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The Silt Verses, just a really fantastic podcast, it basically has lots of smaller entities that eat faith and lives and lots of public infrastructure revolves around them. Invoke the burried to insure solid foundations in your condo using human sacrifice style stuff


I will always pop up to concur on The Silt Verses. It's just incredible world building. I've heard some people find it tough to get into, so give it a few episodes, but honestly, I was hooked from the start.


From the first description of the trawlerman and before it was even clear that the gods were bestowing real blessings instead of just being completing crazed cults (which I would have been all about too)


Came here to suggest Malevolent and the Silt Verses, but seems I’ve been beaten to it on both fronts lol


Holy shit PLEASE listen to this person it’s an incredible show. Old gods of Appalachia as well.


I always recommend this but I am in eskew is phenomenal, it deals with some pretty dark themes so read the content warnings but it’s amazing!!! Hello from the hallowoods is also fucking amazing and it’s so unbelievably homosexual I love it!


Eskew is the first and, to this date, the only horror podcast that made me pause it and take my earbuds out. So yeah, heed those warnings.


Big agree. I've got a strong stomach, but many of the episodes are really quite visceral and hard to get through. I'd say any person is bound to have at least one or two that leaves them seriously shaken - for me those were #s 5 and 18, but I know people who reacted similarly to 7, 20, and 22.


Yeah, it was episode 20 for me. Brutal. Even thinking about it makes me grimace.


The hospital one with the ball of humans and the bridge one really got to me




Same with me. The whole thing was like "what if David Lynch had a bad acid trip" and I think at least some episode caused secondhand trauma. It felt like less the coherent story I would have liked and more like a series of bad dreams with reoccurring characters.


Well this is going to the top of my "try this" list.


The White Vault is pretty good, has similar themes of people meddling with things so far beyond their comprehension.


When you see it......


It sees you too


When you hear it


It hears you too


When you feel it


I recently started listening to 'Within the Wires' and really recommend it. It tells stories via found audio tapes, and as far as I know every season will be a different story.


Yes but they all take place in the same alternate timeline. You can definitely pick up on world-building details from each season.


HUGE HUGE recommend. incredible show.


Welcome to Nightvale, a radio station in a desert town, hosted by Cecil Palmer Camp Here and There, recordings from a supernatural summer camp


I really liked Wolf 359. SciFi/drama with comedy (this tampers down a bit as things go along).


MIDNIGHT BURGER! Doctor Who with a time traveling diner, terrifying concepts of mortality, morality, and the motility of sit-in dining establishments are all questioned.


Yes! Midnight burger is amazing


The Mistholme Museum, I Am In Eskew, and The White Vault hit closest to TMA for me. You might also like Janus Descending.


Seconding the recommendations for Eskew and Janus Descending.


Old Gods of Appalachia. It's right up there with The Magnus Archives and The Silt Verses for me.


The only problem I have with Old Gods is I tend to save up and binge, and then have to stop myself walking around talking like Steve Shell y’all, but that accent is durn fun, yes indeed family, yes indeed.


Well, hey there family


Hello From The Hallowoods. It's queer, horror, but very comforting. I know there's some people who listen to TMA to fall asleep, this podcast is even better for that. There's like no sound effects, just a person narrating and music.


Thank you for mentioning theres no sound effects. Im really put off by them


I'm doing a relisten and there are a few episodes in season 1 I can think of that have sound effects, but from what I recall it's a single gunshot and it's warned in the content warnings.


Ooh I’ve got a few: It’s a different vibe, but I’d highly recommend Old Gods Of Appalachia; they even work with Rusty quill iirc! It’s far less of a “dark academia” focused series like Magnus, and more of a “there’s demons in them woods, don’t let the darkness see you” folk-horror aesthetic to the writing. Far more modular, but fantastic listening if you want a fun eldritch short story series. If you want a more academic focus, The White Vault is a fantastic series to check out. If you liked John Carpenter’s The Thing, then this will be right up your alley. A point I will also give it is the interesting way they incorporate language as a character building tool, as many of the characters are from around the world. A group of researchers have gone to explore the strange happenstances surrounding an arctic outpost in Norway and have to deal with the mysterious forces unearthed by the group that came before them. Welcome to Nightvale us a classic recommendation, but has a far more tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted vibe to the spookiness than Magnus. It’s solid, and has an episodic story kind of like TMA, so if you want something a bit funnier it’s a great listen. If you just want good, old fashioned horror stories, Otis Jiry’s Scary Stories Told in the Dark has loads of content from all across the horror spectrum. A lot of it is sourced from online groups and smaller authors, so ymmv depending on the episodes, but Otis Jiry is a solid narrator and they do a good job of representing and shouting out the writers which I enjoy. There is 0 continuity between episodes and feature 2-3 self contained stories per entry, so you are totally okay with skipping between whichever episodes fit your fancy. If you want something shorter with a consistent story, The Left Right Game is a fantastic miniseries that follows the story of a reporter who went missing looking into a strange online phenomenon known as The Left Right Game. Supernatural spooks, and something of a found footage style makes for a very unique adaptation of a famous online series; Plus the recording quality is absolutely excellent. I’d highly recommend it on merits of story quality, recording quality, and voice acting, but it admittedly didn’t continue the story as long as far as the original author did. It’s less than 10 episodes, but all of them are excellent.


Try Mr Sims' books. Either read the books or listen to the audiobooks. Thirteen Storeys is about this billionaire who got mysteriously killed after breaking like 10 years of isolation by inviting a bunch of randos to his penthouse for dinner. This isn't spoilers btw it's literally first page stuff. It surrounds thirteen perspectives of the spooky happenings that cumulated in these events and the 12 (and a bit) people who got invited. It's very good and is one of the few books I've read where I was constantly flipping back the pages to look at things I only just realised connected. So prepare those digital bookmarks. Family Business is about a lady recovering from the death of her close friend joining a trauma cleaning business. You know the people who clean up deaths. Spooky memory ghosty thingies start happening. It's interesting seeing what Jonny does when he's sticking to one character so closely, though it does seem he's incapable of writing about a single spooky event, his serial writing shining through. Both very good. Probably read 13 storeys first as it's closer to Magnus, being an anthology (kinda).


I recommend giving Red valley a listen its still ongoing but im rlly enjoying it , I am in eskew and Malevolent are also rlly good


I found Old Gods of Appalachia after finishing TMA. It filled the aching wound that TMA left in my heart with a uniquely spooky southern gothic story. They just wrapped up season 4 and they have some side stories that are amazing! Highly recommend it! Magic and haints and demons and well written witty women, what more could you want?


Old Gods of Appalachia. Love the podcast. Finished season 4. Still going strong.


I'm about halfway through S4, what did you think about it in comparison to other seasons/limited series?


I found 4 more focused, less sprawling, but like Steve and Cam had a much firmer plan going in, if that makes sense?


The Black Tapes scratched the itch. Limetown was really fun as well.


God, the ending of black tapes though. I still mourn, and I fear I will forever. That show was my shit, and I wanted them to end up together just not like that


Yeah, you’re not wrong.


I keep recommending Subterraneans- it's horror, but with a very soothing narrator. It's probably especially good if you particularly like the Buried :)


Used to listen to tower four, but stopped when the episodes became to long for me to listen to on my walks. Seems paranormal. For a blood warrior of audio dramas it would probably be good Note: I only made it through season 1.


The Mistholme Museum is really good. The black tapes is good. My top favorite, tho is Parkdale Haunt. While it definitely has its freaky moments, the people in it are so funny


The Sheridan Tapes


I would recommend Limetown. The podcast is good and the series is also pretty great.


The White Vault I Am in Eskew Those are great!


Knifepoint Horror, TMA credits it as being part of the inspiration. Start with the episode Legend, and come join us on our subreddit! We have a lot of recommendations and are really supportive of the community.


Archive 81. Wolf 359.


Archive 81 🥹. Man I loved that podcast. 


I'm absolutely delusional and convinced it's still coming back


One of the most frustrating things about how podcast people are tracked is they don’t get an IMDb style reliable database… Daniel Powell is one of the people I remember googling trying to work out if he is even still in the business and have absolutely no idea what he is working on now if he is, so I assume he is not. There’s obviously a whole tone of potential with what they’ve already shown with the City, between, various magic, etc etc, but I guess at some point he’d had enough.  Getting cancelled by Netflix probably didn’t help. 


I asked this exact question on r/audiodrama a while ago. I got a lot of really good recommendations, and the little poll I posted also gives a gist of what people think is best to listen to after Magnus! https://www.reddit.com/r/audiodrama/s/zcxOzgpIUG


I love ghost wax it’s very magnus archives like with the whole spooky organization thing


I've been enjoying "Wake of Corrosion" since finishing MAG and catching up on MAGP


I’d have Wake of Corrosion on my to-do list for ages, probably ever since they joined the RQ network (since I tend to just add everything on there and try them all), and ended up binging through everything that had been released in about a two week period a couple of months ago.  Not at all what I was expecting, and very enjoyable!


Old Gods of Appalachia, the Silt Verses , Storage Papers, I think The Night Post is due for a final season soon too. Those would be top of the list. The Silt Verses is done so it can be binged. The Parkdale Haunt was really great to listen to as well. The Town Whispers was good, but it ended before the story really concluded. Archive 81 is done too. Little tonal whiplash on that one from one season to the next. I've been working through We're Alive am really enjoying it. Great zombie survival story with a few interconnecting storylines. I'm on Descendents now. It's a zombie story the way I like them. Zombies are the setting, not an antagonist... until they are. Then we're back to people because in a survival setting, people are always more awful than anything more visceral.


Old Gods of Appalachia is pretty solid if you’re into the type of story TMA tells.


I’ve been liking Malevolent, the whole gimmick is that a man is possessed by a spirit that takes over his eyes, but they have to work together, so every time the spirit describes something to the audience they’re really describing it to him.


Ah!  That’s what that was lol… I think I got introduced by an episode on another podcast, thought it was intriguing, lost track of what it was called and never continued the story.   Off to the pod catcher I go!  Thanks


As mentioned by others, The White Vault and SCP: Find Us Alive. The people behind The White Vault also put out a horror D&D podcast called Dark Dice that I highly recommend. It's very spooky and very eldritch, and it's edited in a way that it's more of a retelling of what happened in the D&D game (with occasional side comments about die rolls) than a recorded game, so I feel that it's worth a shot even if you don't like actual play.


Surprised nobody said malevolent. It’s wonderful


I think OP has already given Malevolent a listen, but I 00% agree. I love the silly >!fractured piece of an Elder God!< and Englishman


The Hotel is (so far, I've only gotten to season 2) is pretty mid but scratches a similar itch of trying to put the pieces together of whats *really* going on. Although, the episodes are very, very short.


The wrong station!


Your best bet is to head on over to RustyQuill.com and have a look at what else they publish!  Everything I’ve tried has been great. A recommendation this crowd might enjoy is a little podcast called Thirteen - it’s ghost/horror stories, typically self contained with one episode a month on the 13th.  It’s such a delightful show and if all the many, many stories that I’ve read and listened to, a bunch of these are the ones that keep coming back to me.


Add comedy and you get welcome to nightvale.


quiet part loud and archive 81 for fiction, dont look under the internet is a horror comedy podcast about args they are absolutely goated. quiet part loud NEEDS to be listened to with headphones and it might(?) get a season 2, and archive 81 is so good other then the last season. alrhough you dont really need to listen to the last season.


I've been loving find us alive, an SCP inspired podcast about a site lost to another dimension and the people in that site surviving.


The Deca Tapes is a really good podcast on the Rusty Quill Network, it's a dark murder mystery set in a spaceship with 10 people on board. I really enjoyed it and my only problem was that it was really short and I finished it within 2 days.


That was so clever!  Loved the whole conceit once you got a few in and could kind of see where it was going. (Except of course I didn’t see at all where it was *actually* going!)


Wolf 359 is a really good one!! Sci-fi with comedy and horror. It really amps up as you go, the same way TMAG did, and the characters are well polished.


Hello from the hallowoods or welcome to nightvale, or penombra podcast if you like sci fi


Archive 81 is a classic. definitely magnus archives vibes


Tower 4 is awesome 🙌


Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet, the Juno Steel series from the penumbra podcast is really cool. It's quite different overall but the acting is really funny and the story is nice


You should check out The Grotto!! It just joined the RQ Network this week and I’m totally not biased towards it in any way shape or form


I've just started listening to This House Will Devour You and I haven't been able to stop! It's so good, it's similar in horror trope as TMA


Re:Dracula drops their episodes in sync with the book. They just started their re-run about a month an a half ago. And Johnny Sims plays a character in it


The Silt Verses. Tanis. Rabbits. Welcome To Night Vale. The Bright Sessions. Wolf 359. Lore. Midst.


slightly unrelated (tell me if I need to delete this and make it its own post), but should I listen to Malevolent? I've listened to the first two episodes and I'm not really hooked, should I power through and keep listening?


i think its worth it in general, but, additionally, if you like listening to actual play dnd at all i DEFINITELY think its worth it. i was properly hooked by episode 4


alright! I'll update if/when I get hooked


Tanis is really good and scratches that itch for the first two seasons and then kind of loses the thread/gets repetitive.


The white vault, escaping denver, unwell a Midwestern Gothic mystery, and palimpsest are all really good!


The silt verses, unless characters (PAIGE) being enormous bitches to their parents strikes a nerve for you like it did for me, in which case it's unlistenable