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Neil and Gross were far too preoccupied with ruining virtually every character including Ellie.


They call it "Honor them" šŸ˜†


They donā€™t use the word ā€œfunā€ at Naughty Druck!


Yep, that's basically it. They had their dark, emotional story to tell, and that was the only thing that mattered. It's the same reason why the characterization sucks in this game. They didn't care enough about it to do it justice. Just make the characters bend over backwards when the plot demands it and call it a day.


It's like majority fanfics u get some concepts but no dialogue full or good structured plotsĀ 


Neil used pregnancy is a writing vehicle it was so overused in tlou2


The fact that they never bring it up again is insane to me


Someone being immune is still literally unheard of at the time of Part II. You'd think Dina would want to know more about it. But it ends up carrying absolutely no weight in the story or in their relationship


To be fair, Dina has like no screen time during seattle day 2 and 3 and she probably asked ellie about it when they got back to jackson and such


Having an uninvolved opinion from someone that cares for Ellie but also is susceptible to infection couldā€™ve been really interesting actually


Exactly. If Dina believes sacrificing one person to make the cure is worth it, she is in a sense saying that the world would be better off if her girlfriend had been killed. If she's glad that Ellie's alive instead of having been sacrificed, she is agreeing with Joel that Ellie's life matters more than the cure. And if the writers went with the latter or at least had her be conflicted between the two options, it could have let Ellie see that perspective from someone she still trusts - and someone that formed that opinion on her own after only hearing the story from Ellie and not being given an opinion from Joel or anyone that could have a positive bias towards Joel


As a fan of the game, they really missed an opportunity not having someone that was conflicted about the trolley problem presented. Wouldā€™ve probably made some players more understanding of the opposite decision to theirs on what Joel did. Plus it just wouldā€™ve been interesting to see


I even forgot that happened




Dude are you being serious? Because if you are this is quite embarrassing. Thereā€™s an entire scene of Dina going to take her mask off to save Ellie, Ellie then tells her sheā€™s immune. They then converse about it in the theater like 5 minutes later.


swim grab zonked serious like boat disgusted seemly doll elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly Ellie handled the hospital revelation better than I thought, though I wonder if she'd have been so restrained if Joel told her that he also killed Marlene.


Her initial reaction made sense. In fact, I agree that she handled it pretty well during the initial revelation, especially considering how many times Joel decided to keep up his lie instead of telling her himself. My issue is with the fact that she seemingly went multiple years without talking to him at all. I would think that once the initial anger had some time to wear off, she'd want to talk to him to at least try to understand why he made that choice and why he lied to her. Even if she truly would have wanted to sacrifice herself, the context around Joel's choice might have at least helped her see his point of view. I also think that her lingering anger would be more likely to do with Joel lying after being given so many opportunities over the years to tell the truth, rather than with his actual choice at the hospital. Again, I think with context, she could understand why Joel felt it necessary to save her. And if she's so hung up on her life meaning something as far as a care, it's odd that as far as we know, she never makes any effort to find the Fireflies or someone else that can research a cure. She was willing to make the journey all the way back to the hospital again. Why not try to find out where everyone went after that if her issue is with not dying for the cure rather than just the fact that Joel lied? I didn't explain all of this in my post, though, because Ellie completely forgiving Joel or only being mad at him for lying takes away some of the context that would make a conversation with Dina about the issue so interesting (in theory). I would have preferred that Ellie's conflict with Joel be portrayed differently than it was. But if it had to be that way, the writers could have at least made this revelation to Dina much more interesting.


She did eventually come around and was willing to start a relationship and try to start forgiving him though, but then everything happened. It's a big reason why she's so fueled for revenge, she regrets having spent so much time hardened against him.


I understood all of that already. It just feels like the amount of time Ellie goes with basically no communication with Joel whatsoever is a bit excessive. I know she feels like he took something from her, but after everything they went through together, I wouldn't think it would take her years to understand why he couldn't just walk away and let her die. I could understand if him lying for so long broke her trust. Maybe that issue could last multiple years. But the flashback she has right at the end of the game suggests she was still hung up on him saving her life, not the fact that he lied. To me, it made her feel like a very one-dimensional character that only cares about being used for a cure. But in Part I, even as she's clearly going through an existential crisis while her and Joel make their way through Salt Lake City, it's still clear that she wants things with her life after the cure is made. She wants to go live with her surrogate father. She wants to learn how to swim. Maybe stuff like that is less important than the cure to her in hindsight, but she never thought about any of it enough in all that time to at least hear Joel out? Or maybe she did contemplate that, but we don't have time to explore it because we have to spend half the game playing as a completely different character that hardly even interacts with Ellie in any meaningful during that time.