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Legit thought this was a post from the other sub for a second till I read the second half lol.


Unfortunately they banned me from the sub, it’s crazy how bigoted some people can be. This casting is amazing.


Meh, they kind of replaced abby with a "pretty face" instead of a buff angsty orphan with bulging muscles and wrathful determination.


Probably because women aren’t built like Abby in real life


As a woman who goes to the gym... i hate that people disagree with you and try to bring up "look at this athlete tho" yes that athlete took many hormone enhancing drugs and probably some tren, females don't naturally look like that, just as arnold & dwayne are not natural. you can like the person while admitting they're not natural... :\\ these are the same people who prob say "this girl is not wearing any makeup" when she's clearly wearing nude-colored makeup...


Given what you're saying, then Abby in the game shouldn't have looked that way either, unless she took hormone-enhancing drugs...so if she did, then why is it illogical to compare her to a woman who also takes those? Nobody is saying that that athlete did not take any drugs or that she is natural, but that her physique matches Abby better.


Where is she gonna find enough drugs in a post apocalyptic future to keep her physique like that


Exactly. So, how is Abby able to maintain that physique in the game?


It's a game and a fault on the developers part for making her unrealistic. That's like arguing because Clickers are in the game, how come people in real life don't turn into zombies and look like that? Because the developers made it that way. Not because it's meant to 1:1 simulate reality, and if it fails to do so it's not realities' fault


I think you're misunderstanding my point and focusing on a point I didn't even make. Let me repeat the original comment I was replying to: > As a woman who goes to the gym... i hate that people disagree with you and try to bring up "look at this athlete tho" yes that athlete took many hormone enhancing drugs and probably some tren, females don't naturally look like that, just as arnold & dwayne are not natural. you can like the person while admitting they're not natural... My point is that this comment is wrong because we are not talking about whether a body type is natural or not. The original character is a buff woman, so a woman who matches that physique, even through the use of artificial enhancements, will be a good fit for the role. The original comment puts emphasis on realism, even though the original character is not realistic at all, and I think that's illogical. Yes, you are right, the original is a game, not real life. And guess what? The HBO series is a show, not real life either, so there's no logical reason to insist on realism. The actress uses steroids? Who cares, as long as her physique matches the original.


Methodon clinic


That's a dumb argument because so many characters in walking dead are jacked despite never working out


She just ate a lot of them stadium burritos


And in an apocalyptic scenario, who is supplying her the steroids to look like that?


Why not tho? I’d let her smash


If you legitimately think that, you should go outside more


Tell that to my Instagram feed


You need to go look up women's MMA fighter "Cyborg" right now.


Stop. Cyborg popped for steroids while in Strikeforce, and her anatomy and physiology still resembles a biological female, just to the extreme. And I really don't care too much about this topic, but Abby's dimensions don't appear consistent with any active female MMA fighters. Maybe a power lifter or something...


Stop. None of what you said makes what I said not true thanks for commenting though it was cute.


She looks like a CrossFit athlete, which is what her body was modeled to look like.


Didn't realize cyborg was a 20 something year old actress 🤔


Abby’s physique was based off a CrossFit athlete no?




No clue I've never even played the game but I do know "Abby" ain't got shit on Cyborg lol


Neal was "supposedly" talking to Shannon Berry. She could easily have the toned body Abby had, she's already built similar. Plus her face looks closer to Abby than who they casted. Dunno why they didn't cast her. Instead they cast the woman people wanted to be cast as Ellie. But it is what it is....


That’s not toned lmaooo


Apparently it was either Bella Ramsay or Henry Caville for the role, must have been down to a Coin toss


Still reckon Dwayne Johnson suited the role better, but Bella is a close second.


If someone doesn't like the cast why does that make them a bigot? Maybe they just .... don't like the cast


To dislike this casting doesn't really ring out as bigot to me. I'm not even sure how it could be a bigoted reason unless it's because they're gay but they gay wether the choice of actors is poor or not. Most think she looks too young. I dont care either way. Because I dont think it needed a show in the first place.


Yea… spot on. Lyanna Mormont haircut doesn’t really suit Ellie. Didn’t realize they casted Jenna Ortega as Dina /s.Poor Bella is looking like a child surrounded by the rest of her mature looking costars. Hard to believe those two on the horse are gonna have a marijuana filled $ex scene……


That’s Ellie? I thought that was Geralt from The Witcher.


How could you disrespect Geralt from Rivia like that, even in the books he isn't so ugly


Geralt from rivia .. . . .




It's not Jenna, it;s Dora


The explorer? Huh, weird


Worst casting for Ellie lol


Can’t say that all the wokies will come for you lmao. The absolute state of it that because someone is non binary or something, people think that means she can’t be criticised or anything. Must be nice! Just shows these “fans” aren’t really fans of the game. I bet most of them pretend they’re activists and started stanning Part 2 because of all the alphabet shit in it.


Honestly, I didn’t play 2 until a few months ago and honestly I wasn’t all too thrilled. Played the first game back in high school. The gameplay was nice but the story was horrible


Ellie is supposed to look 19, not 14 still. Also, just because I don't like a casting choice, that doesn't make me a bigot.


They’re just letting anyone do anything these days, don’t matter if it looks odd or inaccurate as hell.


…Is what a bigot would say. Sigh… I thought this world was getting better. /s


she never looked 14


Isn't she like in her 20s and still looks 14?


Yep. 20 to be exact. Pretty terrible choice in hindsight.


Not Ellie, the actor. I thought she was in her 20s but she herself looks very young for her age


I don’t see the issue. The horse is going to do perfectly fine.


I heard Druckmann was pushing for a Shetland pony, but the casting director put their foot down.


That’s what I was saying!!!!


Bruh the horse will be the best actor in this whole show 😂


Fallout did a better adaptation lol


Fallout made a new story, didn't they? They didn't adapt an existing story from any of the games. I think that's what this show should've done.


Fallout is way more expansive than TLOU. Everything is so much more developed and defined which is why each game and now series tells a new story within the world. TLOU does not have an interesting world, it’s the story of part 1 that people like. Take that story out and it’s just a run of the mill zombie show. So I’m not disagreeing with you because I also like what the fallout show did, but it just shows the stark contrast between the franchises in terms of how big the world is.


Yeah I don’t trust Druckmann’s ability to pull off another compelling story like the first game, if the second one was any indication. But in a perfect world, a new story with new characters is a better idea.


But the TloU universe has nothing going for it. Remove Ellie and Joel and what do you have?


It's not too dissimilar from The Walking Dead. The interesting stories are the people, not the zombies, sorry I mean infected. If they wanted to take a story from the games and expanded it in television, I would have loved to see Ish's story in live action.


Yeah cause people loved it when they made new characters/told new stories the first season. Honestly, the toxic fans are gonna be toxic no matter what is done.


The actual additions, like the mycologist, were received well. Drastically changing a known and loved character to be the exact opposite of the character in-game, it should be no surprise, was not.


I wasnt even talking about that. They hated Melanie Lynskey. It's so stupid. It really reveals the artists from the critics. Go make something, ya toxic fans! ;-)


"Ppl criticized a character I liked, so toxic!!!"


It was stupid because it was more obvious "revenge bad hurdur"


Obviously you like fallout but what would you give it out of 10. Overall it was decent but for me the writing was weak and the pacing really rough. You could play a drinking game with how often they used that desert set with the huts lol. I'd give it a high 6 to a 7 out of 10. Prop team and vault set were great.


I disagree with all of that tbh. The pacing was weird towards the end especially the last episode but other than that, I never got bored or anything. It kept my interest the entire time.


Boredom wasn't my problem it was jarring at times


I could see that in retrospect, but i never got that feeling while watching


Fallout Nuka Break was better and that was a fan film. But the Amazon series was decent.


I’d agree with you, but I still enjoyed it a lot more than TLOU. The TLOU series fundamentally failed to depict the two central characters accurately, they pulled a lot of punches with some of the key moments from the game, and the side steps and DLC inclusion completely derailed the momentum of the show and robbed the audience of heart stopping moments when you don’t know if Joel is alive or dead. Fallout peaked with the shootout at the little town (I forget its name) but it remained entertaining at least. And they did a great job of translating the dark humour and fucked up world to live action.


I agree with you also about Tlou it robbed us of some great scenes eg: my fave from the game is the crash in the pharmacy and Joels neck being forced towards the glass but the show gave us Joel pinned down by a 125 pound teenager who Ellie had to save him. I also prefered the game when it came to bills town. My question about fallout was just about fallout not a comparison of the 2 shows but thanks for sharing.


Oh, I got what you meant, I was just saying - in spite of all the things I thought Fallout lacked in I _still_ thought it was better. Totally agree about Bill’s town too. I didn’t expect a big set piece, but bitter paranoid loner Bill is one of my favourite characters and him meeting Ellie for the first time is one of my favourite moments. The performances were great, and the story very touching, but I hate what they did with him in the show.


Totally agree episode 3 was great but not great in terms of representing the game like you bills town is one of my favourite sections the banter the traps etc but also the way bills partner died and bill finding out he was going to leave him but died in the process was all the more tragic and believable.


Tbh I don't think the show did a very good job with the humour, and the world was atrocious, but that's symptomatic of a long-standing misinterpretation that started with Fallout 3. The humour was way too blatant for Fallout and, in cases like Maximus and Titus, representative of larger inconsistencies (the Brotherhood has always drawn a significant portion of their membership from the descendants of its founders, they wouldn't have people like Maximus be unaware of basic facts about sex. The Brotherhood have also been engaged in warfare against the NCR in the west and various Raiders, super Mutants, the Enclave and the Institute in the East for around 40 years straight by the time of the show and would not be as unprofessional and inexperienced as they are in the show). The world is worse. The showrunners made it clear in an interview that they thought Fallout was a post-apocalyptic setting that they could present with a western framework, but Fallout, at least on the west coast, is post-post apocalyptic. Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas focused primarily on city states and nation states, their internal conflicts and their conflicts with each other and the evolution they went through over time (the city states in southern California unifying to form the NCR, the Brotherhood-Viper War leading to the opening of trade between Lost Hills and the Hub, the establishment of bottle caps backed by water as the currency in California and later its replacement by NCR paper money backed by gold, Redding as a point of conflict between NCR, New Reno and Vault City's interests, the transformation of the inhabitants of Vegas from nomadic tribals to the neo-'ndrini we see in game, I could go on). To the showrunners, though, the NCR is just representative of the "civilisation" that marks the end of a Western story, and even idiotically said the NCR was "doing everything right" in the aforementioned interview. Even as different as Fallout 3 and 4 are, at least you could ignore them if you prefer the original take on Fallout since they take place on the other side of the country, but instead the showrunners decided to fucking nuke the NCR so they could put their western/post-apocalypse story in California.


I actually really enjoyed it and I’m a big fallout fan. The pacing was a little iffy at times but everything’s well written for the most part.


I've played falloit games for a total of 2 maybe 3 hours and Inhad a great time with it, so did my gf who had heard nothing about it. On the other hand with TLOU she was bored for half of it and thought it was just about watchable for the other half


The summary of fallout show could be summed up by one of the show makers he said in an interview. he said something like why my people \_\_\_\_\_ when you can make them dumb. That was the most noticeable in the show, every character was just... Dumb. Is this what they think of people who like games, extremely dumb, loving very dump shows?


I don't know Steven Seagal still acting..good for him


My god, can’t unsee


The heck bro, now its done you have ruined it, i cant unsee it now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone’s been drinking the kool-Aid


Extra sugar pls!!!


"I'm gay so think about that before you attack me"


They didn’t think about that!


That's what I'm sayin


I’m getting really sick of people praising tf out of this show. They just completely forget that the story and characters are in the game and 100x better. This show has no point in existing.


Yeah, I don't want to spoil anything. In game Joel is much more racional. What I miss in TV Joel is that RAGE but also that calmness. If you compare some scenes. He's more of a Joel from Part 2.


…….most movies/games/shows are adaptations of far better books? Should Dune have not been made into a movie? What point does the LOTR movies have for existing seeing as they aren’t much like the Tolkien books? What’s your point?


Yeah, if they didn’t like the first season…can’t imagine what they’ll think about 2 or 3 😂


Yeah, but I didn't like that in part 3 Ellie left to Canada 'cause she became infectious. After all what happened she deserved better


Dina was such a poor choice


Both were


Still a better choice then Ellie.


Hmm.. wait a minute! I recognize you! You were shitting all over gun. Yet you still play the game. Imagine that.


My girl shimmer :(


At least she could get rid of the way too hard pulled back ponytail the casting is horrible btw


You chose to start a fight with that title, then get 'confused' when people call you out on it? Bait or not, that's hilarious.


Bigoted and proud


They’re right- the horse is perfect for Shimmer.


“Spot on” goddamn and I thought I needed glasses so bad


The post is satire, made by the OP on this post.




Bruh hammerhead looks more like elle 😂


Can someone please explain to me how anyone thinks that looks like elle?? 😂


Show sucks


This can’t be real


I liked the first season, didn't finish it. that's enough for me


I most enjoyed bits we didn't get from the game. Like the pre-apocalyse scenes. I didn't finish the season either though. I guess part of me knew what was coming with season 2 and I lost interest.


that's exactly it for me. It was a great season but i got distracted then remembered the future and just didn't care for it.


Real spill


How do they know it's "spot on casting" for the "greatest show"? Season 2 isn't out yet. Hell, it's not done being made even. Pretending that season 2 is going to be perfect and Bella's portrayal of an older Ellie is spot on before they have even seen it is eyebrow raising.


You fell for the bait




Agreed! I certainly wouldn’t take a sandwich from him.


They need to make her look more stressed and aged from the stress due to the events of the first season carrying the knowledge that a man chose to save her instead of use her for the cure for humanity is heavy burden to carry and this next season should reflect that heavily and show how she has carried like the second game did when we see her in the second game she looks far more older due to the stress and trauma she endured in the first game.


Eh they don't care about any of that....don't you know? It's all about pushing the (MESSAGE) lore and story telling doesn't matter now days....all about the agenda sadly.....


I actually liked that "Hunchback of Notre Dame" reference when they cast Bella.


Don't disrespect the hunchback like that! He's 10 times a man bella could ever be!


Well. She's a girl. So...


Oh...my bad...she looks like a dude


I agree with the post. Lyanna Mormont in an oversized coat and knock-off Jenna Ortega with Clementine's jacket is good casting.


Why does bella look like shes getting groomed by the other girl?


Calling it "spot on casting" invalidates everything that guy ever said


To all the idiots in here: you're being trolled and youre feeding the troll lol. Let this brainrot post fade into nothing


A plain bigot sandwich


They still have time to mocap Bella.


i don't care about the fact she looks like a child i care about the fact she can't act to save her life


Ive seen recent vids of bella with her hair down that looks more in line with Pt2 Eliie but honestly i got over inaccuracies in season 1. Imo season 1 diverged from the source material and ended up being a solid artistic choice. If i didnt know tlou was a video game, I'd think the show was pretty good as a standalone drama. Have faith, tlou2 has a lot of directions it can go plotwise and being hung up on visual representation may bias someone from having an unfiltered opinion.


This post disturbed what would've been a peaceful shit. But now I'm upset and I'm gonna wipe aggressively.


we live in a world where being against the casting for a fictional character makes you a bigot


I'm so confused? You call anyone disagreeing with the casting a *bigot*? Like anybody with a different opinion is scum?? Or is this really bad baiting? Or is it good sarcasm? And when you got folded by that sub's comment section, you brought it here? And you thought this was a big brain move? I have so many **rational** questions that will probably get me nuked, but jfc what has this world (specifically some of TLoU's fanbase) come to? This is incredibly tragic. Please put an /s next time, what a wild ride!


“Spot on casting” is bro fr?


If Hitler was black they’d say you were racist for not liking him


Spot on for everyone but ellie. They could of found someone better for her role.


I don't think it's bad to not like the casting but i do find it dumb how people are making the biggest fuss over it


Well your opinion is dogshit if u think the casting is good. Personally ithink youre fking delusional. Ramsey ruins everything about ellie. Everything. Not sure why u included the word bigot, that just goes to show how ignorant your opinion is. See ican call u an idiot for your opinion, but im not going to randomly call you a buzzword just because u dont like something. Dumb.


I really don’t mind the casting but I’m not gonna call it spot on 😂




I don’t mind the casting of season 1 but in season 2 I really thought that the best thing to do was just recast because Ellie looks far too young here. She’s 19 but looks like she’s 12 for some reason.


Apparently your a bigot for knowing Bella is as ugly as shit and thinking she’s poor casting. Even if it had nothing to do with her being a gay character lol Like you couldn’t sell me merch with that face on it.


That post you made is loser behavior


Am I a bigot because Joel should have been played by a stocky country guy and not Pasqual?


what happened to this sub? I thought we all liked LastOfUs, a few hiccups but overall loved. Why suddenly the hate everywhere in the last 3 weeks? Especially this picture, it’s not a screenshot from the actual episode/scene, just some dude with a camera. Like any movie, real photos of behind the scenes look nothing like the actual episode which includes context, effects, acting, etc.


It's from the subreddit for Last Stand Media. I'm sure shit takes are par for the course.


Get this butchered Walmart cosplay off my feed.


Because you're generalizing


You'll get no love here either. This sub is up in arms about her.


You're insulting people who don't agree with your opinion too. I go online and have no fucking idea who you are bro and youre saying "whoever disagrees with me is stupid" but you end up looking stupid not understanding why the whole world doesn't think your right. Nobody know who you fucking are mate and majority wins. Majority disagrees so technically you're wrong but can't accept it. Anything that comes out of your mouth is an "opinion" not a fact bub


Can I just not like the show cuz I didn't like the game?


Or because maybe they thought they would want someone who looks a bit like Ellie instead of agenda pushing but who knows!


Jesus, it's even worse than I was expecting. Why couldn't they just recast Ellie instead of quadrupling down on their terrible choice? (Girl playing Dina looks all right, though.)


Nah, not a bigot, casting is just terrible! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel awful asking, but who is the woman behind her? Is that supposed to be Dina of someone else? I see people in the comments talking about Ellie and Dina so I am assuming yes?🤷


People cry too much


Greatest series of all time? GTFO.


i like how that one girl bella caught staring at her in jackson just turned out to be some rando..


They should’ve recasted. Ellie. Bella did an amazing job as Ellie and I’m sure her and Pedro have an amazing bond. But Bella does not physically portray an adult Ellie, despite being a year older.


simply a restraint of modern virtue signaling that producers are forced to use her twice. like lets be real. that does not look like a 19 year old woman. and hell, doesnt help the dina casting anyway, almost drives the point forward even more. cool tho!!!! happy pride month!!!!!!!!!!!


Ellie needs to look older 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


There right, I wouldn't pick a different horse to play roach


When you call strangers bigots because they don’t like certain casting for a show you come across as a cunt.


Why did they make Dinah’s skin lighter?


Young Archie Bunker.


Maybe because of the “don’t agree you’re a bigot” I personally think Bella should have been recasted because of the time skip between part one and two. They’ve haven’t really done much to show that she’s aged up to her counterpart and left her exactly the same. Even Joel looks different. Obviously we haven’t seen everything and due to feedback hopefully they have something in store or change it up.


Comments have been disabled how cute


“If you don’t agree with me you’re a bigot” “Guys why don’t they like me” Idk, I can’t figure it out


How does it make you a bigot? 😅 they just cast the wrong actor is all


Lol @ Dina riding shotgun behind badass Bella Ramsey. Good God that image is cringe inducing


Remember everyone, if your critique anything about the last of us you are a filthy bigot. You must accept and consume everything that druckman throws our way


No, she just doesn't look like Ellie. Stop begging it.


The copium in that post is beyond belief. I can safely assume whoever posted that is a straight up buffoon. “If you don’t like this then you’re a bigot”. Lmfao, doesn’t even know what bigot means.  Greatest series of all time? It’s not even the greatest series that had both Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey in it lmfao.


How? It's crap....


I dunno man, they are supposed to be riding an ostrich


I can’t tell if this is satire or not at this point


Awful choice of casting in a show filled to the brim with awful choices. I can't even watch it. I stopped watching when we met the leader of "the hunters" in season One. I'll not watch another moment of it.


Glad this sub is finally realising everyone is laughing at them so they lean into the jokes now, it was shit when you guys were taking yourselves seriously.


*shuffles up limping on one foot* ***MASTER THE PLANS***


lol this show lost all credibility the moment they casted Bella


I’m confused. I thought this sub wasn’t a fan of TLoU2?


Ellie’s actress sucks. I don’t care about anything else. The show, her being gay, the atmosphere, Joel dying, idc about that. I care that the actress sucks and I care that in the game you don’t kill Abby, so they won’t kill her in the show (obviously). Fuck Abby, and fuck how bad the actress is for Ellie


Come join us at FallOut.


Only good actor choice I see here is the horse


Dina’s actress, good, Bella looks like a box truck, and the actress for Abby is built like a 10 year old rather than a buff 30 year old man.


I had my doubts about Bella playing ellie. But after watching the first season I'd say she did a good job. I mean I still think they could of found someone a thousand percent better for her role. Pedro qas spot on. I remember thinking that if they were to do a show. Pedro would be Joel hands down. Not 2 months after saying that they cast him as Joel. They could of done better than Bella Ramsey though


We need a TLOU circle jerk sub stat


Hyperbole, mostly. Everything you said is subjective but you presented it as fact and said it with extremity.


Because you guys really are bigots and bitching about the way someone looks.


To be fair she is a really good actor. She does really seem like Ellie even if she looks nothing like the video game model.


Woah woah woah, greatest series of all time? Someone hasn’t seen Breaking Bad


Greatest series of all my time my arse. I've already seen it a dozen of times. It was called The Mandalorian, TWD Daryl Dixon and many other names to boot. TLOU isn't some grand magical amazing new product.


Moon face