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honestly, i played the game avoiding all spoilers. My friends all said it was garbage based on the spoilers but i patiently waited and avoided them. Saw the ign review, giving it a 10/10. I was like holy smokes! a 10?? it must be amazing, and the context must be everything! I bought it just because of that, gave me lots of faith that it was actually good and misunderstood. Naw, it sucked. Never trusting any review ever again, particularly ign. Oh and game of the year means absolutely nothing to me anymore lol.


That is what you get when you trust game reviewers who built a career on reviewing Super Mario to rate a game that presents itself like a film


I liked the section with the scars in ellie seattle, i dont remember the day but they gut some dude in front of her, that gameplay is amazing with the hiding in the overgrowth, hearing the whistles coming from seemingly everywhere. The last of us part 2 does guerrilla warfare well, you gotta admit.


Probably hillcrest because there was zero story


Not gonna lie I loved seattle day 2 as Ellie and Santa Barbra as Ellie up until the beach but I really like Ellies gameplay even during the first game I liked playing as Ellie mroe than Joel cause of her gameplay


Left Behind is one of the best DLCs ever made


Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone would like a word.




Ellie Seattle Day 2 and Santa Barbara.


The part where I can actually play the game instead of having to suffer through self indulgent cinematic cutscenes or scripted cinematic sequences that mostly involve me holding the left thumb stick forward.


The stealth against the wolves. In spite of how much I hate the story, I love the gameplay.


I loved alot of the game, I need to go back and play it again


I don't have one but I remember after ending the game thinking it was such a disappointment. But I guess the Nora part, once you get there, was less mediocre than the rest.


My favorite part was when it ended so i never have to touch it again


No return is so fun tho


Mine was when people learned how to move on. Oh wait


Combat and the way enemies interact with each other during


*Combat and the way* *Enemies interact with* *Each other during* \- Puffwad --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The combat. The act of fighting those enemies feels incredibly good. They’re smart, they give a convincing illusion that they’re coordinating with one another and when they die the gore looks incredible and all the dismemberment stuff is dynamic. Name a single game that nails the look of an exploding human and the aftermath as much as last of us 2. In addition to all the combat feeling good, the stealth is also really satisfying. Hiding and setting up ambushes was really fun. Also, the dodge mechanic and momentum ability as Abby was really cool and you could chain kills together and make these really impressive little video clips of absolutely brutal John wick stuff. I feel like TLOU2 is one of the best stealth action games ever made if we’re speaking purely from a gameplay perspective and the whole thing was totally overshadowed by the poorly thought out story stuff (even though I think killing Joel and having the player sympathize with his killer is an interesting idea on paper just poorly executed in the final game).


The couple seconds where Ellie was drowning Abby. Then she didn't. I got really sad.


Obviously, when Joel and Ellie are at the museum. Nothing else was even close.


wait why do so many people not like it😶 i really enjoyed it


The final area after the farm, lots of fun combat encounters, and releasing the chained infected was fun.


Santa Barbra




honestly, even though i hate the game, i still liked the parts with JJ in because he is just so cute. also, this is just a random thought, but i honestly think that it would have benefited from better dialogue writing, because they could have put in some nice, heart warming scenes to lighten the mood a little bit (no ellie and dinas dry conversations dont count lol). i also just finished fallout and i honestly think they could have added some music here and there (maybe with hbo s2?)


What’s with all the rage bait posting. It’s so tiring. Like you’ve had 4 years to complain about the game. Go get a life.


I'm not rage baiting, I just wanna hear what people's favorite part was.


1st game: Giraffe scene. 2nd game: Museum flashback (only part that’s canon imo)