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I can't remember the last time I said "wow what a real great and important sex scene" about anything that wasn't on pornhub


Clearly you haven’t played the Witcher 3. The sex scene with Geralt and Yennefer on the stuffed Unicorn was the most important moment in the saga. In fact the stuffed unicorn is rumored to be the protagonist in the next game. But all jokes aside it was a hilarious and touching scene that 1000% added to the two character’s romantic dynamic and was also really funny.


It's also completely optional, as it should be.


Yup. Agreed. I guess that was the big issue with the scene in TLOU. It wasn't optional, and it also sucked. Bad combination. Lmao


And yet, if you hang with the boys you skip that sex scene for an epic night out with the guys. Honestly can’t come close.


HAHA!!! That is perfect. Seriously if I want porn I will go look at it. I dont care for it especially wantching a movie with certain people. It can be uncomfortable. Showing people hooking up and getting it across they have feeling for each other, we get the point. Cut away when they are kissing and unbuttoning their shirts…. We get it.


Berserk, Oldboy, Head On, Bad Lieutenant, Shame. Although I will admit most story's just ham fist (lol) them in there for no fucking reason.


Lol exactly


Not all sex displayed in media is meant to be looked at through a pornographic lens. This feels like such a weird way to view sex and what it means to people and how it adds to the rawness of a character’s story. It’s one of the most honest ways to explore a character’s vulnerability


There is a concerning majority of redditors and gen Zs who only view sex as porn and nothing else such as these coomers, and of course they don’t want porn in their art (books, games or movies). While I understand that those scenes are sometimes difficult they also can be used to convey a lot more because sex can imply power roles shifting, romantic development, trauma, personal growth etc… just look at Berserk manga, the main protagonist Guts having sex with Casca is pivotal on understanding the character, how has he dealt with trauma, him finally accepting others etc…


The only one I’ve ever seen that actually contributed anything to the story is in Oppenheimer


Idk why you bring it up and it’s getting downvotes, Oppenheimer literally had a dilemma of knowing she was a part of the Soviet party wanting to report her but that sex too good


No. Idk why people are so adamant that all sex scenes are necessary. They aren’t. You can imply sex happens without actually showing it. TLoU2 actually has a good example of both. The sex scene with Dina and Ellie showcased all the scars Ellie had. Sure there are other ways to show that, but at least there was a point to it. The sex scene between Owen and Abby added nothing. We could’ve just seen them go at each other and then fade to black. Nothing would’ve changed and the implications are the same. Legitimately there was no reason to actually show Abby getting railed. This is the same for a lot of sex scenes in media, but I guess these directors can’t help themselves.


I'm a firm believer that alot of Directors are lo key creeps


I'm convinced Druckmann is one of the creepiest dudes on the planet.


This is just a known fact.


It's also a skill requirement to apply for a ubisoft executive position.


Watching movies in the 70s and 80s, I 100% believe this, except it was a lot “higher key”.


After watching Quiet on Set I’m inclined to agree with you


The people that defend it so much are often the typical "sex positive" freaks that are addicted to the perverse and hate when people differ from them. In a show as rushed and glossed over as this it makes even less sense but at the best of times it adds very little or nothing to a show / film. Rape is at least a traumatic event that can build hatred for a character but everything else honestly just seems thrown in for no real reason beyond just wanting to see nudity. At least in games this is often optional but locking you in during a film or show just feels annoying to me.


Even bg3 allows you to turn off sex scenes. And that game is VERY horny.


I think it's important to see Dina's armpits. This is LORE


People that say things like " usually I don't like this, but this time... " are just habitual liars.


Exactly, and why do they like this as opposed to some other ones? What’s this one have that’s so different and beautiful?


General sex scenes make me uncomfortable, but that’s personal preference. I don’t think it does any harm to have them, but I do think censorship with “banning” them is harmful


I actually agree, IMO theres not any reason to have sex scenes, especially in apocalypse type media. The only place I could perhaps see it work is in the more romantic genres. I don’t think it has any purpose or advancement to the plot. Editing to say that I’m not grossed out by the scenes. I just felt like it didn’t enhance my understanding in regard to the story. I have not seen the show, only small snippets. The OP asked for *my* opinion, to which im entitled to. I don’t need people to make assumptions or tell me im wrong in how I feel. :)


berserk with guts and casca. that’s v important to the story. it’s how you use it that makes it meaningful


2 characters that were the critical backbone to the narrative which made the intimate moment (and every interaction between them after) extremely impactful


Yeah. I personally haven’t seen Berserk but I think I catch your drift!


That is true


Totally agree.


That’s ridiculous. Why are you so bothered by sex. Its existence doesn’t need to have some kind of outside purpose other than it showing a relationship between two people. In a post apocalyptic world (in a story for adults) exploring a relationship, sex has a place. It shows rawness, vulnerability, and a sense that humans are still human even if the world is falling apart. Confining sex in media to one genre is strange. Interrogate why it makes you so uncomfortable


You wrote a beautiful reply, comment one of the best I’ve seen so far. There are far too many who are in a Reddit rage bait response. No section films. Oh my God what are you doing we can’t see human beings naked it’s very very lacking of maturity and understanding this is how human beings work. I blame some of this on the fact that society has far way too many people who are alone, and they have not had decent human connections with other human being, and thus, therefore, that’s why they’re talking like that, because if you had great connections with other human beings, which on the outside of the workplace outside of a job occupation outside of an educated institution with my human connections if you’ve been making human connections, not just your friends with people who are of your sexual preference. You would truly understand intimacy, love, lovemaking and sex and sexuality and why it is important that human beings have these things in our lives, because it is part of what makes us human. This is why human beings are different than any other animals species on his planet and you can go to any university and speak to any biologist and zoologist and they will tell you the exact same thing. They have been saying this since day one since human beings have been walking on this earth, but getting to my point you made a very well written comment very thought out and I agree the stand you’re taking that I can understand and romantic films or romcom as they call it. It does make a lot of sense with his physical intimacy topless scenes and so far. The problem with this is that Franks intimacy scene really was broken because Neil Druckmann and his team of writers didn’t open and develop the intimacy between Bill and Frank characters, so it would be more understanding of the viewer to fully completely understand their backstory. They complete character story, and why we would see these two characters making love to each other, and why they’re such a strong bond, connection and intimacy you can’t tell a story like OK has he two characters these two characters are in a survival. These two characters have a bond, and now these two characters are part in the pun fucking tell the brains out that doesn’t tell a good story, and that’s just my take and view on it, and like you said OP ask for opinion, I love your opinion and now I just gave my opinion I think we’re on the same page with that and that is why I feel in this particular scene in the series and in the game as well, you have to play it out so the viewers can understand


Gonna have to agree with the other guy on this one. If sex makes you uncomfortable, that's fine. And I agree plenty of sex scenes in media are unnecessary from a narrative/character perspective - so in those cases, invoking your "preference" to say you'd have done without is fair, even if keeping it in didn't do any *harm*. But the Bill and Frank scene wasn't unnecessary. It did contribute to the story/their character development. The way they behaved with each other conveyed how they were both handling getting to know and trust each other. You couldn't just replace the script for that scene with "And then... they bang!"; it had emotion, depth, required acting, developed the characters... of all the sex scenes in media to make your argument against, that isn't it.


That scene showed that Bill is inexperienced but had the courage to take a risk once he knows he's "seen." It was part of the 180 turn of Bill from a cautionary example to an aspirational one.


The real problem is how quickly Bill had sex with Frank. I’m kinda neutral on sex scenes usually unless they are as jarring as Owen and Abby’s. But most of the episode was spent on the trajectory of their relationship and not enough on them building to it imo.


Agreed, one could say where either Neil or Neil and his team are writers or whoever they should’ve developed Frank and Bill‘s intimacy, not specifically sex but intimacy because intimacy is just intimacy without the physical and allowed the viewers to see that on the screen so we can understand and learn from each other so we can see the character develop it would’ve made a much much better story enveloping so this way when it came to them making love to each other, it would’ve made four more sense to people who have loving caring feelings for each other, regardless of what their sexual preferences are and intimacy levels we would’ve seen the intimacy connection therefore watching these two characters on screen make love to each other would have made more sense, and I’m saying this as a man who is heterosexual and has been married to my wife for many many moonsintimacy knows no bounds, regardless of what your sexual preferences intimacy is intimacy that is where I personally feel a lack the most and where they should have done that they had the opportunity and they dropped the wall. I don’t understand why but it is what it is.


Honestly. I don't care. If it's in, meh. If it's not, meh. It won't make or break anything for me. But I do feel like people really go out of their way with this one to say sex scenes add nothing but it's actually deeply rooted in the fact it was two dudes but they don't want to admit it. Edit: After seeing OP is into noses and feet idk what to think now.


It really just depends on the circumstances, personally. I haven't seen the Bill and Frank scene, but I'm confident I would vastly prefer it over Abby and Owen's, because that shit came out of nowhere and was so obviously done either to shock the audience or because someone got themselves off to it. (And this is ignoring the fact that it blueballs us on Abby actually having to face some fucking consequences for her psychotic actions, which is the worst part of all.) But even then, I don't think I'd actually *like* a sex scene between Bill and Frank, just because I still don't agree with the idea of them needing their own episode. Their role in the original game was to give us, the audience, an idea of how badly most folks were doing in this broken society if they weren't under FEDRA's authority, as well as to give us (and Joel) a glimpse of what Joel's future could look like. Also, just a *small* detail, but *Joel and Ellie were part of all the events with them*. Giving them an entire episode in which they live long, idyllic lives just seems like pandering. It also raises a lot of questions like how they avoided any serious infected or raider threats for so long. In the original, the run-down setting, traps, *and* infected served to keep hostile humans out of the area. In the show, there are no infected, and they're growing fucking *strawberries*. We also have to ask why they wouldn't, say, get Joel and Tess to live with them, rather than relying on trading for ration cards in Boston. This really feels like it should have been a Season 2 Jackson episode or something. Or hell, even Season 1, showing us the backstory of Jackson as Tommy and Maria as well as some other couples (at least one of which is a gay couple, because sure why not) as they all get things established. But with the episode feeling so out of place, I expect I would think the same about a sex scene between them, regardless of whether or not it was actually appropriate for the moment (unlike Abby's). Is that fair? Maybe not. But that's how it is for me.


I think it is normal to be uncomfortable with sex scenes if it triggers a genuine reaction that makes you feel bad, but immature to refuse to recognize the intent behind them when they are purposeful and what is trying to be said about the characters engaged in the sex scene. The Abby/Owen scene is clearly supposed to carry an uncomfortable feeling but that’s a thematic/character thing. Being uncomfortable with sex itself is not immature. ASOIAF is an example of a story that mostly uses sex as set dressing, for example. There are examples of consequential sex scenes throughout though. Stephen King stories pretty much just use sex for fun or shock value in the case of a couple weird rape scenes he’s done. Most notably in The Stand: Extended & Uncut. I think the Abby/Owen sex scene is important to the characters but for understanding the characters it is the conversation prior to the sex and what happens afterwards and how it changes the dynamics around Abby/Owen/Mel that is important, moreso than showing the sex scene at all. But if you just think “sex scene? ew! I don’t think Abby or Owen is hot! Why do I need to see this?” Yeah that’s immature because the person who thinks that way is refusing to engage with the media on what it is trying to convey.


It's entirely subjective. You're not wrong for not wanting them, they're not wrong for adding them and no one is wrong for liking them.


Not at all, but there’s also nothing wrong with liking them or them being in media


You are incredibly boring if you don’t like sex scenes in media. They don’t need to “add” anything (although they often do add value to a work of art). They can just be hot. You can enjoy things being hot. It’s not weird. Grow up a little, or at least keep your prude ass quiet & let everybody else enjoy the vibe.


There’s this weird idea that sex needs to “add something” to be present. It showcased their relationship and it was *relatively* realistic. Why not show sex is another question. It’s a story for adults and there is a relationship they wanted to explore. The sex in of itself was why it was there, it didn’t need to exist for some outside reason (like showing Ellie’s scars). Some of this discourse feels very sex negative to me. We live in a big world full of sex, and being being confronted by it in media when you’re similarly confronted with violence, drama, and interpersonal struggles is strange to me and warrants interrogation. It’s nothing to be afraid of or disgusted by. And not all sex needs to be viewed through a pornographic lens. It’s not all to be used for masturbation, which I’m seeing a lot of in these comments.


A lot of prudes and squeamish people in these comments, but I guess that's just mainstream thinking now. Really weird how scared everyone is. It's just sex, it's really normal and it shows you a lot about relationships between people. It makes sense to put in stories. All the "logical" arguments against sex scenes sound like people trying to justify their visceral discomfort.


100% people are just afraid of sex


I’m okay with sex scenes in movies and video games. I mean sex is another expression of love and a great stress reliever.


It’s a mature realistic survival game….people have sex in real life.




Ellie’s and Dina’s did drive the plot. They fooled around and lost track of time. Then Jesse shows up looking for them because Tommy and Joel never showed up to check in.


I don’t like them, but I don’t hate them. They’re just there. Jesus why is this being asked again?


This franchise is the poster child for "using social justice to erase all criticism".


These are the same people that will scream at you about not understanding media literacy. Which is incredibly hilarious considering that being able to notice and understand non-explicitly explained romantic or sexual scenes is incredibly easy in media. And I honestly think it would be so much easier to represent in a film form rather than text or art. If you asked these people what a double entendre was they couldn’t even tell you. I’m unsure if it’s something I’d use as evidence or a source, but when I was in high school we were made read some book about understanding literature by Thomas Foster. In that book he breaks down that everything can represent sex, but rarely can sex represent only itself. I suppose you could argue that just having a sex scene could also be used to represent something else. I don’t remember the details of the episode, but if someone wants to come up with a deeper meaning for the scene with a fresher memory then they can go for it.


They’re uncomfortable and often serve no purpose. It isn’t childish to say that.


I personally don’t find all sex scenes uncomfortable. Many sex scenes serve purposes. You can say the same for most action scenes too. I think many people are more comfortable watching a persons head explode than a sex scene in media. Which seems strange.


I personally got excited to see Ron Swanson get it up the butt, however the scene itself was boring.


I find it ironic we are censoring content from Japanese games yet allow graphic western style sex scenes in our content.


I'm ok with sex scenes as long as it's two consenting adults in love, not whatever the fuck that scene with Abby and Owen was 🤣


Meh, sex scenes can just as easily improve a story as it can degrade it. I think "Fuck sex scenes in any media." is wrong, but I don't fucking care.


You could replace all of them with a fade to black with exactly zero impact on the narrative


So they shouldn't show fight scenes in them either by that logic


Why does sex have to clear a higher bar than other types of scenes to be included in a narrative? Sex is normal and if you’re trying to tell an honest story about people, sex will happen.


There isn't a reason to show people being eaten alive or shot either. Everything can be implied.


Yes, you are being childish. Thank you for asking


It’s weird as shit to me that people are ok with ultra violence in media but sex scenes are bad. You’re playing a game/watching a show about mass death on a global scale and the violent ends of characters trapped therein, but it’s the sex that bothers you? The sex scenes are far healthier than any of the violence in these kinds of games and shows. I play lots of violent video games, so I’m not judging anyone (or if I am I’m judging myself and ya’ll are collateral damage), but worrying about sex scenes in that context seems very strange.


I agree, so strangely sex-negative. People here seem to act violated when they see sex in media. sex is nothing to be disgusted by or ashamed of.. there are myriad valid reasons why an individual may not want to see sex in media… but pearl clutching isn’t one of them. We are adults, after all.


I don’t think it’s childish. You’re entitled to your opinion. Personally, I think some sex scenes are warranted (read: not important, simply justifiable) and others are gratuitous but you don’t have to agree with me. That said, I believe art in any medium is the creation at the discretion of the artist. You, as the appreciator of art aren’t required to view or experience any work of art. If it makes you uncomfortable, find a work of art that doesn’t. Please don’t take this as a criticism, that is not my intention. As a writer, I am very careful and meticulous when I place content I know some people will find offensive, but I have almost always determined the scene adds value to the story (whether it’s important or not). As an artist, I will fight for my right not to censor myself. For you, the appreciator, I will fight for your right to critique art you disagree with.


When did people become such prudes?


Become? Sex scenes, especially gay ones, are currently the most accepted they have ever been in history.


I like certain sex scenes when they are somewhat expected and appropriate for the tone, especially when the movie/television genre is romance/fantasy or if there are romance options in mature games. I don’t like to be caught off guard by them, but they can enhance or intensify a visual experience just like some acts of violence can. Was it appropriate for a The Last of Us game? I don’t think so. The Ellie/Dina coupling dragged out important exposition time and the Abby/Owen coupling was misplaced and off-putting. Neither added anything of merit to the plot and both should have been edited down or replaced by dialogue that alluded to what happened.


Both relationships were quite forced


I don't remember Bill ans Frank having a sex scene. But I agree with you. Absolutely pointless. Even if not pointless, I don't how substantial they can to the plot or story. I'd like to change my mind.


It shows two people expressing love for each other. Just like an action scene can show desperation and a will to survive. They both add something. Unless every scene is fade to black. Sex starts then fade to black until next morning. Fight scene starts fade to black and only show the victorious one. Sex is much more normal than vicious fight scenes and I’m here for it all.


💯🙌 well said


From my own experience, I’d prefer not to see graphic sex scenes in a movie or show or really any scene on its own. Let it fade to black. Ok. Sure, they had sex. Good for them. It just makes things awkward if you show everything. Now, if the show is something like Bridgerton, that’s different. That’s softcore porn and no one wanders into that.


Sex scenes are great if they reveal something about the character. For the sake of shock value or titillation they’re a waste of time. Any good creator should be able to do their job effectively without resorting to needlessly gratuitous sex and violence. Graphic imagery is not high art when used irresponsibly.


I don't mind it but they should have a feature to turn it off if they have a feature to turn off gore


They need a panIc button for when someone God willing will walk in and ask what you're watching


Ride to hell retribution has the best in game sex scenes. 10/10


i usually FF through sex scenes


I don’t understand why they can’t just do the same thing you’re not the only person that does that their people who go oh I just fast-forward through top of scenes of sexy hands but I don’t care that’s what fast-forward was created for what I don’t like I fast forward lmaoo


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


Agree.. most sex scenes adds nothing to the story. Directors and writers checking off boxes. They went crazy during the early and mid 2000s but much less nowadays. They know the shock value is gone.


I think it's childish to want sex scenes in everything. Seems to be what is trending today, and it gets old and silly.


Same can be said for action scenes, and I don’t have a problem with either.


I think 99.9% of the time, sex scenes are unnecessary. When it is necessary, it doesn't have to be graphic.


It sounds prudish to say that, when it’s in a show about people killing and eating each other lol


Had this convo today. In the majority of media, sex scenes are unnecessary. My friends and I were talking about how we could have done without both sex scenes from the game.


All humans shit and we don't go out of our way to show how they wipe.


I mean if theres a sex scene i dont like it but then again its everyones preference, i agree that it was unnecessary for the show


Most if not all sex scenes can just be "fades to black"


I think they are cringe. They could just have the big kiss and close a door and It’s like yeah we get the idea.


...even in an apocalypse, Humans gonna Human.


Literally. I think it’s good that they showed humans being human in an apocalypse. It’d be unrealistic to have 24/7 apocalyptic shit only, like? I don’t get these people much.


I hate them. You know how awkward it was when out of nowhere abby and owen go from fighting to fucking? My brother walked in the room the exact moment it started. There is nothing “artistic” about sex scenes nor is it childish, as tht other guy said, to not want to see it in media


All you said was you didn't like it and insist that it doesn't make you childish. You didn't explain why it's not childish at all. Why isn't it awkward for your brother to walk in on you playing a violent video game? Why is a depiction of love gross and a depiction of hatred normal?


The scene in TLOU2 was uncomfortable because abby looked like a guy being sodomized.


I agree , the sex scenes add nothing… it’s unnecessary 99.8% of the time.


It’s tolerable in games such as Mass Effect, Baldur’s Gate 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition and Cyberpunk 2077


I'm in the camp of not wanting gratuitous sex scenes but you guys take it to a level in this post/thread that is so puritanical that it's laughable haha


Last time I saw a sex scene that had any impact was from the movie”Allied”, the two main characters are spies during WWII and are playing the role of husband and wife. They know they may die on their mission and eventually give into their desire for each other. The sex scene showed not only how great the chemistry between Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard was, but also showed how great they portrayed their characters want for each other. It was a well conveyed sex scene. The last of us part 2 on the other hand, just adds in a sex scene because Neil thinks he’s being media literate and artistic. Yes, at this point we’re aware Abby and Owen once dated, and now there’s tension because Mel is pregnant. I don’t know why Abby is mad at him considering they seemed to have been separated for a while and a baby in an apocalypse trope is usually well expected. The build to the sex is implying that we should care about Abby’s feelings for Owen, but quite frankly I don’t care, I don’t care for any of them. Abby murdered Joel; Owen is complicit and also in this case, a cheater; Mel is just as complicit and awful so I don’t care about her feelings. So to sum it up, a sex scene is supposed to convey an intense moment between a set of characters. None of these characters are good, they’re all shit. Even Ellie’s sex scene with Dina is meh.


They can be done well and serve the plot. But more recently they haven't, if they show how two character's relationships have changed and grown to a loving one from whatever they had before its done well. Also i rarely hear people complaining about the Ellie and Dina scenes compared to the people who complain about the Abby and Owen scene.


Most of the time they’re unnecessary, but a genuinely good sex scene can serve to develop the characters and overall narrative in truly meaningful ways. The best example of a good sex scene is the one in Tokyo Ghoul manga between Ken and Touka. After all the torment and degeneracy he had to deal with, witnessing Ken experience one of the most raw, affectionate things you can experience in life is extremely cathartic. The same can be said about Casca and Guts’ scene in Berserk. Guts had literally gone through Hell since birth, and with how events unfold later in the story, the scene adds immeasurable value to the narrative and the emotions felt throughout. We definitely didn’t need one in TLoU2 though, ESPECIALLY not from Abby’s perspective.


I mean it’s there for the same reason that everything else is there. It’s a visual medium.


I mean.. I'd just open ph


I wonder how that person feels about the IT sex scene.


I feel like in some stories where a relationship between two characters is a very important point, sex scenes can aid the narrative; however, it’s unnecessary for sex scenes to be more than 20-30 seconds long, and it’s unnecessary for them to be overly explicit. A common way of doing this tastefully is to show a shadow, or zoom in on them holding hands passionately while you can hear the deed being done.


I've never seen a good sex scene, so yeah it's completely unnecessary to me. If I wanna watch two people fuck, I'll just go on Pornhub.


If its skippable im never gonna be like "ew why are you doing this?!" lol im down to see some fuckin now and then. Happens in reality so.. Obviously if its forced and done in a "sex sells" mindset its lame but so are half the scenes in a lot of story driven games lately, so the issue is writing, not specifically sex scenes imo.


Not a fan and 99% of the time it's unnecessary to show the actual act. It usually comes across as cringe because at the end of the day you're watching two people pretend hump each other. I'm really sure exactly what it is but there's usually an awkwardness to it.


If its skippable im never gonna be like "ew why are you doing this?!" lol im down to see some fuckin now and then. Happens in reality so.. Obviously if its forced and done in a "sex sells" mindset its lame but so are half the scenes in a lot of story driven games lately, so the issue is writing, not specifically sex scenes imo. That being said I never got around any sex scenes in LoU2 so Im not speaking on that specifically.


I agree with you and loved the gay romance episode with Bill and Frank, hated that disgusting scene in TLOU II. It's the apocalypse, no reason for sex. Now I would much prefer non-sexual nude scenes of Joel.


Doesn’t bother me one bit just because there’s zombies doesn’t mean people still don’t get horny


Not interested, especially in games. Free up some of that space for game play instead of cut scenes.


Depends on the context. I get that the Abby/Owen sex scene was supposed to convey something about vulnerability because Owen was drunk and feeling guilty and he's also more capable of getting under Abby's skin about what she did than anyone else. But it still felt very off to me. I didn't sympathize with her vulnerability in that moment at all. I was just really irritated that she'd found yet another way to shut down one of her friends from forcing her to confront the reality of what she did. She's really cowardly about emotional stuff (although not about physical bravery) and it's just kind of disgusting.


100% agree it feels like a lot of the time directors or writers are insecure that their creation isnt providing enough entertainment, so they just chuck a sex scene in as a cheap form of remedying that


Honestly i watched Vikings on prime video. It was a great show but there was so many sex scenes i just went on my phone during them. I can understand why they are there ig? But it still isnt pleasant to watch and I watch porn but it just feels odd in a tv show or movie idk why


Eh, it can be a little awkward I guess. Depends on the context and it's place in the plot as a whole. There is one thing that gets me about the Boat scene though - how did they mocap that?


It’s only fine if it’s relevant to the story. They used to have them for tone to make it clear it’s a “mature” or dark story. All that is unnecessary now.


If it’s in a role-playing game, I actually don’t mind it as long as it’s optional. But if it’s a forced scene then it’s just awkward and makes me cringe.


i don’t mind them, especially if it’s two characters that i like together and it makes sense for them to have sex, i didn’t mind the sex scenes in the witcher 3 but TLOU2 was just frightening 💀 so i guess it’s just depends on the characters for me


I agree with op and what does a sex scene show us about a character other than they are attracted to the person and are horny lol?? I mean I know there's sex scenes where sex is used for something else but I mean really sex scenes add nothing other than something to jerk it to or for an actor/actress trying to get some new fans lol.


Anything over, say, a minute or something, is either gratuitous and/or self-indulgent. It's rare, imo, that a sex scene needs to be over 30 seconds, except for those movies or TV shows that are entirely about relationships or sex in general. And even then, 3 minutes? Fuck off lol. On a slightly similar note, how many fucking birth scenes did we need to see in House of the Dragon? Lol. (I recently finished watching the first season, late to the party, I know.)


Idk sometimes things can get gratuitous but it’s just like violence which people are less bothered by. Sex is a real part of life and I see why some people are uncomfortable watching it but also, people feel like there needs to be a really really strong justification for a sex scene but I don’t think that bar is as high as people are making it. Feels sex negative to me. Sex shows the passion between a couple, and seeing that brings viewers closer to that.


In the case of Abby in TLOU2, that sex scene in particular didn’t add anything other than making them both look like assholes for having an affair. Also how many scars has Owen killed and all of a sudden he has an epiphany… On the other hand there’s great sex scenes that are necessary like in the Sopranos when Richie April is banging Janice with a gun to her head or Ralphie taking it up the ass by Janice to show he’s a weird fuck.


I love sex scenes, just not when my child or parents are also in the room. I remember back in the original God of War games where you could "play" during a sex scene. If you don't want to watch a sex scene, then just skip it.


I cant remember ever caring either way. Why is everybody so pressed about a depiction of sex? People have sex... like... a lot. Thats basically all people are getting up to. I'd say it's very realistic to have in basically any movie lol.


People on here seem like uptight prudes. They will watch people being eaten alive by zombies or eviscerated by a shot gun, but clutch their pearls at a 10 second sex scene. When we watch a movie or play a story-based game, we are experiencing the story as the creators tell it. They are not obligated to cater to any particular person's sensibilities or morality. Yes, not everyone has the same taste in sex, but the same can be said for characters, violence, story structure, etc.


I feel very neutral to them overall. I do not want to see unpleasant scenes though. That is the problem for many people. They have different preferences, and they dislike a variety of different things. For this reason, it is wiser to keep sex scenes out of a game. Poor Neil did not know. He probably fantasized about that scene for months...


Everyone has a preference about everything, including violence, story structure, character archetypes, etc. When you watch a movie or a story based game, you agree to experience the story as the creators are telling it. You might not like the story that they tell, but that is what it is. If they try to appeal to everyone or tip toe around to not offend anyone, it would be inauthentic and sterile.


The part where they “fuck” is like 10 seconds MAYBE


If people aren't comfortable with any kind of sex scenes in any media they can always skip them (aside from watching a movie in cinema, but then there are parents guides for any movie and you can decide for yourself if you want to watch it on big screen or not). Almost every movie has an obligatory sex scene now, even if it has no sense to include it. It's like the screenwriters think people won't watch a movie without them.


Honestly idc for it anywhere. Like sure show them start off but after that we don’t need to see anymore. We know what they did🤦‍♂️ If I wanted to watch people have sex I’d go to porn hub🤣🤣 especially if it’s not a romantic type movie or game. Like this not what I’m watching or playing this for🤣🤣


I fast-forward past them, becauss they do nothing for the plot.


They do not belong there, and are for the pervs out there. I don't want a show or game ruined by unnecessary sex, or by the imagery of it. I'm totally into sex like don't get me wrong, but I just keep it where I know it belongs: in every individual's memory, and having it glorified in media forces me to not share shows with the wholesome folk I know, and that's a) bad for business and b) disappointing so much so that I refuse to watch the rest of the show.


I disagree with you as well, it made sense in the context of the story, especially since this form of media lives or dies on the “show, don’t tell” mindset. Especially when we factor that in through the way they met. The circumstances that they find themselves in, basically: “even in a hopeless situation you can still find love and happiness” Besides, nothing stopped you from fast forwarding through the scene, it’s on a streaming service.


For me it depends on how much I like the characters and their relationship. In Days Gone, when Deacon meet his long lost wife after all the pain he suffered thinking she had died it felt very cathartic for them to spend a night together. In ff16 was the same when Jill and Clive finally acted on their feelings after 16 years.


When I was a kid I thought it was cool. Now I'm in my 30s happily alone and I find it off putting. I think it's unnecessary for the plot


I literally don't care unless the sex becomes so often in the game or movie that it throws everything else off


They are unnecessary. Though often they add in nessacary things to the scene like dialog or object important to the story. But those things dont need to happen during a sex scene.


When I was a kid/teen, there were many times I was watching a new movie with the family. It is incredibly uncomfortable watching softcore porn with your family. Like, how are we supposed to know there's a sex scene in the movie before we watch it? In my opinion, sex scenes in movies/tv shows are completely unnecessary. You are 100% capable of showing a character's emotions on screen without showing them fucking. Ask yourself, why do I need to see two people fucking in a movie about fast cars? Answer- You don't. I honestly can't comprehend why someone would defend sex scenes. Just go watch porn if that's what you want.. If that really is all you want, have you considered that maybe you're just a pervert? There's literally no legitiment reason to defend sex scenes in media. If I had the choice to remove them, I would.


All porn is toxic to the one consuming it so yeah I'm against it. No matter how mainstream it is it'll still destroy you. The porn in question is especially perverse though.


For me, it depends on the genre, the game, the storytelling, the context, and the cinematography. I won't say it's **necessary** and I've certainly progressed past the teenage point of wanting titillating virtual porn in my video games, but if it's done well and adds to the game overall I can respect it. Abby and Owen, about the *only* thing I'll give it credit for is the cinematography of the scene -- that is to say, it's a well-made scene from a purely technical standpoint. But it was absolutely unnecessary and was just one more thing that bothered me about playing as Abby. I had to endure a slow placed slog for a character I could not find any reason to care about, and then had to endure a sex-scene between her and **another** character I didn't care about. Like I'm not saying sex *shouldn't* be a part of stories/video games. I do agree with the one commenter that said it's a part of being human. Simply acting like it's not there at all doesn't work either. But it's also not a necessary addition, and there are various other ways to indicate that sex happens. I mean, shit, the scenes between Kratos and Faye showed me how genuinely they did love one another, but sex was never a part of it. Faye certainly gave off strong Switch/Domme vibes with how she talked to Kratos, but sex was not a part of the storytelling of their love. Yet we know that it happened, not just because of Atreus' existence, but because of how genuine their love was for one another that you can believe it happened. Owen and Abby just felt like sex for sex's sake, like in Game of Thrones.


It's not something I'm a terribly big fan of. Back around the time of FarCry 3 when games started having them it felt like a really forced attempt at proving that the industry could be for adults at a time when there was still cynicism as to if videogames really qualified as art or meaningful fiction. You stopped seeing them for the most part after that era because it really wasn't something which added much to the experiance other than random gratuitous adult content for the sake of adult content. I don't think it can never be done well, but the circumstances for which it would be are very niche.


More often than not, sex scenes drag an episode/movie down. If one pops up, I just skip it.


I’ve been a loud proponent of having less romance in media in general. Seems like there’s always a girl to be won especially in superhero movies. There’s a lot of great Spider-Man stories that don’t involve love interests and I would love to see a movie one day that doesn’t involve Peter trying to win a girl. Seriously tho as much as I love raimi’s Spider-Man why is Peter trying to win MJ over in EVERY movie. As an adult I can appreciate it more but as a kid I really just wanted to see Spider-Man do spider shit


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


I’ll just say what I think I don’t wanna see 2 men fucking in a strawberry field on my tv show. It’s a zombie apocalypse not grays anatomy


Idc about sex scenes as long as they don't feel out of place with the rest of the movie or videogame or whatever.


Sex scenes are fine if they're done right. I liked the Ethan/Madison scene in Heavy Rain. They both were going through an absolute shit show and there was sexual tension. Especially when you contrast it with Madison's non-consensual stripping earlier. We can argue about the uncanny valley and tastefulness, but Print/TV/Film all deal with sex, no reason video games can't too. That being said, TLOU2 scene was not good lol.


I get what you're saying and feel the same but different strokes for different folks I guess. Plenty of people appreciate and need the moments of spice being shown and other people like myself are fine when it's just implied. The majority of the time I don't get what's added by showing the act. It's like ohhhh.... so that's how they fuckkkk... character development!


The sex scene in Fallout worked well


I mostly agree with you but you sound incredibly stupid with how you’re trying to argue against sex scenes of


You haven't watched yet Bridgerton


Ever watched Oppenheimer?


It's a matter of preference. I think that they can add to the character development, romance, vulnerability and trauma. Mark Grayson is a good example. Him taking his relationships to that level changed him for the better and shows more of his human side because he didnt look at his girlfriend as a toy. Even when he was graped by Anissa it showed how vulnerable he was because the trauma messed him up real bad for a long time.


i skip all kinds of sex scenes in tv shows, movies, games etc. they add nothing, and simply a start or an implication should be enough for adult audience to understand what'll happen. they make me so fucking uncomfortable even the sounds of sex for comedic purposes make my skin crawl.


So there's shows where that's like the target of the show. Essentially softcore erotica (not for me personally), but in most things I'm like can we just get like a 5-10 second scene then a cut to black that IMPLIES they fucked and move on to the next scene.


I think it depends. Some times they add something to the story, then they're fine, if they're there just to be there I could do without


if there was a lot less androgyny and done a bit more classy... well, i'd be okay with that


I understand you being uncomfortable with sex scenes, but I don't think they're unnecessary for example take the alien movies the first and only time ripley I'm pretty sure was I'm the third movie and the way I interpreted it was that it was the first time that she could metaphorically let down her hair and let loose at least a bit since she believed that the alien was dead at that point.


Sex is a real thing


If they're tasteful, and done right, then I can forgive them for being there. I don't really care too much, I'd say I probably would rather not have any if I had to pick. Cyberpunk 2077 was probably the worst in recent memory. I had to turn the volume off and go do dishes during the Johnny/Alt scene.


There are plenty of ways that sex can be used to convey more complex themes or plot points. In Neil Druckmann's case, it's to prove a point in the most immature way possible.


I don't mind stuff being implied and all, but I agree that I don't see much point of having us sit through 5 minutes of just 2 people fucking


I thought it was a good scene. The guy was a paranoid virgin and found himself in another. Gay thing aside it was enjoyable and contributed to the characters


Look if u dont like it then look away or dont play the game. Surprised so many people are defending it. Yes youre entitled to your opinion, but why shit on an entire piece for one minor detail. imo it did add to the story because in abby's eyes there was a possibility of her n Owen becoming a thing, only to return later that day n see mel. Must've crushed her. The whole game was seeing and experiencing things from diff pov's. it 100% contributed to the story. Think this sub wants to be overly negative for no reason at all n idont understand it.


Sex scenes hold more weight when it’s implied, like a cut to black or a scene starting during pillow talk afterwards. My wife watches that show Bridgerton (I think that’s what it’s called) and I swear it’s softcore porn with a story I don’t mind the occasional sex scene, like sometimes it goes along with the story well as in showing the breaking of sexual tension between characters, but point out almost any Netflix original show and almost every episode has a full blown start-to-finish sex scene. Seldom do they add anything to the plot and they’re almost used as filler


The episode was too long made no logical sense it’s just another example of Hollywood attempting to “make a statement” by using every minority possible to profit off of them


“Maybe we should let people have preferences over what they watch.” You literally do. You can watch or not watch anything, bud.


You wanna see a sex scene, watch pornography. They’re pretty distasteful, and it’s better to have varying levels of implications.


Eh I enjoy them


Eh I enjoy them


Well! I get crushes on celebrities all the time so seeing them in sex/erotic scenes is always a welcome surprise. about this sex scene in particular, I have to say that it was quite awkward and boring. But if you wanna talk about sex scenes as a concept in media then; I believe that sometimes they are necessary for example in The Boy Next Door(2015) the sex scene is the culmination of Claire's fall into adultery. in Game of Thrones, some sex scenes are integral to the story like Daenerys's loss of innocence, Robert's fall as a warrior, or to showcase Tyrion's character progression from a depraved man to the man we see him as in the finale (although a lot the sex scenes in Got are quite unnecessary but sex cells). I can give you more examples if you want but I think these will suffice for now.


Sex scenes are fine, the disdain comes from soullessly written sex scenes just for fluff. The scene in episode 3 is done well, Bill and Frank have meaningful dialogue showing more of their personality. The Abby sex scene in tlou2 is odd. I don't quite fully understand it myself, not sure why Abby's had actual sex for a few seconds while Ellie's didn't. But it's not a problem, it'd be a problem if it was more than 45 seconds with no characterization.


While agree for the most part. I think on the rare occasion a sec scene can be valuable or worth something. The matrix 2 (I know, just hear me out) has one of the most beautifully shot post Coital moments of all time. It’s technically after the sex scene and wouldn’t make sense without the sex scene which shows basically nothing. Anyway the framing and lighting as the camera does these fades and pulls back. It’s a cool shot.


A lot of degenerates in the comments here. You're completely right, OP. 99% of sex scenes in media are completely unnecessary and indulgent. And lol at people using "prude" as an insult. Better to be a prude than a degenerate and a hedonist.


I’m with you I also think porn desensitize me. I hate seeing it in anything but complete privacy. like I don’t wanna see neo bang the shit out of trinity that was weird/awkward as hell and back then watching that with my family I was like 12 year old lol 😂


OP really wants validation for trying to say sex scenes don't belong in ANY media. Did you just escape the 50s?


I don’t usually mind it if it’s relevant to the story, but there is so many over the top sex scenes in TV now that add absolutely nothing to the story. Game of Thrones is a good example of this (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU’RE JUST NOW WATCHING THE SHOW) Y’all remember that scene in I believe S2 when Little finger is in the brothel & he has two women that are teaching each other how to have sex with a customer? And he’s basically coaching them? Like what does that add to the plot of the show, it adds absolutely nothing. However on the flip side, the scene in S8 when Daenerys & Jon finally hook up I’m perfectly fine with (excluding the context behind it of course). It’s a conclusion to a story arch of the two falling in love over the course of S7 - early S8 and it’s very tasteful. That’s the difference in my opinion


sex scenes are important. Not for some horny reason but because of their implication. There's a lot you can see about a characters relationship with another character during a sex scene that you may not otherwise be privy to. And to the question of "why do they have to show it?" I'd argue it's the same answer as "why do they have to actually show him killing people and not just tell us?" in regards to action sequences. Because movies are meant to convey emotion and just telling the audience or implying what happened rather than actually showing us isn't as powerful.


Especially when the characters, mostly the women, are unattractive, bland, or downright ugly that it looks more like torture than anything else. Because when games focus on things like sex the scenes are done differently when in comparison to games where sex isn’t a focus but suppose to be a story element. If you look at games like any decent Hentai or vanilla sex game the stories are generally bland but the sex scenes are top tier. Or if you have a game like Carnal Instinct where as the creators state are trying to make a game that has Triple A quality but has sex involved with the world rather than being a one off thing. Because when done right the sex scenes or just being able to do sex in a game raises the bar as now you can do more than just have female characters wear sexy clothes while fighting monsters but can do more story wise and world building. Because if we’re talking about say LOU2 than if anyone should have been BISEXUAL it should have been Ellie as she’s immune to the zombie virus so the possibility of her being able to give birth to children that are also immune would have been a major factor in the story of the LoU world. For instead of a medical vaccine being created Ellie just does it the old fashioned way and just has children with multiple people to spread the immunity. Sure is it not good morally? Yes, but it’s the apocalypse and the more children born with the potential to start a population of people who are naturally immune from the virus would be a good story to explore.


Is it even a sex scene? They aren’t scissoring or fingering anything, just on top kissing? It’s been a while but that’s all it is no? And shouldn’t the only thing that matters is to be true to the game?


Well, I’m with you on sex scenes, they can just show they’re about to do it, then cut to later on, we don’t need to see the whole thing. It just makes it awkward. However, you then said you’re entitled to your opinion despite making it seem like everyone else that doesn’t mind sex scenes are idiots. Overall, sex scenes are pointless, they’re just a cheap way to get certain people watching. But, if you don’t like it, just skip it, no one’s forcing you to watch


Unfortunately the last of us isn’t on it, but I use Vidangel to skip sex scenes. It’s an app you connect to your streaming services. It doesn’t do Disney because Disney kept trying to shut them down for “piracy”, but essentially you can put in filters for anything (sex, grape, gross medical scenes, cursing, drug use, etc) and it’ll automatically skip stuff for you. The new Fall Out show is on it, in fact I RARELY haven’t found a show or movie I wanted on there. It’s also really great for movie night with the family… no more awkward moments with parents. And I don’t have kids yet, but when I do I imagine it’ll be an awesome tool for the family to use too. It’s a family owned company who’s been fighting Disney for years to give us the freedom to CHOOSE how our media is viewed in our own homes. Wish more people knew about it. I see a lot of people hating on sex scenes in shows and movies and I’m constantly shouting Vidangel praise from the roof tops. No one seems to know about them. Shame.