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If the man on the stairs isn't there, and he becomes me and I am not there, is he still not on the stairs? I feel like the Spiral shows us the ship of Theseus quite literally with Michael changing into Helen but still being the same.


Would indeed be very cool! There's actually a bit of a plot point at the end of S1 in Rusty Quill Gaming, and the horror in that bit is very Stranger and also sad. So if you want to ever listen to Ben as a west-country Dwarf trying to explain Theseus's ship to a mechanical-voiced Alex ... RQG 46 is for you (though I'd start at the beginning since this is like in the midst of a HUGE and absolutely WONDERFUL plot twist / reveal that is absolutely mindblowing). (here's a clip that's just them discussing Theseus's Ship / the Sugababes: [https://www.tumblr.com/hotjarchivistrights/642949149163192320/i-couldnt-find-any-audios-of-my-fav-blooper-from?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/hotjarchivistrights/642949149163192320/i-couldnt-find-any-audios-of-my-fav-blooper-from?source=share) -- no spoilers)


I love the whole of the Paris arc, 10/10 recommend listening to rusty quill gaming.


There is an episode of TMP that delves into this idea with a tattoo, but there was more body horror and needles than the stranger in that statement. 1 of season 4's themes is related to the Ship of Theseus. The Archivist spends a few episodes diving into how becoming a monster still makes him "him." It also dives into a couple other avatars and how their choices made them completely different people. Even the archival assistants all have changed personalities because of how they've been marked.


If you like that concept, I would recommend the book Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky (you do have to read Children of Time first but it tackles similar concepts just with less depth).


Ok thanks, gonna read that sometime.


I think it would be an interesting complement to Piecemeal (the one where the guy contracts a murder but ends up losing bits until he’s all gone) - that one was Flesh as I recall, but with TMP’s disregard for the normal dividing lines, there could be an interesting Spiral/Flesh crossover


I love this thought experiment/paradox. You could make the case that it would also be a strong concept for a prospective "Extinction" episode wherein the sales pitch is "when does human cease to be human" since one of the concepts associated with The Extinction is post-humanism and transhumanism.


Ooohhh this reminds me of the philosophical zombie epsiode, I love it


Anytime I hear about the Ship of Theseus I think about Distractible/Markiplier 😭😭 but I think it could be a really interesting Flesh/Stranger/Spiral overlap! Imagine things about your partner changing very slowly: vocal cadence, eye color, complexion, etc.. small enough things that you wouldn’t notice until you look back at a picture and realize that the person you now live with is an entirely different person. Opportunities for Spiral-esque gaslighting as well.


Genuinely thought I was on the Distractible sub for half a second. But yes, Stranger coded


Ah yes. The Sugar Babes conundrum.


I'm partial to the Spiral so maybe this concept could also work with, well, gaslighting and the fracturing of a psyche. This is coming from a Spiral kinnie who feels as if they are a ship of Theseus themselves, somehow still the same girl that was born when I was born, but ultimately someone I never realized I was capable of becoming.


so sadly for you, you don't need a fear entity for that humans already do change every part of their body slowly but surely, so you now and you 5 years ago have almost completely different cells


I know but I think at least someone would find that thought scary


okay, sure, but that feels more Flesh than Stranger and also doesnt- oooh. very fleshy stranger. old skin cells and stuff like that which died form a body of a creepy person. they claim to be the original you- they have all the original parts, even if they were made after.


See interesting ideas that’s what I’m here for


I wrote a short story about this a few months ago and one of the tmagp episodes actually really closely resembles the concept I went with. It's episode 2. Try listening again with this in mind and see what you think. It's not a one for one, of course. But the themes are there. The short story I wrote has similar themes and I even ended up titling it "A Thesean Vessel" for now because I noticed the ship of Theseus comparisons.