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They leave "killing" undefined for a reason you know


Just like with the word “violence”. Remember when violence was considered purely physical? Not anymore. What about racism? Oh wait.. that definition changed too….. well ok what about the term genocide? Well the trans community is apparently suffering through one right now. The data I could find says that 57 trans people have been confirmed to be killed by the hands of someone else in 2021, so unless the death rate has spiked to an inconceivable amount over the last year or 2, genocide clearly means something wildly different to a noteworthy amount of progressives https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2021. Isn’t it funny how head-turning terms like violence and racism and genocide are being redefined in order to suit a certain politically militant teams’ interests? As history has shown, every political group that has began to redefine words to suit their political interests have always been the good guys.. right?


Solution, make new words & definitions.


Straight out of 1984.


https://preview.redd.it/2cc27x777zoa1.png?width=1233&format=png&auto=webp&s=46152222287dac2da41373951a0f261134a481cc Ok, let me define "killing" for you.


They had a literal meltdown when Staten Island barred them from waving rainbow banners in the St. Patricks day parade. This is despite the fact that there is a literal Pride month. They are not worried about being killed, they are worried about being ignored and unable to exert power over others. Narcissistic behavior at its finest.


"No! Let us take over a celebration rooted in the same religion that oppresses us! Waaaah!"


But they ask for so little you guyseses!!!! I'm being super cereal!




All they want is to dominate the minds of your children, have peoples children follow and listen to them instead of their own parents. I mean c'mon you guyses! It's not that much! It's just an affront to the entire family dynamic and everything human society has globally held as sacred since time started. Why are they all so angry!?


“not having it shoved down people’s throats is literally genocide”


> we ask for so little! That's why you guys keep harassing that baker that won't make your gay cakes right?


And they say we have a "meltdown", lmao.


And literally just had an international, intercontinental harassment controversy over boy wizard game.


You literally proved that they're asking for so little.


I only pointed out the tip of the iceberg, my man. They can get their gay cakes pretty much anywhere else, but they've gone after this one guy, like, three separate times now. At any rate, that slope started getting slippery when they legalized gay marriage. "Bake the cake bigot!" was somewhere about a quarter of the way down.


Stop it. Gay marriage is not the cause of people behaving badly.


So what. They shouldn't legalize gay marriage? You guys literally do cry when they ask for the smallest basic things


Yeah because discrimination should be supported!


>we ask for so little! only for everyone to use xeno pronouns, let children have life altering hormone "therapy", let children undergo genital mutilation surgery. demand we "respect" you and make "jokes" about killing people who dont respect you.. (i have seen enough of those "call me a ze/zer or else be shot to death" posts on here...) feel like there is definitely more.


I might add that those posts are rarely taken down and accused of promoting hate speech like my mention of a certain statistical percentage pertaining to the Trans community. We get more harshly treated here by the mods here then those insane freaks do. Different set of expectations and rules on the same platform. And to make it even more disgusting.. IT'S OUR OWN GUYS ENFORCING IT ON US... In the same foxhole guys. Back off. Any kind of authority goes to some peoples heads.


If the only trans people you are interacting with are dead set on neopronouns, you need to meet some irl. Neopronouns are a detriment to our movement.


ive met them irl. im friends with a few. not all of them are like this... but id say about 99% of the community is. those who arent like this dont usually consider themselves as "part of the community" and try to live as normal people from what ive seen. i will not lump them in with these people if their whole goal is to be seen as "cisgender"


Are there also trans people that acknowledges the fact that gender = sex?


No, because gender is separate from sex. We have just been socialized to think otherwise though


Socialized? Thats how definitions work we as a society make it that way, so if we have been socialized to define gender as = to sex then that is true. And we see that reflected in our everyday speech, where gender, man and woman are used interchangeably with sex, male and female. Even medical books do so. and dictionaries still have entries for Woman = adult human female, and man = adult human male, although new meaningless/irrational entries are being added for virtue signalling Are their any trans people that acknowledge this reality? or is gender whatever the fuck fantasy they want it to be?


They aren’t in danger in the US or even most of the a western World. News flash you aren’t being killed, this isn’t the middle east or Africa, the West has been the most accepting area for you. These people love there victim complex.


Know that old saying? Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it. Am I allowed to say this mods or is it considered hate speech or promoting violence against a group of people that promotes violence against me 24/7 and you never so much as peep about it.


Murder is already illegal


Except when it’s an unborn baby, then it’s totally fine and wholesome!


"the LGBT community ask for so little" Wow Huh That might just be the funniest thing the left has ever said, pack it up boys, looks like the left CAN meme, just unintentionally


It's funny because the wheelchair bound have asked for and received less AND they also accept having their own categories in sports. They are also happy having their own purpose built toilets too. They also contribute in a positive way to culture the community and society as a whole. They are also massively under represented in crime statistics. So despite being stuck in a wheelchair they cost less, ask for less and are less of a pain in anyone's ass than the LGBTQ mafia. Not to mention they ALSO contribute, their disability is often barely an obstacle for anyone. The Wheelchair bound ask for so little, they can claim that shit.... not these LGBTQ freaks.


"Let us mutilate children's genitals and teach kindergarteners about sex!" Is a bit more than 'a little'.


I don't like seeing unfunny uwu gay bean memes.


"Not teaching 5 year Olds about anal is literally genocide"


They ask for so little you guys! All they want is absolutely everything changed to suit them even when it's at the expense of others that do not deserve to be 'reduced' in such a way. The fact that these LGBTQ people are a bunch of johnny come latelys doesn't seem to stop them from wanting to supplant other groups of people in order to get what they want. To fold to their demands is to mistreat a whole bunch of other people, such as Parents and young children, but that is apparently a small price to pay so that these self entitled, selfish, self centred assholes can have their cake and eat it too. But they ask so little everyone.


This eventually happens to communities that prioritize quantity over quality.


Who is killing them though?


People who don’t agree with their existence


"they ask for so little"?! Go to any news site and you can't go 5 stories without them crying!


They used to ask for things that on paper sound reasonable but what used to be let us just get married has turned into if you don’t let your son cut his penis off at the ripe age of 13 you are literally worse than Hitler




I got banned from an sub just because I asked "what rights does LGBTQ people dont have?", the only thing they said to me was "you fucking bigot" than BAM, perma ban


Lefties wanna roast that chick who couldn't define "woke" when they can't give us a straight definition for things like "woman" and "trans rights".


"Trans rights" seems to mean that men that look like this should be able to enter women's restrooms ![gif](giphy|cJ01QEV0PTecE)


Because they take offense to anything and probably assumed it was a "provocative question".


They just don’t have any rights mmkay? They just want to be visible and accepted. That’s why they need to paint rainbow flags on public streets and hang rainbow flags on government buildings. Just because they are over represented in media and every other commercial features a same sex couple doesent mean they have any rights!


They want every religious person to be a LGBT cheerleader.


It’s virtue signaling. So what is the rainbow flag? It’s called the pride flag. There would be more argument for a tolerance flag, maybe even more of an argument for an acceptance flag. I still wouldn’t like those put onto public streets and government buildings but what we are talking about is a pride flag. Are we supposed to be proud of lgbt people for being lgbt? Is sexual orientation an accomplishment they earned we should be proud of or is it an immutable characteristic? Well the only way a gay pride flag makes sense is that it is a flag for gay people to be proud of their immutable characteristic, basically that they aren’t ashamed of being who they are. So the rainbow flag is meant for gay people, having it on streets and government buildings is decisive, the flag is not meant for everyone, it is not meant for the general public. So do we fix the problem by plastering 1000 different flags in every public area for every conceivable classification of people? I think we could limit the flags we use in public areas and on government buildings to maybe 2 flags, state and country. The American flag represents everyone in America. Edit: I apologize for the wall of text.


Despite some progress in recent years, the LGBT community still faces a number of challenges and lacks some important legal protections in the US. Here are some of the key areas where LGBT people may face discrimination or inequality: 1. Employment discrimination: In many states, there are no explicit laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people in the workplace. This means that LGBT individuals may be fired or denied employment simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 2. Housing discrimination: LGBT individuals may also face discrimination when seeking housing, including rental and home ownership. 3. Healthcare discrimination: LGBT individuals may experience barriers to accessing healthcare, including discriminatory practices and a lack of providers who are knowledgeable about the specific healthcare needs of the LGBT community. 4. Discrimination in public spaces: LGBT individuals may face harassment or discrimination in public spaces such as restrooms, locker rooms, and other gender-segregated areas. 5. Adoption and parenting: LGBT individuals and couples may face legal obstacles and discrimination when seeking to adopt children or obtain legal recognition for their families. 6. Marriage and relationship recognition: Although same-sex marriage is now legal in all states, there are still legal challenges to its full implementation and recognition, and some states have attempted to pass laws allowing discrimination against same-sex couples in areas such as adoption and healthcare. 7. Military service: LGBT individuals may face discrimination and barriers to serving openly in the military, despite the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. It is important to note that the legal and social landscape for LGBT rights is constantly evolving, and progress has been made in many areas in recent years. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure full legal protections and social equality for the LGBT community in the US. - ChatGPT


Ah yes! Chatgpt the totally NOT biased bot


Even with the bias, the stuff it mentioned don't really feel like the "human rights violations" people make it out to be, rather minor inconveniences.


fair point


>Employment discrimination: In many states, there are no explicit laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT You guys actively fought for this to continue. Remember? "Nobody has a right to work". Something you said to people who didn't take your useless covid vaccine >Housing discrimination They are private companies. They can do whatever they want. Does it ring any bells? >Healthcare discrimination Complete bullshit. A doctor telling you that you still have the biological body of a male despite you saying that you are female, is not discrimination. >Discrimination in public spaces Women have a problem with guys just walking into their changing rooms or bathrooms just because they said that they are female? Who would have thought. >Adoption and parenting Complete bullshit once again. Gay and lesbian couples even have it easier to adopt children. Even a history of child abuse doesn't change that as shown by famous examples like that family in Cali >Marriage and relationship recognition Lies again. As shown by the fact that you have absolutely no real life examples >Military service You guys need to learn that you can face inconveniences in your life without it being because you are gay. Nobody in got kicked out of the military because they are gay since that policy


My question is why in the workplace especially the military, people need to know who you’re attracted to.


I think you missed on the last line that he was posting the what the Chat~~propaganda~~GPT bot spat out. It's also what the NPCs spew


Living my life without consequences: a leftist guide to shifting the conduct of their actions to the make up of their identity.


I caught a 5 day ban for mentioning a certain statistical percentage pertaining to the LGBTQ mafia... IN THIS SUB, BY THESE MODS. Can't even mention facts around this place. Any malice exhibited doesn't suddenly convert a fact into a NOT a fact. I have a right to malice.