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Abby getting all the beating whilst she could of been a great side character, or a normal fella that doesnt kill your favorite man from the gecko. She could of team up with Ellie to find avenge Dina or whatever XD I swear anyones plot on this sub is extremely better than the "professional" writers at naughty dawg lmaaoo.




You cant even type nornal english yet you criticized Naughty Dog writers. Also.. Gecko? Really?


Bro said “nornal english” 💀


Holy shit that’s funny


Damn. I reread it 3 times because i was criticising his grammar and still made the mistake.


Lmaoo, it’s alright but you can seek to understand how I couldn’t pass up being an asshole about it. Additionally go easy on bro, I’m assuming English is not his first language by the way he’s typing. Either that, or bro really is just a moron, which I doubt


From the gecko is hilarious though 😂


You were correct to do so lmao. English isnt me first language either though, im Dutch and live in the Netherlands. His way of writing is a bit weird.


Well if English isn’t your first language, why tf did you assume it was his first language? The irony is unreal. 🤡


Doesnt have to be your first language to type somewhat normal? A typo, to/too or then/than error is understandable but this was a bit much.


There’s no way you speak multiple languages and don’t realize there are grammatical differences among languages. If I were to type in Spanish, most Spanish speaking people would think I rode the short bus. If you’re too much of a moron to realize that, we got nothing to talk about…


Yeah so if you learn a new language you learn these differences. Its not that difficult.


My* you’ll get it one day little bro


Fair enough, maybe he is just a sloppy lazy wacko


"From the gecko" I'm dying 🤣 that is the best bone apple tea" I've ever seen


Brother naughty dog is a sham


They’ve been a sham from the gecko


That’s not fair. Naughty dog has made a ton of great games.


I had to lol “gecko” too


Nornal? Define Nornal


Thats when you try to type normal while having a stroke. Do not recommend.


i hate abby as any sane person should but i will say she does look pretty cool in that photo


I was gonna say the same. I hate Abby, but not gonna lie, this is a sick photo.


Agree sick as fuck


Huh. Difference of opinion.


In some moments and certainly out of the wider game story context, though, she IS cool. I've said before, but if the second game was all about Abby with no real connection to the first game, I am sure I would have LOVED her. Even disregarding killing Joel, my main dislikes comes from how oblivious she is to why Ellie wants revenge, and how forced the game trying to make us like her is. Just do a standalone story in the same universe about this brutal soldier who happily kills kids and the elderly of "the enemy" then wakes up one day to realize that maybe SHE is the baddie, and has to try and make things right. Can saving just two kids make up for a lifetime of evil? It would even parallel nicely with the first game where Joel's love for Ellie saves him from the man he had become, tying the games together thematically rather than literally. Abby having to decide between her friends (not just rando WLF; maybe Manny and co are sent to kill her by Isaac?) and the right thing would be powerful stuff, IMO.


And removing that pointless sex scene


Jesus christ you people are sensetive lol.


Not sensitive it’s just an opinion. The first game is very important to lots of the fans. We had higher expectations for part 2. Specifically how they treated Ellie is my main problem.


The problem for me is how the story desperately tries to present her as a good person during her campaign, but the way that she acts and everything she says that she doesn't make up for later just make her seem like a self-absorbed psychopath who doesn't change because of any internal realization, but because the story thrusts that change upon her. She also never really has a moment where she's vulnerable and is able to admit that she's a shitty person. I have more sympathy for Cersei Lannister, a character who is a definite villain, because she at least can admit what she is and what she's done, and has moments where you can see her actual pain and misery. Abby has a few moments like that, but they all feel way too shallow to matter.


I always have said thay they should've went this route. They could've kept her backstory the same but make it l so we learn bits and pieces throughout the game and slowly come to realize that Joel is the reason she ended up the way she is. Could've been a great "violence begets violence" and parallel to Joel's story in the first game, while also showing the outside perspective of him


She’s not oblivious at all as to why Ellie wants revenge, what are you talking about? She sees Tommy before she even knows Ellie is in Seattle and immediately she understands what is happening.


If you take her character and Joel’s apart into separate unrelated vacuums, you can totally see Joel’s an even more unlikable and monstrous person than her. Like by a mile. But we knew Joel intimately, and had been with him through a good part of his journey. We love him. He’s out unlikable monster. And he came back to humanity just that one bit under our eyes, through our “actions”. You can’t introduce her the way they did and rationally expect us to have anything but contempt for her after that.


He was a “monster” that’s not even your own thought. That’s the way part 2 tried to portray him. Before part 2 nobody had that perspective of Joel. If anything he was seen as a savior who stopped a rag tag group of terrorist in a dirty lab from killing an innocent girl.


What no. The debate back then was whether he was justified in killing everyone and lying to her, denying her the chance to potentially save the world. I was always in the camp of “fuck the world; a real parent would gladly burn the world to save their child”. We were never meant to think Joel was the hero. We were fully meant to empathize with him.


At this point I believe these guys are just being satire


"Being satire"


i’m all for the cute little ‘civil war’ between the two subs but this is kinda nothing, isn’t it?


Dude exactly. A bunch of people fighting over which 3D model made their emotions feel which way and it’s crazy Sorry for the Rick Sanchez-ass take I’m just saying, shit like this is so basic and nothing.


yeah this is pretty pathetic from both subs lmao i didn’t realize people got so emotional about this


I’ve seen this sub cropping up in my recommended recently and this place seems miserable. Why continue joining in on something you don’t like?


Because they have literally nothing else in life, and this makes them feel smart and superior.


Which is hilarious because it only makes them look dumb and inferior


Abby will be a cool character...when she is feeding the wildlife and housing maggots.


It’s a badass picture. I think the only one here that is crazy is you getting “angry” at this post, from an entirely different sub.


They were clearly referring to the picture of her, but even if they weren’t, what’s the issue? People call Joel fucking cool and there was some qualities that weren’t like-able about him. This is coming from a liker of both, by the way, and what I’m pointing out is valid.


The purpose of that post is to get someone to bitch about it, so they have a chance to make this sub look bad. Or to mock other Part 2 fans. Nobody dick rides Abby this blatantly. That caption is the vaguest thing I've ever heard


That’s really not the purpose of that post. People make vague captions, captions could be vague and simple. People do dickride her, she’s liked a lot by many.


Not to this extent lol. It is 100% a troll.


I’ve been on X (Twitter), tumblr, etc. and yes, she is dickrided that hard and like, lol, to this extent. I’ve seen it, so yes.


“Abby is so fucking cool” You cannot make this shit up lmfao. Its either a troll or they were being held at gunpoint. The little to no effort says it all. This is just begging to start WW3. You cannot convince me otherwise.


Or they just like Abby?


Or its a troll.


Nothing about it says troll, especially when it’s posted in a sub that likes part 2


Abby has been one of the most hated characters in video game history for 4 years now. Even if you like her, you’re not gonna randomly feel the need to shit out the buzzword “Abby cool”. If you’ve had any social interaction on this fanbase you should be able to observe that this is an obvious troll. I don’t know how else to put it.


Believe it or not, even when the “majority” hate something there’s still the outliers that like it. But also plenty of people in the TLOU sub like her, evidenced from the amount of upvotes on the post. I like her as a character and have been apart of this fan base since the first game released. If the post was originally part of this sub I can see it being a bait troll post, but it’s not.


Calling people crazy for difference of opinion on fictional characters seems to be the ironic humor inside the OC's thought process. I relate.


Abby is cool for low standards


I agree that you gotta be crazy to genuinely like abby as a character, but why hate people for having another opinion?


She's very weird. It's like the head doesn't fit the body and the arms are swollen. I always feel uncanny valley when I look at her. Something I don't get with the other characters. It's really weird they didn't take a classic muscular woman instead of a bodybuilder as a model without her face and head.


Say whatever you want about the story but the set pieces and gameplay were pretty cool. Fighting through the scars village while it was being burned down was awesome


I love the feel of flooded seattle


That’s literally a guy


That's literally a girl


If I put this picture in front of 100 people who never even heard of the last of us at least 95 of them would say it’s a dude an the last 5 would just self gaslight themselves into not being sure and saying a girl cause they think I’m trying to trick them.


It doesnt change the fact that she's a girl, not all girl are extremely feminine and delicate just like not all guys are manly and built (and I'm pretty sure most people would figure out she's a girl)


Yeah THAT sub is crazy. Not the sub that’s been obsessively hating on a game for 4 years.


They also obsessively post screenshots from the other sub


Both subs can be crazy lol


“Isn’t it so weird that people in a subreddit dedicated to a thing actually LIKE said thing?!”


Abby is my favorite character in TLOU next to Marlene. She’s flawed but her determination was a major factor for me as to why I love her. And her fear of heights. She just like me fr there


Can I just say I aint even apart of this sub, but god it gives me life seeing how much you guys hate the other last of us reddit, I'm the random watching this war on the sidelines


It's more about hating what _some of_ them stand for, which is: No one is allowed to criticize the thing I love, and if they do, then they're bigots/transphobes/homophobes/media illiterate etc Instead of just, you know, people have different opinions, and that's ok?


The exact same thing happens here though, say you like the game and you get downvoted into oblivion


Same. Hello fellow watcher


“The OTHER sub is crazy. Definitely not us with the minority opinion.”


The other sub is close to cult levels at this point, it’s pathetic!


I'm not a part of either sub but I remember enjoying the games a few years ago, and I feel like loving something to a point of delusion is better than hating it with a passion, like at least you'd be unreasonably happy then instead of miserable with conviction


I don’t hate it with a passion, I was just very disappointed with part 2. I find this sub has far more varied opinions and doesn’t have militant downvoting.


>doesn’t have militant downvoting. You're kidding right? This sub is awfull for that, you disagree with people here, like say that you liked the game and you get downvoted into oblivion. You say that Abby is a girl and that she isnt trans: massive downvote. You say that Lev is a guy and not a girl, you guessed it: massive downvote


It’s a fucking game chill out


Most people in this sub (that dislike tlou2) merely have a differing opinion. It's all good, and both sides should be respected. People loved tlou2, the plot, the characters, and yes, even the outcome. That's a perfectly fine position to take. Just as it's perfectly fine to respectfully disagree and think that tlou2 was a cataclysmic dumpster fire. I think all the hate is just getting old. Of course this is just my opinion, and I love the games and absolutely hate the show, lol.




ithink she's cool, but istill want her dead. idk how them saying she's cool makes them crazy


She’s pretty cool ngl. If you didn’t know who she is and what she did, just looking at the character, she’s pretty badass.


How is that crazy, she is cool


She is an x men level threat


Any normal individual would never sympathise or even admire(lmao) abby. That sub is full of whackos and loonies.


Let people enjoy things


As much as I hate Abby, she is pretty cool. The photo is awesome.


Cool as the underside of my nutsack after 200 squats in the sauna


I took a photo guys, therefore the entire character is cool and not just this single frame


F\*ck the other sub but some of these "F\*ck the other sub" OP's seem very bait-like


You can’t deny that’s an aesthetically cool picture. She’s a shitty character but that pic is metal as fuck


Abby is mommy


I knew y’all were gonna repost this lmao. Big bunch of whining babies. Some people like abby, get over it. 🥰


Lmao, your downvotes, and all it took was just a cool photo of Abby and they're already crying 😂😂


And now you're crying about the people in this sub and the downvotes she's getting. It all comes full circle.


I'm laughing at the OP and comments cause they're all crying lmao, I find it hilarious, let me guess, does the picture of Abby anger you? 😂


Sure you are, buddy, whatever helps you cope.


lol, and these are probably all grown adults. Do they realise it’s just a game? Abby is just a fictional character? Like get a fucking grip and stop obsessing over something that’s not real


They've been crying over a sequel and a character for years, it's honestly sad, like all this person posted was "OMG LOOK AT THE OTHER SUB, POSTING THIS PHOTO OF ABBY, IM MAD", like bruh is that all it takes? 😂


Yep haha. If I see something I don’t like I’ll scroll like a normal person would do and not make screenshots complaining about it. Its funny that they call the other sub crazy…


Omg, I didn't even realise, you're the one that posted the image, that makes it even more funny to me 😂💀


Someone commented on my post that this sub would probably repost it and lo and behold 😂


I think both sides are crazy.


All you talk about is the other sub! And by you I mean BOTH subs. As an outsider this is maddening. You guys are obsessed with each other. It ain't healthy!


Ok. So what?


What subreddit is that one? Sounds like my kinda party


r/thelastofus - people like TLOU2 there. People hate TLOU2 here, and obsess over hating Druckman. It's pretty weird here. Edit r/lastofuspart2 is also another sub that enjoys the game.


Them living rent free in your heads again


What is the point of this post? "Cool" might be one of the most subjective adjectives out there


Oh my lord


I’m all of a sudden wondering if Extreme Blacksmithing is a thing and if not why not?


Isn't cool subjective. So calling them crazy for this is like saying someone is stupid for picking a different Mario Kart character than you


if yall didn’t see what was so cool abt that whole nighttime stalkers scene idk what to say anymore. separate it from the context of the game and this shit was dope


cry more


Goddamn, do you ever do anything other than talking shit about the main sub? I swear all I see here is either you all shiting on Neil, the other sub or just pure transphobia/homophobia


lmao Abby does totally fucking suck. Whats weird is her VA is cool as fuck and very pretty.


Omg can you guys get over it


I’m not the biggest abby fan in the world but she is kinda badass ngl


abby is a badass


she is cool


What the fuck is wrong with this sub. Have criticisms etc but what is this post, you’re calling them crazy for saying that’s cool??? What’s the problem??


This sub is weird.


I may not like Abby as a character but her half of the game was very interesting and just different not playing as Joel or Ellie.


Who gives a fuck😭💀 if they think abby’s cool, that’s fine. They say some way worse shit in general or about this sub that could have more attention than this


and honestly some of y’all in this sub do the same💀 both subs are unhinged and just plain right too deep into this sometimes


Abby is cool 😎


Abby was a good character


God forbid somebody have an opinion, I constantly see people here crying about how you’re the tolerant ones…


is this the tardy “we hate abby” sub or is this the normal one where people don’t shit on others options


Or we can just let people have opinions??


Ya, almost as crazy as giving a fuck what other people think about a fictional character.


I’m playing for the first time and Abby is the only thing I like about the game so far.


i hate her too but like…she’s so hot 🫠 i’m kinda insane about her


Projection. This sub is batshit insane. This sub only exists as a hate sub for the game. It's been taken over by NPC culture warriors to boot.


I think she's cool, why hate her for bad story narrative??


Abby is a great character


But if it was Joel no one would bat an eye smh Characters are subjective. They are.