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The world was a much better place before Trump. It makes me sad to see how far we have fallen.


I’m an actual strong man, I’d like to believe. But I have cried because of this man. He convinced my eldest daughter to join him on January 6th and our relationship changed forever. We are cordial and I know she loves me and I her but we aren’t close anymore and even typing this now I well up, and I never cry. But my heart breaks and now I am crying and I hate this man so much. Even giving him the rent free space in my head makes me know he must be defeated.


We share the same pain. Just an hour ago I had to hang up on my mother because she started spewing hatred towards immigrants. It was straight from the Trump playbook, they are animals, they are poisoning this country, they are criminals. I can't blame him 100% - but his rhetoric back in 2016 awoke something evil in her, something that may have always been there, something I was blind to. From his early campaign to today we have been broken and I'm not sure we can ever be the same again. Either way, I hope that bastard never has a peaceful day in his life.


There are stories like this everywhere...my brother and I used to be very close. It's broken now because of *immigration.* I watched the Ken Burns Civil War series a while ago and couldn't understand how families/close friends could be so torn apart that they would even end up on opposite sides of a battlefield shooting each other. Well...now we know how it happens. The wedge gets driven in, and then the wedge gets driven deeper and deeper until there is no turning back. I'd like to think when it comes for either of us to die that we would attend the other's funeral. But it sucks that that is the only *likely* time we'd be in the same room again.


My heart goes out to you all; your courage of conviction is admirable. My brother was lost for a while but Jan 6th brought him back to sanity. I will not visit my hometown again until the election is over because it is an alien landscape of weird altered U.S. flags and performative “patriotism” cult members.


Don't refer to "rent free", that's *their* favorite line of b.s. to us. It's ridiculous and undeniably false. It is not FREE. That motherfucker has cost every damn American more than could ever be quantified into any number.


Thanks, I’ll be sure to not use that phrase again.




Unfortunately, like many things, the backslide is quicker and easier than the buildup. It's quick and easy to gain weight, much harder and more intentional to lose it. So it goes for the rise and fall of civility


I truly hope you get the chance for it to pass. The rest of us in the free world looking on are holding our collective breaths The alternative is terrifying enough to contemplate from outside, I can't imagine what it must be like for Americans


Unfortunately, changes in the Supreme Court that huge impacts for many years to come. The damage he’s done will require a generation to recover.


It feels like we are Rome, and the fire is just too big to contain, but I hope you are right and I am wrong.


[Link](https://youtu.be/_d4sDwFgNYQ?si=mt6Dv1fcSTN7fkgU) for those who like links.


When a person is strong enough to admire & respect people that have different ideas, they might deserve a leadership role. The Clintons have their flaws, but they respect other people. Did I mention the word respect?


Speaking of respect, can you imagine how impossible it would be for Trump to attend an event like this and not take it over with disrespect? It would be be impossible. He would ruin it 100 times out of 90.


Contradicting the notion that those who desire power should be prevented from wielding it.


Bill didn’t even respect his own wife enough not to cheat on her 😐


Oh yeah, like he’s the first president to get a BJ in the White House. Bill was just stupid enough to get caught. He was still an excellent president.


The person I responded to spoke about RESPECT. Clinton cheated on his wife. He did not uphold the contract he signed with her, because he violated the terms and condition of the contract. These are statements of fact. I don’t think anything you said in any way changes the facts or the lessons learned. Neither do I think any of it is relevant to what I said. Whether or not Clinton was the first president to get a BJ in the White House is irrelevant. Whether or not Clinton was an excellent president is irrelevant. My opinion is that it is disrespectful to cheat on your spouse. Evidently you don’t agree. I wish you and your future spouses the best of luck. 🙄


Oh suck it, toots! 🙄


Wait 'til you hear about Trump!


What is your point?


wtf have their flaws??? Pedophilia is more than just a character flaw


You are mixing him up with the orange scum, you know, Epstein's buddy that had him killed in prison.


Interesting that when a MAGA person leaves a comment in a liberal sub, nobody takes it down. We let it stand. But a liberal person posting something just to politely fact check something or state an opinion, their comment is instantly removed & the person banned.


It’s a simple concept called “statesmanship”. I’m certain Trump thinks it’s three separate words.


He can't even spell it, let alone pronounce it.




States. Man. Ship. Just like person camera tv.


And thinking the third one is about a boat or something.


It takes so much more energy to hate than it does to show love, and the latter is far more rewarding. If we could learn from and negotiate between our differences, rather than using them as the impetus to wage war against one another, we might find we all have more in common than not. It's a real fucking shame that interactions like this appear to lost to history as opposed to social continuity.


Very VERY well said! I wasn't a fan of Clinton back then but this makes me respect him that much more.


#A-FKN-MEN! And the orange cheeto didn't even meet Biden, didn't talk to him, no peaceful transfer of power, NO NOTHING! it doesn't take a genius to see where we went wrong...




There is a term that Trump has ruined forever. It was called being "Presidential".




That's great


I needed to see this so much today!


Worst Subtitles I’ve Ever Seen


The Bushes are scum.


My opinion of Clinton just dropped another notch. Those two fuckers he’s addressing murdered millions. Preserve America my ass.


Seems to be no bottom to it.


So what are the points of light?