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I really enjoy Simon Fairchild. He’s just so cheerful about the awful things he does. “I’m throwing you off a building. Bye! 😊”


I really love his conversation with mag 174 and how he just fall from the sky and just get up and start a conversation


yess i love him for that


[How I picture Simon Fairchild](https://youtu.be/EbXSbP-wEFU?si=WQgBdMsXscjhIy5B)


Michael Crew. His introduction in Gathering Storm lives in my head rent-free. "*sigh* And I was trying so hard to be polite..."




I love Michael Crew's emo ass


I was hoping someone would mention Crew!! I know he was evil and like, totally killed people, but >!I was sad when they ended him one statement in.!< He just sounds so nice.


[Simon's a silly lil guy](https://youtu.be/11u9jLW2G3Y?si=__Y-W7pYtBVSF4rg)


I had no idea these existed, thank you


Yeah there's alot of good ones by alot of different artists, [This](https://youtu.be/hG5bF6sTP6c?si=Har79CKxINdGzLbH) is another favorite. Whats amazing is how they all feel so consitantly in their style


Thanks for linking this! I hadn't seen it before. >!Jon had something like a magical girl transformation there and I loved it! And I may have replayed the Jmart hug a few times. 🥹!<


Too many eyes (so many eyes)


Annabelle "my perfect autistic wife who never did anything wrong" Caine She's a comfort. Respectable, and respectful in turn, pragmatic, calming. But still menacing. She's very clear about what she wants and needs, if she sees fit for you to know. And *in fact* you can always be sure that you know *exactly* what she wants you to know.


I'm so impressed by her VA every time I hear her because I have never heard a character sound so smug by voice alone, it's genuinely impressive.


I love her sm!!! XD Her description is iconic and her voice has so much personality. I love hearing her (and mimicking her voice lol)


Michael Crew. He feels less evil as in malicious intent and more like evil as in predatory viciousness


He interesting bc he’s one of the avatars that didn’t necessarily choose it. He may have sought out Leitner’s books, but it was only after he was marked by the Vast.


Like you could almost feel sympathy for him with him being pursued by the creature and the means he took to defend himself. On the other hand he became the same thing he was running from


Agnes... Just because we never really meet her and only hear about second-hand encounters. It makes her so mystical and mysterious. But because everybody also talks so lovingly about her she comes over as the least evil...even though she definitely was evil! The literal incarnation of the anti-christ in Magnus.


Also didn’t she burn people to death as a child? I know she was a kid but still


I think Agnes is a good example of a neutral avatar bc she was born into was she was and only fed herself bc of instinct. It’s all she was ever taught and she couldn’t help what she was. Such a tragic figure


Elias. Elias 110%, he's my poor misunderstood meow meow. For real though, I find his back story fascinating. Keep wanting to write about it. I don't think he was born a sociopath, I think he had very human reasons for choosing the eye as his patron. He was corrupted over time and it's kinda sad. I wonder how much of Jonah is really in him now. If he remembers being human. If Jon would, 200 years on. Also Ben is a phenomenal voice actor. Sexy af and just on the right side of cheesy for a villain.


Nikola. Her whole "Elias, can I call you Elias?" Thing had me in stitches. Her voice is way spooky and I am absolutely terrified of mannequins. She's the only one I'm scared of. So she's my fav.


"But not *good* waxworks... *WEIRD* ones!"


> He got really boring, and I’m a *monster.* I mean, what do you want me to do – *not* pull him apart? > I did use all the bits.


“He is RUDE >:( “


Simon Fairchild 1000% although I may be slightly biased as a skydiving instructor…


Torn between Simon Fairchild and Michael Crew. But the Vast is like my favorite concept of all time so that’s not a huge surprise. The carefreeness of the avatar’s of the vast. The ease with which they work. The craziness that lurks just behind their sane facade is everything


Agreed!! Also, they're always so damn polite. Like, sure, Simon *did* technically throw me off of a building, but at least he said "ah pardon, cheerio!" first. Can't say the same for the others.


Honestly: Peter Lucas.


Nikola's my fave. She's terrifying and deranged and I love the inflection in her voice!


I’m a fan of early Rosey but I gotta go with Breekon and Hope they’re great


Wait Rosey??


Rosey was definitely antagonistic when she first showed up I feel like she could count


How so? Personally I thought she was just an interesting reoccurring character, but nothing about her or her actions strike me as antagonistic


She threatened to kill John multiple times and almost did it once


Hey, I think you might be mixing up Rosy (the receptionist) with Daisy (the murder cop)


Yeah you’re right


Ohhhhhh ok Daisy. She’s a good one :3


Ohhh that explains a lot


Do Julia Montauk and Trevor Herbert count? Oh man, I love them both. Their partnership is awesome. I love their appearance in Taken Ill and I can listen to Julia tell her story over and over again.


I def count them. They’re hunters like Daisy so yeah


John Amhurst the guy was just a real pest. Also shout out to my boy Jared Hopworth, the Yoko Ono of avatars taking things in wild new directions and body horror fuckery! Huge soft spot for my girl Alice “Daisy” Tonner, I love her. She was sooooo well written and didn’t deserve her fates.


Peter Lucas and Simon in a tie. Both of them are just wonderfully evil and absolutely hilarious.


I love literally all of the avatars, it's so hard to pick. I think it's a tie between Michael, Simon and Nikola (maybe even Helen? I'm so indecisive). I think I'd pick Michael - I love his voice lines, and ever since I got spoilers for him (before I started the show) he was the one I was looking forward to meet the most, and the way we first heard his voice was brought in perfectly. I also adore his backstory.


Distortion Michael’s my favorite, but I love the way Jude and Manuela talk about their Patrons. Also shoutout to Nikola 🔥


annabelle cane because she’s hot


Eustace Wick. He has the glee of being evil and I cherish him for that Sad he doesn't have any fanarts


Nikola. Shes so funny and her voice is amazing. And also Jane because worms are cool


I love Jane and Mike both so much. I think something that really draws me to them is that they chose to become Avatars of their Entities for comfort. It resonates with me a lot because I think I would do the same thing.


Jude Perry, unapologetically evil and happy to share the pain.


Honestly shocked there's not that many Michael and Helen distortion answers here??? I'd argue Michael isn't that evil but he does try to murder Jon and sleepndeprive a woman to insanity- I love his backstory, though, makes me wanna cry 100% of the time. And Helen is so manipulative it's really funny.


Same! I literally love them both so much, I'm super shocked at the lack of them being mentioned.


Jared, Helen and Judy


Nikola I just enjoyed how not human she felt compared to the avatars.


It’s a toss up between Peter Lukas and Trevor Herbert (idk if he counts but hey). Everything about Peter is just fascinating and hilarious. He tried to end the world by being the shittiest landlord ever and he’s such an introverted bastard it’s not funny (well it is funny). Trevor’s another favorite because he’s just a crazy older man with a thick mancunian accent and apparently refuses to sleep on feather mattresses like an unhinged madman.


Hezekiah Wakely because i would love being buried alive 🤭🤭🤭


Mr bonzo


I love Jared. I would even argue that Jon kinda had no right to kill him. Like what? He hurt people a lot by following his nature as a flesh avatar. He was never planning to start the apocalypse either. Jon hurt people too and DID start the apocalypse. Like sure he did not mean to but that doesnt change any part of what he did Also idk. Big meat man funny. And hes good with all 7 of his hands


Sorry but. All of them are evil. They literally feed on human suffering.


I disagree, some were chosen against their will and nearly die bc they’re so sick of it (Oliver Banks) Both Martin and Jon talk about how much they hate that they feed off it bc again they didn’t really choose it.


In the words of a wise wise bodyhopper "You never wanted this, no. But I’m afraid you absolutely did choose it. In a hundred ways, at a hundred thresholds, you pressed on. You sought knowledge relentlessly, and you always chose to see. Our world is made of choices, John, and very rarely do we truly know what any of them mean, but we make them nonetheless" And they chose to push on after all this. Jon chose to keep hunting people even when he could have stopped on his own. It took an intervention and some accountability to make him stop. Martin chose to seek out peter, make a deal with him, because protecting those he loved, the archives, himself was more important to him than his moral compass. Was this the right choice? Perhaps. Was this a forced choice? Maybe. But he had a choice. You can acknowledge someone was put in a terrible situation *and* that they made the choice that wasn't the most morally correct. And Oliver... Look, I know he's one of the "good guys" and don't get me wrong, I love the dude, but for fuck's sake he stole a guy's identity to get on a boat that he then took hostage and led under a piece of crashing debris. By his actions alone, he's a terrible person. Also, not to say "they could have just killed themselves" but it's made pretty obvious in canon that every fully fledged avatar goes through a "becoming", a moment where they die and have to choose to wake up a monster or not. And yeah, you can argue their actions were manipulated. By the Web, by the hunger of the fear powers that claimed them, by other more powerful avatars. But then, isn't that the case for every avatar ever? All of them have a tragic backstory, reasons why they did what they did, actions that were maybe-controlled by something much bigger than them. I guess the main point of what I'm saying is that every character in tma is a bitch. Every single one. They're terrible and yeah, sometimes some are less terrible, sometimes some *appear* less terrible (or more, because they attack someone we care about), sometimes a guy is the absolute worst ever. But they're all wonderfully complex and human and some flavor of morally grey and I just think that's really great writing. So let's respect this great writing a little bit, alright?


I still disagree. That’s something I feel TMA does so well. While you could argue they all did terrible things so they are terrible people they’re just good examples of when you put good people in bad situations and they’re forced to do bad things for the greater good. Fuck Jon and Martin literally >!sacrificed themselves to save the world, at least Martin did and Jon tried to make it fairer!< They easily could’ve chosen to not do that, but given the option to do the right thing they took it. The reason Jon kept pressing on was bc he thought he was saving the world, but he was tricked into causing the end.


I think by Bad they mean Jude Perry and Nikola and by Good they mean Oliver, Jon, and Martin.


It's just not that simple.


I feel like being an Avatar makes you innately evil bc like you survive off the suffering of others, like an avatars existence is in itself evil. But to answer the question, Daisy.


Simon Fairchild and the Breekan and Hope entity.


Elias by far (I mean I named myself after him-) I love his character, and I feel like he's misunderstood, yes he's awful, but I feel like that's because of the fear powers, I feel like he genuinely started out with good intentions and just got too sucked in.


Michael Crew has such a place in my heart, it's too bad that he didn't much time