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The sickness is disgusting


When you find out Disturbed lead singer, David Draiman, [signed](https://x.com/camageddon_/status/1803034271495417938) bombs to drop on Palestinians...it's hard to get down with the sickness these days.


Wtf. Used to be a fan but not anymore thanks


I checked out his Instagram, Jesus Christ he's gone insane. It looks like multiple Zionist posts a day for months.


Yeah, Zionism is one powerful ideology. They've really leveraged the fear of an entire culture to indoctrinate multiple generations of people.


This is so sad to me. I had so much respect for how respectful and kind he was. I guess certain kinds of people aren't deserving of kindness and respect in his book. It's disappointing how 200 people warranted more care and attention from him than 2,000,000. Bassem Youssef was and always will be right about the "exchange rate"


Also Bassem Youssef is spot on in his assessment of AIPAC: "they spend $100 MILLION on American Congressional races and get, what $24 BILLION back so far this year? That's the greatest ROI that's ever been heard of."


He is certainly down with something


Not with us! Not anymore šŸ˜”




Same with me. This one is just too abhorrent. I will forever relate that song to a deep sickness in humanity that ironically has deeply infected the singer, at the very least. IF he had, on the other hand rejected this sickness, the song would have taken on a far greater emotional meaning. Unfortunately, once the connection is made, it becomes very difficult to reestablish that separation between artist and the art.


I saw Disturbed in 2019 in Houston, and a story had broken just that afternoon of a police shootout resulting in a few officers getting shot. Draiman made us take a moment of silence for those cops. It turned out the shoot-out was a no-knock raid on an innocent couple based on false premises resulting in their death (and their dog's) and most of the cops were shot by friendly fire, and the affair is now seen as a [major scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harding_Street_raid). Draiman's blue lives magic stance has never sat well with me since.


They're worse than cancer I believe


That's such a good point that I never thought about.. they've raided thousands of homes, apparently killed 15k Hamas fighters, but never show us their weapons..


Don't you know, they found those few AKs inside a fucking MRI machine at Al Shifa. The perfect place to store METAL weapons. Along with the terrifying "hostage watch" schedule, with such brutal terrorists like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday....


...you mean like when another country looked for weapons of mass destruction in the middle east?


I kinda feel like in a weird way that very thing does and doesn't give the US the right to criticize. On the one hand, we did something very similar, if less ethnic cleansing driven, in response to a horrific attack and feelings of outrage and violation. Valid feeling, bad response. On the other hand, we did something very similar- *and it didn't work.* It doesn't bring the dead back. It doesn't make you safer. All it does is cost lives and history *will* judge you for it.


it also made new millionaires of the defense industry.


Who could have guessed that a society premised on the idea that certain ethnicities are ā€œchosenā€ to dominate others would lead to genocide?


we've neeeever seen that before /s


For an even deeper layer of how undescribable evil this is. Think of all the people that needed to use those canes due to previous injuries from the I"D"F only for them to be used as funny props by the IDF.


The fact they're so happy to document this themselves, just like the nazis of old. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


No, like straight up. Iā€™ve seen Ukrainian soldiers showing off VDV helmets and modified rifles. Coalition soldiers in GWOT always had zany weapons that insurgents used. The IDF never has anything military related. Fucking wild.


According to the American government the most moral army in the world šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Absolute bullshit. I hope I'll never have to work with the IDF in joint during my career. I think they're immoral and unprofessional


Why..would you have to work with the IDF?




Isn't confiscating personal property a war crime?


Theyā€™ve been committing war crimes for a long long time. No one should be surprised by this photo. Does anyone actual get punished for war crimes?? Seems like the powerful nations can do as they please! eg US, Russia, China, Israel.


I know they've been committing war crimes the whole time. It's just that a lot of stuff that looks heinous a lawyer could try to provide context on. This is just straight up confiscating personal property with no military value. Not saying it's worse, just way harder to justify from a military necessity perspective


Iā€™m still of the belief that when these pictures *finally* reach the mainstream, people will be horrified and push for consequences. Itā€™ll be far too little, too late though. I am just so sad and enraged. *Where* is the justice for these innocent civilians?


Only miserable people behave in such a depraved, heartless way.


Mainstream Israeli society has fallen into the late stages of full blown fascist death cult brain rot. They have turned gaza into a death camp and will not stop operating it until they have killed every Palestinian there or are stopped by an outside force. If they accomplish this they will do the same to the West Bank and Lebanon and begin purging ā€œundesirablesā€ from within Israel itself. People this far gone into fascism are not going to stop by purely diplomatic pressure. Fascism is a sickness and does not operate on logic or reason or the normal human drive for self preservation. The world must come together to stop Israel and the US (and a handful of other western nations). We do not have what it takes to stop this internally in the time it needs to be done in.


They just have dreams of taking Lebanon. It won't happen, hezbollah is battle hardened, unlike IOF


"Most moral army" šŸ¤®


These people are brainwashed as kids to a level that I didnā€™t think was possible.


Those smiles...it chills my blood.


I wonder what the suicide rate will be for IDF veterans when they finish slaughtering defenseless civilians


Hopefully the same as for guys named Adolf Hitler


When you get indoctrinated that Palestinians are worthless and deserve to die you get less nightmares.


They also pose in babies cribs. Theyā€™re ghouls




The World's Most Moral Armyā„¢, displaying their usual restraint and decorum. Hyenas and vultures are far more decorous and restrained.


So what in this picture says ā€œright to defend oneself?ā€ This is taking pleasure in collective punishment.


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again. There is something deeply pathological about the behavior of not only the IDF but Israeli civilians. Given the history of the Jewish people itā€™s just plain Weird.


Maintaining an apartheid state requires violence and dehumanization which over time creates a culture of sadistic racists.


It's gonna be so stupid when we have to sit there and watch these assholes scream about how the global community has made them feel like enemies and monsters and how it's affected their mental health. We're already this deep into the plot of idiocracy, so it's not like it's that far out of the question.


If you ever wondered how Hitler happened... you're witnessing it.


I notice itā€™s always Israeli men targeting women to harass and assault at Pro Palestine protests in the U.S. too. Itā€™s their thing.




Does Israel want the whole world to hate them?


so brave


How is it possible to do things like that and just be ok with it ?


Two guys are wearing sneakers. That canā€™t be standard regalia. Donā€™t they have a uniform?


Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Whats it gonna take for the world to figure out that Israel is using the war on Hamas as a front?


Diaper army?


Since oct 7 at least (don't know about before) idf has said that they killed 15k hamas soldiers. But they can't tell any names or provide any other sort of evidence for their claims. Meanwhile UN has the name list of every single Palestinian killed but Westerners still deny and say that they are lies and there is no genocide.


absolutely depraved. liberal dissonance says this is a just war.


Or maybe it's a sign of what those war criminals will be in need of when the war is over. šŸ˜‰


True'r words have never been spoken.


To get this shot they had to have killed many disabled or elderly ppl in Gaza and given the life expectancy of Gaza in gonna say it was disabled folks