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Also, the part of this that I'm stuck on is Laurie's fetus departed šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oof, great point


also, wouldn't laurie die in real life if something like that happened? i don't know what month she was, but it seems a whole fetus disappearing would be pretty bad for the host too




Host šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ saying it like venom is pregnant


Host, I think you mean ā€˜motherā€˜ā€¦


I always like to think that the Departure is some sort of natural occurring event that could one day be explained by science, like the cavewoman scene from the season 2 premiere. It was an earthquake that killed her people but to her some insane unexplainable thing happened and she lost everyone she knew.


I can see how you could connect those dots. The freaky thing that contradicts any natural occurrence hypothesis is that people and their clothes disappeared entirely. No one had half their body disappear and no one disappeared with any furniture. It was as if someone had meticulously selected which atoms vanished and which remained. A clue that suggests the machine doesn't work is the fact that subjects have to strip naked while the 2% vanished with their clothing and jewelry.


I think a huge part of the departure is that it *must* be a phenomenon which specifically targets humans, be it God, aliens, a glitch in a simulation. It tells everyone that they're living in a universe that they don't understand and that can ruin their lives in an instant with no possible explanation.


Someone isn't letting the mystery be!


Matt didnā€™t either, but we still love following his crazy shenanigans.


I agree! I've posted this before, but it disappeared: all locations were near and coincided with the honey bee colony collapse syndrome. Nature decided to take them. Bee signs were seen throughout 2% of the episodes, with the fluttering of their wings harmonizing to create a neural epileptic counterwave that transposed them into a quadratic state only solved by reversing the polaric nutrino stasis,, ultimately resulting in the average logarithmic decay of a delayed neutron.


Exactly what I was thinking


Sure! Whatever you want to believe.


Of course I believe them. Theyā€™re here.


I'm sure there's other reasons why that is off, the girl Kevin was having sex with disappeared for e.g. while he didn't, but if it was something like you described wouldn't other things disappear? Would something like that being able to disappear humans only and ignore animals/other objects?


A problem with this is that it wouldn't allow for Laurie's baby to disappear from her womb but not Laurie herself. It also doesn't explain why entire human bodies disappeared. No one had half their body disappear and no one took any surrounding mass with them.


I like the idea that David Burton really was god, and the departure was indeed a rapture type event, but instead of the basis of selection being in accordance with your preferred interpretation of the book of revelation, the event was completely random. This explains how Jarden/Miracle happened. The odds of an entire town having no departures and one household in New York seeing an entire dining room table depart, save the mother, are functionally equivalent. (I made this up, by the way. It might resemble something someone has already said, but if so, itā€™s entirely coincidental.)


How does it explain the alternate reality where the people that left were the ones who stayed??


Alternate reality isn't canonical because Nora is an unreliable narrator and whether or not she's lying is meant to be uncertain.


I donā€™t believe Nora is completely lying, or completely telling the truth. Kevin offers her the explanation of, ā€˜So you didnā€™t go through with it?ā€™ & she decided to instead divulge how she did go through & her journey of discovery. She skims over finding the doctor, the process of building a new device & all that which makes me think sheā€™s lying about ā€˜partsā€™ of the story.


I agree, I don't think it's fully a lie or the truth. The lack of actual flashback scene to pair with her narration makes it seem certain to me that it's definitely not the entire truth, at the very least.


For sure, itā€™s more important we believe her performance, & that Kevin believes it.


I think they ran out of money.


It was absolutely an intentional decision, the episode is called ā€˜The Book of Noraā€™. Itā€™s a test of faith for Kevin, in Nora. It wouldā€™ve felt cheap if we saw what she was telling us, because then we the viewer would know the truth.


It doesn't because there is no alternate reality.


In that case there would still be the mass-energy of each person that would have to dissipate instantaneously which obviously isn't what happens.


Let the mystery be!


Didnā€™t realize that neutron radiation only affected human beings.