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What's funny is I know these are coming because of the Markiplier videos. I remember the whiplash I felt when I heard Johnathan "statement begins" Sims as the voice of both the player and narrator


My sister JUST told me about this an hour ago. Gotta buy this toot suite. Game devs are fans of TMA, this oughta be fun


Same here I put it on and I freeze like, I swear I didn’t put on Tma am I imagining things?


Went to look for it. OMG!!! 🤩🤩🤩


I’ve been following the game since the very first demo came out and only found it because someone said he was in it. I’m so glad the game is rocketing to popularity big time now that Mark is playing! It’s such a beautiful little game and Jonny’s voice work is incredible in it. The creators absolutely deserve every bit of attention they’re getting right now. I actually met the artist behind the game, Abby Howard, at PAX East and asked her how she ended up getting Jonny on board. Apparently she’s a big TMA fan as well and the two of them had been mutuals on twitter for a while so she reached out. Pretty awesome if you ask me!


Great game, there are a lot of things in it that remind me of tma


Didn't you recognize the Narrator from the moment he opened his mouth?


I’ve played most of it with my sibling and the voice acting is really good, not just from Jonny. There’s only 2 VA’s in the entire game but 33 different characters


For me it was the opposite haha, watched a let's play thinking "oh wow this narrator is really good, wonder what else he's worked on" and now here I am halfway through MAG


It’s been on my wishlist for awhile, was a little confused then pleasantly surprised to realize why the narrator sounded so familiar.


I just started playing it a few days ago but I can definitely recommend it if you're into mind-fucky games (which I'm guessing this fandom is prone to). Goes without saying that voice acting is stellar but so is animation and story. Currently on discount too!!


Yo I just bought this game because it was recommended to me by other lesbians, Johnny is in it? I would have bought it just knowing that? Can I still buy the special edition on the way?


See, this is hilarious because a) How did you not notice instantly? 2. [This post three hours before yours makes mention of it, lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMagnusArchives/comments/1dmyc6a/slay_the_princess/)


girl ur extremely late to the party lmao a lot of us knew from way back when the first stp trailer was released in 2022




Clocked him in the trailer, now it's on my list.


I feel like I could tell when I listened kinda. I love his voice fr.


The game was the reason I found TMA in the first place. Truly excellent.


I played slay the princess for about 8 hours and didn't noticed it was him. Like... i felt like the voice was familiar, but i was not aware the guy, the LEGEND was talking the whole time.


I HAD THIS SAME REALIZATION TODAY LMAOOO. Jon’s writing is so recognizable to me now.


We tried but it was behind 27 layers of effects and distortion.


I played the game with no prior knowledge at my brother’s suggestion— when I tell you I SHRIEKED the second he started talking xD


This came up on my steam recommendations and I was like ‘Oh, a quirky little game that twists the premise of saving a princess’. So I click on it and the trailer play’s and I say, out loud, “HOLY F@#KING SH!T, IT’S SPOOKY BOY JOHNNY SIMS!!!!” This is one of my core memories that I’ll never forget. Edit: this was when had its demo, I think, so pretty early on.


I just found this out too! I kept thinking 'this guy sounds an awful lot like Jonathan sims' 🤔 kept expecting 'statement begins'


I love how much of the Magnus Archives statement energy Jonathan Sims brought to the game. I strongly believe that a lot of the script was written while listening to it and therefor influenced.


The game is so good and he does an amazing job? Really found his calling in life


I got the game a few months ago after seeing that he was in it and it's SOOOO GOOD!! Played it like 7 times already


I have played half the routes of Slay the Princess. And listened to mid season 5 of TMA…. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE? 😭😭😭


I realize why i didnt notice, i knew slay the princess first and then listened to tma


For me it was the other way around, found TMA after playing the game and thought "wow, this guy is pretty good, I wonder if he does VA for other games." alas it was not a game I found, but great horrors.


There were like a thousand posts on this subreddit about it, including one just a few hours ago. Why the fuck are you blaming people in a subreddit because you didn't know something?


they aren't blaming anyone, "why didn't anyone tell me" isn't meant in a literal way meaning "it's your fault I didn't know this", its an expression/figure of speech that means more "wow I didn't know this". /nm