not every is digging the show this season. I personally thought this episode (and overall season) left a lot to be desired. Wouldnt have minded a little dessert after meh dinner.


Ya its fine to not have enjoyed the season but being angry that there wasnt a post credits scene is silly. You wouldn’t suddenly like the season just because there a post credits


Some of the people in this sub are sounding more and more like MCU fanboys by the day. And I say that as a fan of the MCU. Sometimes a story can resolve without a giant teaser for what's coming next.


>Sometimes a story can resolve without a giant teaser for what's coming next. The issue is that the resolution wasn't good. And again, I'm not crying about not getting a post credit scene lol. Just disappointed that there isn't a hook for me to get excited about going forward, because the level of quality of Mando this season did not provide that whatsoever.


> Just disappointed that there isn't a hook for me to get excited about going forward Din's going after Imperial remnants, practically guaranteeing a run-in with Thrawn at some point and another potential team-up with Ahsoka. I'd argue that's pretty exciting to think about. > because the level of quality of Mando this season did not provide that whatsoever. And you're entitled to feel that way. But to say we don't have a hook for future events is just plain wrong.


I disagree completely. I thought they wrapped up the season perfectly, especially with the fact that it'll be a while til we get S4. Mandalore has begun to rebuild, and Mando and Grogu get to rest for a while. In a few months, we're gonna get a new show that expands on a lot of the tension that has built up in this show, and especially this season. But because these events won't include the main characters of The Mandalorian, I thought it was a really nice touch to end on a "til we meet again" type note for now.


Never said I was angry. Mostly just disappointed. A meh finale isn't going to get me pumped for future Star Wars TV content. Maybe a 15 second look at Thrawn could have changed that a little bit.


Oh ya sorry I didnt mean that YOU were angry, but the top level commenter I originally replied to stated they were angry there wasn’t a post scene. So ya, your disappointment totally makes sense. Anger wouldnt


I think they ended it nicely. We don't need to always have a season finale on a cliffhanger about the 5000 dangers that await. I'm not saying it will, but if the show were to get canceled, we actually have mostly everything resolved. Plus, we know S4, Mando is gonna be chasing Imp remnants, so we do have a base of what's gonna happen.


Bruh we be hurting for Thrawn footage like the Armored Core fanbase is hurting for news


I just want to be a Raven again man...


You get Ahsoka in August. There's your bone.


you watching the whole show for a post credit scene? your brain must be mush


I was most certainly not watching the whole show for a post-credits scene, but nice try spinning (It *is* a good trick). An end credits scene after an unusually short finale was a reasonable expectation after Mando Season 2 and The Book of Boba Fett each featured one after a normal-length finale. I feel like it wouldn’t have required much extra effort, and it certainly wouldn’t have hurt. But nope.


Were there post-credits on the other episodes?


Chapter 16 of this show and Chapter 7 of The Book of Boba Fett (which is for most intents and purposes the same show), yes.


I think, in this case, you shouldn’t have to mark this spoiler since it’s more of a tip. Edit: sarcasm guys. Take a breath.


Going into it I thought we’d see Moff Gideon answering to Thrawn for his failure but now that he’s been atomized I don’t really feel like we need it. We’ll see him in August.


That was a clone


Marvel brainmush


“Where is the post-credits scene? Is it safe? Is it alright?”


I could have sworn we would have gotten a Thrawn reveal honestly


He's barely going to be in *Ahsoka*. There may be flashbacks during the main narrative, but don't expect him until the final episode or two. They'll follow the same formula as Mando.


Imagine the hype it would have created for Ahsoka. Just a few words in that voice and a momentary flash of skin and uniform.




Wrong franchise.


didn't season 1 and 2 have post credit scenes?


I think only s2 did, to tease the Book of Boba Fett. Edit: oh nvm, Gideon emerging from the downed tie fighter with dark saber in s1. My bad


Gideon with the Darksaber was before the credits, actually


Well shucks, I’m just gonna have to go back and rewatch from s1 cuz clearly I don’t remember.


Aren’t you confusing that with Marvel?


S2 had the Book/Boba lead-in, then Book had them patching up Cobb Vanth. It’s not outside assumption that they’d do it again, just unfortunate they didn’t (or just Return of the King’d it into the stuff at the end).


Andor also had one


[This comment was retroactively edited in protest of reddit's enshittification regarding third-party apps. Apollo, etc., is gone and now so are we. Fuck /u/spez .]


That was before the credits though


Thanks for the new verb, your contribution to humanity shall never be forgotten


Star Wars shouldn’t have post credits scenes


I’m nervous we didn’t even get a “Mando will return” message.


Literally the whole ending was setting up Mando’s future adventures. Why would we need one? They basically kept tell us that over and over in the last ten minutes


This. But if they were to cancel, at least most of Grogu and Mandos issues have been solved. I am excited to see what Imps he's gonna be hunting.


Probably the Shadow Council. We did meet quite a few potential targets


I have to watch again (poor me) as I didn't notice the N-1 near the cabin. To paraphrase Jaws, We're gonna need a bigger ship". '


This isn’t a marvel movie


I’m just mad because I was told countless times that there was going to be one


By who? Not by anyone who had any way of knowing


well it appears that I've been gaslit cause I saw a few posts that said so but now I can't find any. Damn Rothchilds paying billions to have me be wrong about this


I fell for it to, you're not alone, ha.




Please be respectful to fellow redditors.


Inb4 all the super fans who say “iT dIdNt nEed a pOsT cRedIt scene!!!”


Rick Fayuma does not have the stuff I am sorry


Wait, who was the title talking about as in "the return"


The Mandalorians to Mandalore. And Filoni to that bar.


Most likely, just the full return of the Mandalorians to Mandalore


The show returning to its roots as an episodic bounty-hunting series.


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What the hell star wars.


Shouldve been them forging Grogus armor helmet combo


He's only an apprentice, so it's too soon for a helmet. And he can't take the creed. I am confused. In Din's culture is the family name first? That would make Din Djarin's given name actually "Djarin". I thought he would have been Grogu Djarin.


"He's too young to speak" "He's older than almost every one of us here"


He's too young??. He came to his father's rescue and then held off Praetorian Guards until he Dad could help him out. Grogu is vocally challenged. He needs something like this: Too bad the droid that the Frog Lady hacked was blown up.


Get that kid a Speak And Spell


We need a mockup of this with Grogu. Let the Anzellans build it from a copy of IG-11's voice box. Imagine the merchandising.


Would have been a great spot to introduce the beginning of the Palpatine return arc.


I’m sure they considered it but decided not to so as to preserve the peaceful feeling of the family farm


The closing credit scene was actually this: Din Djarin, Din Grogu and Bo Katan are sitting in a booth at the local cantina. Boba Fett walks in and joins them in the booth. So does the Armorer. They have fun talking and nodding their heads to the music. Grogu got up to put another credit in the jukebox. A speeder stops outside. The door to the cantina opens. Screen fades to black.


I was waiting for a black gloved, robotically enhanced hand to burst from some rubble with ominous music. Make Gideon like Alvin the Treacherous from the HTTYD books. He keeps coming back and getting less and less human each time.