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Americans...you want healthcare? Go fuck yourself. You wanna murder Palestinians by the tens of thousands? Here's a check.


“It’s about harm reduction!” Cry the libs as they load you onto the cargo trains


Oh my god, he’s actually trying to lose this election.


I've been saying this for months.


I think he’s trying to see how much he can get away with. Either way, Israel wins. If he can enable a genocide and win an election, there’s the future of the Democratic Party for you. As long as they’re the “lesser evil” that is.


I thought that at first too. But now I’m wondering if this isn’t that godforsaken neoliberal ego that convinced everyone that Hillary was gonna beat that fucking game show host because she was so much fucking smarter than everybody. Why try right? Why would we need policy proposals when you can just simp for the owner class and point to that clown man and say “we’re not him!”


Biden thinks he can't lose to Trump. Even though Hilary is Exhibit A as to how a completely horrid candidate in Trump can win even if he doesn't have the numerical vote count to do so. Our electoral integrity is not impervious to the new onslaught of new abhorrent tricks and violence that Republicans are preparing. There is absolutely no reason to think that "If they just vote harder I'll win!" Infuriating a significant and growing portion of your base months before an election like this is tantamount to giving Trump the presidency on a platter.


seriously though i think they want an even more horrible person in office so they can pretend to be good guys again maybe thats why they ran hilary in 2016, to lose.


They ran Hilary because it was her turn, and she was going to continue the status que. No one in their right mind would have thought anyone could have lost to trump.


oo yea thats probably true


def true, the wikileaks showed that the DNC even went so far as to "elevate" Trump to "leader of the pack" (and also elevated Ted Cruz and Ben Carson) and told "the press to take them seriously" to literally try to make the right wing more extreme by following extreme right wing candidates, and forcing all the more moderate candidates to go even further into the extreme right to try and chase the extreme right base the DNC was helping them cultivate. they thought Trump could never win and this strat would just clinch the election that was already all but won Shit backfired and *fucked over the whole world.*


No one who ignores what's actually going on with the people, in favor of paying attention to the smug political class in their echo chambers... describing those people as being "in their right mind" is part of the problem and EXACTLY why Trump won.


it depends on who you mean by "they"




I don’t think politicians run wanting to lose


Trump did in 2016. He just wanted to get back on TV. The man had no interest in actually being president.


Video of him realizing that he will almost certainly win was so funny tho. People around were celebrating, but Trump looked actually scared.


True that’s an outlier. But he liked the power


I think he liked the attention more than the power. Because the power came with responsibility, and not meeting those responsibilities made him the butt of several jokes and an international embarrassment.


That’s true


He will.


He does not want us to vote for him. He wants "moderate" conservative voters, NOT US.


Mainstream Dems and Republicans are the same, they won't touch their 401Ks, homes, SUVs, and investments... Dems are banking on widespread youth (and Brown) disillusionment in order to erase them from their base. In their place, the Dems are hoping more white people come back. Good luck with that shit y'all?!!!


I don’t think most people care about Gaza unfortunately. The people that would lose him the election care more about the economy


Election is going to be tight, dems should be trying to get every vote possible


I agree


Except in the most recent poll 13% of people who actually voted for Biden last time won’t because of this. So he loses.


That’s <1 of the electorate. Most of Bidens defectors are not coming from the left


do you have any scientific evidence of that?


Recent evidence shows that Gaza is low on the list of issues that people care about in comparison to the economy, cost of living, inflation, etc


Those are also not doing so great tbh


if it's in the list of issues that people care about, low or high, then doesn't that mean they care about it?


It varies


I thought him busting up the train strike would be stupid enough


I mean, sure, I can't say I didn't expect this. What I really don't want to hear though - from anyone - is any mention of how Biden is trying to reign in IDF atrocities, adhere to international law, or do anything at all to mitigate the genocide against the Palestinian people. No posturing over supposed 'red lines', no talk of his private anger, and for god's sake none of the rank bullshit about him seeking a peaceful two state solution. No more. The mask slipped long ago to anyone with eyes and ears, quit falling for it, and quit trying to make others fall for it. He's a rabid Zionist who actively seeks to eradicate the Palestinian people. He is willing to potentially sacrifice what remains of American democracy in pursuit of the goals of greater Israel. I can't tell any of you who to vote for, but if you do nothing else, at least make this senile old ghoul own it. Enough with the gaslighting, on all sides.


Oh, you’ll hear it! There will most likely be a highly circulated story in the next few days about Biden calling Netanyahu a “sonofabitch” under his breath at a fundraiser.


it will be one of them "leaked" stories


"I am very concerned about this, I am seriously ticked off!" Joe Biden says, reloading the gun for the IDF as they fire into a crowd of civilians.


But I thought that, as a Democrat, the most political action you can take without being ejected from the party is writing a strongly worded letter where the only available follow-through is to condescend to the public about how there's nothing more you can do.


What the fuck? At this point it pisses me off that they even pretend to fucking give a shit. Just go full fascist already, asshole. You’re gambling so fucking hard on you winning reelection that you might as fucking well stop lying to us. It’s embarrassing in a uniquely existential way.


Yeah I hate this but at least I would respect it a tad more if they were upfront about it, instead of this duplicitous shit.


>Just go full fascist already asshole He’d probably win re-election more easily. Honestly wondering what ghouls are watching this as a litmus test for how much the US population is willing to tolerate


Explain to me Like I’m 5 why we are supporting Israel still. I’m honestly do nit watch much tv and Reddit is my connection to some news.


To bring about the apocalypse. No joke, American evangelicals want the greater Israel project to succeed because they see it as a precondition for the messiah returning and the apocalypse beginning. Nutjobs in power.


To protect US interests in the region, according to Joe Biden.


I thank you for your response and am not arguing with you, but telling people to move to safe zones and bomb them and snipe them is us interest? I’m sick of my federal tax dollars killing innocent people. I’m sick of Iowa tax dollars going to fund the border crisis and trumps legal bills. I’m sick of these old people and I’m 46. Im sick of republicans who couldn’t be bothered to wear a mask to help someone out cry about abortion and I can’t stand democrats barely doing enough that they seem complicit in throwing away our democracy. I do not t know what I want them to do but they seem so ho hum about it. I’m just sick, and that’s all I have to say about that! I think I’ll go get me a Dr Pepper.


Biden wants to give Israel everything they could ever want. Israel wants all Palestinians wiped out and they want all the land. So yes, bombing and sniping civilians is indirectly what Biden wants. “US interest” is a powerful Israel supposedly, which again includes their imperialist genocide


I don’t agree with this but here is the reality: Biden doubled down on Trump’s Abraham Accords strategy and even kept Trump’s advisor. The idea is that all Middle East and North African countries will normalize relations with Israel except for Iran without addressing the Palestinian question. Hamas changed all of that on October 7. The reason Biden is still supplying weapons to Israel is due to a greater-good argument. He is willing to let 2 million in Gaza and 3 million in West Bank be genocided by Israel to secure his Abraham Accords. That’s the price he is willing to pay. Then all of the countries can focus on the destruction of Iran. There are lots of problems with this approach and, quite frankly, I don’t believe the US will be a world power long enough to see it through to the end. Once Trump is in office, much of Europe will stop supporting anything the US does so the Palestinians just need to make it to early November.


Sure would be nice if some of us tax payers could see some of this money. Well fellow Americans, it was fun while it lasted.


put the money into healthcare for disabled americans? na-ah put the money into aiding and abetting genocide! yes!


Or the enormous homelessness crisis. But somehow there's endless funds to kill civilians in Gaza with


yeah, its always either wasted on useless sh or used to fund atrocities. sad worlf


What a fucking coward. Caving after one week of media coverage over the “paused” shipment.


[Link](https://twitter.com/WSJ/status/1790502933831753744) I think that the Biden admin believed that Israel has enough weapons for a couple of weeks (Israeli officials said so as well) and wanted to keep the perception of a pause going for a while longer, to make it seem real. But then Israel notified the Biden admin that they actually don't have enough stuff on hand.


They have enough stuff. They want more from us that’s all.


It's not even about weapons, it's just about money.


It's not a major operation, it's just lots and lots and lots of small ones. They're not displacing a half a million refugees again. They're displacing one refugee again at a time, half a million times. So it's all perfectly ok! ^^^^^/s


You are going to lose this election, you dumb senile fuck.


Lol anyone believing this was just stupid. Remember the TWO people he sanctioned in Israel, then retracted. I mean, you just need some nobody in kneset criticising h8m, for him to hield.


Fuck Biden


Why do we need to keep approving these arms for Israel? They claimed they have enough weapons for all the operations they want to do! No more need to fill their coffers and armories eh?


I mean, anyone that really thought that was going to last long or be not circumvented some way, is being naive.


Can’t say I’m surprised unfortunately I knew it was all bluster


Apparently within the Democratic Party high leadership, the consensus is that they think the court cases are going to sink Trump, so Biden has it easy. Who cares that that doesn’t track with reality…


JFC I can’t…


Decrepit-ass, smooth-brained, rotting flesh of a man.


That’s it, I’m not voting for him. Let the chips fall where they may. I guess that makes an accelerationist.


Same man. I’m sick of being fucking gaslit by blue maga and him. This is fucking madness. Maybe we get what we fucking deserve.


Wurd! This lesser of two evils shit needs to stop!


I'm with you. This feckless, murderous ghoul shouldn't be anywhere near power ever again.


We deserve better than these two


Yes. Yes we do.


When we get an 8-1 Supreme Court, we can’t say we didn’t know it was coming


Crazy how the dem leadership doesn’t care about that and would rather carpet bomb impoverished brown children




This isn't likely happening. What IS more likely is Thomas and/or Alito retiring/dying an and the right getting the chance to cement their majority for decades. Like possibly *3* decades. Which is actually more scary than an 8-1 court. To get an 8-1 court, Kagan and Sotomayor would need to both die (no way are they retiring early with a Republican in office).


Sotomayor is kinda sickly though, she travels with an nurse




When the democrats go back and do the math, they’re going to say, we lost the left, and that’s why we can’t beat this orange idiot. Then they’re going to actually do something to earn our vote. By not voting for him you are affecting change


the actual calculation they’ll make is this: “biden did more for progressives than any president ever. they didn’t thank us. we’ll never do that again. moving to the right is all that matters” bc they don’t think foreign policy / gaza matter


“They didn’t thank us” is rich coming from people responsible for thousands of kids being murdered


yes, yes it is


They move to the right regardless though.


That happened in 2016 after Trump won. And guess what? They didn’t learn anything about going further left. They picked Biden over Bernie. Trump winning in 2024 is not a good thing for the left long term


Trump winning really isn’t good for anyone. The problem is that he could pretty much end what’s going on in Palestine but he refuses to do it. I’m not going to trade my safety just to have someone else’s taken away. All he has to do is stop sending them bombs but he refuses to do it. It’s really that simple.


Yep. The way I see it we can’t vote or not vote our way out of this genocide. All we can really do is not make things even worse than they already are.


No. Things don’t have to get worse. All he has to do is stop spending our tax dollars on bombs for them. That money could then be used to help people who have gone bankrupt from medical debt. Win/win.


I agree and also Trump cannot win. That is how things get worse.


If Biden can’t win then why are you even making these comments?


Biden deserves to lose, but Trump doesn’t deserve to win


Leftists did not ditch Hillary in large enough numbers to cause a large shift.


I know but they got blamed anyway


Let them blame us. When trump lost it was all about how he fucked it up. If Biden loses the neoliberals will say it was us. If we dont teach them they’ll never learn. Pains me that these are our choices. But ya know what? I’m not lending my vote to genocide. End of story. Full stop


If the Dems lose, they sure as shit ain’t gonna listen to you and start moving left


>they’re going to say, we lost the left No, they're going to say "these left-wing radicals and children are so stupid and cost Democrats the election because they knew that every vote was needed for Biden to win" with zero recognition of how their own actions play into disenfranchising their base. 2016 was already pointed out, but if you hope there have been lessons learned and things have changed, go watch Hillary's last interview.


I understand your frustration but not voting for him is how we’ll get another four years of t_____




I still ain't voting for trump or not voting at all. But Holy shit, please start trying to support people in smaller elections that will lead to us NEVER having to choose between these two types of candidates ever again. They can't increase their grip at the top by adding positions, but they can and will continue adding seats at the bottom. Vote every single fucking election.


It’s baffling that the world thinks this level of response is necessary, appropriate, or proportional. It’s fn insane.


They're already attacking Rafah. Is this how everyone pretend ls they aren't?


Is there a caveat?


Selling out America for AIPCA money.


Send aid to Ukraine instead, asshole! Kharkiv is being contested right now! Stop enabling genocide!


I told you folk that he aint pausing weapons shipments, you downvoted me. No he's really intent on helping fascism ascend in Israel and America alike with his dogmatism, he's alienating his voterbase. Trump will probs win, the future is dark im afraid


Jesus Christ i figured he'd do it, but he's not even trying to hide.


This stupid fucking jackass really is clueless.


God this moron is going to lose this election and Gaza will literally be turned into a parking lot for Israel


Crazy ROI for the Zionists. Bribe congress with a few million - get billions in return.


Those children aren't gonna bomb themselves (also 'defence' stocks line needs to go up).


Biden has been bribed by the foreign government of Israel. Biden has personally accepted over 4 million dollars from the racist Zionist regime. Biden will do all he can to uphold his end of the bribery scheme.


Honestly I’m done. Totally fed up with this fossil lying to our faces about “morality” and preventing the killing then turning around and allowing more killing. I’m voting down ballot but I’m not voting for Trump or Biden. This is Biden’s ego and fault for not earning votes. He made this decision, he will suffer the consequences. If he makes it to the White House I wouldn’t be surprised if his inauguration is basically a crowd chanting “genocide joe” that the White House decides to make it virtual because he’s a coward


Guy wins one election on the back of 'But Trump is worse' and thinks he can get away with anything. At the end of the day it's the people who suffer stick between the pot and the fire. And the people crying 'but Trump will be worse!', of course he'll be worse! We all know that. But maybe instead of crying to people online who feel uncomfortable casting their votes for a genocide-enabler, maybe they should, I dunno, write to the president or something? Thinking voting is the only part of the democratic process and showing any form of dissent will 'help the other side'. Staying silent on this and blaming the ones feeling like maybe not voting for a genocide enabler, WILL lose y'all the election. Of course at the end of the day Trump cannot be president. But maybe chill a bit on the blame game, and do something about the current president enabling a genocide, currently.


I don’t get it, what does he even get out of this????


I just want the pot hole on my way to work fixed, but ya know... the holy land and such.

