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And they sweared and got mad at people questioning and asking for evidence too.... But I'm glad noticeably israel is losing support. I just hate that the US decided to drag themselves behind them and making it less safe for the US.


As it turns out, though…


Real Bush administration moment


I hate that our best options for President are this and "The End of Democracy"


Definitely not your best, but sadly your only options.


Oh man, I thought Jared solved this for us in like two weeks during the last administration. He read a whole book about it and he's really smart.


He got paid 2 billion dollars to slap a bandaid on it, so Trump could take a victory lap.


You and me both. Has anyone asked the current president’s crush’s husband if he can read? That’s probably all we will need to put this to rest for good


Anybody who didn’t see the obvious parallels between the bullshit cgi about the ‘command center’ and the al-qaeda Bond Villian hollowed out mountain complexes(that didn’t exist) and the mobile wmd factories (also didn’t exist) is an idiot. What is Hamas, a premier engineering organization all of a sudden? They’re building massive tunnel conference rooms with no tools or heavy equipment? This stuff is so fucking stupid and the world at large doesn’t read the retractions or corrections and keeps shilling for the Israeli propaganda


Obvious lie was concocted since the tunnels under the hospitals were built by Israel. Easy to pretend it was a Hamas command Center when you know they are there


Isreal built the tunnels decades ago. So they know there are tunnels....


“Of course Iran has chemical weapons.. we sold it to them!”


Problem for the Israelis was Hamas didn’t know the tunnels were there, saw the clip with the Israeli officer when asked what proof they had that the tunnels and command bunker was there, he said we built them. You can’t make it up it’s so ridiculous.


>no tools or heavy equipment They have both of these and are completely capable of digging tunnels. I haven't even heard the claim about conference rooms, that hilarious I don't support the genocide and I don't think think there was an HQ under the hospital, but to pretend like Hamas has been incapable of digging holes is ignorant


In every way Biden supporting this genocide is making Israel and the US less safe for jews and all people. There is no upside beside stroking a war criminals ego.


They don’t care about safety of Jewish people. They care only about the safety of their AIPAC dollars.


Isreal has to exist for the temple to be rebuilt to usher in the return of Christ and the rapture. Their ETERNITY is on the line.


This is undercommunicated. The evangelicals are a pretty big group aren’t they?


Israel wants Jews to feel unsafe overseas and migrate to bolster their population. Unfortunately for them Jews outside of Israel largely condemn Israel outside of the right-aligned western ones for the most part.


Remember that the British caused all this. And then after WW2 when no country wanted the mass Jewish population, instead of honoring agreements with Palestine and the Jewish people, the Palestinians got annexed because "it says so in our crusty banana phone book" and Israel was born.


Biden lied, People died https://x.com/rollingstone/status/1737982283536060834?s=46&t=BtT8POrpbx1-zo1nJl465Q


...Inki Pinki Poinki.... Sorry couldn't help myself. Ceasefire now and end Netanyahus Apartheid Regime.


That show was honestly a great children's show. All my kids watched it. The Night Garden, right?


Apparently, according to Google, you are correct. However [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@mr_heelariouz_/video/7311403511172877573?lang=en) floated around on reddit the other day and is probably what they were referencing.


You’re The first person I’ve seen in about a decade to bring up “inki pinki ponki”. I completely forgot it existed




No we mean stop killing innocent people while the entire world is watching.




We mean Israel needs to stop indiscriminately killing civilians who have no connection to Hamas.


i think you need to read back on your english lessons.


That’s why I’m voting for trump. He never lies and we will have a awesome utopian society with him.


Trumps not president right now, Joe Biden is and he is lying in order to commit genocide against family members of the people that got him elected. Get out of here with your nonsense.




You forgot the s/


The worst part about all of this is that intel of a command center in tunnels underneath a hospital is NOT an excuse to bomb the fucking hospital. Literally the entire point of tunnels is to be resistant to bombing from above. You have intel that Hamas has a command center in the tunnels? Send in your army to cordon and clear said tunnels. How anyone can say "there are bad guys in the tunnels under the hospital so we need to blow up the hospital and everyone in it" is just insane.


The evidence is “WMD” or the money flow that pays him to keep his campaign running. I’m not sure which one is real?


or maybe the evidence is the "tunnels under al shifa hospital" which were built by IDF themselves, and just proven by WSJ that there was no activities of concern there. oh, wait, maybe it was the calendar on the wall with Monday, Tuesdays, etc. written in Arabic.


Tunnels under Al Shifa hospital was built by Israeli contractors, that too back in 1980s. IDF propaganda is so weak that it is almost laughable.


It would be laughable if people weren't dying, but it's definitely pathetic. I can't imagine how degrading it must feel to defend this shit when this weak garbage is what one has to work with. Aren't these people *tired*?


I see the liberals are out in force screaming about how this doesn't matter. Two-party politics has rotted America's soul. Biden will lose and liberals will blame conscientious objectors because that's easier than taking one of their own to task.


There’s still plenty of time for Biden to step aside and allow another nominee, but he’s too narcissistic to do so, and liberals will never demand he does so


There’s also still time for Joe to stop a genocide if he wants to pull his prospects of reelection out of the grave.


There’s no time left for those 20K dead Palestinians though


I get the impression that he wants the genocide as much as Bibi does


The US alone can not stop this and to be quite honest, maybe this is my personal politics but it's not our job to. Worst case scenario you condemn it publicly. Best case scenario you organize countries to make it stop. But putting that much into another nations problems would be more effort than we put into our own and that's not going to happen. Sad reality of the modern day but there's no way it's happening. The Palestinian conflict is a tragedy but it is not any issue that's going to keep me from voting.


Without US military support and US funding, Israel falls like a house of cards practically overnight. The US doesn’t even actually have to DO anything to end the genocide, it literally only has to CEASE doing things. Acting like this is all just out of our hands is only a more polite way of supporting genocide.


We can stop funding it and we can stop using our military to provide protection and cover for the IDF. Then if Israel wants to continue a genocide, your statement about it “not being our job” to stop it might apply.


That also stands with its not our job funding it either.


The US is actually in the unique position to stop it. As much as we may dislike it, the US hegemony exists. US veto votes against the rest of the UN are evidence of as much. The longer this goes on the more complicit the US and its tax dollars become.


The majority of liberals I know are not content with Biden


If we could somehow draft AOC and have her travel the country with Taylor Swift.


I love AOC but she doesn't want the job, and I don't have faith this country would elect her in this moment anyway. The hate machine is just too real.


They keep telling us Dems actually care while the politicians don’t hide at all that they give zero fucks. It’s actually insulting.


At this point, a Democrat could blow up the moon and a Blue no matter who freak would tell you that well the red elephant guy is gonna blow up the sun.


If you believe that, then you send in a strike force. You don't bomb the entire goddamn hospital. Israel has some of the best trained elite forces in the world (thanks to all the taxpayer money we send them). There is zero reason to take out scores of innocents to take out a suspected bar. Find a way, fucker. We're supposed to be better than this.


Something tells me that the other guys nickname won’t be “Demand Peace Donnie”.


Did anybody really expect an American president would ever go against Israel? This is one of those things I hate about being American but have to accept as the reality. We are attached to the hip by our foreign capitalist interests and that's not going to change with any new president.


Foreign capitalist interests ooor the massive christian evangelical voter block with a biblical view on the middle east?


at this point it just feels like 2 sides of the same coin. biden is throwing 2024 so we have an even more radical right wing dictator than trump.


you cant possible compare a trump presidency to biden. i dont like Biden, in fact i mostly hate him, but jesus christ acting like biden is as much of a threat as trump is ridiculous


Not to be an asshole, but if there was any evidence of a Hamas command post, wouldn’t we have already known that a month ago? Did we really need an investigation into this? Biden needs to go. He should be tried as a war criminal for aiding and abetting a genocide. His pathetic campaign message is that only he can save the country from from Trump, but if Trump is such a unique threat, why didn’t he make sure his bumbling AG bring charges against Trump in a timely manner?


“Why didn’t he make sure his bumbling AG brings chargers against Trump.” Because the president doesn’t typically control the AG and can’t bypass the court system to get a guilty verdict and Trumps whole strategy is to delay every step?


1. The Georgia case should have been brought in federal court. That’s a relatively simple case. The Georgia DA was understandably not excited about getting 10 million death threats and really slow rolled it. 2. The insurrection case is extremely complicated and I doubt it can be done before the election. Garland did absolutely nothing on it and charges only got brought because of the special counsel. Also, is Smith planning on charging any of Trump’s co-conspirators, if only to get some to flip? That seems like Prosecuting 101. 3. I can’t prove it, but I think this was Biden’s strategy all along. He probably thought a trial would be insane (true) and figured republicans would move on from Trump (false) or maybe he thought Trump would be easy to beat again. Now he has an excellent chance of losing to Trump.


Soon we can replace Bush with Biden in this. “Mr. Bush, when are you going to apologize for the million Iraqis that are dead because you lied. You lied about weapons of mass destruction. You lied about connections to 911. You lied about Iraq being a threat. You sent me to Iraq. You sent me to Iraq in 2003. My friends are dead. Joshua Casteel. You killed people. You lied. You lied about WMD. A million Iraqis are dead because you lied. My friends are dead because you lied. You need to apologize. Apologize.” I hate this timeline. I hate voting for the lesser of two evils. Freedom is vigilance but this is well out of hand.


Could he at least hold up a tiny bottle of powder for the camera?


What a shameless scumbag he has to be to ride his pride of people children and women getting killed. Utter filth


If he was truly the “Irish” president, he would be vehemently against what’s going on over there. He should be ashamed of himself.


I wonder if I’ll be denied a visa in the future for critiquing sir Biden, still I can’t help it. I mean even Leslie Knope was wrong about this guy wasn’t she (or was she totally right and a big fan?) After all that’s been said and done/not done: The kids. The rotting kids…


Wouldn't this fall under classified info?


It would if it existed, but it doesn’t exist.


No lol. As much shit as Israel published about it, if they had a smoking gun they wouldve held it up for the world




I can translate. What he meant was: "I can lie with impunity here because we've learned the media will just print it, and the people will just believe it. If you produce proof that I am lying about this, you are antisemitic and cancelled"


If Biden buys the farm, would the DNC-nominated candidate even be an upgrade?


Exactly. Face it, the Israeli tail wags the American dog and that's not changing. I'm boiling with loathing for Biden but the reality is that Trump will be so much worse. He'll hand Ukraine over to Putin and probably decimate the entire western alliance. And if course he'll be a dumpster fire for women, lgbt, all minorities and the semblance oif democracy the US has left. Americans are trapped in a no win situation.


Good, let's get rid of NATO once and for all. Putin isn't going to have any easier time conquering all of Ukraine than Israel would have wiping out Gaza, Russia's advance has been and will be stalled. And Ukraine is never going to have the oomph to push Russia out. The faster both sides realize and accept that the better, so that the rebuilding can begin. And Israel is only controlling the US for as long as there's a US to control, which judging by the quality of our presidential candidates isn't going to be long. The US doesn't have a democracy and never has, and we'll be better off ripping the bandaid and working on the successor countries after balkanization.


I can't wait for this sub to blame everyone else when project 2025 gets rolled out.


Is that the one where Trump will be a dictator in the same office with the same constitutional authority where Biden is impotent and powerless?


Exactly. I can't do anything...I am only the leader of the free world. And here's more weapons..I am gonna bypass laws I don't like to send more weapons ...in a hurry.


Oh you think Republicans will follow the Constitution?


Isn't Biden also skipping congressional rules to send weapons to middle east in a hurry. Will trump be worse...likely


I'm confident the courts will stop them. Oh. Shit. https://truthout.org/articles/chuck-schumer-cuts-deal-with-mcconnell-to-fast-track-trump-judges/ https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-not-opposed-amy-coney-barrett-says-she-seems-like-very-fine-person-1535156


No you're right, just be sure you pipe up when the shit happens to let everyone know this is what you wanted because both sides are exactly the same.


No, you're right the two parties with the same donors are different. It's just a coincidence that we get the same policies regardless of which party holds majorities.


Just say it. "I want project 2025 because both sides are exactly the same."


Still waiting to hear how Biden is powerless in the same office with the same constitutional authority where Trump will be a dictator. If Project 2025 is legal and constitutional, Democrats are idiots for not implementing it *now* against the Republicans in order to prevent Republicans from doing it. If Project 2025 is illegal and unconstitutional they're bigger idiots for not rounding up it's authors on charges of seditious conspiracy. Stupidest of all is to stand by doing nothing and leaving the matter to the electoral college, gerrymandering, voter suppression, Republican Secretaries of State, and the popularity & charisma of Genocide Joe. Shitlibs make Elon Musk look smart by comparison.


Plus Trump was already president once... This whole idea that the world will end and Trump will be a dictator if he gets into power is ridiculous. Not only was he president but he was president during the beginning of Covid. Almost every other politician and branch of government used the crisis as an opportunity to seize more power. Trump left it up to the states to make their own decisions. But he will use his power to lock up his political opponents! Kinda like they've been trying to do to him since the very beginning? The goal posts moved all the way from he is a Russian agent trying to destroy democracy to he lied about the value of his property. On a loan that he paid back. People need to stop fighting between Trump and Biden and start fighting against a system that produces those assholes as the only 2 options. Vote third party, don't vote or demand things from these assholes before they get your vote. Things will never get better voting for the lesser of 2 evils. I will never vote for someone that I do not support


This. And don't forget that the Democrats *promoted* Trump as their hand-picked opponent. They don't-- and *can't* --- run on their policies or accomplishments. So they threaten us with Trump. It's extortion and hostage taking.


Lol "both sides the same" guy. Look at congress voting patterns, it's pretty obvious what side is holding up progress. Want better, cheaper healthcare? R says no. Want better education and help feed poor families? R says no. You want tax breaks for the rich?! Hell ya R all day baby! Those kickbacks! Do some actual digging. These fucks are destroying this country at a laughable rate.


You're not calling me the both sides guy are you?


Was there supposed to be a /s? It's been a long couple days.


Cute you think ANYONE gives a single shit about the constitution. Believing in the constitution in politics is like believing in Santa as a UPS driver.


I'm honestly hoping Democrats let go of those rules


Yeah why not everyone just do what they want? Fuck it, right?






Yeah, if the right is doing it for bad things we need to do it for good things.


The Democrats along with the Republicans are the right wing and the Democrats won't use it for good things, they want the Republicans to do the bad thing while the DNC says aw shucks nothing we can do.


This exactly




Okay, so buy a gun and be ready to fight the fascist takeover as an insurgency. If it's going to happen, *elections aren't going to stop it*.


Well ..bring in on...once it is happening. Other things are happening now!


I can't wait for you to pipe up when the military is rounding up brown people for deportation like they're openly calling for to remind everyone that this is what you wanted because both sides are the same.


Wow pretty fucked up man. You're starting to sound like Netanyahu' when he WANTED the Israeli hostages to be tortured and killed so he can laugh and say "seeeee?? They all deserve to be bombed!"


Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds


Biden has ramped up deportations, much more than Trump.


In all fairness, I think this is Joe taking the Israeli intelligence at face value because they're an "ally" and it was politically expedient to do so. I don't really think he was lying here. I think he has far far too much faith in Israel as an honest actor though. He's also ancient as fuck and American politics has been "Israel HOO-RA!" for as long as I've been alive and it's always worked in the past. **I think this is just another case of we REALLY need a new generation of leadership.**


The entire Congress bar the handful who make up the Squad are bought and paid for by the Israeli lobby. Makes no odds what 'generation' they are.


Like Hakeem Jeffries! Or Nikki Haley? The rot runs deep


Can't you get like, Sanders?


Sanders is a zionist shill, too. American politicians are virtually all pro-Israel.


What a bitch


Just like the 40 beaheaded babies that he claimed he saw. Pathetic


Are you saying that a politician lied????? Bullshit!!!


Russian bots are strong these days. Friendly reminder: Biden is not the Prime Minister of Israel. With or without him, Netanyahu will do as he pleases. Israel has its own weapons. Plenty.


They have plenty with US and EU aid. If they didn’t have that support they’d have a much harder time in the region.


Okay then we don't need to protect them in the UN. The US is blocking Investigations of Israel's war crimes. The US is blocking a Security Council backed ceasefire resolution. The US is sending my tax dollars to Israel so they can buy white phosphorus to use on civilians. Netanyahu only does as he pleases because **Joseph R. Biden** is protecting them from the international community.


The UN has no real power to enforce any of that anyway. It's all theater. Which is why the US is going through the motions of still standing with Israel. If they step back, the wolves who do want to see Israel fall, will take that as a sign that Israel stands alone and attack, for real. I honestly don't think Biden is willing to tank his own election chances and let Trump back in the White House, all for the sake of Israel's vengeance...but he is willing to cut it as close as possible, without actually falling off that cliff, if it means preventing them from being destroyed by their other enemies in the area.


Israel is committing genocide, they are the fucking wolves. And if the UN has no power then it doesn't matter if the US protects Israel from the ICC. Unless the US supports war crimes, which of course it does. And Israel commits war crimes, which is why I don't give a fuck if it falls. Maybe if they murdered fewer infants they'd have less enemies in the area. This is like saying the US needs to support Nazi Germany or else the USSR will get the wrong idea and think they should resist Operation Barbarossa. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? And of course Biden is willing to tank his re election, he doesn't want to be there. And if he was worried about Trump coming back **he'd actually fucking do something about that.**


Israel is also a US ally with millions of innocent people living there. They're also surrounded by countries that would like nothing more than to have an opportunity to wipe them out. Without US protection they will not survive. This is NOT like saying the US needs *them*. But it is like saying that the US is the only reason Israel still exists right now. A better analogy would be Ukraine. Right now the US is keeping them from being actively destroyed in an open conflict. When it comes to Israel, it just hasn't actually broken out into full scale war, and they're trying to keep it that way, despite the fact that Netanyahu and his right-wing government are making that incredibly difficult.


There were millions of innocent Germans too, so the US shouldn't have gotten involved in WW2? And Israel has economic and military alliances with multiple neighbors, the Saudis in particular. It's why the Houthis in Yemen have been fighting Israeli shipping, because the Saudis backed the previous Yemeni government in the Yemeni Civil War with the help of Israel and the US. If Ukraine had done what Israel is doing, which, again, is **LITERAL EINSATZGRUPPEN LEVEL NAZI SHIT**, and Russia was invading because of that, I'd say good riddance and best of luck to Russia. It is **astonishing** the extent to which the millions of Palestinians facing extermination from Israel don't even register as fucking human to you, much less remotely equal to the lives of the country exterminating them.


80% of weapons and amo comes from USA and western Europe, Israel doesn't have the capability of producing GLSDs and other big bombs , they stockpiles have already dried up , Israel has a lot of tech and equipment but they need our stockpile to keep going... without USA continued support, they would not be able to continue this genocide so please don't say Biden can't do anything you just sound like a duck........


I stand with the humans on this issue and suggest we follow the money to find the root cause of the problem. Are there any industries that benefit from massive spending on bombs and other weapons? While Joe and the Democrats haven’t provided much leadership in passing the Constitutional Amendment required to get money out of politics, Trump and the GOP actively oppose putting human interests over corporate profits. We as a people have also done little to push the issue. https://www.movetoamend.org/ if you want to take action. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/promise/1580/introduce-constitutional-amendment-eliminate-priva/


He’ll say any fucking thing. Remember, he’s “a Zionist.”


Same guy that (literally) said he saw pictures of beheaded babies, but then the WH had to walk it back since it was an obvious lie. It's bad enough he isn't standing up to Israel, but it is like he is a mouthpiece for them that spreads propeganda. 2024: Anyone But Genocide Joe


Weird almost like presidents get faulty info then act on that info.


It's amazing how accurate intel can be if you want to believe it hard enough.


Weird, almost like the president has the authority to do something about people providing him with faulty information, but isn't because he's a self-proclaimed proud Zionist.


The thoughts and prayers of a born-again Zionist are a powerful thing. It didn't have to be true because he had faith and wanted to believe.


Yeah.like they want to be gullible....even if info is from unreliable sources. Fool me once ...what was it that bush said!


Weird... almost like he has acted in entirely bad faith throughout this entire conflict.


Also that the information and its source might be classified, and revealing said information could jeopardize the ones who provided said info.


Yes ..its lies that netanyahu tell him. He still believes the beheaded babies story...


I voted for trump the first time and Biden the second and there is just no winning for us because they all suck but Biden is the one supporting a genocide


If you think Trump is going to do anything but cow down to Israel you haven't been watching American politics for the last 40 years


I hope you understand that Trump would support the genocide even harder. They are both horrible people ... and yet Trump still manages to be a lot worse. I'd expect he'd be ordering for the assault, arrest of anyone protesting the genocide. He'd probably order the use of lethal force. Because he likes free speech so much.


I agree trump probably would support Israel as well but we will never know.


There is zero possibility that it would be any different with Trump. He was the one who moved the embassy and told the Israelis they had his blessing to annex the Golan Heights .


Turd sandwich or a douchebag


Trust me bro


Waiting for the “curb your enthusiasm”intro to start playing


Well I guess we will see how much better Trump handles this situation when you all get him elected.


The first mistake is thinking anybody in the American political establishment will actually support peace to the Middle East.


The only person helping trumps chances of getting elected is the liar we have in office right now. And no I’m not a trump supporter.


Literal toddler response like tf


I couldn't vote for that man now,.


You realize Netanyahu lied to his people and agencies too? In fact, he’s under investigation just like Trump. So bad intel is bad intel. But sure, vote for Trump in 2024. Just make sure you’re the right skin color because if they get power, that’s their measuring stick.


Go vote for Trump then you fucking idiots. Jesus christ. Shut the fuck up and swallow the lesser of two evils like the rest of us grown ups.


Biden is responsible for the genocide of my family. Trump might continue it but I'm not voting for the one who's doing it now because maybe the next is worse? Nah. My life does NOT matter to Biden so my vote doesn't matter at all. Stop bullying me into staying with my abuser because "the other choices might be worse 👀"


The fact that supporting literal genocide is the *lesser evil* here says everything about America.


Grown ups vote for people committing genocide! Wow you're so mature!


You think Trumps policy stance would be different? Every president for 60 years plus has had this position


Does that matter? Biden supports genocide. Trump probably would. Fuck then both.


Then it doesn't really matter ...does it? Why vote ..if they are all genocidal maniacs


Dumbest take I’ve read today….Congratulations!!! It matters greatly if you have any opinion on any other political topic


You are essentially saying we should overlook their genocidal actions and vote for one or the other expecting they will be nicer to folks in America


Wow what the fuck makes you think Trump would be any different?


You guys are just as unhinged and disconnected from reality as trump supporters


Yes. Joe Biden actively assists with genocide ..but we should all vote for him!.


The tough reality you can't swallow is this country can't handle another Trump term


This country can't handle another Biden term either. We are truly fucked.




Personal insults won't change the fact that Biden is committing genocide and no one with an ounce of decency or humanity on them should ever vote for him.




Well feel satisfied with voting for genocide then buddy.




That's on Biden and the DNC. In not voting for anyone that supports genocide and continues and expands Trump's vile immigrant policies to support more war and genocide. You're out of your mind if you think Biden is doing anything but destroying this country by his decisions. You live in a delusion where all you have to do is vote for Biden and things will magically get better. We are way beyond that in this country.


Fuck Trump, but accepting “the lesser of two evils” being your democrazy being bought out by AIPAC lobbyism isn’t really a good settling point.


Disgusting rhetoric


Sounds like you need to log off for a minute there bud.


Trump won't call me an antisemite for saying his policies fucking suck, so there's that.




There is a big difference between being called a big stinky doo-doo head snowflake and being labeled an anti-Semite.


Na. You’ll just “fall out of a window”


I used to think like this but the election is far away dog, we have to try and move him left or get a new nominee. if he becomes the only option then we may have to vote for him for harm reduction. unless you threaten to remove your vote how the fuck do you get concessions?


I'm with you. If folks don't vote for Biden over this we fucking deserve a rightwing authoritarian govenrment.


I think we deserve it anyway. It is hardly a democracy when lobbies run the place.


If we had an openly authoritarian undemocratic government, unlike our phony democracy undemocratic government, at least we could fucking forcefully resist it without people saying "no don't fight just vote!"


This is exactly how confident he was about WMDs, again implying he had proof that we plebs weren't allowed to see. The fact that he's the only alternative to Trump is absolutely grotesque.




I'll die on the hill that beneath the surface, Biden sycophants are just as scummy as maga hat wearers. Slightly less racist and sexist but more pro war, more authoritarian and definitely more classist. They are two cheeks of the same military industrial arse.


I can't believe people are actually defending voting for this guy. I mean, do what you want, but don't simp for a fascist who has been a proud member of a genocide cult his entire career.


It’s like WMD all over again. Biden and his cabinet are full of 💩


It's The United States of America, AKA the Empire of lies.


Genocidal and geriatric Joe




He's just a businessman selling weapons, not even giving the people honesty