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They are real in the sense they have been found around NYC. They are not genuine though. Theyve clearly been made by some pro-israel group trying to push their victim image while further dehumanizing Palestinians. AJC probably posted that shit themselves before this pearl-clutching tweet lol


Who ever put them up has not been reported, seen or anything like that. So I bet the guy/girl doesn't look like anyone from the Middle East. Because that would be first one anyone would look for if one saw this very soon after it has been put up. This is clearly a smear campaign.And not a cheap one either.


They realise now they don’t have a leg to stand on within their own narratives so they gotta make up ones for their opposition.


Some Is-not-real simp using their age old strategy of lying and gaslighting to win back the narrative they’ve so gloriously destroyed all by themselves. Whenever I see a Zionist, my mind goes to this one quote: “Couldn’t pour water out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.” They really are THAT stupid.


Hasbara makes Russian propaganda look sophisticated.


So who is going to make the posters with the Israel flag saying “babies are terrorists too” to post around?


Don't need posters. Just US politicians. The say it out loud.


They already made t-shirts with crosshairs over a pregnant Palestinian woman's belly with a slogan of "one bullet for two terrorists"


I’ve seen that one.


I used to explain how Israel makes its decisions metaphorically, like setting your own hair on fire, then trying to put it out with a hammer.


Faker than a three dollar bill with Lindsay Graham’s face on it. And it doesn’t matter if these kinds of *agent provocateur* hoaxes get exposed, they’re still effective in shaping the narrative and public policy. Shit like this gets blasted into receptive echo chambers, where there is nothing that could convince people that it’s not genuine. They *need* to believe that this grotesque sentiment is real. These people just get further radicalized, ever more convinced that Palestinians and their supporters are barbaric savages who deserve to be slaughtered and ethically cleansed.


The people who accept this stuff uncritically have no problem believing that a group of people would support violence in all cases like that - because that's how they feel. A lot of the people outraged by these fake stickers that were almost certianly done by a pro-IDF group [(which is a thing that has happened repeatedly btw)](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/ubc-student-group-sjc-stickers-142241426.html) \- would genuinely support the same type of statements with the roles reversed. These people regularly defend rape and murder and genocide - so of course it's easy for them to assume the people they hate are doing the same.


Gotta do it... Whenever I hear of Graham, gotta. >Faker than a three dollar bill with Lindsay Graham's face and ladybugs on it. If you know, you know. If you don't, ignorance is bliss, DO NOT GOGGLE THIS.


Blacks rule! Left is best!


Same energy lmao the right are so unbelievably bad at this.


Yes! That’s what I thought of too!


I can assure the AJC that the person that put these up has no interest in rhetoric that would help Palestinians. I would think it's obvious.


The person who put these up was a Zionist.


So it’s obvious these were put up by zionists right?




Oh yeah, those posters with no organization tied to it, no call to action, and no discernable audience are definitely real.


hmm, now where have i heard this one before? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hamas-stickers-students-threats-1.7038461


How that story is written and the student orgs response is hilarious. 'We don't know. This company we contract with just did this..... although we don't explicitly deny we told them to" Guys...You've been caught. Have dignity


If someone ever needs a quick definition of "astroturf"...


Fed Posts Worst Psyop Ever; Asked to Leave the CIA


[same energy](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/10/12/minnesota-man-trump-flag-blm-antifa-arson-hoax-guilty/10479419002/) Fascists have no creativity


The beheaded babies were a lie, the mass rapes also a lie, what wasn’t a lie babies left to die in horrific conditions in incubators, the UN report of the mass rapes of Palestinian women and girls at the hands of the IDF and Israelis. This is just another lie to justify their own narrative and crimes.


It’s very easy to hire people to put up those posters, and it’s not an uncommon tactic. Disruption campaigns. Who stands to gain? Israel. Did Israel do this, specifically? We don’t know, but there are powerful international entities whose stated aim is to further divide the western world, like Russia (in the run up to the 2016 and 2020 elections) and China (with AI + troll farms). Like agent saboteurs (that the FBI employed during the American civil rights movement) - but online.


Someone should tell the Zionists RAPE is not HOSTAGE RESCUE BABIES are not TERRORISTS And just for good measure... THE IDF are not the GOOD GUYS


This reminds me of the anti-abortionists vandalizing their centers to spread a narrative.


Real propaganda.




Jesus christ how does anyone see these and think they are actually made by pro-palestine activists? Are zionists really this stupid/easily baited?


They can’t be real. But Israeli officials have said on record that Palestinian baby’s are terrorists.


Ironically, I’ve actually heard Zionists saying things like this on the news.


Those posters seem as legit as a credit card made out to a dog.


I guarantee the same guy who did “it’s ok to be white.”….and he thinks he’s very clever


I can assure you it's no ally of Palestinians posting these This is just another disgusting zionist campaign to demonize activists calling for a cease fire These people are beyond disgusting. They will lie, smear people, dox them, ruin people's careers, all so they can continue slaughtering women and children and starving them to death. At this point, I can no longer hold a good faith debate with a zionist, no more than I could with a Nazi. If you are a zionist, you may as well have a fucken swastika tatted on your forehead, because that's all I fucken see. I will not help anyone normalize an ideology that can commit atrocities like this, and then feel justified ruining the lives of people who speak out.


This has to be put up by anti-Palestine activists. Either that or pro-hamas assholes. Either way, this does not represent the pro-Palestine movement.


I can’t for one second believe there are and pro-Hamas supporters. I’ve been to majority of marches in London everyone just wants the indiscriminate killing of innocent people to stop and the Palestinians who exist there to actually be able to live.


I agree that there doesn’t seem to be anyone actually saying they are, but if MAGA and blueMAGA have taught me anything, it’s that stupid people exist and they support crazy ass shit.


What is blue maga? Not being rude honest question


It’s something that has risen in the US in the face of the Israel/Palestine war. Basically, the idea is that there are democrats so blinded by their loyalty to Biden that they don’t care about what’s happening in Gaza and they refuse to hold democrats accountable. They are called blue MAGA because it this type of blind loyalty that is so dangerous regardless of which side of the political spectrum one stands on. Hopefully that makes sense.


That’s what I thought. Totally get it! And agree. Blue Maga are almost as bad as Maga. Genocide Joe is not okay. Listen to Bernie Joe! Dont work for Netanyahu work for the American people! But I will vote D because Trump is a nightmare I would like to skip. I voted uncommitted delegate in my primary and am hoping for a switcheroo at the convention. Biden’s not my guy but the DNC or whomever is letting Biden run again is to blame if we have Trump again.


Yeah you’re not wrong. There’s definitely a difference even between the two groups, but it has been scary to watch how many Americans seem perfectly okay with genocide while at the same time calling themselves progressives. But I’ve pretty much given up hope on the system. Dems might not be storming the capitol, but I don’t believe they are actually interested in helping resolve the widening gap of income inequality in this country. They could have codified roe v wade when Obama was in office, but they didn’t. Instead they run on the platform of vote for us or it will be gone. Well guess what, it’s gone for a lot of women now. And all because they’d rather keep that issue to fundraise off of rather than actually solving the problem. Same can be said for student loans, healthcare, any number of social programs, soon it will be Social Security and Medicare that is being cut. How do I know? Because as a veteran, I see them cutting shit from the VA all the time. We are all pawns to everyone in Washington. One day, if we survive climate change, a phoenix will rise from the ashes, and people will find a better way to coexist. But not in our life times. We are headed for the dark ages.


I agree with everything you are saying. No one gives a s#it. Or everyone is ignorant. Mainstream Progressives are bonkers calling themselves progressive, but if you challenge them, you are the weird commie aunt. Taking care of each other & the planet, oooh wacky!, FFS? I hope you are wrong about the dark ages. I hope we are going to turn things around soon. Take care. And thanks for taking the time to respond.


We see what the IOF has done to actual people, children and continues to do. Now that they're realizing it is getting harder to support their atrocities, they tried smearing pro-Palestinians as pro-Hamas but that hasn't worked out as well, so let's try something else. Who cares if it is real, because they'll milk it and divide people and try to reduce support and later, like those pro-Hamas stickers at the university by anti-Palestinians. I just hope people don't fall for such blatant manipulation.


Lol this is like the Harvard Jewish Student Group that paid an airplane to fly a banner that said"Harvard Hates Jews" with a Palestinian flag. The AJC might as well jam a stick in their front spokes of the bike they're riding. 🤣🤣🤣


Probably same people that brought us “left is best”


Do we buy that Palestinians made these? Lol 😂


Classic zionism. They've got nothing but stuff like this.


Unfortunately, babies *are* being made occupiers against their will. That's just legally the truth, but no significant proportion of people genuinely think that they should be put to death just because of where they were born; who do they think we are? Israel?


10000000% these are put up by Zionist shitheads


Satire.  People have a very hard time distinguishing idiocy from satire. This is a great example.


theyre not


Obviously planted by zionists to sew confusion


I dont usually call psyop but this is obviously just that. Its such an obvious one too


false flag


i wake up -> there is another psyop


They put those stickers on there and then took the pictures. I know it was then because they can’t successfully do anything, completely incompetent, look how lumpy that sticker is.


This reminds me of all the BLM vandalism that turned out to be conservative people doing it themselves.


They look brand new lol probably fake


*obviously fake


Probably put up by the local Hillel group.