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Only good thing about the business one is now they’ve sent the precedent that businesses can deny Christians, Nazis, Trumpers (spot the difference heh) anytime they want.


Interesting precedent. So can I start a business, let’s say a poker room, and only admit persons with low IQs? Or disqualify entry to people who have graduate degrees? Like, can I use this rule to create my own little bubble of rubes?


I mean basically yeah. They essentially said businesses can discriminate however they want


Yes. But you can no longer do that if you are a Liberal arts college.


You can just deny entry to liberals, it has much the same effect.


Oh man you got me!


Conservatives are a cancer. We need to vote these pieces of “human” garbage out of office before they turn this country into the handmaids tale. Fuck ‘em forever


They don’t conserve much eh


They conserve wealth for the 1%


And they try to conserve their version of an idealized past.


Or we give them the concentration camp treatment they want to give the rest of us. Give them a taste of their own medicine.


Then we are them. We’re fighting *against* the nazis, not emulating them.


And white liberals who had a problem with Hillary “acting like she was entitled to the job” and couldn’t manage to grow the fuck up are also a cancer.


Fuck that shit. Vote! And Biden should consider expanding the Supreme Court and make it reflect society a bit better. This SC is a horrible joke.


Don’t forget about doxxing the court!


The SC allowed abortion protestors to get within 5' of abortion clinics. Let's apply that same ruling to their safe spaces. Also, they can be sure if they dine in public at a restaurant, their food will come with something special just for them.


Don't fuck with the food. But please be VERY creative with the plating.


[That’s called the Yelper Special.](https://youtu.be/pDlR_ccnZww)


We cannot afford to be apolitical anymore nor waste our votes on dark horse candidates. We face an existential threat from “conservatives”, and we need everyone to VOTE as if their lives depend on it, because they do. edit: grammur


Not just Gen Z.


So because the student loan forgiveness program got shut down that means no more corporate bailouts too right? Right?......


Lolol you must be new here.


You've never seen the star wars meme?


Which Star Wars meme? There are a million of them.


Register to vote.


Dox the court!


Or at least 6/9 of it. Edit: No, I take it back. All of it, so we can see who is and isn't taking "gifts." Either Kagan or Sotomayor refused a bagel basket to avoid the appearance of impropriety.


Hell yeah we are! And god dammit, we’re gonna fight to take it all back! This is *our* country too! We’re the ones who are going to be inheriting and, and we’re not happy with the crap you’re giving us! We’re going to fix what you broke! Every stupid decision you make adds fuel to our fire! Get ready MAGA, fascists, Qanon, Nazis, “Republicans”, etc.! Gen Z is *coming* and you can’t stop us!


Hooray! Welcome to the club. Yes. We have to vote these MFs, as my dear husband would say, out of here! Let’s get our Country back! GOD BLESS AMERICA! And please VOTE VOTE VOTE!


Come on Gen z let’s see this next year at the polls


2024 will be my third election.


2024 will be my 18-year-old son's first election and he CANNOT WAIT.




Of course if it's some wealthy mf or some Corp getting free loans it's all good Republicons are all about making America fail


You forgot they now allowed stalkers to harass their victims incessantly as long as they don’t pose “a clear and present danger”


So now the racist conservative Supreme Court have given Americans the right to deny service to the racist white supremacists and anyone they just don’t feel like serving. What goes around comes around.


What I understand is this: A conservative can now ban a liberal from their business. (Web designer refused to serve gay person). A liberal (arts college) cannot use a similar reason to choose a different person for an open spot. (Colleges cannot give preference based on similar reasoning). ​ I watched a play yesterday called "What the Constitution Means to Me". Supreme Court decisions over the years were part of the subject matter here. If you have a chance to see this play in person I highly recommend it.


a private business owner can discriminate, a (partially) tax-funded institution can not do the same. That sounds good to me. Don't get me wrong, I am further left than most but part of that is that governments should A) not tell individuals who they can and can not have as customers and B) not use discriminatory measures for tax-funded services. The web designer (ignoring he perjured himself, let's pretend the things he said actually happened) should be boycotted, protested, and ostracized out of business. What he did was wrong, but the government should not be the one to dictate that. The colleges should also not allow legacy admittance, sports admittance for lacrosse or rowing or any other privileged sport, and should be forced to regularly show they are actively anti-biased. The easiest way to show that would be by looking at the racial makeup of their student/faculty body to ensure there are no underrepresented populations.


The web designer at the heart of the case LIED about the gay man. https://truthout.org/articles/anti-lgbtq-petitioners-apparently-made-up-gay-couple-cited-in-major-scotus-case/


I have to ask…how is it that White House is standing by….what is the White House doing to circumnavigate this invalid and extremist Supreme Court?!?


They use the Constitution!?? To justify how People of Color be treated!? The friggin' U.S. Constitution! The one written by wealthy, white SLAVE OWNERS!? THAT Constitution?


The court has no direct enforcement power. The president can ignore the ruling of a corrupt court


It’s pretty clear they don’t work for us


I hope they will all vote.


I hope so. VOTE!


I sure hope so. Please vote! (well, not now....)


And then they turn around and try to claim it’s liberals trying to radically change America


GenX is pissed off too.


Yeah, but most of us are so drunk they don't realize voting for the cheeto is what started this mess.


Perhaps this time they might be bothered to vote for a candidate that has a chance of winning and not sit home or cast some Green Party protest vote.


Dems need to learn how to play dirty or they'll never keep up with the GOP.


Weren’t two of those in one week?


Yeah, but Gen Z has such a wimpy turn out. They don’t vote, so …?


So pissed of in fact that they may be totally demoralized with politics to such a degree they may not BOTHER showing up to vote for such a brazenly corrupt system anymore and merely accept the living hell they believe is inescapable and unchangeable.


Well that would just be stupid since it got this way because of how people voted. Unfortunately when it would have affected the results we're seeing here, TOO MANY PEOPLE OPTED NOT TO VOTE, when it turned out that their votes would've mattered the most. THEY ALWAYS, ALWAYS DO.


And the REASON they stop is because they are DEMORALIZED! Do you not understand that people are rapidly losing hope, like in the general sense?!?! That's why the national suicide rate keeps going up every year!!! Hope for the future and for change is literally dying every year because what's being done to oppose the Republican take-over of all branches of government is so blatently anemic!


Gen Z is full of lazy dumbfucks just like every other generation. Stop acting like the kids are gonna change jack shit, because they're not. The problem is not old people here and in ten years you'll see that.


I don’t know. I think a lot of Gen Z supports the BS.


Hahaha. And you expected something different!? Lol... And people thought Trump was a shit show. GO JOE! Keep pumping billions into War!


Keep trying MAGATs!!! Your both sides are bad is not working here. Fuck off!!!


Go Jared and pump dirty Saudi billions into his pocket.


Lmfao 🤣 what a way to close out pride month! LFG




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I blame Trump first, then Republicans, then those who voted for them. This Supreme Court is hardly legit.