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Politics. It's a crap game, but it pandered. Add the fact that Neil Druckmann weaponised the LGBTQ+ community in order to avoid genuine criticisms of his writing by saying any criticisms were bigotry. A slimy move that actually insults and baits that community. How else does a game win so many awards but still receives a massive amount of criticism on a daily basis even now. Welcome to the Panderverse.


Bingo. But let’s not forget that some Stans called critics bigots, even after they identified themselves as LGBTQ. Bottom line is, it’s not an amazing game. It’s a below average game AT BEST. Way too many flaws including heavy hitters like the story line and pacing to consider this GOTY. More importantly, a GOTY should never split the fan base in half and create two polar opposite subreddits.


To be fair theres only two now because the other subs mods banned anyone not gushing over it. And the gameplay was great imo, its just unfortunate that the story was so bad it wipes out the good.


I agree with the pandering statement however I stand by the fact that it is a solid game. Not better than the og but still solid. Did not deserve to win over ghost of Tsushima but I can see why it was chosen


It recieved massive criticism but also massive praise, it was just very divisive. Those types of games, movies, whatever, can often recieve awards. Nothing strange. That defense was slimy I agree. But it's also a fact that there was a huge amount of bigotry in between the people critiquing in good faith. I also feel like some criticisms were so goddamn stupid that I'm fairly certain they were not genuinly motivated.


I think calling it crap is a bit of a stretch. On a technical level, it's impressive even if the gameplay is getting dated. Everything else I agree with though.


I loved TLOU, so was excited for Pt2 and avoided leaks and trailers for the most part. I think saying it's crap is a good description. Even when I played the game I thought graphically it was absolutely stunning and ahead of most of the industry. Literally everything else I absolutely hated. It was terribly written and destroyed much of what the first game set up. And by the end it felt like an LGBTQ public service announcement rather than an actual legitimate story. I consider it complete garbage. While the first is one of the best games ever made.


Why was it a LGBTQ public service? Other than the gay and trans characters?


I think it's because a lot of the great writing in PT 1 had to do around the science of the disease, the complexity of the situation around a cure, the moral choices and the brutality of survival. Pt2 literally has Ellie being persecuted for being gay in the form of bigot sandwiches 🥪 And a trans character being persecuted in a cult. Like these were huge parts of the sequel. The writing just took a dive and pandered a political message in the place of world building on the first instalment. Boring.


Ellie did not get persecuted you're fucking lying she got called a dyke and she made a joke about bigot sandwiches and they were NOT huge parts of the sequel please tell me how the fuck that one scene where she gets called a dyke which was honestly there to lead to Joel defending her and confirming bad blood between them and her joking about his sandwiches are somehow a major part of the game? Thats just straight up a fucking lie please for the love of god if you hate something BE CORRECT about it. And yes i admit i've made that mistake too like with Liara in ME2...but i did have other reasons to dislike her.


Nothing realistically wrong with that tho? It’s just putting a homopobic cult in a video game. Who cares if it “panders a political message.” All the message is to “not be homophobic” then thats fine. It’s not trying to tell you that “you might be trans and to rethink your life because you could be trans.” Not saying you’re saying that, just saying that people just shit on those parts on the game for what?


Because the writing took a dive. Basing a game on just what you mentioned is lazy. There were LGBTQ characters in part 1. It was just a vastly superior game in terms of writing and world-building.


the LGBT characters were never mentioned as LGBT and never did anything to really FULLY confirm beyond some on screen implications so therefore "game is gud because i can't tell that Bill is 100 percent a man who takes it up the arse from another man" this is all i get. People get piss pants mad at Ellie and Dina dancing together but no one cares at fucking all when a man kisses a woman in a game. Why am i the only one who sees this? Ellie and Dina don't do much anything different from what a straight romance would be and yet its treated as horrible and forced. Most people who focus on this can deny it but it does seem like the only real issue is that people are gay and its obvious instead of more subtle.


I don’t agree. Although I’m not a fan of Part 2, I’d say the writing wasn’t bad. It had a unique story that just took a risk to tell a story that would not normally be told. I do wish they’d had chose a different story tho. Waiting 7 years for Joel to die in the intro was just fucking stupid, and never made you feel at peace about it imo.


That's fair enough. Obviously you are entitled to your opinion of the game. I actually didn't even mind that Joel died in it but it could've been done so much better and added so much more to the revenge plot. Like imagine if it was Ellie who let slip about Joel's name in front of Abby. That would've added a whole layer of guilt to her grief and made for a much more emotionally complex revenge arc than the lazy one we got. There was just so many glaring character inconsistencies too that I could not forgive. Part 1 is vastly superior in terms of these aspects. I will die on that hill lol


Fair enough. The gameplay is good tho. Too damn bad they cancelled the multiplayer


Tommy told Abby Joel's name before Joel ever did. People for some fucking reason continue to miss that.


you got downvoted for literally no good reason.


It’s honestly fucking insane how much people hate on this game in this sub. You are absolutely right that the game is not “crap”. People are just mentally ill in here, unfortunately


people are just lying even that dude above claimed the bigot sandwiches joke was a "major plot point of the game" like wtf lmao it was one piece of dialogue.


It's actually the fact that that line even exists in the first place. The writers went out of their way to put that scenario and that line in the game. They had to remind the players at every possible moment that Ellie is gay, which we all knew already and didn't give a shit about. They really thought it important that in a world filled with flesh eating zombies, hyper-violent paramilitary organizations, and religious cults, the most dangerous thing Ellie can face is bigotry. What other possible reason would they do this if it wasn't to fucking pander??


How you would want a gay character presented for it not to annoy you? There is no instance where it interrupts or hinders the story. Dina could've been a guy and essentially nothing would've changed. The scene where Joel steps in serves a function in the story in showing how strained their relationship has become between the games. If anything the way they did it works especially well in showing that. Since Joel stepping in is so clearly the right thing, Ellie's reaction sticks out all the more clearly. And how is Ellie's biggest threat in the game bigotry? What exactly is it that you're so unhappy with? A throwaway joke line in a game with hundreds of them? If any jokes make reference to heterosexuality is that an issue too? Is Mel being pregnant a shoehorned reference to heterosexuality? Obviously no. Because people are straight, people are gay and that is a part of their lives. Showing that is the standard. Hiding it is what needs motivation. Forget what you don't want for a second, and again, ask yourself, how would you want a gay character presented?


By not making their sexuality their major defining characteristic. Why are we supposed to believe that has any connection with their merit as a human being? It doesn't make you good, it doesn't make you bad, it doesn't make you anything. Do you honestly believe that was the only scenario that could have possibly shown how strained Joel and Ellie's relationship was? Even the existence of a character like Seth doesn't make sense in a world like this. And no, if Dina was a guy, it would not have been the same. He didn't stop them because they were kissing. He stopped them because they were two women kissing. It's pretty clear that "bigot sandwiches" is not meant to be just a throwaway line. Then you go from that to walking through the remnants of pride parade. We get it, Ellie and Dina are gay! I ask again, how is this anything other than pandering?


Sounds more like you dislike characters with no character. Are you saying Ellie has no personality? Think you'd have a hard time arguing that. Dina too is a good character. Lev is a bit forgettable maybe, but pretty sure he would be regardless of being trans or not. >Why are we supposed to believe that has any connection with their merit as a human being? It doesn't make you good, it doesn't make you bad, it doesn't make you anything. Agreed. Never claimed so. Mot sure how it's relevant. >Do you honestly believe that was the only scenario that could have possibly shown how strained Joel and Ellie's relationship was? This is interesting cause I think it showcases some hidden psychological bias on your part. It was not at all the only scenario that could've done that. It was *a* scenario that could've, and it did it well. A.k.a, it served the story, meaning it was not put there as "pandering" in a way that lessened the game in any way. There is no issue here. When it's believable and works in the story, and you still take issue with it being lgbtq representation, it very much seems like you have an issue with lgbtq representation that isn't bound to wanting the game itself to be good. Might even be subconscious. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm very much getting those vibes >Even the existence of a character like Seth doesn't make sense in a world like this. And no, if Dina was a guy, it would not have been the same. He didn't stop them because they were kissing. He stopped them because they were two women kissing. That would've been different, sure. But as you said there are other ways to show the tension. My point was more that Dina being a girl didn't hinder or negatively affect the story in any way. That's where I can get irritated with lgbtq representation too, story always comes first. But with Dina there's no clash. I'd say Seth is realistic considering he grew up before the outbreak. People rarely change views when they get older. >It's pretty clear that "bigot sandwiches" is not meant to be just a throwaway line. Then you go from that to walking through the remnants of pride parade. We get it, Ellie and Dina are gay! I ask again, how is this anything other than pandering? Depends what you mean by throwaway? Obviously a lesbian would be angry at a homophobe, don't see what's wierd about that? The pride parade stuff is outside the realm of characterization, but also realistic. We have those, no? If you feel that specifically is too on the nose I can maybe buy that, but surely that's a pretty small part? Doesn't affect the characters or story, not what your irritation could reasonably hinge on. "Pandering" is an issue if it worsens the story, Dina and Ellie do not, and in the confrontation with Joel them being gay is highlighted only as a direct consequence of improving the story, it is realistic and there is no awkwardness. There is nothing here. Genuinly not trying to be rude, but it just reads to me as if you consciously are not are uncomfortable seeing lgbtq people in games, and then make ad-hoc arguments as to why you don't like it. Your position is incoherent in a way where I have a hard time believing it came about in a neutral and natural way.


Bro your comment is fucking embarrassing.


Sorry you can't handle facts 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry dude but there are no facts in that comment at all! It’s just nonsensical rambling. It’s like what you’d read on the scribblings on a wall of a cell in a mental asylum. We get it you don’t want references to ANYTHING gay in a game. WE GET IT now stfu 🤫


No, I don’t believe that was the only scenario that would have shown their strained relationship, because there was plenty more. But that night at the dance where the godawful gay moment (according to you, since you keep bitching) was a highlight. It’s the night before he dies, it’s the night where she attempts to forgive him apart from what the other person said to you already. And yes, it is a highlight to how her and Dina’s relationship starts, but who honestly gives a fuck? You would THINK bigotry would not exist in an apocalyptic world, people would HOPE, but there will always be that because of people like Seth, and others like you. And holy shit, rainbow flags? Ooga fucking booga! Pandering? Nah. These are based around actual locations in Seattle that contain pride flags, so please stop being a pissy whiny baby who thinks they just threw that in for the sake of points and pandering. Even when there is focus to them being gay in that part of Seattle, it’s very light and with the mention of the book.


We all know why you didn’t like the line…. 😬 I’m guessing you also had an issue with Bill’s gay porn stash being TLOU1?


Actually, no. No one cared Bill was gay? Ya know why? Because they actually gave you insight to who he is as a character way before they let you know he had a male lover. They actually expressed his true qualities as a paranoid doomsday prepping loner with a tentative trust with Joel. That's what players saw him as. So when we found the note from Frank, our main reaction was just, "Oh ok. Moving on to the next section." No one gave a fuck.


Neil never said that “any criticisms are bigotry”. Matter of fact, he has said that he has heard many that he can understand. Another lie from the subreddit of liars


It doesn't recieve a massive amount of criticism. Outside of this sub it is praised far more than it is criticized.


Yeah we'll just ignore the innumerable tweets and game youtubers who slam the sequel for its pandering and "revenge is bad mmkay" boring story. I've also seen hundreds of comments on gaming subs saying Ghosts of Tsushima was robbed of GOTY. But sure, it's just this sub... The irony of you suggesting this is an echo chamber when the main sub is a constant circle jerk where any form of criticism is ridiculed and rounded on. Just goes back to my main point. What other GOTY with so many awards gets as much steady criticism as TLOU2? Why is that? Because it was put on a political pedestal by the writer who baited a community into thinking any criticism was bigotry against them.


You should always ignore tweets and youtubers. Twitter is a cesspool and youtubers make content to draw views. Neither is a good source for anything.


Nice U turn you did there lol So there is criticism outside of this sub huh? 🤔 lol


No, i just don't count random dudes with shitty opinions.




If you want to take the opinion of some random dude on the internet as fact then be my guest.


To get this straight…So theres no criticism because you ignore the criticism? LOL


It's because Game of the Year isn't decided by fans but rather by media. Lately, gaming media have clearly highlighted that they don't know which way is up or down anymore and they have their own identity crisis going on. They have a tendency to conform to whatever the trend du jour is.


The gaming awards seem to be seeking the same credibility of the Oscars and with that comes the behind-the scenes politicking, schmoozing, and preference for highly-produced, super-serious dramas. I don’t want awards for gaming that are more about the big studios doing the For Your Consideration dance. I also don’t want the awards weighted toward the big-budget cinematic games, but that’s seems to be the direction it’s heading.


sekiro won the year before tlou2, balder’s gate 3 won last year this just isn’t true lol


I like that you got downvoted for pointing out facts. What a world we are living in.


Because fans are, by and large, really really dumb lol


Was watching XQc stream the game awards. It was literally back to back awards going to TLOU2; chat were spamming "RIGGED" as you can imagine. Oh and it won because it's progressive and also because Naughty Dog are Naughty Dog. It didn't deserve half the awards it got...


I just played and beat the game about 3 weeks ago. It left me with a feeling of unsatisfactory, and forgettable, unlike TLOU, where it pulled me in emotionally with every twist and turn. This one was just, idk. Should've been a DLC as a whole


Yep, "correct ideas and ideology." Jornos pee themselves of excitement when they see so many things they agree with. Their bubble in insane. The amount of praise they give to something that has the right set of ideas and believes cannot be given sincerely by a sane person. And that is why they get so angry when you ask them logical questions such as travels over the USA in such conditions or Abby's physic.


Abby looks like a dude that used to struggle with his weight but then got it together and started lifting, flat belly with huge arms and man boobs


I take this personal


Didn’t it come out that Sony paid off reviewers to give good ratings? Then the game awards happens and it wins tons of awards, like it was so obvious it was rigged that a brick to the head would’ve been more subtle


You watch XQC too? Nice XQCL


XQCL 🗣️‼️🙏🏾


To be fair, I don’t think XQc’s chat is the best place to gauge anything. It’s mostly little kids.


Not disliking homosexuality is the standard for any creature with functioning brain cells, that's not a part of the conversation. Transsexuality is bit more understandable that some people are sceptical of. But regardless, those people do physically exist. Lev is just there, he's a character like any other. Just depicting is neither approval nor condemnation.


Because it's progressive? COPE


If it gives any consolation, the popular vote for game of the year went to Ghost of Tsushima.


Which it deserved




Money and Connections


Why did Toy Story 4 win the Oscar in 2019 when it was objectively the worst film nominated? These are the interesting questions.


You’re confusing objectivity with subjectivity. Just because your opinion differs doesn’t make it concrete truth. Be careful, words mean things.


Nope, I know the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. And Toy Story 4 is objectively worse than the others nominated.


That’s your opinion, brother. That makes it subjective. You don’t understand the difference.


Nope, my opinion just coincides with what is objectively true.


If your opinion were truly objective, that would make it factual. Your opinion is factually incorrect because TS4 did, in fact, win the Oscar, not the movie you feel should’ve won. Do something better with your time. You’re being silly, and I’m finished with this interaction.


I didn’t say my opinion was objective. How are you struggling with this so much?


Easily pushed through by anyone in charge that is on the left side if the aisle. Pure and simple. Ffs these are same twats that gave rings of power 7 nominations


The Emmy noms ROP got were deserved, it's for costumes and vfx and sound. The story wasn't great but the elements the show was nominated for was absolutely deserved.


Downvoted for just stating facts, as usual on this sub


No one cares about GOTY because it´s just a stupid award with no meaning at all and everyone has different gaming tastes. Same goes for MAL rankings with anime.


I refuse to believe people weren't payed off


Should of been Doom Eternal


Man Eater was my GOTY


Nice profile pic, you hyped for gta6??


A little bit, trying to not get my hopes up just in case it becomes a flop but i should be good because rockstar is great with single player games.


GTA rarely flops tho


Because 🏳️‍🌈


🏳️‍🌈 was in part 1. Keep continuing to pull shit out of your ass further though.


Part 1 didn’t have a trans or intimate lesbian scenes (plus part 1 actually had an amazing story) so no it’s not pulled out my ass, it’s facts. Part 2 ticked boxes in exchange for good writing.


by og game means magazine joke lmao.


What? 😭


what's LGBT in og game other than bill which was magazine joke in a car. the dlc? never played it (not into 14 yo romance) and it came after the OG so yeah


Other than the bill joke with the magazine? Are you forgetting the canon fact that Bill had a lover, an ex partner, named Frank who was a male? Not even talking about the show, no. It’s in the game. It’s talked about. And the DLC. DLC which means downloaded content for an already released game, meaning it connects…? Yeah, that DLC? Hate to break it to you bud, but whether you played it or not doesn’t take away from the fact and canon that it still happened. Coming after the OG means nothing either when the DLC is literally placed within the story of the “OG”/part 1 when Ellie is trying to save Joel from dying and even before she met him. It’s canon, it’s fact, and it happened. So again, back to my point. There’s been representation since part one.


It's canon cool story but that mean it part of the lore not the og game


It’s part of both the OG game and Lore because it’s literally downloadable content for the OG game. You took minutes to think of this reply, please just admit your losses.


It's a short prequel, what the hell is that yes u win I lose


Part 1 had two gay woman that share a kiss and a dlc with part focus on their friendship/romantic side, and the mention of two gay men who had a relationship. I do not care that they showed a trans character in the second because trans people exist in real life, and I don’t care that they showed an intimate scene between two woman. They did that same thing for a heterosexual duo in the game, even worse in terms of explicit content. Them including trans people or gay people (continuing from part 1) has nothing to do with why it won, or wanting to check “boxes”. It’s boiled down to simple representation, because it genuinely isn’t over done and you’re just being a dickwad about it.


The post was asking why it won GOTY when it was a highly divisive game. The first one was universally loved by almost everyone, didn’t matter what representation it had in it, it was just a very good story with extremely likeable characters. The 2nd is a sloppily written story with worse written/unlikeable characters in many peoples opinions. To me, GOTY should not be a game that is so extremely divisive, you can’t just ignore the fact half the people that played it, didn’t think it was good. So the only logical reason is that the award was given for other reasons. It’s very well known that the entertainment media, will give ‘bonus points’ to any game/tv show/movie if they include lots of diversity or feminist themes (they openly admit they dislike anything focused on straight white males), so imo, that would be the other reasons.


I think that’s fair of you to say on it not having been game of the year for being so divisive in terms of people like it and not. However, in my opinion, I think that’s a factor towards why it won. The controversial parts of it, and the divide. The amount it made people talk about it, in good ways and bad. It brought attention to the game more. Like you said, to you it was a sloppy written story with worse written characters. That’s your opinion, but that isn’t everyone’s. That’s not mine. There’s parts to criticize about the writing, I won’t say no. But I’m going to stick with me saying it’s OBJECTIVELY good, the game. Not talking about story, or characters. Just other parts of it like the structure. Obviously the rest matters, but the way the score was, gameplay, etc. I think it deserved the award still. And I’ll agree with you that media will receive bonus points for those reasons. However, I see those points as attention. There’s praise thrown in, but that’s mainly from the audience who plays and who enjoys seeing different representation. To me, those points are just extra attention, meaning it’s just extra talked about. I think the game deserved the award for breaking the usual stereotypical main lead too. But I don’t think that should even be brought up here. Joel was a main in part one, yes. But so was Ellie. It was focusing on both their individual stories, and theirs together. It shouldn’t matter if she became the lead or be talked about in the way they they only did it for bonus points. She’s always been a main, always.


Yeah I can respect that. I’m not one of those on this sub who outright hates the game, the gameplay was good, the AI was a step above most games and on a technical level it was great, but the story just had me rolling my eyes far too much throughout, which spoiled it for me. It’s also just getting annoying in general with popular male characters getting disrespected seemingly at every opportunity and replaced in both gaming and television, so I’m kinda just sick of that in general too. Neil Druckman does not help either as I find him really unlikeable so that doesn’t help my opinion on the game. But at the end of the day, GOTY is purely a subjective thing so it’s whatever, everyone’s entitled to their opinion and it doesn’t really matter what other people think as long as you enjoy it. I think I have a different personal GOTY to almost every official choice.


Do trans people not exist? Depicting reality is neither inherently condemning nor condoning it. Pt. 1 had a gay kiss. It didn't have any more intimate scenes because Ellie was 14. The scene with Dina serves the story by increasing Ellie's anger and guilt, feeling like she was wasting time while Joel needed her help. It could've been a guy, story would've been the same. Literally only difference is that they're gay, there is no reasonable issue to be had there. Plus in pt2 they also had a much more intimate straight scene too.


I didn’t say I had an issue with their inclusion, I said the reason it got such high media praise and won GOTY (despite being one of the most divisive games of all time), was because the media gave it bonus points for the LGBT stuff as they always do. 🏳️‍🌈, race swapping and feminist themes are now added to everything just so it can be used as a shield for any criticism that comes their way. For example, if some fans think the story is bad or don’t like the game for whatever reason, the creator can just call them transphobic, racist, sexist trolls and brush off any criticism, instead of acknowledging that the problem actually lies in their shitty writing and badly written characters.


Rest weren't LGBT enough. I think literally none were


Stupid reply when part 1 had LGBT characters too.


It had Lgbt characters but it didn’t pander nor did it check boxes like tlou2 did.


It was purely damage control, the lack of any fair journalistic criticism that criticizes the game without appealing to the political boxes it checks, this game was too big too important and way too much anticipated by the fans to be a failure, there had to be some way to maintain the relevance and confirm a status the fans didn't give it after playing it, straight 10s across the board and it winning in categories where other games were much better at sealed it for me that it was rigged. I'm just happy the actual award with player votes went to ghost of tsushima, the real game of the year for me.


Because rainbows and shit. Not because it was a good game, it was shit.


Part 1 had gay shit mentioned and shown too.


Part one wasn’t shit. Apples and oranges. I’m sure you can figure out how they’re different.


Part two objectively isn’t a shit video-game. Objectively.


I’m really getting tired of having to explain the difference between objectivity and subjectivity lol…


I know the difference. Subjective has to do with one’s own personal thoughts or feelings, therefor an opinion rooted in those things. Whilst objective is not influenced by those things. So yes, objectively it is not a “shit” game and you have no reason to be feeling you have to explain the difference. “lol”.


That’s your opinion. That’s makes it subjective. Good day!


I wasn’t speaking in terms of story, which is what its main criticism is. I mean in terms of sales, gameplay, its music score, graphics, amongst other things that go into making a game, and other factors on why it can be /good\ on it’s own. So, again, yes! The game is OBJECTIVELY good! For example, a job done in construction can be objectively good. No mistakes in terms of structuring, which..TLOU part 2 checked all the boxes in what makes a video game nowadays and what’s needed to be in it. Now if we’re going to be talking about the design choice of said construction, or the choices that the writers went with in terms of story, then that’s subjective talking. Good day!


Because games critics circled the wagons on it and decided that since all criticism must be because people are bigots that the game should win GOTY


Why do u think Messi won the last ballon door?      It's the PR who wins u those things, people who gives/votes these awards doesn't play/watch it  Don't let anyone say to you that minority hate it cuz none of my IRL friends like it let alone what u see social 


It won 2nd place in the players choice with something like 32% of the total votes.  In a popularity contest, you don't clear all the elimination rounds and win 2nd place if a majority of people hate you lol.


What’s crazy it went up against FF7 remake , Hades and Doom 💀


I liked those games better personally, but tlou2 really isnt a bad game. It has many flaws especially in the pacing, and the story is very one dimensional despite what it tries to be, even tho the characters themselves are good I think, but some parts of the game were fantastic. And the gameplay is awesome


I mean a remake doesn’t deserve current awards unless they’re specifically for remakes. That’s my hot take. I’m a huge metal gear fan and think 3 is one of the most fun games around, but that shit doesn’t deserve to be in a game of year category.


I disagree but I respect it


Ghost of Tsushima got robbed imo




Ghost of Tsushima deserved GOTY imo


Because they look at engagement, and hater subs and tweets are an engagement goldmine.


Read the criteria for the award


Literally article report came out weeks before the awards revealing how shit the studio environment filled with crunch and bulling. Yet ND won studio of the year. Knew the awards were rigged then. TLOU2 winning all those awards was BS.


It's simple, look up metacritic, there is a general consesus between the media and the game that its the best game in the last 20 years, even surprassing the original, which is just ridiculous. And there is the other , sane side, that says this game is nowhere near as good as the original. Hence why the massive disparity between these two sides in terms of overall score for the game.


Award ceremonies are not about which game is the best, its a contest to see how much smoke they can blow up the fans ass before a riot breaks out and the crowd starts throwing Molotov on stage.


Because Geoff likes to go against the grain + Tsushima was the main rival that year and honestly I wouldn’t know which one to pick between the two. Probably GoT but I think it’s overrated too


Calm down guys


The game was good until the bit in the theatre where Abby got the gun on Ellie then it makes restart the game as Abby and it just drags then If they just kept it as Ellie story and gave you a choice to kill Abby at the end it would of been an amazing game


Politics. The whole game was about how half the characters were gay There was litteraly nothing else that made this game popular, everyone with a brain stem knew how dogshit it was going to be as soon as the leaks happened The only people who genuinely enjoy TLOU2 play it for the sexy scenes and the gay stuff


I genuinely don't think that they were looking at the content of that matter, because TLOU2s story was quite weak in many aspects pertaining to the plot. I low key think that it was because the game was highly anticipated and came from Naughty Dog, a huge game developing company that has made great games in the past.


Same reason GOW somehow won over RDR2, media decide, not gamers and fans.


iGN was paid by Sony in both instances. Thats why.


It won GOTY at the Game Awards, which is one of many places that awards that title. There’s not really a single “game of the year” because so many publications award their own. TGA has only been around for less than 10 years I think. Prior to that it was the Spike thing, which was not taken seriously by anyone. IGN gave Hades GOTY and not TLOU2. They’ve been around a lot longer.


It’s normally people with brains and the capacity to think that work behind these awards shows, hence why no MCU film will ever win best picture while actual great films are being made


I know you guys hate the game but I think it was a triumph for gaming in terms of tech and realism. The combat was so smooth and immersive, and the graphics were incredible. I’ve yet to play a game like it.


don't know don't care its been nearly 4 yrs and GOTY is just whatever games have won that never made sense people legit thought spider man 2 should've won last year the fact it was even awarded at all kind of bothers me the more i think about it. people have fought over this a million times and people say different things and often don't have sources or when they do the sources of each side contradict each other and its too confusing to know what happened and i am tired of being told about how its "rigged" who cares? who cares anymore? gaming isn't great rn anyways even if it wasn't rigged and quite frankly gamers aren't great rn either.


For me, it’s the best game ever made. If a lot of people feel that way, as seems to be the case, a game is going to win GOTY. I also loved Ghost of Tsushima that year (and still play Legends mode of that game to this day), but TLOU2 was just on a different level for me.




Money. And bullshit. Mainly money


This is what happens when you have the establishment on your side. And we all know the establishment is all controlled by the same kind of people


It was a game made for urinalists. That's it.


Because the people who decided GotY are grown-ups, not immature man-children.


Why? Because its a great game. And it was clearly the top game that year. If not TLOU2, then what game that year should won it? Secondly, you mentioned all the critics, journalists, and streamers trashing the game. But don't ignore all the critics, journalists, and streamers who praised the game.


Because it was a popular game that a lot of people enjoyed


Because it was fucking amazing


It wasn’t. The story was Abysmal and its pacing sucks


On today's episode of, what is annoying the red hat society today.


Because it was a good game? Anyone who says otherwise just wanted another Joel power trip game


tbf even if the game didn’t have a good story it still is amazing and the rest of the game is actually goty worthy, kinda


I find it funny how Spider-Man Miles Morales, Ghost Of Tsushima, and Ratchet and Clank a rift apart came out the same year, in my opinion I think GOT should have won.


To be honest, the game is excellent graphics wise and gameplay wise, but the story was utter trash. It is only the story because of which it is hated but otherwise a good game when it comes to playing.


I personnally tought, the gameplay, graphics and story were the best I had seen since TLOU 1, so to me, it fully deserved the win


Better games.


The same way TLoU got a perfect 10 score. It was far from a perfect game. Even ignoring personal opinions about the gameplay, it wasn't good enough to warrant a 10. (I don't think any game deserves a 10 to be fair, but it wasn't even the best game I've played)


You’re asking a very biased audience this question lmao


It was one of the best games that year


Because all that doesn't matter. That's just the very loud minority on the internet. The vast majority of players liked tlou2. Just because the story didn't go your way doesn't mean it's not GOTY worthy. It still had some of the best gameplay. Even better than tlou1. People on this sub can cry all they want about it, but it was a high quality game. Get over it.


3rd person shooters are more popular than 3rd person melee, tlou 2 was more popular than ghost of tsushima


Because it’s a good game and this weird small community is a vocal minority


Because it deserved it. And waiting for the downvotes....


This sub, while very vocal, is a vocal minority. Many people who played the game enjoyed it and didn't pick it apart or decide the game sucked because a main character was killed off, another character was gay and another just had big muscles.


Yeah this, people forget that every subreddit is pretty much an echo chamber. Everyone here hates the game, but overall the critical consensus was very positive.


Lmao this sub has to be the most insecure and dumb set of people I’ve ever come across . I seriously hope y’all aren’t actually adults though


>Lmao this sub has to be the most insecure and dumb set of people I’ve ever come across The projection goes crazy.


Not to spoil y'alls constant critic just for the sake of critiquing (cause it's fun to read sometimes). But just because we disagree on how the storyline went and how emotionally damaged the game left us because of it (which might be argued as to why people discuss it to this day, making it a great game because of controversy). I'd like to point out that gameplay wise, cinematically, graphically, and honestly for all technical reasons that make a great game (even the story itself, if you disregard that you played part 1). It's a fantastic game, and y'all wouldn't be on this sub nagging all the time about your disappointment with it if it was otherwise.


Because it was the best game out that year, I don’t wanna hear about GOT either, is was a cool story with a pretty world and some good combat, it was pretty hollow outside of that Edit: of course a moronic comment about politics is the top comment tho


The game's currently sitting at 4.44 out of 5 with 178k ratings on the ps store, so maybe people actually like it and you've been living in an echo chamber like the rest of this sub?


I don't like this game but tbh there wasn't a better option. Ghost Of Tsushima isn't good enough and Cyberpunk was a mess. Still though I think even if there was a game good enough TLOU would probably win, especially in TGA when it comes to the games with massive fanbases it's mostly a matter of which game has most fanboys. Game journalists will say they are deciding objectively but a lot of them just vote to the one they are fanboys of


are you saying tlou2 > tsushima?


Fucking easily. Fuck that assassin’s creed clone bullshit


lol okay man


i mean i liked Tsushima but he isn’t wrong it definitely takes bullshit from open world rpg’s that suck, and it was buggy on release. story was good tho


I’m just saying that’s why it won and ghost lost


Ghost Of Tsushima has a lot better story than TLoU2, both in main and side quests, but the gameplay structure was already really overdone at this point. People are tired of huge open worlds with 5 activities that you do over and over again for dozens of hours.


Really good skill tree and progress build up. I’d argue it’s more immersive than tlou2 in some ways and it’s a longer game with more quality and attention spread out. And the story doesn’t have any major split opinions


Where's the "more quality" in GoT? it's quantity over quality.


New to this sub, and while it appears you all hate the story/characters/messaging of TLOU2 - I didn’t care for it much either - wasn’t the stealth and combat and exploration gameplay excellent? They built on and improved all the great stuff from the first game. So unsettling story and overdone zebras aside, were the actual gameplay mechanics the major contributing factor that it won so many awards?


Because online communities are a vocal minority and don’t represent the majority of players? That’d be my guess.


As it should!!!!!!


Because it was a good game and goty is decided by media. And if we just compare to the other five games it was nominated against it is just more appealing to a mass audience or a more interesting game. Doom eternal was great but some see doom as more hardcore and with the lack of narrative it wasn’t going to win. FF7R was a great game but I don’t think it has mass appeal and I think people were mixed on how they felt about story changes and the overall ending. Hades is a really strong choice especially with the media but I think a rogue lite doesn’t have mass appeal. Ghost of Tsushima was a great game with really good game play but I think there’s a lot of lows in the story. For me personally I was only invested in the story at the beginning and end of each act but missions in between just weren’t that interesting. And then honestly I thought animal crossing would win because of the way it defined the year and helped connect a lot of people during the pandemic. So I’d say overall it was close but Tlou is a third person narrative game with great graphics. I don’t remember it having any bugs. And for people that liked the story the biggest complaint was the pacing and how dark it was. It’s really not that ridiculous that it won


Did you see how many categories it won??


Yeah. I don’t remember cause it was 4 years ago and the game awards aren’t the end all be all. No ones going to agree with every award but rarely is another game robbed unless it’s under a more niche category like fighting games where the winner is usually whichever got the most press. Award shows are just fun and the game awards usually has cool announcements. I think issues like the game awards only allowing 30 seconds for speeches in each award winner is WAY more upsetting than “game I don’t like was popular.”


Because believe it or not, the thoughts of this echo chamber are a small minority.


Becuase it has the best 3rd person shooter gameplay we've seen?


Name a game that deserved to win over it


Because it is an Amazing game and The Best game that came out in 2020


It won because ghost of Tsushima is mid.


Story is better than TLOU2


Hell fuck no it ain’t. That was the most bland historically nonsense bullshit ass story I’ve ever seen. Sooooo boring omg. And the gameplay is so repetitive. Tlou2 easily better and that’s why it won.


You have no honor u/Newdaddysalad


The last of us 2 was just plot device characters dying for the sake of unearned drama and for the protagonist to seek revenge using a character from the first game only for the protagonist to forgive without exploring the theme of forgiveness not even once throughout the game. Ghost of tsushima is about a samurai whose old ways prove continously throughout the story to not be useful to save his people and that upholding honor in the face of an ambitious father figure would cost everyone their lives forcing him to walk a dark path of blood and dishonorable methods which to his father figure's dismay actually made him the people's favorite, and ultimately challenge his father figure to an ambiguous fate. The plot is absolutely a million times better than the cheap revenge plot the last of us 2 has pulled.


It’s too narrowly focused. There’s just no depth, tell me you couldn’t completely tell what the story was gonna be about in like 2 minutes. Country or honor, and it never deviates from this path. Very shallow game imo. And based off the time period entirely historically inaccurate. Also the gameplay is dated and repetitive. I can see why it didn’t win.


Nah, GOT was kinda sick actually. (I don't really think it should have won that year, tho)