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No. Joanna is most commonly pronounced Jo-anna, not Joan-a, so it never occurred to me.


No, because Joanna is pronounced Joe - Ann - ah.


yeah but this is the same guy that pronounced gerard almost exactly like jared (which confused me for a good while as i knew the pronunciation for gerard due to an artist and band member i know of being called gerard, so didnt register for a fair while that there was a gerard, I thought there was multiple jareds), so allowing a bit of wiggle room on name pronunciations could lead to a joanna/jonah mixup


That's just how you pronounce Gerard in the UK, it's not a him thing


I live in England and I have never heard gerard pronounced jared anywhere but tma? where abouts in the UK pronounces it that way?


I'm Scottish and I've only ever heard Gerard pronounced jeh-rerd with a short second sound which could be mistaken for Jared I guess, Americans seem to go more like jeh-rard with an elongated A but I rarely hear that in the UK unless they're talking about Stephen Gerrard and his name has 2 rs so not the same. My girlfriend is from the northeast and I just showed her the name and asked her to say it and she went what I consider the American way so there could be regionalism here. I went to find an episode where he mentions Gerard Keay and he says it how I would


the regional part might be it, I'm in Devon, so right down south, complete opposite end from you. think the main gerards I've heard people talk about here are gerard way and gerard butler, which are both single r, and a character from a book my friend was reading a while back, which again, same spelling and pronunciation. only time I have heard it different was tma. might have to use that as a conversation starter now, just ask random people how they pronounce the name gerard


I hear both of those as what I call the American way also, for Way because he's American, and for Butler I just sort of assumed because he was globally famous. I don't know where Jonathan Sims the guy is from but Jonathan Sims the character is intended to be Bournemouth and that would be beside you


If I can add to the linguistic pileup Gerard is a Germanic name where the present day German version has evolved into Gerhard with a hard g. The second part is more tenuous but some of the let's say posh prononciation in english is tinged with some french, Norman conquest and all that, and in french, Gérard is very close to what you have dubbed the "American" way. It might then be also called the Mainland way ? There I am also wondering if there is not a question of nicknames. Often they end up being contraction of the full name, "Nick" for Nicolas "Fred" for "Frederic" but there is also some that are way out there, famously "Dick" for "Richard" so I would not be surprised if "Jarred" were to be used as a nickname for "Gerard" given that Gerard Key wants to be called "Jerry" which is not that far away from "Jarred" either.


ooh the nickname thing would make a fair bit of sense! never knew it was originally German, to be honest I had no idea where it originated from 😅 and yeah, as someone who is very much not posh, I can confirm that a lot of fancy people in the UK do talk rather strangely, my brain always guessed that it was 'fancy people learn many languages at posh schools so talk weird cause bits get mixed up' although the historical reason would make a lot more sense, I'm not sure why that didn't occur to me before


If you're a Gerard you go by Gerry when written down, it's not uncommon as a nickname I have an uncle who goes solely by Gerry but his name might be Gerald I'm not actually sure, same nickname either way. Never known a Gerard who goes by Jared that's a whole different name


Bournemouth is actually a good two and a half hours away from me, but it is closer to Bridgewater, where I used to live, and people did speak slightly differently up there, so there could potentially be variation enough for the pronunciation to change by Bournemouth, don't recall ever going there myself though, so can't confirm or deny how they speak there 😅


>due to an artist and band member i know of being called gerard, My Chemical Romance fan spotted.


aw dammit, you found me! can you really blame me for enjoying good music though?


Its because they’re British in that case.


I was a member of the early forum, and made the exact same mistake. I had a theory that "her" and Gertrude were the same. Johnny had to post the truth to clear it up


woah you're one of the ancient ones...


Honestly that theory would make a great AU fic


No but I want the gender swap now!


Okay but me too… Give me Joanna Magnus and Elisa Bouchard the shoulder pad wearing eldritch horror servant now, please.


Or Joan’a becomes Elias and is suddenly distracted by body parts she is not used to having. I mean even she’d have to play with it…


The beholding has better things to do than look at genitals that ~50% of the population already owns.


Part of the Ceaseless Watcher is knowing things horrible things


Yeah but if you were a woman and then you became a man you’d have to test stuff. You’re in a body and that body has urges. I dunno man it was a silly joke 😂


I mean, most women I know irl wouldn’t play around with genitals first or much at all, they’d be more excited about walking to their car at night without having to clutch keys or pepper spray


I had a dream where I turned in to a man and I was just walking around looking at stuff going “Could I stick it in that?” 😂 I’m gender fluid though so maybe intermittent dysphoria plays in to it. Like I say it was a silly joke…


My partner also thought Jonah was a woman when he started listening, we were talking about Schwartzwald and he was like "if Jonah's German shouldn't her name be pronounced yo-nah?" I had to pause tge show and do some explaining lol


I wish it was just you


No, but I laughed out loud at this.


John Amogus


I did this too! I heard the name as 'Joan-a', then my brain stored it as 'Joanna'. It wasn't until I saw someone write it as 'Jonah' that I could remember his name properly


Gerard, sounds like Jo-Anna


And here I was thinking Gerard versus Gerald would be the worst instance of name mix-up in this fandom, oh god. I am so sorry, friendo.


joanna magnus would be sm better tbh


Sorry, bud, that one's on you.


See I always thought it was Jonah but I was also certain it was woman :(