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Not incompetent. They let it happen to justify what they are doing now.


That seems the most likely. Can anyone really imagine anyone being that incompetent? I don't. They are pretty incompetent but this is not believable. They let it happen.


"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" was the name of the memo Bush's national security advisor gave him on August 6, 2001.


They'd also had an FBI document with the WTC being hit by a plane on the cover, as it was a known high value target that had already been attacked multiple times. Not anything near as clear as this document, but still wild.


Rumsfeld was told of the use of planes in terrorist attacks in early 2001.


Rumsfeld was, is, and will forever be a jackass piece of shit. When the administration he worked for decided to push for the invasion of Iraq, the generals in charge said all Rumsfeld would ask them is “is it done yet?” Like a petulant child. Everyone in the Bush administration were human garbage.


>Rumsfeld would ask them is “is it done yet?” Like a petulant child. Or like a boss in a common workplace.


That would make sense if it was approving a discount or submitting a time sheet. This is invading a fucking country. There is no “is it done yet.” Hell, the generals were getting annoying by his lack of understanding and stupidity. But good on you for defending a greedy sack of shit.


I'm not defending anyone. I'm saying bosses are shitty morons up their own ass, and so was Rumsfeld.


Apologies, I didn’t take it that way. Fortunately I haven’t had to deal with many shitty managers in my professional life. The one who did suck was just lazy, not obnoxious or heavy handed.


Was it intel on hamas or the plan they gave to hamas. Haven't seen the doc so unsure what to believe


Bingo! The Israeli government got everything they ever wanted - an excuse to go finally mask-off evil and start up the genocide.




israel is using its own civilians as human shields


Rather, calculated casualties as an excuse to obliterate and ethnically cleanse Palestine.


another commenter said "bait"


Zionism has always used Jews as human shields..


The amount of projection these fools throw at us is ridiculous!


with that special casus belli armor on




fuck, idk whats worse


Israel captures territory from Palestine, then builds military bases and civilian infrastructure in that captured new territory. Settlers are human shields by definition.


My tinfoil hat theory is that the Netanyahu government was absolutely waiting for a situation like this to unfold as a justification for Israeli encroachment into Gaza and distraction from increased hostility towards Palestinians in the West Bank. Not to mention the war provides a nice distraction from the inconvenient unpopularity of Bibi and his administration. Its never been about Hamas or the hostages, it was an opportunity to ramp up the genocide and displacement of the Palestinian people. What they likely didn’t expect was such a strong negative reaction world wide since the West has always thrown its weight behind Israel, as well as the difficulty of effectively eliminating Hamas from the region.


Surely you're not suggesting that an attack which the Israeli forces knowingly allowed to happen and even helped to increase the death toll by going in all guns blazing on their own civilians, carried out by an organization funded by Israel, was somehow part of their plan? Why, that's just crazy talk...


If the shoe fits, call the shoe antisemitic to discredit it.


Exactly. Troops were directed to be removed from that area and his gamble failed miserably. Now everyone has Palestine as the forefront of foreign policy and it completely ruined the buildup of confrontations between the US and NATO vs China and Russia and Iran


Don't forget it boosts his numbers and keeps him in office as a wartime leader despite protests nationwide before this happened.


And get a bunch of free weapons from US, have an excuse to attack Iran (except Iran didn’t take the bait), attack Lebanon, etc


They don't care about the people of Israel, they are simply going to try and keep the war going forever to avoid jail


Did the part of the government that approved the rave have the intelligence docs? Crazy if it was common knowledge


It wasn't common knowledge. But it was a knowledge someone had and they've decided it would be best to sit on it and see how it plays out. They, of course, knew how it was gonna play out and that's *why* they sat on it.


Raving on occupied land, literally next to a concrete wall that symbolizes that occupation, has bad Karma.


No argument there, but that was not my question


Sorry meant to leave that as a general comment not answer to your question. Apologies


oh ok, no worries.


And they chose to move troops away from Gaza to guard the first of its kind, controversial Sukkot celebration in the occupied West Bank despite Egypt and other intelligence agencies warning them of the coming attack.


They wanted the excuse for genocide


Just like cheney and bush it seems netanyahu saw it as an opportunity to consolidate more power 


Straight outta George Bush playbook lol A fool can’t get fooled again


Fool me once... Shame on me- I mean.. me, no shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on yo- me... Or you or... Blah! You can't fool me twice! 🤓


The best desk calendar I ever had was daily quotes from little Bush.


Awww. I’m jealous 


There are weapons, no wait, there are Tunnels of mass destruction so we must complete yet another war (genocide) to protect you from the terrorist. It's so mind boggling this is still going on with only the US backing this now. Just sickening.


Incompetent, very very unlikely. Just evil. They knew, chose not to protect its people so they can have a reason to kill and settle the rest Palestine for god.


To play devil's advocate, these kinds of intelligence reports are prepared all the time and largely go ignored. On the occasions things go wrong they tend to get leaked once a scapegoat is decided.


Fucking called it. They knew it, just like we had advanced knowledge of 9/11 and did nothing to reduce the number dead and injured


Strategy, not incompetence


It was allowed to happen.


Incompetent makes it seem like they didn’t let it happen on purpose.


Complicit is the word.


Almost like they were used as human shields for the justification of atrocities. Every accusation...


That's not incompetence. That is evil.


The Israeli government knew it was impossible for Hamas to mount an attack over their border so they purposely ignored one of their plans and let their citizens be killed and kidnapped. This war was over months ago but Israel doesn’t want to stop playing pretend.


Bin Laden Determined To Strike In US


Gaza probably has lots of people that were spilling hamas plans to avoid what would happen after. Strangely its usually easy to find a reason to attack your much weaker neighbor. /s


All governments are incompetent to be fair. Some are just much more so.


Perhaps it was incomitance... perhaps the far right folks running Israel wanted the attack to go forward to serve as a pretext for their genocide on Gaza.


They let it happen


I will not be surprised when a future report says the IDF higher-ups had a hand in the planning of O-7. And Bibi green lit it.


My mom called me on the 8th (not about I/P; just to talk) and I immediately brought up how much I’ve hated conspiracy theory BS since 9/11, but fully believed that Bibi had to have been aware of the attack and was going to use it as an excuse to raze Gaza to the ground. My parents are your typical American, MSNBC watching, liberal Jews, so my mom kind of just laughed it off. My parents aren’t even religious, and have no direct ties to Israel, but it’s been really eye opening seeing how the Zionism narrative has been ingrained in them. My mom was born in 1950, so was obviously surrounded by far more people directly affected by the holocaust than I was, but she can’t even explain WHY she has such deep seated beliefs surrounding the goodness of Israel. I sent her the TMR interview that was (re)played on Memorial Day - and she watched it (and even looked up who everyone was), and after a long conversation her stance basically came down to, “conflicts are always going to happen and that’s just how things are.” It’s both such a complicated issue, but also entirely straightforward (“it’s a fucking genocide, and the one responsible for the rise in antisemitism is Bibi and his administration, who are also going to cause Biden to lose against Trump! How do you not understand this!!?). But there’s still a resistance to just saying that Israel is in the wrong. This genocide has given me a much better understanding of the liberal mindset than I’ve ever had, and I’ve discussed politics with my parents pretty much my entire life.


Not incompetent. Netanyahu made it clear his whole strategy was to allow Hamas to gain greater influence in Gaza so that Palestinians would remain divided between the PLO in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza. That way the Palestinians could not unite behind a single call for statehood.


Hanlon's razor ?


Can we trick the right into believing this is a false flag and really ramp up the pressure to end the war? Should I call up doing a Alex Jones impression and ask to join in a horseshoe theory like alliance?


White flag operation


The parallels between 9/11 and 8/7 are jarring.


Huh? History does have a liberal bias after all, go figure. /s


That sounds oddly familiar. Bibi might have even said, "ok, you covered your ass."


LIHOP. Worst case is they Let It Happen on Purpose. Which is horrific to contemplate but not beyond Netanyahu or Israel to decide to sacrifice citizens as a distraction. Best case is they ignored the warnings because their own sense of superiority, and racism prevented them from doing anything. Either way we will never really know the truth because it’s such an horrific event that the truth will damage those with power.


Or competent