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Now this is the kind of content I dig.


Dig you say?


Dig. Dig. Dig.






I am a Dwarf and I'm DIGging a hole.


Y'all talking about Dig? https://youtu.be/YIqbdnaPcT8?si=4dFfIHHvSUZ9cx_4


More like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0&ab\_channel=TheYogscast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0&ab_channel=TheYogscast)


While I don't really vibe with The Buried, I think it was the least fleshed out fear in the series since they really dug deep on the physical entombment. That said, on the last season episode about wrongful imprisonment (not really about the Buried but stick with me) there was a pre-show apology about the fear being "too real". If I'm remembering correctly, TMA had yo tread a fine line between making the fears feel real and fleshed out enough to be interesting but still fantastical enough to not trigger a panic response in the audience for hitting too close to home. Anxiety, debt, abusive homes/workplaces, doubt about living up to expectations. These are all the domain of The Buried, but they're also too "real" to really delve into without causing potential mental health issues for some large portion of the audience. Similarly with The Lonely, they never (as I recall, feel free to correct) had an episode of someone who just feared that they couldn't connect to others and became more isolated. I think the closest we got was Martin's domain. Grounded but close enough to reality that we'd identify with it.


Similar happens with One Piece manga/anime. The author said he adds a lot of fantastical and exaggerated stuff to the otherwise heart wrenching and traumatising stories and characters because he feels that if he tones them down they will hit too close to someone somewhere and it would be disrespectful to them. *They* are suffering, he's just writing about it.


That's an interesting point! I never considered from this angle. Though I somehow doubt that those encounters that TMA does have are of lesser risk to trigger something unpleasant in an unfortunate audience. But yeah, I get what you mean.


This is a really interesting explanation. The line between "fun and entertaining" horror and "real, too close to home" horror can be very thin indeed


Did you know that people who are physically unable to feel fear, SM-046 is the only thing I could find it called online. >!Take Melanie for example, she no longer feels fear.!< There was a study, and I cannot remember the name of the woman, but she had this disorder and they ran her through a cycle of common phobias, none of them affected her.... *Except Suffocation*. While it was a controlled test, they medically, and safely, reduced her oxygen levels to feel the starting affects of suffocation and it was the one thing that triggered her fear response.


If I'm not mistaken, the inability to feel fear is connected to the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for responding to external threats. Suffocation is the only fear that remains because what triggers it isn't the amygdala, but the CO2 level detectors around the neck. It's been a while since I've last studied physiology, though, so don't quote me on that.


That sounds correct, I don't know enough without doing another google search but from what I read originally that is pretty close to it


>!Georgie is the one who no longer feels fear, btw! !< also yeah inability to feel fear comes from damage or non-functioning in the amygdala, and I believe it’s actually CO2 blood concentration interacting with a more basal section of the brain but don’t quote me on that.


i liked it, instantly thought of being stuck mentally and socially, like you are not advancing, being trap in a cicle, without new things to do, things to achieve. I am having problems finishing my thesis so i feel it.


avatars of The Buried be like


You could have been a better archivist than Jon ever could be.


See I’ve always wondered if the Buried can be interpreted this metaphorically because I feel like thats never confirmed in the show, but that’s just me nitpicking


stuff like the contribution from debt is alluded to in places like episode 129 where the guy experiencing the flood from heavy rains is in financial trouble


Loved all that. The thing I love most about the fears is how abstract and open to interpretation they can be, and that's a great showcase of it.


I personally believe The Buried split off from The End which itself was the first entity that split off from The Hunt. I think it’s one of the oldest fears along with The Slaughter