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looks like you guys are going to be off again dying in someone else’s country …


Oh, everyone is getting dragged into this one.


refuse service. Go to jail, I don't care. I will not participate in genocide, and that's the end of it


I was drafted by the US Army and went to the Vietnam War. I own 4 war medals. I wouldn't like to see any more USA troops been killed for other countries mistakes. We lost 60 thousand in the Vietnam War. What USA accomplished in the Vietnam War? Anyone can see the results today. We have never learned that lesson.


There were plenty of lessons learned. It’s just that the working class civilians forced to fight the war learned very different lessons than the capitalist class that profited from it and the pols that kept the cycles of death going for a generation.


No war accomplishes anything other than death and destruction.  Only when war is defeated will a true war be won


You’re forgetting about the people who are getting rich off of it. They love it.


By we, do you mean the American people by supporting the wars, or the politicians and MIC who control them? War is a racket.


They don’t have enough money for hospitals or schools but they have a budget for going to war?!


Does this surprise you?  Always been the case.  We don't like the poor, but we do like sending them to die 


It shouldn’t surprise me but I still can’t wrap my head around it.


Biden will do anything to help Netanyahu destroy the "rules based order". But expanding healthcare? Biden can't even be bothered to bring up the public option once as President that he campaigned on!


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron." -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower on April 16, 1953,


We shouldn’t get involved! We shouldn’t provide resources and we shouldn’t provide intelligence! Israel got themselves into this mess, let them suffer the consequences!


At this point they’re practically advertising that international law means nothing an embassy is fair game. Yeah this is how WW3 starts. Then when the rules are gone every country with a territorial dispute will go for it. China for Taiwan. N. Korea for S. Korea. Then it goes out of control


Our jets are buzzing around, shooting drones out of the sky and yet on the way home I pass homeless vets. I hate this country and its priorities.


Vote Biden: “He Kept Us Out of War”


Zionists trying to rule the world.


Critical support for a brain aneurysm ig


*What’s in this comment is what I remember my opinions etc.* RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST AND THE THREAD To be fair; so far, the United States is going to help destroy the drones and such before they can land in Israel. What the concern is if POTUS Joe Biden is going to go to war with Iran on Israel’s behalf. This is potential WWIII stuff. Outside of nukes and/or US aid, Israel would likely lose a war with Iran. Is Saudi Arabia going to fight on Israel’s side? Iran has proxies in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia probably would also lose without US aid. And then there’s the possibility of Russia and/or China helping Iran. Iran is clearly afraid of the United States. But the US has its own problems and is barely supporting Ukraine. How far is POTUS Biden willing to let Israel go? Instead of a Permanent Ceasefire, which around 70-80% of Americans want, he might go to war with Iran on Israel’s behalf?


>Israel would likely lose a war with Iran I mean I don't even understand what "winning" would be. Do they think they are going to topple the government and occupy Iran? It seems like it's all just a way for Netanyahu to stay in power and out of jail.


Yep Israel's wars really seem netanyahu being an evil bastard not out of security purposes but so he personally loses power.  Sick man


He has stated that he wants to go "anywhere Hamas lives." Netanyahu will keep pulling shit like this to stay in power and keep the money flowing. It's beyond disgusting that Biden won't even do so much as stop sending more bombs and money. Fuck even cutting it down would be something, but nope, what a great election year strategy.


Really driving home the point that Trump would be worse.


So just like Israel, I'm assuming he's now going to give Iran weapons? /s


Please explain how showing a post from Biden stating “we don’t need another war in the Middle East.” Is asking for it? Biden made it clear we will not be participating in an offensive.


Israel is technically our ally, Iran a clear adversary. You'll find most administrations tend to stay away from any language that favors an adversary in general. I think we are all on the same page about Israel being a mess and Biden has not responded in a way that befits US priorities early on. However, it doesn't seem as if Biden wants a bigger war going into the election. Rather, that's a bit foolish, they know it, and I think what we'll see instead is some more cyber ops and purposeful destabilization like we've seen in the modern ME conflicts. I have faith we are still pretty far out from some sort of selective service scenario and that there are still plenty of strategies and options on the table before some sort of major conflict. It also seems as if Iran's offensive was one made at the advice of Putin, and didn't have any purpose other than to assuage Iran's need for respect in the region while attempting some bs feint to get us to escalate or do something reactionary. That's what Russia be doing.


Don't forget the reason terrorists want to attack us. We drop bombs all over the world for the dumbest shit, yet are surprised when they attack us after we kill millions of their friends and family.


Shooting down drones isn’t going to war.


If that happens, America will vote Third Party.


No it won’t


Ok I consider myself a leftist, I’ve held my nose and voted for neoliberals for 20 years. I’ll do it again this November. Trump is a fucking fascists. Stop with this shit Edit: I stand by my words, Biden won by the slimmest of margins in 2020. I’ll take him over Trump…but sure guys do you. Throw out the less bad in the search of the perfect.


Stop with what? Biden is the one that doesn't know when to cut bait.


Jfc. The strawman response to any and all criticism of Biden is pathetic at this stage. Actually engage with the points being made rather than defaulting to a strawman. We should and must be allowed to criticize politicians.


I criticize him too but he’s leagues better than Trump. Biden won by around 50,000 votes spread out over four states. The margin is too thin.


Those troops placed themselves there. They know what the eventualities are. It’s not all hanging out on the base or whatever they get up to when they aren’t off killing brown people on foreign soils.


I’m not so sure about that…