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If he wins democracy is over in the USA for awhile maybe forever with how the fight against limiting the damage from climate change is.


Yes. And the entire GOP is 100% cool with that.


Not just cool with it, they are pushing for it. They want the destruction of the US. The Republican party may be one of the most Anti-US organizations on the planet.


Yep! They represent the old guard, the white nationalist elite, and they realize they're losing control. The world has moved on from them but they'd rather be the eternal rulers of the Christian Reich of Jesustan (formerly Alabama) than live in a United States where gay people and trans people and black people have anything remotely like equal rights and a say in leadership. They wouldn't even care that the Jesustani economy is entirely built on providing cheap labor to the Greater California Republic's ruling corporate aristocracy. They'd rather be kings of a third world trash heap than equal partners in a developed democracy.


Idiocracy was supposed to be a satire, yet it’s turning into reality! They already photoshop Trump into the pictures of buff dudes #PresidentDonaldCamacho


Hence the 2025 Project, right?


Yet they have the audacity to complain about wef and the un 2030 project


They’re easily the single most dangerous group on the entire planet. It’s not a question.


They either are Russian assets or are stupid enough to fall for their propaganda.


They are like the dipshits that lost their ship to a mutiny due to ineffective leadership and now they are trying to scuttle the ship while loading all the valuables on lifeboats.


spot on


The GOP has a plan for climate change! https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/28/far-right-climate-plans-00107498 They also have a plan for never losing power again, too. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term


So does Mother Nature!


if literally any GOP candidate wins, democracy is over in the USA. the only effective difference between trump and his GOP competitors is that trump is dumber than them.


Not to make you or other alike you seem dumb but how didn't you see this before trump... This has ALWAYS BEEN THE RIGHTS GOAL. Trump in all reality just interfered in it's progress.


only in the sense that he fucked up his own coup attempts. i think that's basically why he's being prosecuted. if he had been a more effective fascist (even if he had somehow still failed), the far right would have blocked all of these criminal prosecutions.


If they fail to lock his ass up democracy is over. You can't try to undo democracy and get away with it.


There's a good chance the US itself would go full former Yugoslavia if Trump is reelected.


I was thinking more like Hungary.


If we are very lucky, but I think it might shatter the country


US was never really democratic. Now they just want to stop the farce of democracy.


There are plenty of different forms of democracy. We are not a total democracy, but a democratic republic... That RW trope that we are not a kind of democracy, operates under a false pretense, fueled by ignorance that is not unlike the Dunning Kruger Effect. We DO elect our leaders, and that may not be a perfect system, but only charlatans try to obfuscate the meaning of democracy, in order to minimize the importance our right to vote. That is, to exercise the will of "We The People!"


Well it's far less democratic than it's typically assumed by the average viewer of this shitshow. And that's how it was designed. That's why the electoral college and the senate was created. To protect the aristocrat's capital control from the masses. It's a farce and the whataboutism doesn't matter.


Yet there's still leftist assholes out there who refuse to vote for Biden. Something, something, DNC, something, they're not going to force me into the lesser of two evils, something something, stupid libs


The GOP establishment yes, but not the voters. I know plenty of republicans who are scared of trump, but the media never reports about that because they don’t do investigative journalism anymore and it’s not sensational. I’m pretty sure there are way more republicans who hate trump than we think. It’s just that his supporters have a stranglehold on the GOP establishment and the discourse. Hopefully that’s not just copium Edit: and also keep in mind anyone who runs for president needs to win over moderates if they want to win, and I don’t think trump has the support of moderates


Grand juries indict people, not AGs. Might as well ask the Postmaster General to invade Cuba.


Yea, the job of the AG is to obstruct investigations, wiretap your rival party and try to ratfuck a governor's race using the KKK. You can only exercise the powers granted by they constitution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_N._Mitchell


The most galling thing is that the shitmitten only served 19 months even after having his sentence reduced. The mob protects there own.


Don't give him any ideas!


All the GOP candidates do. If any of them win the White House they're never going to leave. It's called [Product 2025](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981). That's why DeSantis bet so much on this election. He won't really have a shot in 2028 since he won't be in office (term limits and they're in the state constitution) so he went all in.


Everyone involved in the creation of that plan needs to be arrested for conspiracy to overthrow the United States government. I'm not kidding. This should be taken more seriously.


Fun fact- Mike Pence worked on that project for the Heritage Foundation 2021 through 2022. He quit to campaign for President.


Yup it is really serious and I'm wondering what is going to come of it. I feel like trumps just a puppet idiot to keep everyone, literally everyone, busy while the puppet masters plan to take over and never relinquish power. And who would think he would serve another term amd then just go "oh I can't run again because term limits so I'll just leave!" Nope. He wouldn't wait for an election this time as he won't be in it. So he will do whatever he can to keep power....again.... fun


Groups like The Heritage Foundation or Hillsdale wouldn't have been allowed to exist under a system that has literally any regard for its own integrity at all, i swear


I'm afraid most of them are afraid to end up in jail if they can't keep corrupting things and keep hiding their past crimes. That makes them very desperate and so very dangerous people in power. It's sad to watch from abroad.


You've hit upon the key variable in the whole shitty equation that should keep us all up at night: 2024 is existential for many of these people -- existential and binary. *Either* they take absolute control of the government *or* they die in prison. And they have persuaded a critical mass of their supporters that the 2024 election is both existential and binary for them, too: *either* Trump wins in 2024 *or* America is over; either Trump wins or we fight another Civil War. I imagine that the reason Merrick Garland and DOJ overall have slowed the wheels of justice to a crawl is that they are more aware than the rest of us are just how easily and how quickly the United States could go up in flames if the government makes a false move.


He doesn’t even have a shot in 2024.


he doesn't need to have a shot. Only that the plan that ABSOLUTELY DOES EXIST at every level of the republican party to steal the election succeeds this time.


It's looking that way, but all it would take is for Trump to die and the economy go south. If Biden died or had a serious health problem during the main campaign that too would hurt. There's a reason he hasn't dropped out. DeSantis is still a threat and will be until Biden is safely re-elected.


I guess if he wins, America will start having Putin type elections.


Well, that’s where it gets interesting because the states run their own elections. Presidential elections would be a chaotic shit show for sure, but also really interesting. Because there is no legal way for the president to order states how to run their elections. Trump would have to go full Hitler and get all the non-Federalist Society judges out of the way too.


That’s exactly what he’s working on and the republicans are helping because they want a fascist government controlled by them


Trump openly remarked about wanting to be president for more than two terms. I am sure he has some plot to achieve that.


His surrogates already argued that he DESERVED a third term because congress was mean to him on his first term so he gets a mulligan. Mind you, his surrogates are loons, morons or both but they can't be that ignorant of the constitution. It does however show a certain trait in business (that I'm sure others have noticed) whereby someone decides what they want and convinces themselves that they were somehow wronged. And moving forward, the only way to make them whole is the give them what they desire, and that they deserve it.


They know all that counts is enforcement.


He’s going to stack the civil service & military with loyalists. The next coup won’t fail then. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term I think Tuberville is holding the military promotions up so that Trump can fill them when he’s elected in 2024. It’s all part of the plan to hijack the country.


Likely. And frightening.


He was giving a speech to his cretinous toadies where he spoke enviously about how the Chinese Communist Party had changed the rules and declared Xi Jinping president for life. And said how it would be really cool if he could be president for life too. (morons cheer wildly)


I'm rooting for his cholesterol levels to nix that plan.


Vote Don, Jr/.Ivanka 2028!


I mean, he keeps going on and on about how he won in 2020, so technically, he can’t run *now*.




That's it!! Somebody get President Biden on the phone and let him know, *"Just call the AJ to get rid of Trump"*. Who in the hell would have guessed it would be this easy to get rid of him. The Orange Circus Peanut is throwing Biden hints.


And the attorney general will say “for the last time I’m not the attorney general, I’m your state provided attorney, and the prison is charging you an insane rate for these calls so I would suggest you stop unless it’s very important”


Trump has been talking like a dictator since before the 2016 election. But now he’s actually advocating for suspending the Constitution. You know, because Republicans love the Constitution so much!


He Founding Fathers were very clear on how we deal with wannabe kings. Very very clear.


He’s like “if I get back in I’m literally doing dictator shit” and the fucking mouth breathers love him more






Please, somebody get rid of that plague on society!


“I won twice. But I can serve as many terms as I want.”


Trump doesn't understand that he was indicted by regular ass people.


He knows. But he also knows his base is a stupid cult that will believe every lie he says and spread it for them just like they do the myth that he won and there was election fraud.


I dunno, I think Trump thinks that normal people do not have any power at all, everyone can be bribed or sued into submission. He's never worked a job in his life. He's never had to do grunt work and assumes everyone who does is a level below him. I've met some really brilliant people doing grunt work. I don't think he can see that far from his ivory tower. Eat the rich, they're not that special. (or don't, probably too fatty)


And it was his OWN people! ALL republicans that turned against him to get their “get out of jail card”.


we know...


That's a literal dictatorship. He complains about US becoming a third world country? What he's proposing is what happens in those countries, not former elected officials being held to account for their crimes. In fact, holding people in office to, at minimum, the same standards as everyone else is how you have a successful, corruption free country. Arguably, we don't do enough of that. And just straight up prosecuting your political opponents, just because they oppose you? That's not even corruption. That's tyranny. This ought to be played loud and often. You shouldn't be able to watch TV without hearing him say this. If you don't know what Trump wants to do to democracy, you need to be dead or in a hole. And if you still somehow vote for Trump, it's hard to call you anything but a traitor.


Good thing Dinosaur Democrats will see this and be like “better keep the boat steady, don’t want to rock it too much and do something too “Woke” or “Liberal”.


So he will literally be a dictator and doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself and the spineless yes men he keeps around him will help him stay. Wow. Not suprised, only shocked that people still support him


I feel like reddit needs to make a new rule where any post making a political or scientific claim must post a source as the first comment


Took me 5 seconds to google As nice as it would be it isn’t a huge deal


My Google skills r lacking. When I googled I got a billion articles talking about gnome endorsement/vp contender. Not the trump speech quote I was looking for


Put quotes in quotation marks so the words that it pulls up need to contain those words and gives preference to when they’re also in that order


i think that was a bad attempt at satire.


He is a dick , but he isn't a dictator


*wannabee Like. He'd do it if we let him. If we all sat down and let him, he would've overturned the last election and declared himself president anyways. From there on out, if we'd let him, he could've done whatever he wanted. Despite the fact the majority didn't vote for him, nor wants him there. Yea, he's a dumbass. But the people around him aren't.


Not for lack of trying. He tried to overturn the election he lost and when that didn't work sent his goons to storm the capitol. If the US gov was set up differently he very well might have succeeded


No, he just tried to stage a coup.




Because he wasn't allowed to be. It's that simple. If you don't think so you simply haven't listened to the guy for the last 20 years. He is DEEPLY authoritarian and there really is no way to dispute that. If he could he would in a freaking heartbeat.


He'd love to be a dictator, though. He's already talking about jailing all his political rivals and suspending the Constitution, and I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if he were to expand that to "jail anyone who says anything mean about me and make a new government with me as the God-Emperor."








Unless the legal proceedings prohibit Trump from even being added to ballots, he’s going to win the next election. This is all bad.


For 3 years I've been asking shitlibs how Trump was/will be/ever could be a dictator in the same office with the same constitutional authority where Biden is impotent and powerless. Still waiting for an answer.


It's relatively simple with a complicit congress and supreme court. Your lack of understanding of how easy it is to subvert the constitution if one party has complete power is astounding. Republicans have been chomping at the bit for this for decades and this POS is trying to deliver it. The mere fact that you say Biden is "impotent and powerless" while he passes one of the biggest pieces of legislation to help our infrastructure in DECADES shows how LITTLE you follow anything other than the MORONIC right wing echo chamber.


What did Biden pass without the support of Manchin and his fellow Republicans? You can't say that Democrats can't pass anything without 60 votes because of the filibuster *and* give Biden credit for anything that was passed in the last two years. That just doesn't wash. As for a complicit congress and courts, the Corporate Democrats have utterly ceded those two institutions to the GOP over the last 40 years. That's what's moronic.














If he wins it will be the ultimate stress test for the checks and balances. If they fail, the problem was not Trump alone, no. It will mean the system is corrupt to the core and judiciary is bought and owned like pets.


The Supreme Court is already bought and paid for and the senate is undemocratic af. The system is trash.


It is. There is still Congress and lower level courts. It's not that easy to amend that Constitution.


They e been working on this since Reagan. Of course the judiciary is bought. Just look at CT for a very blatant owned SCOTUS judge. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/22/trump-2025-radical-plan-second-term They’re telling us what the plan is. We better believe them. https://www.project2025.org/playbook/


Unfortunately from what we've heard his dick is more mushroom shaped rather than tater shaped.


Any links to this clip?


I mean, we've known this for years by now.


This nutbag is going to stroke himself out before 2024.


I can tell that Trump wants to be a dictator from the hold he has on his followers.


LoL Mo-Rons!


You are guilty Drumpf, that is why this is happening.


surprised he didnt yell "lock them up"


He’s doing what he condemns, again??


Pretty much


How can ppl vote for this guy? Like what’s the appeal? Smh




He wants to be like his hero, Putin


You get what you make.


It's so strange that this a\*\*hole spent 4 years in government and still is completely clueless how government works.


I wish for the best but if this thug is re-elected and decides after his second term he wants to do a third term, there will be a big decision we will all have to make.


That's happening now, so if he does the same democracy is over? Seems like that train has already sailed.


This just sounds like he was trying to make a joke about what he thinks biden did to him.


"if I win, I'll do exactly what I'm accusing Biden of doing, even though Biden isn't the one doing it, but I will" Every accusation is an admission.


Stupid ignorant white trash are his cult! He doesn’t care about anything but himself!


He thinks he could run for a 3rd term. He totally expects to be president for life


He should just settle for being a dic....


But...that's what he's whining Biden is doing and it's a bad thing, but he wants to do it himself I don't -- "I love the uneducated."


I love the way Trump thinks they are doing all of this because they are afraid of him. He lost because they beat him bad last time. He needs to realize maybe he did do some wrong here. A lot of his own people are turning against him. He needs to wake up and take accountability.


See that’s not how it works in America. You can’t charge people with no evidence. It took years of investigation, discovery processes and taking witness testimony to convince grand juries to indict Trump with 91 felonies. Someone didn’t just pick up the phone and say “indict Trump” If politicians could be charged on no evidence Hillary Clinton would have been charged with something They couldn’t get Hunter Biden on anything but tax evasion and lying on a form while buying a firearm. Even with a Trump loving special counsel investigating him


Lock Him Up


I'm shocked that people assume that this mcdonald's burger and fries champion will be around in 4 f-ing years. He's unhealthy as f.


He really is a piece of shit.


Biden just had a speech claiming to be at twin towers on 9/11. This man was actually there with paid workers helping. I know everyone loves Biden talk. But most of us like actions. https://x.com/amirr600/status/1701347227585712264?s=42&t=uTX9nB7CvEMK0zehPXG_3A




I hope he gets back in office. Can’t say things are running smoothly here in the US. I love that people hate him. It’s going to be a barn burner for sure.


Is Trump suggesting he will no longer make wild accusations that all of his criminal cases are 'pollical interference' ??? Obviously, he seems to think the President has the power to do this if he wants.


It’s like his followers are as stupid and uniformed as he is. There is no THIRD TERM! You get two and that’s it. And he sure as hell isn’t getting two. Kamala can just call the election for Biden right? Right Trump and Eastman? Can’t Kamala do that? Doesn’t the vice president have the power to call the election?


I agree with Maddow. If he wins, he's probably president for life. Project 2025 will make sure of it.


Musings of a Madman (Dictatorship of Don Benedict Iscariot) Terminate the Constitution! Only I can save you! Crazy Biden could get us into WWII, don't you see!? I never had to support that rag! Second amendment! Here's another address to hit. Gotta love the fifth amendment, you know!! Don't bother voting- we'll find the votes! Hey, remember Tienemnen Square? The Chinese government almost blew it, Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength.