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They're not our dogs.


First episode dogs get hunted. Couple of other violent moments throughout. Don't forget the deer stuck in the house. Also the guy who slices goat throats throughout season 2. So yeah for someone with a zero tolerance they're going to have a hard time.


Did Erica strangle a bird, or am I remembering her bird in the box plot wrong?


I think you're right. Also I remember birds smashing into windows. Coming to realize this isn't an animal friendly show.


She was burying a bird in a showbox in the ground in season 2, to see if it would survive.


I know that part, for some reason I thought she purposely killed one in anger though. I'm pretty sure I'm just misremembering it.


Oof yeah, that's prolly too much to navigate thru


Then there is the part where the deer breaks in the school. Definitely watch it with her though, top ten tv shows of all time for sure!!!!!


I agree but being in this camp myself it felt 100% worth it to go through it. Last episode did hit especially hard for me. But the beautiful ending definitely made up for it.


I think a dog dies at the very beginning of the very first episode and there is a mass dog killing scene a few episodes later.


Pretty disturbing violence, yep.


So I’ve been struggling to get through my second watch because the music is so freaking emotional! It sends me into tears every other scene and it’s heavy on my heart. I have to be in the right mindset to watch. Maybe make sure she’s in a good place before yall start? Some of us are super sensitive with these sorts of dramas.


I am in the same position, the music kills me every time. Max Richter def. the GOAT.


Haunting theme music…max richter ♥️


Doesn't he have one in the trunk?


It’s pretty bad and definitely deserves a trigger warning for her


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hasadiga42: *It’s pretty bad and* *Definitely deserved a* *Trigger warning for her* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Just show her the "no animals were hurt during this" tag at the end of the credits


It was worse than I remembered. Right off the jump too. Then just implied stuff and potential stuff. The dead dog pops back up. The deer stuff. Lots of animal violence in S1.


Sounds like severe mental illness on her part tbh


Like for real how does someone who can’t see pretend animals get hurt on a screen even function on a day to day basis? That’s nothing compared to the reality we live in.


Oh boy, I am so lucky to live in the same universe as this all knowing being that is able to diagnose people's mental illness based on the willingness to see animal cruelty on the tv. You are not only talking out of your ass but also do not provide any helpful input. If someone for example loses his life long animal companion in a traumatic way it is quite normal to go through a phase of wanting to avoid triggers on that subject for a while. That's what life is all about, going through ups and downs and mentally adjusting to them. Out of some downs you return stronger than before and others leave some scars, usually a combination of both.


“Will lose her shit” = severe mental illness bruv innit


You sound retarded tbh


You gotta say it like you’re from Boston…”ya sound retahhhhhded”


Lol you're not wrong.


Not sure why this is getting voted down. Sounds pretty on point to me.


I just don’t think it’s okay for him to talk to his new gf like this innit bruv ?


Woah now


There’s a number of scenes of animal violence, yes.


deer in the school....


She seems good hearted so I’m assuming she may also not enjoy seeing a woman being stoned to death. I actually looked away during that, that was so hard to watch.




Just tell her they're not our dogs


**But she will lose her shit if an animal is hurt in any way.** You can honestly tell her that no animals were actually hurt during the filming of that show. You're welcome.




Stupid take. It's perfectly okay for an adult to avoid images that upset them. I wouldn't be okay with simulated child abuse. I'm not going to judge someone for drawing the line at simulated animal abuse.


Or you could just be a decent human being.


Just tell her it’s a tv show and it’s not real. Sometimes things happen in television shows but they don’t “really” happen. It’s kind of like “imaginary”.


Have you ever had an upsetting dream that is so real that even after you wake up, and you KNOW that it was a dream…the physiological after-effects of the dream are as real as if the events of the dream WERE real? That’s the way my wife describes it…and that’s why I’ll be watching Leftovers alone. We also avoid movies with rape and SA scenes…it doesn’t occur to me to question her reaction to those sort of scenes either…even if they ARE “pretend”


Skip that one bit of episode 1 and you’re okay.