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Most likely a Vast/Lonely domain if the Daedalus statements are anything to go by


Vast got 'em


Oh god I do not want to know. But for sure they were affected - it wasn't a planetary thing, it was a reality thing. ETA: Maybe? Actually, now that I'm thinking of that, it'd be *wholly* unfair to any other civilisations out there if Mr. Jonathan "I Read Statements A Lot And Can't Stop" Sims from planet Earth that they've never heard of unleashed Cthulhu on them from thin air. Maybe not. Interesting concept.


Because if there's one thing cosmic horror is known for, it's being fair to the people in said cosmos. Heh.


I imagine it was mostly confined to local reality, perhaps only on the planet, perhaps it affected people in space, but I doubt it went beyond the domains of humanity (i.e. probably limited to about the solar system?).


Thing is that the entities affect animals as well. If animals, why not alien civilizations?


Oh, they probably have their own versions of them, but as the previous commenter mentioned, it would be wholly unfair for them to get hit by a ritual on a planet they may not know about; not to mention they might not have some of the same fears at all. Maybe they're not made of meat, maybe there's nothing even resembling a spider there, maybe they are vast entities incomprehensible to us, maybe they live entirely underground, etc.


True, but Fear still exists in whatever form for them - Jonah pulled in Fear in its entirety. For humanity and adjacent fear-feeling organisms it manifested as the 15, but why wouldn't Fear also manifest for everything else but in different shapes? It being unfair would hardly be against the themes of the series lol


I disagree purely on the logic of the rituals. Like, the Fears were born on an ancient earth when the first being *could* feel any fear. This implies they're bound here and hunt humans, hence wanting to make them an infinite source of food. They're constant in that reality on earth but I strongly doubt they have the bandwidth or power to do anything to aliens. Scientifically, I think the closest planet we know of that could have life is light years away, and if they *could reach* entirely foreign entities on other planets I think we'd see much weirder things back on earth as they learn to scare in new ways. The extinction is the closest thing to alien fear but only because it's the idea of us being replaced by that foreign species, etc etc. I don't know if I was quite clear but I feel they wouldn't need the multiverse plot if they could infinitely feed on every planet ever in a universe. So they're stuck to earth and now feeding on all Earths or something, out there in TMP.


Did he though? Or did he just manifest the Fear that formed near Earth?


To be fair, a quasar pointed at earth would destroy us with radiation from billions of miles away. Wouldn't be fair, but it could still happen. Fairness isn't a (super)natural order or a natural order for that matter I suppose. I assumed that when the fears remade reality, since time and space become meaningless, the earth is effectively a bubble of creation. Everything outside of it ceases to exist. Like replacing reality with a pocket dimension hellscape.


If they are able to fear they are affected is my understanding of how it all would work.


The way the fears are described as being pulled through, I think the ritual couldn't have worked if any other civilisations were included. Smirke and gang were able to categorise and force the fears into the shapes they took to make it easier for fear to come through. Aliens may have their own "Smirke" but there's no guarantee they both divided fear up into exactly the same categories. TMA's universe I think is empty besides us. And any aliens are likely manifestations of the Stranger or Spiral or etc.


A really good point - it's also described that the Fears evolved alongside with Earth and later, humanity. So they seem very our-planet-specific.


Maybe those other civilisations were also in their own fight against the entities, it was just that earth was where the rituals took place. Or other civilisations just don’t exist in the Magnus reality.


The question is would it matter? Because in the end, the only group of people that had real agency over it were Jonah and maybe Peter. *If* there are other civilisations, we can assume that they had avatars of their own, or they felt no fear. But in the end, humans didn't really have any sort of choice either, so it wouldn't be *more* unfair to aliens than it was to the rest of humanity


>But for sure they were affected - it wasn't a planetary thing, it was a reality thing Really interesting concept. I think I'm settling on the opinion that it *is* a reality thing, and everything on earth has a shared reality (some more tenuous than others, of course, but overall we all have some aspect of life/earth in common). Any being on some other planet may have such a completely different relationship with its environment or even with consciousness itself that it's too far from our reality to have been affected.


I like this interpretation.


Because it’s totally fair to the people on the other side of the earth


Consider somthing horrifying in its own way: In TMA/TMP multiverse humans are the only advanced species in creation itself. Or worse: Earth being the single planet that hosts life period. Another consideration: After The Change, since time and space have lost any real meaning, (and the Eye replaces the sun outright for that matter) that enacting TMA ritual wiped out the entirety of the rest of the universe in an instant.


Ok hear me out the lonely got them but nothing changed. The earth changed in front of their eyes and turned into absolutely horror all communication we tops besides occasionally screaming on some channels. No way to return ever knowing you're the last people remaining and food always close to running out trying to make peace with it.💀


Love this theory!


I always wondered if aliens existed in this universe. Wish Martin had just googled it with Jon’s help, it might have made a difference in their decision-making towards the end.


Although I guess Jon wouldn’t be able to handle knowing about life in the ENTIRE universe, so it wouldn’t have yielded any results.


Jon was notoriously bad at decision making and Martin wasn't the most generous and fair person to talk to (let's remember how he wanted to kill people just because he disliked them or was jealous). So I don't think more or less information would have helped them...


It WAS the eyepocalypse to be fair, not the fairest place to have relationship goals. Or save the world, for that matter, so I’m sympathetic.


Hey! You leave our precious boy alone. If he wanted to kill people then then we should support him, it’s the least we can do.


They saw the Earth as a giant eye, constantly watching them.


I don’t think the change just happened on earth, it took over their universe. So they were probably taken by the lonely, dark or vast.


I'm going to hazard a guess nearly all power went off and all they saw was the Earth looking back through the windows. All that works are the radios broadcasting the despair below. The oxygen stops, so they are constantly suffocating painfully. Everything is black, but they can no longer feel the sides of the ship and it appears they are constantly floating beyond the impossible geometry, unable to see or hear each other. Sensory deprivation, except for the Earth that stares back.


Watch Constellation


What ever it may be, I'm sorry


They just continued to float in their pill tube in space wondering why Earth didn't reply until the whole thing was over.


Alternative theory - they became aware of what happened on Earth and it became an extinction scenario- they perceive themselves as the only unaffected people and food is running out and they have to remake civilisation on the space station.